Events for your Diary

  • Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner

  • April
  • Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall

  • May
  • Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon
  • Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
  • Latest News

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    Wednesday, 30 March 2022

    VCAT Hearing for 1-7 Waterfront Place

    During 23-25 March, VCAT heard the appeal by the developer of 1-7 Waterfront Place against the City of Port Phillip’s conditions to the planning permit granted last June.

    The conditions passed by Council last June are about minimising overshadowing beyond the southern kerb line along Waterfront Place at the June solstice, by permitting shadow in the morning but not the afternoon. The minimisation of new shadow on the foreshore is a requirement of the Port Phillip Planning Scheme.

    Residents and the BCNA are eager to see this issue resolved and new facilities constructed at Waterfront Place. However, we also believe the community values the light-filled area along Waterfront Place, the section of Beach St foreshore near the Princes St roundabout, and opposite the London Hotel - the Waterfront Place bike and pedestrian paths are currently free of overshadowing all year round.

    Accordingly, BCNA’s submission supported the Council position and explained that the foreshore is highly valued by the community. We noted that an objective of planning policy has been “to protect and enhance the environment of the Port Melbourne foreshore as an important natural, recreational and tourism asset for metropolitan Melbourne”. The submission included discussion about VCAT decisions for nearby sites, such as the London Hotel site at 92 Beach Street.

    The BCNA thanks David Brand, architect and former City of Port Phillip Concillor; Jennie Jones, BCNA member and town planner; Peter Barber, Urban Edge Consultants; and Angus Wallace, Plico Design Studio, for advice provided in the preparation of our submission.

    VCAT’s decision is expected in about 6-8 weeks.

    Proposed Garden City Reserve BMX Pump Track

    The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) has recently proposed a new asphalt BMX pump track within the Garden City Reserve.

    This has generated community concern with a local petition against the proposal already having collected more than one hundred signatures. Concerns include the removal of green space and potential after-hours nuisance.

    Representatives of the BCNA and local community attended a consultation on the morning of 30 March with the Council at which these issues were discussed. No decision has yet been made regarding the track and the CoPP consultation will be used to present a recommendation at the May Council Meeting.

    The BCNA will discuss this issue further with Gateway ward councillors and relevant project management to seek a proper public meeting for further consultation with the community.

    Tuesday, 15 March 2022

    Design Changes for 103 Beach Street (Foodstore) Development

    Revised plans for 103 Beach Street (which formerly was the Beacon Cove Foodstore) have recently been advertised by the City of Port Phillip (CoPP). 

    The main differences between this set of plans and the previously approved plans seem to be:

    • An additional storey (resulting in a five storey building) and roof terrace;
    • Increased number of dwellings from 12 to 22;
    • Amendments to the façade and building envelope;
    • Deletion of the food and drink premises and associated increase of supermarket leasable floor area from 480sqm to 794sqm;
    • Additional level of basement car parking, increasing parking provisions from 30 to 51; and
    • Increase bicycle parking provisions from 24 to 46.

    To view the revised planning application you will have to follow the following steps (CoPP have changed their website and direct links no longer seem to work):

    1. Click this link
    2. Select "Applications on Notification"
    3. Search "103 Beach" or "673/2015/C"
    4. Click View. This will open a pane on the left hand side of the screen with an item Attachments (9 items)
    5. Click on Attachments and the attachments will be shown with options for downloading

    The due date for submissions about these revised plans is 21 March 2022. Submissions can be made from the web page you have got to above (ie after following the first four steps).

    Submissions will still be able to be made after this date until the time that the City of Port Phillip makes a decision on the application. Decisions can be made by council officers if 15 or fewer objections are made, otherwise council officers prepare a report for the councillors and the councillors will vote on the application at a council planning meeting.

    The BCNA is examining the plans and is looking for feedback from the community to help inform BCNA position on this proposal so please contact us at if you have any comments.