Events for your Diary

  • Sat 15, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at North Port tram stop
  • Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner

  • April
  • Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall

  • May
  • Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon
  • Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
  • Latest News

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    Wednesday, 29 March 2023

    VCAT Refuses Planning Application for 40 The Crescent

    In response to the City of Port Phillip's (CoPP) refusal of the planning application for 40 The Crescent the owners appealed the decision to VCAT. The principal concern by Council was the proposed 3rd storey as the nearby area comprises 1-2 storeys. Council's reasons for the refusal are shown here.

    The BCNA, as well as several nearby residents, supported Council's decision to refuse a planning permit and were involved in the VCAT Hearing.

    VCAT recently confirmed Council's decision to refuse a permit. Reasons cited by the VCAT Member included:

    "..I consider that the intent of the planning objectives and controls is to deliver on the neighbourhood character objectives of NRZ4 and NCO5, which include to 'reinforce the existing neighbourhood character..' (Para 38).

    Full details of VCAT's decision are shown here.

    While we understand the owners may be disappointed by VCAT's decision, the BCNA is pleased that the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Character Guidelines are being enforced as they are designed to maintain the character of the estate. 

    To avoid planning permission problems, the BCNA encourages Beacon Cove residents who are planning external alterations to their homes to consult the relevant Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Character Guidelines, provide them to their architect, and to discuss the scope of their plans with CoPP planning officers before getting any detailed work done.

    Town Planning provisions in Beacon Cove

    The BCNA often gets questions about the town planning provisions that apply to Beacon Cove. To assist those who have not seen our advice before, such as in 2021, we are reposting the relevant information.

    Beacon Cove is unique in that it is a planned estate.  It was developed by Mirvac with the Victorian government in the 1990s in stages over ten years. The area is protected by Neighbourhood Character Overlays in the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) planning scheme.  A key explanatory document is the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Character Guidelines shown here. Each area of the estate has specific guidelines which are shown in this document.

    The BCNA believes most members support the unique character and amenity of the area and would like to see it maintained. The BCNA believes the best way to do this is for all developments to comply with the Beacon Cove provisions of the CoPP planning scheme. 

    From time to time residents seek advice on how to manage disputes regarding planning applications. The BCNA has prepared a short guide to assist members. Wherever possible, we encourage discussion with the owner to explain your concerns. Your concerns may be able to be resolved. Either party may also wish to discuss issues with the BCNA committee. To raise the matter with BCNA please email

    The BCNA position on planning controls can be downloaded here. There is also a permanent link to the document in the right-hand column of our website under the heading "Reference Information and Documents" so that is where to look if you need it in future.

    BCNA Budget submission

    Over the months of March to May each year, the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) develops its budget for the coming financial year. Each year the BCNA makes a submission to CoPP outlining priorities for consideration. This year our submission proposes that priority should be on measures to counter hoon driving and excessive vehicle noise, cooperative action with the Victorian Government and Ports Victoria to enhance the Waterfront Place precinct, additional beach cleaning at the head of the Prince's Street drain, enforcement of off leash areas for dogs, creation of a family reserve near Port Melbourne Lifesaving Clubhouse, and graffiti removal.  Details are shown in the submission here.

    Sunday, 12 March 2023

    New Local Laws 2023

    At the council meeting on 1st March, the City of Port Phillip discussed and approved new Community Amenity Local Laws for community consultation. Council's Local Laws cover such issues as residential parking permits, special events, shopping trolleys and many other items. The proposed Community  Amenity Local Law is shown here 

    Of interest to BCNA was the discussion on a Hoon events clause. Council is not intending to introduce a hoon events clause, proposing to wait until a Hooning Community Reference Group established by the Victorian Government has reported later this year. BCNA believes this is unsatisfactory given the frequency of of hoon activity in the area, particularly around Station Pier, and urges Council to introduce a Hoon events law in 2023. Such a law has been introduced in other municipalities, such as Brimbank, Frankston and Dandenong Councils and has had an immediate beneficial impact. Any such law can be rescinded later if the Victorian Government introduces a law which has the same effect. 

    Council is seeking feedback on the proposed Local Laws up until 31 March 2023. Information about a hoon events clause is shown on the Council's website under a FAQ's button. Consultation events have been scheduled-details are shown on the website. A community consultation event will be held at the Sandridge Life Saving Club at 10 am on Sunday 26 March 2023. Feedback can also be provided through the Council's website shown here Have Your Say

    BCNA strongly encourages members to provide feedback that Council should include a hoon events clause in Council's proposed Local Laws 2023.

    Barak Beacon Housing Development

    One of the priority projects for the BCNA is to observe and contribute to the proposed redevelopment of the Barak Road housing estate. This estate adjoins Beacon Cove and is the largest development proposed for Port Melbourne in recent years. Demolition of this site is proposed to commence by mid-2023. 

    The Objective is to replace the existing 89 social homes at Barak Beacon with modern, energy-efficient, and environmentally sustainable homes. This is likely to result in a higher development with less green space. 

    Details of the project can be found at Barak Beacon Port Melbourne Homes Victoria.

    Homes Victoria is the government body coordinating this work. In 2022, they undertook some community consultation with an Engagement Report due to be released in early 2023.  Following that release,they propose to carry out a second stage of community consultation. Further information on this can be found at Barak Beacon Port Melbourne housing Engage Victoria.

    E-scooter trial in Port Phillip

    In 2022, the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) signed up to the Victorian Government trial in partnership with City of Melbourne and City of Yarra. The trial was scheduled to finish at the end of February 2023 but was extended to end of March 2023. There has been no announcement of it ending so it is possible it will be further extended. 

    The BCNA has received feedback on E-scooter use with concerns around speed and non-compliance with riding rules. The BCNA will be submitting feedback to the CoPP at the appropriate time. 

    In the meantime, all residents are welcome to submit their thoughts and feedback direct to Council. Details of the trial, guidance on the lawful use of E-scooters, and a feedback channel can be found at E-scooter trial City of Port Phillip.