Events for your Diary

  • Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner

  • April
  • Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall

  • May
  • Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon
  • Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
  • Latest News

    You can use the search options at lower right to find specific items.

    Friday, 13 December 2024

    BCNA AGM – Summary of Meeting

    The BCNA held its Annual General Meeting on Thursday, 14th November. For those who could not attend click/tap here for a summary of the meeting.

    The Guest Speaker was Craig Walker, CEO of Ports Victoria. Craig spoke about the maintenance and improvements to Station Pier, the preparation of a Cruise Ship Strategy, and that Ports Vic may open the Pier to the public on occasions with special events on the Pier and precinct.

    Ms. Nina Taylor, MP, State Member for Albert Park, spoke about the freight yard adjoining Station Pier may become a community area, hoon driving, and that she will investigate the installation of road humps to control hoon driving near Station Pier.

    Port Melbourne Ward Councillor Heather Cunsolo spoke about collaborating with police on hoon driving, Fishermans Bend and public transport, E-scooters and 1 and 7 Waterfront Place.

    Vale Greg Mate

    It is sad that we note the passing of Greg Mate.

    Greg was a long term resident of Beacon Cove. He was a member of the BCNA and served on the committee and as Vice President.

    Greg was a surveyor by training. His knowledge of surveying and town planning was invaluable to the community and to the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association.

    The BCNA extends our sympathy to Greg’s wife Pam and to their family.

    Tuesday, 19 November 2024

    Fishermans Bend Primary School

    In June we advised that the state government proposed a new primary school for Fishermans Bend to cater for the increasing population. The location for the school has been announced as 299 Williamstown Road, which is on the corner of Smith Street. The school is projected to house a student population of around 650 students and provide welcome relief from the population pressures on the existing Port Melbourne Primary School. The BCNA welcomes this announcement but urges government planners to provide accessible green space for the student population. Primary school students need room to run and play!

    Fishermans Bend Insight Event

    Recently, we highlighted an event to be hosted by Fishermans Bend Business Forum. The event was held on 15th October and provided a range of details about the Fishermans Bend development. Speakers reported that over 6,000 new residents had arrived since the start of development. The Fishermans Bend population is projected to increase from 1,902 residents and 28,156 workers in the 2021 census to approximately 16,000 residents and around 36,000 workers by 2030.

    The BCNA notes that this influx of residents is occurring without any change to roads, available green space, or transport infrastructure. Significant additional bus services have been announced but it must be noted that this adds to the congestion on existing roads. The BCNA urges the state government to accelerate plans for trams and trains that will provide residents with alternatives to road transport.

    Click/tap here for more details on this event.

    Tuesday, 12 November 2024

    Reminder of BCNA AGM - This Thursday

    This year’s AGM of the BCNA will be held this Thursday, 14th November, at 7:15 pm. It will be held at the Trugo Club in Garden City Reserve. All financial members and supporters are invited to attend.

    The President’s Report is now available, click here to read it.

    Other papers for the AGM were emailed earlier.

    The Guest Speaker will be Craig Walker, CEO, Ports Victoria. This will provide an unusual opportunity to hear about developments within Ports Victoria and how Station Pier and the surrounding Waterfront Place precinct fit into the Ports Victoria strategy. We will also have an update from Hon Nina Taylor, Member for Albert Park and have invited our outgoing councillors for Gateway Ward being Heather Cunsolo, Marcus Pearl, and Peter Martin, all of whom have served us well. This meeting represents a great opportunity to discuss local issues with your representatives.

    1-7 Waterfront Place Update

    Representatives from the BCNA recently met with executives from Casa Property, who confirmed their recent purchase of 1-7 Waterfront Place from Action Australia Group. Before purchase, Casa Property did extensive research on the development site and the existing permit that allows for a 10 storey development. They propose to refresh the design and, in the near future, to demolish the building remnants from the original Mirvac design. This location has a long and sorry history and the BCNA looks forward to building on the relationship with Casa Property to encourage a development that refreshes this important community site.

    Port Phillip Neighbourhood Policing Forum

    Victoria Police are holding a neighbourhood policing forum at 5:30pm to 8:30pm on Tuesday 3 December.

    The forum will explore topics including: 
    • Current crime trends and crime prevention 
    • Family violence 
    • Young people 
    • Road policing 
    • Drugs and drug related crime
    For details on how to register (which is required) or how to submit a question in advance, please click/tap here.

    Tuesday, 29 October 2024

    Our Newsletter is Out

    Volunteers are delivering the latest newsletter to residences over the coming days. This issue includes news on:
    • Renters are welcome to become members
    • The Barak Beacon public housing site in Port Melbourne
    • Update on 1 and 7 Waterfront Place 
    • Hoon driving and related noise.
    • Update on Foodstore redevelopment at 103 Beach Street
    • Dogs off leash in public spaces  
    • Air quality monitoring at Station Pier
    • BCNA’s residents’ dinners
    • Joining the BCNA
    The BCNA thanks Nina Taylor, MP, State Member for Albert Park, for arranging printing and to Kosdown Press for folding the newsletter.

    Click/tap here for an electronic version of the newsletter.

    Thursday, 17 October 2024

    Council Elections - Fair Access for All Candidates

    We are aware of reports that a popular Port Melbourne Facebook group is blocking posts from certain candidates in the forthcoming Council elections.

