This is the web voice of the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association, Inc., Port Melbourne, Australia. It provides information on who the association is, our aims and aspirations for our shared community, and information on our activities.
Events for your Diary
Latest News
Tuesday, 12 December 2023
Resilient Lady at Station Pier
New Air Quality Monitoring Program at Station Pier
It will monitor for nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides and particulate emissions. The monitoring results will give a better understanding of the local air quality around Station Pier. The period will include cruise ship seasons, the time between cruise seasons as well as seasonal weather variations. Ports Victoria plan to share the results with the Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) and the local community via monthly reports with the first report expected late January 2024. There is also a plan to develop an online dashboard that will enable real-time viewing of air quality at Station Pier.
Monday, 27 November 2023
Our Newsletter is Out
- Invitation to renters to become members,
- Hoon driving and related noise.
- Update on Foodstore redevelopment at 103 Beach Street
- The Barak Beacon public housing site
- Update on 1 and 7 Waterfront Place
- Council news affecting Beacon Cove: Dogs off leash in public spaces, and Port Phillip’s Housing Strategy
- BCNA’s Annual General Meeting
- BCNA’s residents’ dinners
- Joining the BCNA
Indigenous Art Market
Dredging Near Station Pier
Sunday, 12 November 2023
BCNA AGM – Summary of Meeting
The BCNA held its Annual General Meeting on Thursday, 9th November. For those who could not attend click/tap here to read a copy of the President’s report and click/tap here for a summary of the meeting.
City of Port Phillip Neighbourhood Engagement Program – Sat 18 November
Community Safety Event - Mon 20 November
Cr Heather Cunsolo Re-elected Mayor
Sunday, 29 October 2023
Update on the Future of Station Pier and the Waterfront Place Precinct
Progress on 103 Beach St (old Foodstore site)
BCNA Dinner - 23rd November
City of Port Phillip’s Garage Sale Trail
- 11 and 12 November
- 18 and 19 November.
Friday, 20 October 2023
BCNA’s Annual General Meeting
E-scooter Trial — Update
- footpath riding and the safety of pedestrians,
- improper parking of e-scooters obstructing movement along footpaths,
- speeding,
- underage riding
- tandem riding, and
- riding without a helmet.
Forthcoming Bay Street Events
- The annual HOWL-O-WEEN Paw Parade is being held on Sunday 29th October, from 9am to 1pm. Click here for details.
- The second event is Port Melbourne’s Annual Artisan Christmas Market on Saturday 2nd December from 11am to 5pm. Click here for details.
Friday, 15 September 2023
Key Services Delayed in Fishermans Bend
No Commitment to a Tram Service for Fishermans Bend
BCNA’s Annual General Meeting
Monday, 4 September 2023
City of Port Phillip Electoral Structure Review
Update on the Future of Station Pier
Preparing Station Pier for a Busy Cruise Season
Tuesday, 15 August 2023
BCNA Community Dinner - 6th September
Possible Site for new Primary School
The City of Port Phillip’s Housing Strategy
Monday, 17 July 2023
103 Beach Street (old Foodstore site) Update
Current Beacon Cove Weather Now on Website
Neighbourhood Batteries in Port Melbourne
Tuesday, 4 July 2023
Record Membership
Community Batteries
The CoPP has been exploring locations for neighbourhood batteries and has identified a small number of candidate locations with selection dependent on available land and the status of the local energy grid. At the time of writing, Beacon Cove has not been selected. However, feedback from residents to the BCNA is positive and we will continue to monitor this with CoPP.
Public Toilets in Waterfront Place and the Municipality
Wednesday, 28 June 2023
Renewal Reminder
Vale Save Port Melbourne Gateway (savePMG)
Auditor Needed
Friday, 9 June 2023
BCNA Meeting with Local Police
Acoustic Cameras
Wednesday, 24 May 2023
E-scooter Update
The BCNA receives regular notice of concern from members about the use of e-scooters, in particular, the use and placing of them on footpaths. Our recent newsletter addresses this issue and the recent change of state laws regarding the use of e-scooters.
Recently the City of Port Phillip Council received a petition from over one thousand residents that outlined concerns on this issue. Notice of this agenda item can be found here. Council considered this issue at its meeting on 3 May and passed a motion endorsing the council officer recommendations and adding a final point as follows:
… Council uses local law Clause 49 – ‘interfering with council assets’ to control obstructions and our impounding process allows Council to remove dangerous items quickly, for example bikes and signage chained to our assets blocking the street, and has an agreement with the operators of shared e-scooters and shared e-bikes for removal where they are obstructing the footpaths or in no parking zones, and Council can impound these if no action is taken.
Station Pier Maintenance
Ports Victoria have advised us that they will be starting maintenance works at Station Pier later this month. The annual pile rehabilitation program as well as routine works will be undertaken, including repainting the Gate House.
