Events for your Diary

  • Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner

  • April
  • Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall

  • May
  • Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon
  • Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
  • Latest News

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    Thursday, 24 September 2020

    Council Elections

    This year there are eight candidates for the three vacancies in the City of Port Phillip Gateway Ward that includes Beacon Cove.

    Details of the candidates are available on the VEC website

    The BCNA will follow the same approach as we have done for recent State and Federal elections. That is, the President and Secretary will attempt to meet each candidate (teleconference or Zoom) so that they can understand our interests. Simultaneously, we will send them two questions. One is on the Waterfront Place precinct, the other on Fishermans Bend. We will publish their responses on our web site and those subscribed to email updates will receive these responses by email.

    Tuesday, 22 September 2020

    Fishermans Bend Webinar –Question & Answer Event

    The University of the Third Age, Port Phillip, is planning a follow up event to the one in August. This time, a question and answer event will be held on Wednesday 30th September from 2.30 to 3.30 pm. The Webinar will focus on:

    • Transport
    • Community amenities and facilities
    • Investment 
    • Planning and Governance
    • Changing nature of work 
    • Workplaces, and work patterns

    There will be an opportunity to hear about new developments and to get more answers from the expert panel: 

    • Janet Bolitho, Member of the Fishermans Bend Development Board
    • Bernadene Voss, Mayor, City of Port Phillip 
    • David Weston AM, Fishermans Bend Development Forum

    This Webinar is open to the public. If you are interested, book here.

    Friday, 11 September 2020

    Council News Affecting Beacon Cove

    The BCNA regularly meets City of Port Phillip Gateway Ward Councillors to discuss issues of mutual interest. At our recent meeting on 8 September with the Mayor, Bernadene Voss, and Councillor Marcus Pearl we discussed:

    • 1-7 Waterfront Place: The council’s planning officers are checking details of the developer’s planning application before the plans are formally advertised. This is expected to be completed by late September/early October. The developer has agreed for builders on the London Hotel site to erect temporary huts on the site.
    • VPA work with Council on precinct planning: The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) has suspended work with the council on Waterfront Place precinct planning during the COVID-19 pandemic.    
    • Fishermans Bend:  Since our last post the Mayor has been in the news advocating for early provision of public transport. Funding and finance models are not settled.  The council has limited its capital contribution to projects to 5% of rates collected in Fishermans Bend.
    • Impact of Council’s 2020/21 budget in Gateway Ward: Rate rise of 2%. Most capital works have been delayed. The council has committed $5.6 million for an Economic & Social Recovery Program for post COVID-19 pandemic initiatives to support business and the community. This will include relief from rates, rents and council fees and charges and scope to respond to affordable housing and homelessness needs. Reduction in ASSIST counter services at the Port Melbourne Town Hall to three days per week - this decision will be reviewed before 1 July 2021 to assess impact on the community.

    City of Port Phillip Elections

    This year’s council election will be by postal vote. The key dates are:

    • Nominations open on 17 September
    • Nominations close at noon on 22 September
    • Candidate statements, photo and questionnaire are due 23 September 
    • Ballot papers mailed out with candidate statements 6-8 October
    • Voting closes 23 October
    • Final day for postal votes to be received is 30 October.
    • Results to be declared by 13 November.  

    The BCNA plans to contact the candidates and seek their views on local issues. We will publicise their responses.

    Full details about the election and timetable are shown on the Victorian Electoral Commission website.

    BCNA Annual General Meeting

    This year’s Annual General Meeting for the BCNA will be held on Thursday 5th November 2020 at 7pm by videoconference.

    The formal part of the meeting will involve the presentation of reports and the annual financial statement, and the election of office bearers. The Guest Speaker will be Bernadene Voss, current Mayor, who is not contesting the election in October.

    Financial members of the BCNA will be sent the Agenda and papers in early October along with details about how to participate in the meeting.