    The BCNA calls on all such groups to be even handed or at least be honest about the fact that they have an editorial policy for or against specific candidates.

    The BCNA is of the view that all candidates should have equal access to channels that enable them to inform Port Melbourne voters. We believe any restriction contravenes the principles of free speech, and unfairly promotes the political views of some candidates at the expense of others.

    Monday, 14 October 2024

    Candidates’ Forum for Council election

    Four (of five) candidates standing for Port Melbourne Ward in the City of Port Phillip election participated in the BCNA organised forum on Wednesday, 9th October. In the photo, from left to right, they are Adrian King, Heather Cunsolo, Richard Whitfield and David Wright.

    The forum is explained here. Janet Bolitho, a former Mayor of the City of Port Phillip has posted her personal views of the forum on her blog which may be of interest.

    Noise Camera Trial to Start in NSW

    A recent news item reports that the NSW Government, with NSW Police and the EPA, have decided to trial noise cameras in two local council areas. This is the first such instance in Australia. The BCNA has promoted the use of such cameras for several years now as a critical mechanism to curb the vehicle noise and hoon driving that plagues our foreshore during the warmer months.

    In Victoria, the EPA has been nominated to evaluate noise cameras and, again with our advocacy, has prioritised the City of Port Phillip (CoPP). CoPP is keen to assist but the Victorian Government has not yet provided funds.

    According to the World Health Organisation, noise is the second biggest environmental factor causing health problems after air pollution. Several countries are now introducing innovative technology in the form of vehicle noise cameras to address public concern. Noise cameras can detect vehicles exceeding legislated noise limits, record number plates and trigger fines.

    What's Next for Fishermans Bend?

    The Fishermans Bend Business Forum is hosting an event on Tuesday 15th October, 4pm to 6pm at CBCO Brewery, 89 Bertie Street, Fishermans Bend.

    The event has been designed to bring together property owners, leading consultants, and key industry representatives for an exclusive, important, and informative update on the status of key projects in Fishermans Bend and plans for the near future.

    Speakers will focus on what lies ahead for the next 3-5years, with presentations and panel input from the Fishermans Bend Taskforce, Fishermans Bend Innovation Precinct Delivery team, the University of Melbourne, FB IDEAs, and Fishermans Bend Business Forum. Click/tap here for more details, as well as registration for the event.

    Tuesday, 8 October 2024

    Council Election Pledges 2024

    The BCNA contacted the five candidates standing for Port Melbourne Ward on Saturday 20th September and invited them to respond to four questions by cob Friday 4th October.

    Responses, in order of receipt, were received from David Wright, Richard Whitfield, Heather Cunsolo and Adrian King. Details are shown below.

    Vehicle Noise and Hoon Driving

    Hoon driving is a particular problem at Station Pier, in the Waterfront Place precinct, and in nearby streets. The candidate’s discussion includes mention of mobile CCTV by police, an acoustic camera trial, parking restrictions, more regular monitoring of parking restrictions, and traffic calming measures. Click/tap here for a summary of responses.

    Waterfront Place Precinct

    The area is the ‘gateway’ to Melbourne for cruise ship visitors. It is also the community hub for the Beacon Cove community. The candidates acknowledge the poor state of the area. Their discussion includes the development of a masterplan, leadership by the Victorian Government, and the role Council can play. Click/tap here for a summary of responses.

    Fishermans Bend

    The Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area (FBURA) is next door to Beacon Cove. Timely infrastructure provision in FBURA, or not, has an impact in nearby areas. In 2018, the Victorian Government made a commitment to introduce tram services by 2025. Click/tap here for a summary of responses.

    Barak Beaon Housing Development

    The Victorian Government’s redevelopment of the public housing site between Barak and Beacon Roads is underway. The candidates discuss improvements to traffic flow, parking around the estate, problems with design, problematic traffic analysis and entry/egress plans, and the lack of public transport, and amenity issues. Click/tap here for a summary of responses.

    The full response from each candidate can be accessed here (click/tap on the name) for David Wright, Richard Whitfield, Heather Cunsolo and Adrian King. Sabina Sablok did not respond by the deadline for this post. We will post her response when it is received.

    Don't forget that the BCNA is hosting a candidates’ forum at the Liardet Street Community Centre, 154 Liardet Street, Port Melbourne on Wednesday, 9th October commencing at 7.15 pm. Click/tap here for details.

    Thursday, 3 October 2024

    Mexican Navy Tall Ship at Station Pier

    A Mexican Navy tall ship, CuauhtĂ©moc, is at Station Pier and will depart on Tuesday 8 October. 
    The ship is open to the public from 10am to dusk, with access through the former Freight Yard via the gate in Waterfront Place on the following days:
    • Thursday 3 Oct
    • Friday 4 Oct
    • Sunday 6 Oct
    • Monday 7 Oct

    Monday, 30 September 2024

    BCNA Hosting Candidates’ Forum for City of Port Phillip Council Election

    The BCNA is hosting a forum for Port Melbourne Ward candidates for the forthcoming election.

    It will be held at the Liardet Street Community Centre, 154 Liardet Steet, Port Melbourne from 7.15 pm (for 7.30 pm start) on Wednesday 9th October.  It is expected to finish between 9.00 and 9.30 pm.

    Four (of the five) candidates have now accepted our invitation. We anticipate allowing approximately 20 minutes per candidate for a speech and questions. Candidates will only be allowed to speak to attendees and not to interject or question each other.

