Events for your Diary

  • Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner

  • April
  • Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall

  • May
  • Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon
  • Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
  • Latest News

    You can use the search options at lower right to find specific items.

    Thursday, 30 May 2024

    Meeting with the Hon. David Davis MLC Regarding the Barak Beacon Redevelopment

    Since our last update, BCNA representatives met the Hon. David Davis MLC, Liberal Member for Southern Region in the Legislative Council, at the Barak Beacon site to brief him on the BCNA’s concerns. The BCNA’s concerns relate to excessive height (the government stated that 4-5 storey buildings were envisaged in 2022, yet towers of 9 and 11 storeys are now proposed), and the significant increase in residents and cars without any enhancement of local infrastructure, as explained in a submission to Homes Victoria.

    The Hon. Georgie Crozier MLC, Liberal Member for Southern Region in the Legislative Council, has asked formal questions about the project. Her question to the Minister for Planning and the Minister’s response is shown here and in an Adjournment Debate is shown here.

    An article (paywall) in today’s Age explains local residents’ concerns and government plans for the redevelopment.

    St Kilda Ferry Service from Beacon Cove

    BCNA representatives recently met the operators to discuss services from Beacon Cove (behind Mr. Hobsons café) and the functioning of the Waterfront Place precinct. St. Kilda ferries run a service, weather permitting, from Beacon Cove to St. Kilda and Williamstown and return. They also operate sunset penguin cruises. Click here for details of services and the timetable.

    Sunday, 19 May 2024

    Our Newsletter is Out

    Volunteers are now delivering our latest newsletter to residences. This issue includes news on:
    • Invitation to renters to become members
    • The Barak Beacon public housing site in Port Melbourne
    • Air quality monitoring near Station Pier
    • Update on 1 and 7 Waterfront Place
    • Hoon driving and related noise
    • Update on Foodstore redevelopment at 103 Beach Street
    • Council news affecting Beacon Cove: Dogs off leash in public spaces and the Princes Street stormwater drain
    • BCNA’s residents’ dinners
    • Joining the BCNA
    The BCNA thanks Nina Taylor, MP, State Member for Albert Park, for arranging printing and to Kosdown Press for folding the newsletter.

    Click here for an electronic version of the newsletter.

    Making Williamstown Road Safer for All Users

    The City of Port Phillip is advocating to the Department of Transport and Planning for the installation of a signalised crossing and improved pedestrian and bike riding infrastructure on Williamstown Road and Beacon Road. They are seeking community input on design options.

    Traffic volumes have increased on Williamstown Road as new apartments are completed in Fishermans Bend and this is making use more difficult for all road users. The BCNA has been advocating for the State Government to honour promises made in the 2018 Fishermans Bend framework to introduce tram services into Fishermans Bend.

    The BCNA strongly encourages community feedback to Council about their proposals. The consultation period closes on 9 June 2024. Click here to provide your feedback.

    Sunday, 12 May 2024

    BCNA’s Meetings with Nina Taylor MP and Ward Councillors

    BCNA arranges regular meetings with Nina Taylor MP, State Member for Albert Park, and with our City of Port Phillip Ward Councillors to discuss local issues. A report from recent meetings follows.

    Nina Taylor MP

    Your BCNA representatives covered topics including height, traffic, and infrastructure concerns with the Barak Beacon public housing redevelopment, the delay in providing public transport commitments in Fishermans Bend, and the lack of EPA funding to progress an acoustic camera trial in the City of Port Phillip.

    The BCNA remains keen to meet Ministers with responsibility for Station Pier and Waterfront Place to discuss redevelopment. Nina offered to arrange meetings for us. Updates will be discussed at future meetings and reported on here.

    City of Port Phillip Ward Councillors

    At our meeting with Councillors Heather Cunsolo, Marcus Pearl, and Peter Martin we discussed the future of the Waterfront Place precinct and Council support for arranging a forum with stakeholders to discuss precinct planning, Council support for an acoustic camera trial to detect hoon noise, maintenance and improvements at the mouth of the Princes Street stormwater drain, tram track duplication adjacent to 103 Beach Street, and BCNA’s concerns with the Barak Road housing redevelopment. Future news items will report progress.

    Early Results from New Air Quality Monitoring Program

    Early results from the new program at Station Pier reveal that the daily averages of pollutants of concern, sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM) are within Victorian and Australian standards. The new program will run for at least 12 months.

    There has been concern that cruise ships produce emissions that adversely affect the surrounding residential area and an air quality monitoring program at Station Pier from 2016-18 revealed breaches of the average annual Australian air quality standard for PM2.5 and higher concentrations of sulphur dioxide than nearby EPA air quality monitoring stations at that time.

    Click here to access the monthly reports from VicPorts new air quality program.

    Station Pier Maintenance and Upgrades

    Ports Victoria have notified us that maintenance works and upgrades have commenced on Station Pier. The work includes work on the Gatehouse – refurbishing the exterior, including painting the building.  The flags have been taken down to allow the workers better access to the roof and they will be put back up once the work is completed. Our other planned works include: 
    • the ongoing, annual pile rehabilitation program, including West Finger Pier; and 
    • painting, corrosion protection, electrical and other works on elements of the pier structure and buildings.
    The pile works are expected to start in May and will be conducted between 7 am and 5 pm Monday to Friday. There may be some work on a Saturday. Completion is due in October, ahead of the next cruise shipping season.

    Station Pier - Removal of TT-Line Vehicle Ramp

    The removal of the former TT-Line elevated vehicle ramp and associated items has commenced. These non-heritage constructions were added during the time TT-Line operated the Spirit of Tasmania ferries from the pier. Works on the removal will be conducted between 7.30 am and 5 pm Monday to Friday and 7.30 and 4 pm Saturday. Completion is due around the middle of the year.