Works will be carried out from Monday to Saturday between the hours of 7am and 5pm. They expect the program to be completed by late October.
109 Tram - Power Supply Upgrade
The Department of Transport and Planning is planning to increase the power supply on Route 109. Upgrading the tram power supply will lead to smoother rides and reduce sudden stops.
A tram substation will be built in the rail reserve near the tram line and Bridge Street. The Department wants to design and develop the substation in a way that:
- fits with the character of the local area
- uses landscaping, where possible, to integrate the facility in its setting.
- minimises environmental impacts.
- provides broader community benefits, where possible
- minimises construction impacts to local businesses, residents, public transport users and commuters.
More information can be obtained here. Feedback can be provided on the proposed works at this site.
Thursday, 4 May 2023
Our Newsletter is Out
- Hoon driving and related noise
- Foodstore redevelopment at 103 Beach Street
- The Barak Beacon public housing site
- Council news affecting Beacon Cove: Dogs off leash in public spaces, and new Local Laws 2023
- E-scooters
- BCNA’s residents’ dinners
- Joining the BCNA
Aircraft Noise
Sunday, 2 April 2023
Upgrades to the Sandridge Bay Trail
The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) is seeking community feedback on the upgrade to the area around the Bay Trail at Sandridge Beach. This is in response to safety concerns about how pedestrians, cyclists and cars move around the space and interact with each other.
CoPP has been able to address some of these concerns with smaller safety works, but are now proposing more comprehensive improvements. To find out more information and to provide your feedback, please go to their ‘Have Your Say’ website. Consultation closes 5 pm, Sunday 16 April.
Port of Melbourne Boat Tours
The Port of Melbourne have organised community boat tours on the 22 April, 7 May, 27 and 28 May. The tours are family-friendly events and are a safe way to see Australia’s busiest port, right on the city’s doorstep. The Port of Melbourne is Australia’s largest container and general cargo port and a vital trade gateway – whether sending Australian grain to Guangzhou or bringing us coffee from Colombia.
There is guided commentary from port staff. The ticket fee is donated to Mission to Seafarers Victoria and Stella Maris Seafarer Centre who support the thousands of seafarers who spend months at sea bringing goods to us every day of the year. To book, click here.
Wednesday, 29 March 2023
VCAT Refuses Planning Application for 40 The Crescent
In response to the City of Port Phillip's (CoPP) refusal of the planning application for 40 The Crescent the owners appealed the decision to VCAT. The principal concern by Council was the proposed 3rd storey as the nearby area comprises 1-2 storeys. Council's reasons for the refusal are shown here.
The BCNA, as well as several nearby residents, supported Council's decision to refuse a planning permit and were involved in the VCAT Hearing.
VCAT recently confirmed Council's decision to refuse a permit. Reasons cited by the VCAT Member included:
"..I consider that the intent of the planning objectives and controls is to deliver on the neighbourhood character objectives of NRZ4 and NCO5, which include to 'reinforce the existing neighbourhood character..' (Para 38).
Full details of VCAT's decision are shown here.
While we understand the owners may be disappointed by VCAT's decision, the BCNA is pleased that the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Character Guidelines are being enforced as they are designed to maintain the character of the estate.
To avoid planning permission problems, the BCNA encourages Beacon Cove residents who are planning external alterations to their homes to consult the relevant Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Character Guidelines, provide them to their architect, and to discuss the scope of their plans with CoPP planning officers before getting any detailed work done.
Town Planning provisions in Beacon Cove
The BCNA often gets questions about the town planning provisions that apply to Beacon Cove. To assist those who have not seen our advice before, such as in 2021, we are reposting the relevant information.
Beacon Cove is unique in that it is a planned estate. It was developed by Mirvac with the Victorian government in the 1990s in stages over ten years. The area is protected by Neighbourhood Character Overlays in the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) planning scheme. A key explanatory document is the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Character Guidelines shown here. Each area of the estate has specific guidelines which are shown in this document.
The BCNA believes most members support the unique character and amenity of the area and would like to see it maintained. The BCNA believes the best way to do this is for all developments to comply with the Beacon Cove provisions of the CoPP planning scheme.
From time to time residents seek advice on how to manage disputes regarding planning applications. The BCNA has prepared a short guide to assist members. Wherever possible, we encourage discussion with the owner to explain your concerns. Your concerns may be able to be resolved. Either party may also wish to discuss issues with the BCNA committee. To raise the matter with BCNA please email
The BCNA position on planning controls can be downloaded here. There is also a permanent link to the document in the right-hand column of our website under the heading "Reference Information and Documents" so that is where to look if you need it in future.