    The BCNA believes it is important that members scrutinise the policies for all candidates before casting your vote. This forum provides an opportunity to do this and to ask questions. We hope you will attend, and it is suggested to come early as the forum is open to the public.

    Separately, the BCNA has sent written questions to the candidates about hoon driving and related noise, the poor state of the Waterfront Place precinct, the promised tram services by the Victorian Government into Fishermans Bend and the Barak Beacon housing redevelopment as explained here. Their responses to our questions will be posted on our website soon after the 4th October.

    Friday, 20 September 2024

    Navy Ship Visiting Station Pier

    If you heard gunfire from Station Pier on Friday afternoon, it was from HMAS Arunta (using blank rounds) in preparation for a ceremonial volley at 8 pm.
    Ports Victoria notified BCNA late Thursday that HMAS Arunta was arriving at Station Pier on Friday morning, 20th September. It is staying for several days.

    The RAN is holding a Ceremonial Sunset event on the ship on Friday evening which will include a gunfire volley of blank rounds. The ceremonial volley is scheduled for 8pm.

    City of Port Phillip Elections 2024

    This year’s City of Port Phillip council election is the first under the new Ward structure (explained here).

    Nominations for this year’s election have now closed. There are five candidates for the one vacancy for Port Melbourne Ward. Names and contact details are shown on the Victorian Electoral Commission’s website.

    The BCNA will follow the same approach as we have done for recent elections. That is, the President and Secretary will attempt to meet each candidate so that they have an opportunity to discuss our interests and concerns. Simultaneously, we will send them questions on four local issues. This election we are asking candidates about their views, if elected to Council, about hoon driving and related noise, the poor state of the Waterfront Place precinct, the promised tram services by the Victorian Government into Fishermans Bend and the Barak Beacon housing redevelopment. We will publish candidates’ responses on our web site soon after the 4th October. If you are a subscriber to our news service, you will automatically receive the responses.

    Guided Tour of Station Pier

    The CEO of Ports Victoria has invited BCNA members to a guided tour of the Pier. Members will be sent details shortly.

    If you are not a member of BCNA and would like to join the tour, please contact the treasurer about becoming a member. Click/tap here for a membership form.

    Saturday, 7 September 2024

    City of Port Phillip Elections 2024

    The 2024 Victorian local council election will be held in October, by postal ballot. The Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) will send ballot packs with instructions to all enrolled voters in Port Phillip in early October.

    The current Ward structure was changed by the Victorian Government after the last election in favour of one Councillor per Ward. Many BCNA members will now be in the new Port Melbourne Ward. This Ward is bounded by Todd Road, Williamstown Road, a section of Bay Street, Liardet Street, Pickles Street and along the foreshore.

    Click/tap here to see a map showing the new City of Port Phillip Ward structure.

    The key dates for this year’s election are:
    • Candidate nominations open on Monday, 9 September
    • Candidate nominations, statements, photo, and questionnaire close at 12 noon on 17 September
    • Ballot papers mailed out with candidate statements from 7th October
    • Voting closes at 6 pm on Friday, 25th October
    • All postal votes must be received by 12 noon on Friday 1 November
    • Results to be declared by 15 November
    The BCNA plans to contact candidates standing for the Port Melbourne Ward to seek their views on local issues. We will publicise their responses on this site.

    New Cruise Ship Season

    This year’s cruise ship season commences with the arrival of the Diamond Princess at Station Pier on Sunday 29th September.

    Ports Victoria reports that there are bookings of around 100 ships in 2024/25, compared to 128 last year. Last year’s travel is thought to have been boosted by post COVID-19 travel.

    Maintenance work on Station Pier has taken place in the off-season. This has included pile maintenance and building repairs, painting, corrosion protection, electrical and other works as explained here. Painting of the Gate House has been completed and the ramp in the freight yard has been demolished.

    Wednesday, 21 August 2024

    State Housing Target for the City of Port Phillip

    In June 2024, the State Government released draft local government housing targets as part of statewide plans to reach 2.24 million new houses by 2051. Comments on the draft are expected by 30th August 2024. The targets are explained here.

    The draft target for the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) is 56,000 new dwellings by 2051.

    The draft target and CoPP’s response to the State Government was discussed at a Council meeting on 7 August. Council officers believe the city has enough existing capacity (without rezoning) to accommodate up to 59,000 new dwellings across the municipality if every site is developed to its full potential. Crucially, this potential includes Fishermans Bend which requires the provision of transport infrastructure promised by the Victorian Government but which has yet to materialise. Population growth in established residential areas also strains existing infrastructure - the State Government’s draft target does not include plans for the provision of updated or additional infrastructure. More details can be found in this CoPP paper.

    The CoPP resolved to respond to the State Government seeking details about the methodology to determine housing targets, stressing the importance of State Government provision of infrastructure in Fishermans Bend and for updated and additional infrastructure in established areas.

    Volunteers Needed for Around the Bay Bike Ride

    The BCNA has received a request from the Bicycle Network for volunteers to help run this year’s ride. The ride takes place on Sunday 6th October (click here for details).

    Specifically, the organisers are looking for volunteers to help as Route Marshals (job explained here). Marshals are required for 12 locations from the start site at Albert Park Lake and must have a valid Working With Children Check (WWCC) which is free (click here to apply). As the WCCC cards can take a few weeks to arrive the organisers will accept proof in the form of a confirmation email after applying.

