Events for your Diary

  • Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner

  • April
  • Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall

  • May
  • Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon
  • Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
  • Latest News

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    Monday, 30 September 2024

    BCNA Hosting Candidates’ Forum for City of Port Phillip Council Election

    The BCNA is hosting a forum for Port Melbourne Ward candidates for the forthcoming election.

    It will be held at the Liardet Street Community Centre, 154 Liardet Steet, Port Melbourne from 7.15 pm (for 7.30 pm start) on Wednesday 9th October.  It is expected to finish between 9.00 and 9.30 pm.

    Four (of the five) candidates have now accepted our invitation. We anticipate allowing approximately 20 minutes per candidate for a speech and questions. Candidates will only be allowed to speak to attendees and not to interject or question each other.

    The BCNA believes it is important that members scrutinise the policies for all candidates before casting your vote. This forum provides an opportunity to do this and to ask questions. We hope you will attend, and it is suggested to come early as the forum is open to the public.

    Separately, the BCNA has sent written questions to the candidates about hoon driving and related noise, the poor state of the Waterfront Place precinct, the promised tram services by the Victorian Government into Fishermans Bend and the Barak Beacon housing redevelopment as explained here. Their responses to our questions will be posted on our website soon after the 4th October.

    Friday, 20 September 2024

    Navy Ship Visiting Station Pier

    If you heard gunfire from Station Pier on Friday afternoon, it was from HMAS Arunta (using blank rounds) in preparation for a ceremonial volley at 8 pm.
    Ports Victoria notified BCNA late Thursday that HMAS Arunta was arriving at Station Pier on Friday morning, 20th September. It is staying for several days.

    The RAN is holding a Ceremonial Sunset event on the ship on Friday evening which will include a gunfire volley of blank rounds. The ceremonial volley is scheduled for 8pm.

    City of Port Phillip Elections 2024

    This year’s City of Port Phillip council election is the first under the new Ward structure (explained here).

    Nominations for this year’s election have now closed. There are five candidates for the one vacancy for Port Melbourne Ward. Names and contact details are shown on the Victorian Electoral Commission’s website.

    The BCNA will follow the same approach as we have done for recent elections. That is, the President and Secretary will attempt to meet each candidate so that they have an opportunity to discuss our interests and concerns. Simultaneously, we will send them questions on four local issues. This election we are asking candidates about their views, if elected to Council, about hoon driving and related noise, the poor state of the Waterfront Place precinct, the promised tram services by the Victorian Government into Fishermans Bend and the Barak Beacon housing redevelopment. We will publish candidates’ responses on our web site soon after the 4th October. If you are a subscriber to our news service, you will automatically receive the responses.

    Guided Tour of Station Pier

    The CEO of Ports Victoria has invited BCNA members to a guided tour of the Pier. Members will be sent details shortly.

    If you are not a member of BCNA and would like to join the tour, please contact the treasurer about becoming a member. Click/tap here for a membership form.

    Saturday, 7 September 2024

    City of Port Phillip Elections 2024

    The 2024 Victorian local council election will be held in October, by postal ballot. The Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) will send ballot packs with instructions to all enrolled voters in Port Phillip in early October.

    The current Ward structure was changed by the Victorian Government after the last election in favour of one Councillor per Ward. Many BCNA members will now be in the new Port Melbourne Ward. This Ward is bounded by Todd Road, Williamstown Road, a section of Bay Street, Liardet Street, Pickles Street and along the foreshore.

    Click/tap here to see a map showing the new City of Port Phillip Ward structure.

    The key dates for this year’s election are:
    • Candidate nominations open on Monday, 9 September
    • Candidate nominations, statements, photo, and questionnaire close at 12 noon on 17 September
    • Ballot papers mailed out with candidate statements from 7th October
    • Voting closes at 6 pm on Friday, 25th October
    • All postal votes must be received by 12 noon on Friday 1 November
    • Results to be declared by 15 November
    The BCNA plans to contact candidates standing for the Port Melbourne Ward to seek their views on local issues. We will publicise their responses on this site.

    New Cruise Ship Season

    This year’s cruise ship season commences with the arrival of the Diamond Princess at Station Pier on Sunday 29th September.

    Ports Victoria reports that there are bookings of around 100 ships in 2024/25, compared to 128 last year. Last year’s travel is thought to have been boosted by post COVID-19 travel.

    Maintenance work on Station Pier has taken place in the off-season. This has included pile maintenance and building repairs, painting, corrosion protection, electrical and other works as explained here. Painting of the Gate House has been completed and the ramp in the freight yard has been demolished.