BCNA Budget submission
Over the months of March to May each year, the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) develops its budget for the coming financial year. Each year the BCNA makes a submission to CoPP outlining priorities for consideration. This year our submission proposes that priority should be on measures to counter hoon driving and excessive vehicle noise, cooperative action with the Victorian Government and Ports Victoria to enhance the Waterfront Place precinct, additional beach cleaning at the head of the Prince's Street drain, enforcement of off leash areas for dogs, creation of a family reserve near Port Melbourne Lifesaving Clubhouse, and graffiti removal. Details are shown in the submission here.
Sunday, 12 March 2023
New Local Laws 2023
At the council meeting on 1st March, the City of Port Phillip discussed and approved new Community Amenity Local Laws for community consultation. Council's Local Laws cover such issues as residential parking permits, special events, shopping trolleys and many other items. The proposed Community Amenity Local Law is shown here
Of interest to BCNA was the discussion on a Hoon events clause. Council is not intending to introduce a hoon events clause, proposing to wait until a Hooning Community Reference Group established by the Victorian Government has reported later this year. BCNA believes this is unsatisfactory given the frequency of of hoon activity in the area, particularly around Station Pier, and urges Council to introduce a Hoon events law in 2023. Such a law has been introduced in other municipalities, such as Brimbank, Frankston and Dandenong Councils and has had an immediate beneficial impact. Any such law can be rescinded later if the Victorian Government introduces a law which has the same effect.
Council is seeking feedback on the proposed Local Laws up until 31 March 2023. Information about a hoon events clause is shown on the Council's website under a FAQ's button. Consultation events have been scheduled-details are shown on the website. A community consultation event will be held at the Sandridge Life Saving Club at 10 am on Sunday 26 March 2023. Feedback can also be provided through the Council's website shown here Have Your Say
BCNA strongly encourages members to provide feedback that Council should include a hoon events clause in Council's proposed Local Laws 2023.
Barak Beacon Housing Development
One of the priority projects for the BCNA is to observe and contribute to the proposed redevelopment of the Barak Road housing estate. This estate adjoins Beacon Cove and is the largest development proposed for Port Melbourne in recent years. Demolition of this site is proposed to commence by mid-2023.
The Objective is to replace the existing 89 social homes at Barak Beacon with modern, energy-efficient, and environmentally sustainable homes. This is likely to result in a higher development with less green space.
Details of the project can be found at Barak Beacon Port Melbourne Homes Victoria.
Homes Victoria is the government body coordinating this work. In 2022, they undertook some community consultation with an Engagement Report due to be released in early 2023. Following that release,they propose to carry out a second stage of community consultation. Further information on this can be found at Barak Beacon Port Melbourne housing Engage Victoria.
E-scooter trial in Port Phillip
In 2022, the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) signed up to the Victorian Government trial in partnership with City of Melbourne and City of Yarra. The trial was scheduled to finish at the end of February 2023 but was extended to end of March 2023. There has been no announcement of it ending so it is possible it will be further extended.
The BCNA has received feedback on E-scooter use with concerns around speed and non-compliance with riding rules. The BCNA will be submitting feedback to the CoPP at the appropriate time.
In the meantime, all residents are welcome to submit their thoughts and feedback direct to Council. Details of the trial, guidance on the lawful use of E-scooters, and a feedback channel can be found at E-scooter trial City of Port Phillip.
Sunday, 19 February 2023
Meeting with Nina Taylor MP
The BCNA was active in the leadup to our recent state election by seeking viewpoints from local candidates on key issues affecting BCNA members. Following the election of Nina Taylor (Labor) to the seat of Albert Park, your BCNA president and secretary met with her and a senior adviser to more formally present BCNA priorities relevant to the state government. The meeting occurred in late January 2023 and covered a range of developing issues BCNA priorities are shown here
Member Taylor acknowledged that BCNA enjoyed an enviable reputation as an active, constructive, and practical advocacy group for Port Melbourne residents. She agreed that the issues we presented were important and agreed to meet BCNA on a regular basis. She provided reassurance that our views will continue to be welcomed in her office and that she would work to represent local views into the state government.
Waterfront Welcomers--Volunteers Needed
We have had a request to remind Beacon Cove members about Waterfront Welcomers, the volunteer group who greet the cruise ship passengers at Station Pier.
Waterfront Welcomers are looking for more volunteers to assist cruise ship passengers with their queries and tell them about the sights/experiences of Port Melbourne and the City of Port Phillip. No experience necessary - Waterfront Welcomers will do all the training.
If you are interested, please call Brian Hanlon, SPCC Waterfront Welcomers Co-ordinator, on 03 9645 1476 or 0400 642 667, or
Princes Street Storm Water Drain
The Beacon Cove Neighbourhod Association (BCNA) has long had concerns about health and appearance issues with this drain, which is owned by Melbourne Water. The pond at the mouth of the drain is attractive to children as it has the appearance of being safe. However, the storm water carries a range of unhealthy bacteria and objects and birds foul the pooled water making it unsafe. The discharge from the drain also conveys a poor image of the area, including visitors from cruise ships. BCNA continues to advocate for enhancements in keeping with Melbourne's status as a "liveable city".