    This spreadsheet provides location details where Route Marshals are required as well as start and finish times. Ideally, two volunteers per location are required. The shift times vary slightly by location but most fall between 5am and late morning.

    If you are interested, please contact the BCNA at providing name, phone and email address and the location you would prefer. Please respond by cob Friday 7 September.

    Monday, 12 August 2024

    City of Port Phillip’s Housing Strategy

    At last week’s Council meeting, the City of Port Phillip approved a new housing strategy. A draft strategy for comment was released earlier this year and was explained here.

    The completed housing strategy is designed to help direct and manage housing growth over a 15-year period, ensuring a range of housing opportunities are available across the municipality. It will also identify suitable locations for housing growth and change.

    At the meeting, Council officers reported that community feedback on the draft strategy emphasised the need to direct housing to areas that can accommodate growth, a desire to preserve valued neighbourhood character, a balance of heritage and character with the need for new housing, an emphasis on sustainable housing and good design, and overall support for the introduction of an affordable housing target.

    The completed Port Phillip Housing Strategy can be accessed here. The council’s agenda paper and supporting documents to the strategy can be accessed here.

    New housing will be directed to areas close to services, jobs, public transport, and activity centres. Bay Street is considered a Major Activity Centre and Centre Avenue (around the shops in Garden City) is considered a Local Activity Centre.

    The strategy respects areas that have planning overlays, such as the Neighbourhood Character Overlay, which applies to the low-rise homes in Beacon Cove. Nevertheless, change is expected close by. Affected areas include buildings on either side of Bay Street near Beach Street, small areas in Graham Street and Williamstown Road and in Centre Avenue in Garden City. Some incremental change is expected around the towers in Beach Street, Station Pier, and to the older non-Mirvac built homes in the block bounded by Morley, Little Swallow and Swallow Street. All these changes are depicted in a map of Port Melbourne on page 65 in the Housing Strategy. It is shown here.

    Station Pier Berth Sweeping

    The Port of Melbourne is conducting maintenance dredging at Station Pier over the next few weeks. This will involve ‘sweeping’ of the berth pockets on either side of the pier and will be undertaken by a tug. The work will be intermittent because the vessel will be working across several locations in the port of Melbourne.

    Queries or feedback should be directed to the Port of Melbourne on telephone 1300 857 662 or email

    Tuesday, 16 July 2024

    Barak Beacon Redevelopment Approved

    The Premier and the Minister for Housing have approved Housing Victoria’s plans for 408 dwellings on the Barak Road site as explained here.

    The BCNA welcomes the redevelopment which will have a mix of social, affordable and market housing but is disappointed that there has been no recognition of the need to improve access to public transport, green space, and local roads to cope with the expected increase of about eight hundred residents.

    The BCNA is hoping that there will be close cooperation with Homes Victoria during the build phase to improve street access, retain green space, and prevent parking spillover to local streets. Click here for further details.

    Record Membership

    Thank you to members who have renewed their memberships, and to new members who have joined the BCNA in 2023/24.

    Membership continues to grow and reached 478 on 30 June 2024, a new record for the BCNA.

    The BCNA continues to be active on your behalf in protecting and enhancing the amenity of the area. Feedback received from local and state authorities is that our input is well regarded, being described as organised, sensible, practical, and engaged. Our last newsletter as well as posts to this website explain the issues we are involved with on your behalf.

    Wednesday, 3 July 2024

    Barak Beacon Update

    The BCNA continues to engage with Nina Taylor MP, Member for Albert Park, about community concerns with the proposed development. Our concerns are about the massive increase in residences, but without any change in public transport, roads and parking (see our news item of 8 March 2024). The amenity of nearby residents will be diminished.

    The BCNA received an email from Homes Victoria last Friday which indicates that Homes Victoria remains committed to develop 408 residences.

    Savings on Non-recyclable Waste Charges

    Your annual council rates include a charge for waste collection. However, you may not be aware that there are 3 sizes of waste bins available to households, with the size written on the side of the bin. The standard size allocated to houses as part of your rates is 120 litres. However, it may be that you have inherited a larger bin if you moved into the area. In that case, be aware of the following charges or rebates if you vary your bin size.

    There is an annual garbage bin surcharge of $255 for properties that are provided with a 240-litre bin for non-recyclable waste. This extra charge will be added to your rates. If you want to go smaller, an 80-litre waste bin is also available and will result in an annual rebate of $82 for properties that take up this small waste bin. It’s simple to change your bins, just Make a Request on the Request a Service part of Council's website. They will deliver the desired bin size on an agreed day and collect the old one.

    Derelict Land and Buildings

    The City of Port Phillip (Council) has now approved the Budget for 2024/25.

    As part of this year’s budget, Council approved differential rate increases for derelict land, unactivated retail land, and vacant land. This is in response to community concern about derelict and vacant sites. The differential rate increases are designed to influence behaviour and shorten the time properties are left unutilised. The BCNA strongly supports this policy.

    The three categories and the rates to apply are:
    • Derelict Land - “buildings that are left in a state of disrepair, unsightly, raise health and safety concerns, promote anti-social behaviour or which cause loss of neighbourhood amenity.”  The rate will be four times the residential rate per dollar.
    • Unactivated Retail Land “including shops that are not open for trade for more than 24 months which hinders retail vibrancy & business activation and negatively impacts municipal streetscapes.” The rate will be four times the residential rate per dollar.
    • Vacant Land “which is not developed in a timely manner that otherwise would result in a more vibrant and liveable city.” The rate will be three times the residential rate per dollar.
    Residential rates will increase by 2.75 per cent which is consistent with the Victorian Government’s guideline.

