Events for your Diary

  • Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner

  • April
  • Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall

  • May
  • Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon
  • Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
  • Latest News

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    Tuesday, 30 March 2021

    Update on 1-7 Waterfront Place

    The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) convened a consultation meeting for the developer and objectors last Tuesday, 23rd March at the Port Melbourne Town Hall. The CoPP's consultation meetings are designed to try and resolve planning issues before they are considered by the Council.

    The developer’s representatives attended as did around 11 Objectors. The BCNA representatives attended and spoke to concerns about insufficient on-site parking and overshadowing of the bike and pedestrian paths at the winter solstice as explained in our submission. These and other concerns were raised at a webinar organised by the developer last December.

    The developer’s representatives explained that they have addressed some of the concerns of objectors. They specifically mentioned parking within the building for retail staff and have increased the set-back of the building from the boundary to the west. The changes will be incorporated in revised plans to be submitted to Council.

    Collectively, objectors mentioned the following: current difficulties of parking in the area and the need for greater parking provision within the building for retail staff and visitors; increased traffic as a result of the development; a 'large mass' building; scale and density not in keeping with the area; overshadowing of bike and pedestrian paths at the winter solstice; building setbacks; impact on heritage railway station; that the building does not reflect the maritime heritage of the area; that the area was planned by Major Projects Victoria and Mirvac to be for low rise community use; and that there is nothing of interest for cruise ship patrons (i.e. no shops for tourists).

    All Gateway Ward Councillors attended. The next step is for the developer to submit revised plans. These will be advertised. Another consultation meeting may be held before officers develop recommendations for Council’s Planning Committee.

    Hoon Driving and Vehicle Noise

    Since our last update, the BCNA and the Port Melbourne Road Safety Group (a group of residents formed to combat hoon driving and other road safety issues) have undertaken research into anti-hoon laws and remediation programs in other states. The research proposes greater use of mobile speed cameras to respond to changing hoon venues, the introduction of acoustic cameras, the strengthening of laws and penalties for some offences, enhancements to existing road safety programs, streamlined reporting of hoon driving and related noise events, and greater publicity around arrests of hoon drivers and confiscation of vehicles.

    These proposals have been summarised in letters to our local state member, The Hon Martin Foley MP, and the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, The Hon Ben Carroll MP.  These letters, such as the one to Minister Carroll, have emphasised the impact on mental health and well-being of the instances of hoon driving and excessive vehicular noise.  We are also pleased to observe the continued police focus on noise and hoon driving, as reported by Victoria Police’s Inspector Helen Chugg's Eyewatch report for the Port Phillip Police Service Area.   

    In a further development, the Port Melbourne Road Safety Group has been asked to add hoon jet skis to its agenda. Preliminary discussions have been held with Lifesaving Victoria and a related article on this issue is below.

    Jet Ski Behaviour

    Jet skis are classified as personal watercraft (PWC) and must be registered, with the rego number displayed on the side of the vessel. To drive a jet ski, one needs a marine licence with a PWC endorsement and to attain that, one needs to be at least 16 years old. Jet skis typically weigh around 350kg and have top speeds of 60 to 100kph, so they can be lethal in the wrong hands. In 2016, a swimmer was killed by a jet ski in Port Melbourne waters.

    The primary restriction governing jet ski use apply within 200 meters of shore in enclosed waters. This limit is marked by yellow poles at most beaches in the City of Port Phillip and typically no boats are allowed inside this zone or only at a maximum of 5 knots (roughly jogging pace). The location of these areas along the Port Melbourne shoreline is outlined below (download larger image here). Each yellow X signifies a pole.

    Jet skis must also slow to 5 knots within 50 meters of a person, another vessel or a fixed or floating structure. If within the 5-knot zone, operators of jet skis are required to:

    • navigate the jet ski in the safest most direct course to and from the shore. The shore includes the beach, boat ramp or berthing facility including a jetty, pier or mooring.
    • avoid any irregular riding or freestyling within the five knot speed restriction zones, for example, donuts, circles, weaving.

    If you see a jet ski contravening these restrictions, or being operated in a dangerous or life-threatening manner, record the registration number, and immediately call '000' to report the incident to the Police.

    Friday, 12 March 2021

    BCNA’s Budget Submission to Council

    BCNA representatives recently met Gateway Ward Councillors Marcus Pearl, Heather Cunsolo, and Peter Martin and discussed the BCNA’s submission for Council’s upcoming budget. Topics discussed included redevelopment of the Waterfront Place precinct which BCNA has advocated for several years, support for the redevelopment of the Port Melbourne Life Saving Club’s proposal for a family reserve near the club and an upgrade of toilets and change rooms, and improved cleaning of the beach near the Princes Street drain. The BCNA submission can be accessed here.    

    Progress on 103 Beach Street (Foodstore Site)

    The City of Port Phillip approved the building plans in December 2020. The developer is discussing plans with several local and large residential property selling agents before marketing and pre-selling commences. The proposal is for a four-storey development of similar height to the existing building, comprising 15 apartments with retail premises on the ground floor. Construction is expected to take about 18 months.

    Ports Victoria

    The Victorian Government has announced the creation of a new entity, Ports Victoria. The new organisation will be the result of merging the Victorian Ports Corporation (Melbourne) (VPCM) with the Victorian Regional Channels Authority (VRCA). The merger is designed to rationalise back-office systems, cut ‘red tape’ and boost safety. The new organisation will commence business on 1 July 2021. Station Pier continues as a berth for cruise ships and other boats. Further details can be found here.

    Treasurer for BCNA

    Graham Kemp, a BCNA member, has joined the Committee and takes on the Treasurer role. Graham has qualifications in business and accounting and is a Certified Practising Accountant (CPA). We welcome Graham to the Committee.