On 13 February, representatives from BCNA met onsite with John Thwaites, Chairman of the Board of Melbourne Water, and key staff. Since our meeting in March 2022, Melbourne Water has researched various capital spending alternatives but none were considered feasible. A complication is the ongoing shifting sands imposed by waves and currents. Another factor is the redevelopment of Station Pier by the Victorian Government as explained here.
Increased maintenance, such as more extensive cleaning and shaping to improve water flow, was considered the best outcome to improve amenity. Melbourne Water plans to discuss this option with City of Port Phillip staff.
The current drain has an expected life up to 2036.
Wednesday, 8 February 2023
Noise cameras can detect vehicle noise
During 2022 the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association (BCNA) met with Road Safety Victoria to raise concerns about hooning, including vehicle noise. The meeting resulted in the establishment of the Hoon Driving Community Group sponsored by Road Safety Victoria.
According to the World Health Organisation, noise is the second biggest environmental factor causing health problems after air pollution. Several countries are now introducing new technology in the form of vehicle noise cameras to address public concern. Noise cameras detect vehicles exceeding legislated noise limits, record number plates and trigger fines.
The BCNA is advocating for the greater use of technology such as CCTV and noise cameras to capture hoon driving. The article here describes the program being implemented in New York. The UK and France are introducing similar programs.
New toilets in Waterfront Place
The City of Port Phillip has commenced work on building new toilet facilities in Waterfront Place. They will be located to the left of the road leading to Station Pier.
At present Council has an arrangement in place with a local business owner for public toilet provision at the rear of the tram terminus, however these toilets are often difficult to locate and access. The new location is more centrally located with higher visibility from the tram stop, car park and Bay Trail.
The existing toilets at the tram terminus station will remain open during the construction period. More information and an image of the proposed facility can be accessed here
Saturday, 21 January 2023
We-Akon Dilinja dawns again
The Boonwurrung People, in partnership with the City of Port Phillip, invite everyone to attend the We-Akon Dilinja (Mourning Reflection) dawn ceremony on Thursday 26 January.
We-Akon Dilinja - a commemorative dawn service honouring the past and realising a new united vision from the perspective of First Nations performers and speakers - is in its fourth year. This year's ceremony is themed Honouring the past and realising a new united vision for our shared future.
The ceremony, supported by the National Australia Day Council, honours the past and realises a new united vision. This event will be livestreamed via the Council website, includes musical performances and a smoking ceremony. Readings will be given by Mayor Heather Cunsolo and multi-faith representatives. Full details are on the City of Port Phillip's website at
Hoon Driving
Warm summer nights in Port Melbourne unfortunately bring out the worst hoon behaviour. BCNA's concern centres around the behaviour of a minority of drivers, notable drag racing from stop lights, tyre and engine noise around Station Pier, and the ongoing noise of unbaffled motor cycles.
The BCNA hosts a sub-committee called the Port Melbourne Road Safety Group (RSG) that successfully campaigned last year for a Council-owned mobile CCTV unit. The RSG also represented our neighbourhood through participation in the Hoon Driving Community Group sponsored by Road Safety Victoria. The BCNA continues to advocate for:
- Stronger penalties for dangerous driving and unnecessary noise.
- Greater use of technology such as CCTV and noise cameras to capture hoon driving
- Council laws to empower police to act more proactively on local hoon events
- Stronger laws against unbaffled motorcycles.
Police have asked that hoon driving be reported to 000 whilst it occurs. If it is not reported police will not know about it. This means CCTV cameras and extra patrols will not be deployed to the area. Non urgent events can be reported to Police or to Crime Stoppers Crime Stoppers or 1800 333 000
Jet Skis
Summer holidays also bring out aberrant jet ski riders or "hoons on water". The BCNA regularly receives complaints of dangerous jet ski riding, notable near the Port Melbourne Yacht Club, near the lighthouse in front of Beacon Cove towers, and near Sandridge Beach. Recently a 16-year old jet ski rider was filmed harassing the occupants of a boat near Safety Beach and is currently facing charges.
BCNA members and residents should be aware of the yellow poles placed in the water by Parks Victoria roughly 200 metres from shore. These poles carry warning signs for boaters (which apply to jet skis) and prohibit most watercraft from approaching the shoreline. In certain areas, such as the beach adjacent to the Port Melbourne Yacht Club, watercraft are allowed to approach the beach but are limited to a speed of 5 knots - about the speed of a race walker. Jet skis are required to display their registration number.
A common guideline is that if you see a jet ski creating a bow wave within the 200 metre limit near swimmers, report their registration to Police on 000. Non-urgent events can be reported to Police on 131 444 or to Crime Stoppers or 1800 333 000.