    Click here to read the Minutes of Council’s budget meeting.

    Wednesday, 19 June 2024

    Fishermans Bend Primary School

    The Victorian Government has announced that a primary school will be built on Williamstown Road in the Wirraway precinct of Fishermans Bend. Click here for details about the new school as well as a map showing location.

    An earlier site for the school was thought to be 509 Williamstown Road as explained here. That site and area was designated open space under the Victorian Government’s 2018 Fishermans Bend Framework. The City of Port Phillip purchased the site to ensure it was retained as open space. This decision was welcomed by the BCNA, and we continue to advocate for adequate green space for residents as the precinct develops.

    The school is expected to open in 2026 with places for 650 students from Prep to Grade 6. Currently in the design phase, a builder for the project is expected to be appointed in late 2024.

    New Underground Rail Route through Fishermans Bend

    A recent article in The Age (paywall) reports that a new cross-city rail route, dubbed Melbourne Metro 2, has been endorsed by the Department of Transport and Planning.

    The proposed line rail line, which would run from Clifton Hill to Newport, would include two stations in Fishermans Bend as shown in the map here:
    The BCNA, Council and the Fishermans Bend Business Forum have urged the State Government to meet its 2018 commitments regarding rail and tram services into the Fishermans Bend. This would promote greater certainty for developers that the promised services will be available for residents on completion of projects.   The current uncertainty has led to delays in projects (see Age article).

    There has been no announcement as to when funding for the promised rail and tram services will be provided.

    BCNA Dinner 11th July

    The second BCNA dinner for 2024 is being held on Thursday 11th July. BCNA members have already been sent details.

    If you would like to attend, please email the Treasurer to discuss membership and dinner details.

    Thursday, 30 May 2024

    Meeting with the Hon. David Davis MLC Regarding the Barak Beacon Redevelopment

    Since our last update, BCNA representatives met the Hon. David Davis MLC, Liberal Member for Southern Region in the Legislative Council, at the Barak Beacon site to brief him on the BCNA’s concerns. The BCNA’s concerns relate to excessive height (the government stated that 4-5 storey buildings were envisaged in 2022, yet towers of 9 and 11 storeys are now proposed), and the significant increase in residents and cars without any enhancement of local infrastructure, as explained in a submission to Homes Victoria.

    The Hon. Georgie Crozier MLC, Liberal Member for Southern Region in the Legislative Council, has asked formal questions about the project. Her question to the Minister for Planning and the Minister’s response is shown here and in an Adjournment Debate is shown here.

    An article (paywall) in today’s Age explains local residents’ concerns and government plans for the redevelopment.

    St Kilda Ferry Service from Beacon Cove

    BCNA representatives recently met the operators to discuss services from Beacon Cove (behind Mr. Hobsons café) and the functioning of the Waterfront Place precinct. St. Kilda ferries run a service, weather permitting, from Beacon Cove to St. Kilda and Williamstown and return. They also operate sunset penguin cruises. Click here for details of services and the timetable.

    Sunday, 19 May 2024

    Our Newsletter is Out

    Volunteers are now delivering our latest newsletter to residences. This issue includes news on:
    • Invitation to renters to become members
    • The Barak Beacon public housing site in Port Melbourne
    • Air quality monitoring near Station Pier
    • Update on 1 and 7 Waterfront Place
    • Hoon driving and related noise
    • Update on Foodstore redevelopment at 103 Beach Street
    • Council news affecting Beacon Cove: Dogs off leash in public spaces and the Princes Street stormwater drain
    • BCNA’s residents’ dinners
    • Joining the BCNA
    The BCNA thanks Nina Taylor, MP, State Member for Albert Park, for arranging printing and to Kosdown Press for folding the newsletter.

    Click here for an electronic version of the newsletter.

    Making Williamstown Road Safer for All Users

    The City of Port Phillip is advocating to the Department of Transport and Planning for the installation of a signalised crossing and improved pedestrian and bike riding infrastructure on Williamstown Road and Beacon Road. They are seeking community input on design options.

    Traffic volumes have increased on Williamstown Road as new apartments are completed in Fishermans Bend and this is making use more difficult for all road users. The BCNA has been advocating for the State Government to honour promises made in the 2018 Fishermans Bend framework to introduce tram services into Fishermans Bend.

    The BCNA strongly encourages community feedback to Council about their proposals. The consultation period closes on 9 June 2024. Click here to provide your feedback.

    Sunday, 12 May 2024

    BCNA’s Meetings with Nina Taylor MP and Ward Councillors

    BCNA arranges regular meetings with Nina Taylor MP, State Member for Albert Park, and with our City of Port Phillip Ward Councillors to discuss local issues. A report from recent meetings follows.

    Nina Taylor MP

    Your BCNA representatives covered topics including height, traffic, and infrastructure concerns with the Barak Beacon public housing redevelopment, the delay in providing public transport commitments in Fishermans Bend, and the lack of EPA funding to progress an acoustic camera trial in the City of Port Phillip.

