Events for your Diary

  • Sat 15, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at North Port tram stop
  • Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner

  • April
  • Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall

  • May
  • Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon
  • Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
  • Latest News

    You can use the search options at lower right to find specific items.

    Wednesday, 23 November 2022

    Update on Election Pledges Affecting Beacon Cove

    As at 23 November, the BCNA has received responses from Lauren Sherson (Liberal) and Nina Taylor (Labor), candidates standing for Albert Park. The candidates were asked to respond to our questions on a number of Beacon Cove related issues.

    The BCNA initially asked candidates to respond by 18th November but we then extended this deadline to Sunday 20th November. A summary of the responses received so far are:

    1. Station Pier and Waterfront Place precinct: Lauren Sherson believes the State Government lacks vision for this important piece of infrastructure. She supports consultation and support between all levels of government and the community. Nina Taylor understands the concerns around the amenity of the Station Pier precinct and will advocate for the best long-term outcome for the local community.
    2. Air quality near Station Pier: Lauren Sherson is concerned that little reliable information can be accessed by residents on the levels of sulphur dioxide on and around the pier. 
    3. Hoon driving and related vehicle noise: Lauren Sherson believes hoon driving is a significant issue. She believes the EPA is currently under resourced to deal with this issue. Nina Taylor believes hooning is not only unsafe but unfair on local residents.
    4. Princes Street drain: Lauren Sherson believes it is not acceptable that visitors and kids are swimming in stormwater from our streets as it is a significant health concern. 
    5. EPA capability: Lauren Sherson believes the EPA has failed its legislated responsibilities in monitoring and enforcement in Port Melbourne and across Albert Park District. Nina Taylor states that the Government has significantly boosted the investment in the Environmental Protection Agency.
    6. Development of Fishermans Bend: Lauren Sherson believes the endless delays see Fishermans Bend without public transport infrastructure, without road upgrades, without incentive for private investment. Nina Taylor believes Fishermans Bend is a once in a generation opportunity to reshape the future of our city, ensuring access to thousands of new jobs and high-quality services for Melburnians. Sustainable transport options will be crucial as residents and jobs in Fishermans Bend increase.

    Click on the names below to see the candidates' detailed responses:

    We are yet to receive responses from Georgie Dragwidge (Independent) and Kim Samiotis (Greens) and will post these when they are received.

    Annual Port Melbourne Artisan Christmas Market - Saturday 3 December

    The annual Port Melbourne Artisan Christmas market will be held this year in Bay Street from 11am to 5pm on Saturday 3 December.

    This free community event is run by Port Melbourne Business Association (PMBA). It is supported by local community groups, businesses, Rotary, and the City of Port Phillip.

    It is expected that there will be around 150 different and unique artisan offerings. It will feature a range of handmade, locally produced gifts, art pieces, designs, jewellery and more.

    Offering something for everyone, Port’s Artisan Christmas Market is the perfect one stop shop for a range of unique Christmas presents. More information can be found here.

    Friday, 18 November 2022

    BCNA AGM –President’s Report and Summary of Meeting

    The BCNA held its Annual General Meeting on Thursday, 10th November. For those who could not make it a copy of the President’s report to members is available here.

    The Guest Speaker was The Hon. Martin Foley MP. He spoke about the Waterfront Place precinct (a muddle of Council, State and Federal issues and needing improvement as it is the second most important gateway for overseas visitors), Port Melbourne Secondary College (road and crossing safety issues), and public and social housing (the need for quality and diverse options). BCNA President, Eddie Micallef presented Mr Foley with a gift on behalf of BCNA as this was the last AGM he will attend as the Member for Albert Park.

    Gateway Ward Councillors Marcus Pearl and Peter Martin attended - Mayor Heather Cunsolo was an apology. Councillor Pearl spoke about Waterfront Place precinct (the need for plan for the whole precinct), 1-7 Waterfront Place (Council will not appeal the VCAT decision), the release of plans for the Montague precinct of Fishermans Bend (Council has been seeking release by the Victorian Government for some time), the importance of Melbourne Metro Two for the city and its development, Barak Street housing redevelopment, and planning for a new primary school near Port Melbourne Secondary College.

    A summary of the meeting is available here.

