Events for your Diary

  • Sat 15, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Garden City Shops, corner of Centre Road and Dunstan Parade

  • March
  • Sat 1, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Sandridge Beach LSC
  • Sat 15, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at North Port tram stop

  • April
  • Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall
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    Thursday, 4 May 2023

    Aircraft Noise

    The BCNA periodically receives queries about the frequency of helicopters and other aircraft in our skies. Of course, living in a major city carries some unfortunate disadvantages, this being one of them, and members may be aware that the northern part of Port Melbourne falls under a flight path for helicopters that are moving to and from the city.

    If you are concerned about aircraft noise and intrusion, you will find more detail on the web site for Airservices Australia (AA), which manages airspace and flight paths. AA has recently developed a new national Community Engagement Standard and is seeking input from communities on this. This is an opportunity for you to influence how Airservices Australia will engage on all future flight path and airspace changes. You can read the Standard and provide feedback direct to Airservices Australia at the this link.