    The BCNA remains keen to meet Ministers with responsibility for Station Pier and Waterfront Place to discuss redevelopment. Nina offered to arrange meetings for us. Updates will be discussed at future meetings and reported on here.

    City of Port Phillip Ward Councillors

    At our meeting with Councillors Heather Cunsolo, Marcus Pearl, and Peter Martin we discussed the future of the Waterfront Place precinct and Council support for arranging a forum with stakeholders to discuss precinct planning, Council support for an acoustic camera trial to detect hoon noise, maintenance and improvements at the mouth of the Princes Street stormwater drain, tram track duplication adjacent to 103 Beach Street, and BCNA’s concerns with the Barak Road housing redevelopment. Future news items will report progress.

    Early Results from New Air Quality Monitoring Program

    Early results from the new program at Station Pier reveal that the daily averages of pollutants of concern, sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM) are within Victorian and Australian standards. The new program will run for at least 12 months.

    There has been concern that cruise ships produce emissions that adversely affect the surrounding residential area and an air quality monitoring program at Station Pier from 2016-18 revealed breaches of the average annual Australian air quality standard for PM2.5 and higher concentrations of sulphur dioxide than nearby EPA air quality monitoring stations at that time.

    Click here to access the monthly reports from VicPorts new air quality program.

    Station Pier Maintenance and Upgrades

    Ports Victoria have notified us that maintenance works and upgrades have commenced on Station Pier. The work includes work on the Gatehouse – refurbishing the exterior, including painting the building.  The flags have been taken down to allow the workers better access to the roof and they will be put back up once the work is completed. Our other planned works include: 
    • the ongoing, annual pile rehabilitation program, including West Finger Pier; and 
    • painting, corrosion protection, electrical and other works on elements of the pier structure and buildings.
    The pile works are expected to start in May and will be conducted between 7 am and 5 pm Monday to Friday. There may be some work on a Saturday. Completion is due in October, ahead of the next cruise shipping season.

    Station Pier - Removal of TT-Line Vehicle Ramp

    The removal of the former TT-Line elevated vehicle ramp and associated items has commenced. These non-heritage constructions were added during the time TT-Line operated the Spirit of Tasmania ferries from the pier. Works on the removal will be conducted between 7.30 am and 5 pm Monday to Friday and 7.30 and 4 pm Saturday. Completion is due around the middle of the year.

    Sunday, 28 April 2024

    Petition Seeks Lower Height for Barak Beacon Housing Redevelopment

    The BCNA has objected to the proposed height of the buildings - two towers of 9 and 11 storeys - as explained earlier in a submission to Homes Victoria. We have also explained this to Ward Councillors and to Nina Taylor MP, the Member for Albert Park.

    Garden City residents have also expressed concern at the traffic and parking implications of introducing roughly 1000 new residents to the area. Click here for a flyer explaining their concerns. These residents have developed a petition to be sent to the Minister for Planning, the Hon. Sonja Kilkenny, seeking a reduction in height to 4 and 5 storeys. This was the height indicated by the Victorian Government when the project was announced in 2022. If you would like to sign the petition it can be accessed here.

    Mother’s Day Artisan Market

    The Port Melbourne Business Association with support from businesses, community groups, Rotary and the City of Port Phillip are sponsoring a Mother’s Day event on Saturday 4th May from 11 am to 5 pm in Bay Street.

    Around 150 different and unique artisan offerings are expected to be displayed. It will include a range of handmade, locally produced gifts, art pieces, designs, jewellery and more. There will be live music – with an event schedule to be released closer to the date.

    Monday, 8 April 2024

    Barak Beacon Housing Redevelopment - Meeting with Nina Taylor MP

    Since our earlier post, we have learnt that residents in Garden City have arranged a meeting with Nina Taylor, the State Member of Parliament for Albert Park, to discuss the project. The meeting will be held at the Julier Reserve Netball Club, 79-111 Dunstan Parade, on Monday, 22nd April at 4 pm.

    Sea Wall Repairs

    The City of Port Phillip has arranged for repairs to the concrete structures (known as Seabees) underneath the promenade for the Beacon Cove Bay Trail. The work is expected to start in mid-April and is expected to take 3 weeks, weather and tide permitting. Click here for more information.

    Monday, 1 April 2024

    Council’s New Ward Structure

    The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) has announced details for this year’s council elections in October. Nine wards (each with one councillor) will replace the existing three Wards (each with three councillors). Wards will be approximately equal in terms of voters.

    Beacon Cove will be represented by one councillor under the new structure. Click here for a map of the nine new wards.  (For a really detailed map showing individual streets, click here and go to page 29).

    The change to a new Ward structure was announced by the Victorian Government in 2022. Click here for more information about the changes.

    Waterfront Welcomers — Volunteers Needed

    Waterfront Welcomers is an organisation that organises volunteers to meet and greet cruise ship passengers at Station Pier. They are seeking volunteers for the next cruise season which starts in September 2024. Click here for more information.

    If you would like to volunteer, contact Brian on 03 9645 1476, or by email to

    Council’s Dogs Off-Leash Guideline Update

    The City of Port Philip (CoPP) commenced a process to develop the Dogs off Leash Guideline in November 2022. A draft guideline has been prepared and is now available. Click here to see the guideline and how to provide feedback

    The CoPP is proposing:
    • Current restrictions remain in place (including distance from playgrounds and sports grounds in use).
    • Dogs be prohibited at all times, both on or off-leash, from entering specialised sports fields (those sporting reserves that include synthetic pitches or premier level grass playing surfaces).
    • To consider some more dog free public open spaces across the City.
    • The draft Guideline outlines what Council will consider when deciding about a Dogs Off Leash Area, including a demand analysis, site analysis and site assessment.
    The public consultation phase runs from 25th March – 28th April 2024. The BCNA encourages all members with an interest in this topic to have your say on the draft guideline and provide feedback to Council.

