Events for your Diary

  • Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner

  • April
  • Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall

  • May
  • Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon
  • Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
  • Latest News

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    Sunday, 29 October 2023

    Update on the Future of Station Pier and the Waterfront Place Precinct

    Since our recent meeting with Ports Victoria, BCNA and community representatives met the Hon. Melissa Horne MP, Minister for Ports and Freight, to discuss concerns. Also attending was our local member, the Hon. Nina Taylor MP. Community organisations and individuals at the meeting included the City of Port Phillip, Albert Park College, Port Melbourne Business Association, the Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society, the Melbourne Maritime Heritage Network, Janet Bolitho (a former Mayor of the City of Port Phillip), and the BCNA.

    BCNA representatives spoke about the economic significance of cruise ship tourism, the ‘run down’ appearance of the area, that there are no amenities and shops for visitors, and the need for road and transport changes to handle traffic and visitors (click here to see BCNA’s presentation). Other representatives spoke about the significant maritime heritage of Station Pier, the significance of Station Pier for migrants and the scope for improvements.

    The BCNA has advocated for a Masterplan (or precinct plan) to guide development for a long time. The Mayor, City of Port Phillip, Heather Cunsolo, spoke in support of precinct planning. The Minister explained that the Victorian Cruise Shipping Industry Strategy is the responsibility of The Hon. Steve Dimopoulos, Minister for Tourism, Sport, and Major Events. Precinct planning is the responsibility of the Hon. Colin Brooks, Minister for Development Victoria.

    Meetings will be arranged with these Ministers.

    Progress on 103 Beach St (old Foodstore site)

    Since our earlier update, the owners have provided an update. The work is progressing well, and sales are on track. Settlement on properties is expected mid-2024.

    BCNA Dinner - 23rd November

    The third BCNA dinner for 2023 is being held on Thursday 23rd November. BCNA members have been sent details.

    If you would like to attend, please contact Mary Barry to discuss details. 

    City of Port Phillip’s Garage Sale Trail

    The City of Port Phillip is organizing a Garage Sale Trail in November. Two weekends of garage sales are proposed. They are:
    • 11 and 12 November 
    • 18 and 19 November.  
    It is free to register. To find out more and to register click here.

    Friday, 20 October 2023

    BCNA’s Annual General Meeting

    Papers for this year’s AGM have been emailed to members. The meeting will be held on the 9 November 2023 at the Sandridge Community Centre (formerly the Trugo Club) in Garden City Reserve commencing at 7 pm.

    Guest Speakers are the Hon. Nina Taylor, MP, Member for Albert Park and Heather Cunsolo, Mayor of the City of Port Phillip. 

    If you have not received the papers, please contact

    E-scooter Trial — Update

    The trial of e-scooters in City of Port Phillip (CoPP), Yarra and Melbourne commenced in February 2022 and, after several extensions, was due to end on 5 October 2023. The CoPP recently considered feedback about the trial and a further extension until April 2024 was agreed. 

    Council officers reported that the most common concerns are:
    • footpath riding and the safety of pedestrians, 
    • improper parking of e-scooters obstructing movement along footpaths, 
    • speeding, 
    • underage riding 
    • tandem riding, and 
    • riding without a helmet.
    The CoPP resolved that the Mayor would write to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety requesting the public release of the Victorian Government e-scooter trial evaluation. The Council endorsed CoPP's continued participation in e-scooter schemes if councils have the power to manage shared e-scooter schemes through contractual arrangements that can address safety and amenity. Further details are shown here.

    Forthcoming Bay Street Events

    The Port Melbourne Business Association has arranged the following Bay Street events in the coming months.
    • The annual HOWL-O-WEEN Paw Parade is being held on Sunday 29th October, from 9am to 1pm. Click here for details.
    • The second event is Port Melbourne’s Annual Artisan Christmas Market on Saturday 2nd December from 11am to 5pm.  Click here for details.