Events for your Diary

  • Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner

  • April
  • Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall

  • May
  • Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon
  • Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
  • Latest News

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    Sunday, 19 February 2023

    Meeting with Nina Taylor MP

    The BCNA was active in the leadup to our recent state election by seeking viewpoints from local candidates on key issues affecting BCNA members. Following the election of Nina Taylor (Labor) to the seat of Albert Park, your BCNA president and secretary met with her and a senior adviser to more formally present BCNA priorities relevant to the state government.  The meeting occurred in late January 2023 and covered a range of developing issues BCNA priorities are shown here

    Member Taylor acknowledged that BCNA enjoyed an enviable reputation as an active, constructive, and practical advocacy group for Port Melbourne residents. She agreed that the issues we presented were important and agreed to meet BCNA on a regular basis. She provided reassurance that our views will continue to be welcomed in her office and that she would work to represent local views into the state government.

    Waterfront Welcomers--Volunteers Needed

    We have had a request to remind Beacon Cove members about Waterfront Welcomers, the volunteer group who greet the cruise ship passengers at Station Pier.

    Waterfront Welcomers are looking for more volunteers to assist cruise ship passengers with their queries and tell them about the sights/experiences of Port Melbourne and the City of Port Phillip.  No experience necessary - Waterfront Welcomers will do all the training.

    If you are interested, please call Brian Hanlon, SPCC Waterfront Welcomers Co-ordinator, on 03 9645 1476 or 0400 642 667, or 

    Princes Street Storm Water Drain

    The Beacon Cove Neighbourhod Association (BCNA) has long had concerns about health and appearance issues with this drain, which is owned by Melbourne Water. The pond at the mouth of the drain is attractive to children as it has the appearance of being safe. However, the storm water carries a range of unhealthy bacteria and objects and birds foul the pooled water making it unsafe. The discharge from the drain also conveys a poor image of the area, including visitors from cruise ships. BCNA continues to advocate for enhancements in keeping with Melbourne's status as a "liveable city".

    On 13 February, representatives from BCNA met onsite with John Thwaites, Chairman of the Board of Melbourne Water, and key staff.  Since our meeting in March 2022, Melbourne Water has researched various capital spending alternatives but none were considered feasible. A complication is the ongoing shifting sands imposed by waves and currents. Another factor is the redevelopment of Station Pier by the Victorian Government as explained here.

    Increased maintenance, such as more extensive cleaning and shaping to improve water flow, was considered the best outcome to improve amenity. Melbourne Water plans to discuss this option with City of Port Phillip staff. 

    The current drain has an expected life up to 2036.

    Wednesday, 8 February 2023

    Noise cameras can detect vehicle noise

    During 2022 the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association (BCNA) met with Road Safety Victoria to raise concerns about hooning, including vehicle noise.  The meeting resulted in the establishment of the Hoon Driving Community Group sponsored by Road Safety Victoria.

    According to the World Health Organisation, noise is the second biggest environmental factor causing health problems after air pollution. Several countries are now introducing new technology in the form of vehicle noise cameras to address public concern. Noise cameras detect vehicles exceeding legislated noise limits, record number plates and trigger fines.

    The BCNA is advocating for the greater use of technology such as CCTV and noise cameras to capture hoon driving.  The article here describes the program being implemented in New York.  The UK and France are introducing similar programs.

    New toilets in Waterfront Place

    The City of Port Phillip has commenced work on building new toilet facilities in Waterfront Place. They will be located to the left of the road leading to Station Pier.

    At present Council has an arrangement in place with a local business owner for public toilet provision at the rear of the tram terminus, however these toilets are often difficult to locate and access. The new location is more centrally located with higher visibility from the tram stop, car park and Bay Trail. 

    The existing toilets at the tram terminus station will remain open during the construction period. More information and an image of the proposed facility can be accessed here