    Monday, 18 March 2024

    Community Forum - Urban Heat or Cool Green?

    The City of Port Phillip, with other organisations, is hosting a forum this Tuesday, 19th March, from 6.30 to 8 pm, at the Victorian Pride Centre Theatrette, 79-91 Fitzroy St, St Kilda to discuss the science and practical considerations for Port Phillip’s draft Urban Forest Strategy. The strategy has as a goal of reaching 30% canopy cover by 2040. Click here for details.

    Pedestrian Safety in Garden City Reserve

    Recently, a young child was hit by a bike or eScooter crossing the Garden City shared bike path from Edina Close to Garden City Reserve. The area is shown here

    Police and ambulance attended. Fortunately, the child was not badly injured but the outcome could have been tragic. The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) responded promptly to clear the area of unnecessary foliage etc.

    Blind bike path crossings remain very dangerous. Several suggestions have been offered to CoPP to improve safety in this instance. Safety mirrors would help bikes/scooters and pedestrians to better see what’s coming as would speed limits.

    City of Port Phillip Housing Strategy

    The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) has now released a draft housing strategy for consultation. Our earlier item explained that the Victorian Government expects all councils to take active steps to plan for growth over a 15-year period.

    The consultation period runs from the 8th March to 19th April. You can attend an online information session or have a one-on-one meeting with the project team. Click here for instructions how to do this.

    The draft strategy contains some interesting statistics:
    • The City of Port Phillip continues to the be the most densely populated local area in Victoria with a population density of 5,029 per square km. Most of the dwellings in Port Phillip have 2 bedrooms or less (66.8 per cent). Separate houses have declined over time.
    • Almost half of all households (49 per cent) are in rental properties, compared with less than a third (29 per cent) in Greater Melbourne.
    When completed, the strategy is designed to guide CoPP's action for those area that do not have planning controls such as Heritage Overlays, Design and Development Overlays or Neighbourhood Character Overlays. Housing in the Mirvac-planned estate in Beacon Cove is covered by Neighbourhood Character Overlays so is not in scope for the new strategy. However, some nearby areas are. They include the Barak Road public housing area; the Wintringham Hostel area; the older, non-Mirvac built, homes in the block bounded by Morley, Little Swallow and Swallow Street; and areas on either side of Bay Street near Beach Street.

    Friday, 8 March 2024

    BCNA Concerns About Plans for the Barak Beacon Housing Redevelopment

    Since our recent update, the BCNA has provided feedback on draft plans for the Barak Beacon Housing Redevelopment by Homes Victoria.

    The BCNA’s interest in the site in Barak Road is that the development is immediately across Beacon Road from the Beacon Cove Estate. We have members in residences surrounding the site.

    The BCNA recognises and acknowledges that the social housing previously on this site was no longer fit for purpose and efficiency and amenity dividends can be expected from redevelopment. However, when the redevelopment was first advertised in 2022, the Government stated that the 4-5 storey buildings were envisaged. The current detailed design, however, now proposes two buildings of 9 and 11 storeys with remaining buildings to 4 and 5 storeys.

    Whilst supporting the redevelopment, BCNA’s submission discusses five concerns with the current design:
    1. The redevelopment of local sites should be sympathetic to existing residences and not cause further congestion of transport or green space infrastructure. 
    2. The nearby areas of Beacon Cove and Garden City are typically 2-3 storey residences, with high rise apartments close to Station Pier, and have existed as such for many decades. Government involvement in Waterfront Place and the emerging Fishermans Bend is resulting in increased high-rise development. We urge this trend be amended to only allow multiple storeys if the impact on green space and transport be mitigated. 
    3. Nearby streets were designed many years ago for sedate residential traffic and now appear to be expected to cater for traffic volumes in orders of magnitude greater than their design. 
    4. Residents of the proposed Barak Beacon development will depend in part, on improvements to Fishermans Bend transport infrastructure. The state government has, to date, failed to deliver on earlier commitments to build new transport infrastructure for the area as explained here
    5. The BCNA is concerned that decisions on the amenity of the new development will be made by ministerial dictate without consideration of community wishes.
    The BCNA submission can be accessed here.

    Urgent Job Opportunity - School Crossing Supervisor

    The City of Port Phillip (Council) is seeking a school crossing supervisor for the Port Melbourne Secondary College, 277 Graham Street, Port Melbourne. The role is critical in ensuring safe travel of students to and from the school.

    Council is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) in the role. If you are interested, please submit an EOI to Council’s Parking Services unit via email (click here).

    If you have questions about the role, contact Craig at the Council via email (click here) or on 0422 595 974.

    Monday, 26 February 2024

    BCNA Submission on the Funding of Infrastructure in Fishermans Bend

    Since our earlier item about this, the BCNA decided to comment on three items in the draft consultation plan released by the Victorian Government. The BCNA’s comments covered:
    • The importance of the Victorian Government honouring announced commitments, such as the provision of tram services, if development is to proceed.
    • The Victorian Government should underwrite the fund (holding development contribution levies) so that infrastructure can be provided in a timely way.
    • Some establishment costs, such as land for public transport and flood and drainage work, should be funded by the Victorian Government rather than through development contribution levies.