    Reminder - BCNA Dinner - Next Thursday

    A reminder to everyone that our end of year Christmas social event for 2022 will be held on:

    Thursday 24th  November (that's next Thursday)
    Pier 35
    263-329 Lorimer Street, Port Melbourne
    6.30 pm for 7 pm

    For further details click here, and to book, email Mary Barry at

    103 Beach Street (Foodstore site) Update

    The developer has decided to appeal the City of Port Phillip’s approval granted on 28 July 2022. Details were provided earlier.

    The developer is contesting many of the conditions Council attached to the planning approval and suggesting amendments to others. The conditions being contested include:

    • A requirement for design methods to slow the speed of cyclists.
    • The setbacks of a minimum of five metres from the eastern and western boundaries for levels 3 and 4.
    • The requirement to provide a second entrance to the supermarket on the southern side.
    • The deletion of the sixth level (a roof terrace) and lowering of the height of the building.
    • The requirement that the entrance to the apartments be from Beach Street.
    • Design of basement ramp in relation to on-site waste collection.

    The BCNA is keen to see the site redeveloped and considers it vital that it includes a supermarket on the ground floor. Our concerns have been about height and overshadowing of the public realm including the shared cycling paths and Bay Trail to the south; that there was no entrance to the supermarket from the south side; and the importance of sufficient car parking in the northern car park. The BCNA has been an objector about these issues.

    VCAT has scheduled a compulsory conference for 7 December 2022 and a Hearing in March 2023.

    Monday, 14 November 2022

    State Election 2022

    In recent years, the BCNA has asked candidates standing for Council, State and Federal elections for their views on important local issues. For the State election we have contacted four of the candidates standing for Albert Park. They are Nina Taylor – Labor, Lauren Sherson – Liberal, Kim Samiotis – Greens and Georgie Dragwidge – Independent.

    We have sought each candidates’ views on the redevelopment Station Pier and Waterfront Place precinct, air quality monitoring near Station Pier, hoon driving and vehicle noise, the Princes Street drain, EPA capability and the development of Fishermans Bend. Our questions to each candidate can be downoaded here.

    We have asked the candidates to respond by 18th November. We will post their responses here.

    New Mayor - Cr Heather Cunsolo

    Congratulations to Gateway Ward representative, Cr Heather Cunsolo who was elected mayor of the City of Port Phillip during the week. Cr Andrew Bond was elected deputy mayor.

    Port of Melbourne Public Boat Tours

    The Port of Melbourne (PoM) is again running some boat tours of the port in the coming month. These are a good way to see the workings of the port and include guided commentary from port staff and have been popular with BCNA members in the past.

    Tours are currently scheduled for the 27 November (at 10am, 12:30pm, and 2:30pm) and the PoM advises us that they will soon be releasing tickets for 4 December.

    The tours run for approximately 90 minutes in groups of 200 people and bookings are required.

    For further details and/or to book, go to Port of Melbourne Public Boat Tours.

    Monday, 7 November 2022

    AGM Reminder

    This year’s AGM of the BCNA will be held this Thursday, 10th November, at 6:30pm.

    It will be held at the Trugo Club in Garden City Reserve and all financial members and supporters are invited to attend.

    The Guest Speaker will be the Hon Martin Foley, the outgoing member for Albert Park and former Health Minister in the Andrews government. Minister Foley has been a consistent and long-term supporter of the BCNA and this will be one of his final appearances before retiring from office.

    Also attending will be our Mayor Marcus Pearl with other ward councillors. This represents a great opportunity to discuss any local issues with them.

    Reports and the annual Financial Statement for BCNA have already been circulated to members. If you have not received the papers, please contact

    Saturday, 5 November 2022

    BCNA Community Dinner - 24 November

    The Committee of the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association is pleased to invite you and friends to our end of year Christmas social event for 2022. This function will be held on:

    Thursday 24th  November
    Pier 35
    263-329 Lorimer Street, Port Melbourne
    6.30 pm for 7 pm

    Your Committee has arranged a meal with shared entrees and alternate drops of two main courses (steak and fish) and a vegetarian option (mushroom risotto) for those who let us know in advance. Please advise if you have any other specific dietary requirements. Click here for the menu.

    The cost is $60 per person (paid in cash or by card on entry) plus a gold coin gratuity. Drinks are available at bar prices.

    Please register your intention to attend by email to Mary Barry at no later than 19 November.

    Also note that any booking cancelled later than 21 November, or failure to attend on the night, without prior notice, will incur full payment.

    Your Committee is looking forward to welcoming you to the dinner.