    The BCNA meets regularly with Nina Taylor, the State Member of Parliament for Albert Park, to discuss community concerns. We will be discussing BCNA’s the three concerns (see above) at our next meeting with her.

    BCNA Dinner 21 March

    The first BCNA dinner for 2024 is being held on the Thursday 21 March. Members have already been sent details.

    If you would like to attend, please contact the Treasurer to discuss membership and dinner details. 

    Wednesday, 31 January 2024

    Update on Barak Beacon Housing Site

    Over the past few weeks’ residents near the site at Barak Road, Port Melbourne should have received a leaflet explaining progress. Homes Victoria is planning 408 new homes (from one to four bedrooms) across four buildings that will be between 2 and 11 storeys high (click here for details).

    Two community drop-in sessions have been arranged. The first is on Tuesday 20th February, from 4-7pm. The second is on Saturday 24th February, from 1-4pm. Both sessions are being held at the Liardet Community Centre (Main Hall), 154 Liardet Street, Port Melbourne. This is an opportunity to hear about the proposed plans and to have your questions answered.

    Higher Rates? Funding of Infrastructure in Fishermans Bend

    In December 2023, the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) considered the Victorian Government’s draft funding plan. It sets out how development contributions will be paid by residential and non-residential ratepayers in the Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area (FBURA). This area comprises the precincts of Wirraway, Sandridge Montague, Lorimer shown on page 8 of the Framework. Funds raised from this area will be used to fund infrastructure such as open space, community facilities, and roads.

    The CoPP has developed a preliminary submission. In their report, CoPP officers have expressed concern that the capital requirements, particularly for local infrastructure, appear to have been underestimated. The CoPP agreed to submit a more detailed submission once details have been clarified with the Victorian Government.

    The final, agreed, Development Contribution Plan will influence rates for the rest of the City of Port Phillip for years to come. For this reason, the BCNA considers it to be a very important task. The Mayor, Councillor Cunsolo is encouraging submissions on the draft plan.

    A meeting for residents has not been arranged. However, a business and industry briefing has been organised for Tuesday 6th February at the Dusty Fox CafĂ©, Woolworths Fishermans Bend, 481 Plummer Street, Port Melbourne from 4.30 to 5.30pm and residents can attend. Registration is necessary (click here to register).  

    Submissions need to be made by 23 February. The BCNA is reviewing the draft and will consider a submission.

    App to Report Community Issues

    Snap Send Solve is a free app for mobile phones which makes it easy to notify the right people about community issues that need attention. Since its creation in 2010 it has become a popular and effective way to contact Councils and other authorities.

    The BCNA encourages members to report community issues, such a graffiti, dumped rubbish and abandoned shopping trolleys. The app is a simple and efficient way to do this. Details can be found here.

    Thursday, 11 January 2024

    Council Purchases Site at 509 Williamstown Road

    Since our earlier post, the City of Port Phillip has announced that they have purchased the site. 

    The area at 509 Williamstown Road had been earmarked for open space as part of the Fishermans Bend Framework released by the Victorian Government in 2018. The site is adjacent to North Port Oval and is currently occupied by Australia Post’s Port Melbourne Business Centre. The Business Centre will relocate nearby.

    The BCNA welcomes the City of Port Phillip’s decision to purchase the site as it ensures that the area is used in ways consistent with the Fishermans Bend Framework.

    A decision on exactly how to the site will be informed by community consultation. Feedback will be sought from residents and stakeholders including local sporting groups. More information can be found here.

    Home Invasions and Security

    From time to time, we hear about burglaries in the Beacon Cove area.

    Two recent incidents involved thieves entering homes while the residents were asleep. In the first incident, the garage door was raised, and the intruders entered the house as the internal door to the garage was not locked. Car keys were taken, and the car stolen. The second incident involved the security door and front door being forced, keys being taken, and the car unlocked on the street. Other recent incidents have involved thefts from parked cars.

    The BCNA recommends that residents take action to minimise the possibility of being a victim. Many residents have set up ‘informal’ security networks with neighbours. You can alert each other if there is suspicious activity and help in other ways by collecting mail and returning bins while you are away. The BCNA encourages this. Take time to get to know your neighbours to see if this might be possible.

    Victoria Police has easy to read advice here. If your home has been broken into police advise that you do not confront the thief. Get out or find a safe place. Do not touch anything. Call your insurance company. The burglary should be reported. For emergencies: report a crime in progress, or for immediate police attendance, call Triple Zero (000). For non-emergencies: call the Police Assistance Line on 131 444.

    Saturday, 6 January 2024

    Blessing of the Waters - Princes Pier - This Sunday - 8 Jan

    Sorry for the late notice of this - it's not usually well publicised and we only realised it was on this weekend when we saw some preparations taking place today.

    The Blessing of the Waters is a Greek Orthodox ceremony that takes place at Port Melbourne each year in January. It is held on Princes Pier which was where many immigrants first stepped on Australian soil.

    The event usually involves the throwing of the Holy Cross Greek around 1pm followed by Greek music and dancing for most of the afternoon. Greek food is usually available from some temporary food stalls on the pier. Representatives from local and state politics are also usually present.