Events for your Diary

  • Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner

  • April
  • Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall

  • May
  • Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon
  • Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
  • Latest News

    You can use the search options at lower right to find specific items.

    Friday, 29 November 2019

    1-7 Waterfront Place Owner Withdraws from Public Hearing

    This item has been prepared from notes taken by Jill Maddox, BCNA member, who was at the Hearing.  Many thanks to Jill for making them available to us.

    The owner of 1-7 Waterfront Place has withdrawn from the Planning Minister’s Panel Hearing. The surprising action occurred on Tuesday 26 November after one day of legal debate. This means that the City of Port Phillip’s rejection of the permit planning application stands.

    What the next step for the owner will be is not known at this stage.

    On 26 November, Mr Adrian Finanzio SC, the barrister for the owner, spent a couple of hours trying to get the Victorian Ports Corporation to provide more documents than they had done, and tried to get an adjournment until the middle of next year.

    Barrister Mr Christopher Townshend QC, representing the Victorian Ports Corporation, said that the most fundamental issue was whether the permit could be granted under ESO4 (Environmental Significance Overlay). ESO 4 is designed to ensure that any use and intensity of development in the overlay area does not constrain the ongoing operation and development of the commercial port.  The overlay switches on a requirement if seeking accommodation on the site - 24 hours, seven days a week operation of the port. " He said that his client is required to grow the port which is vital infrastructure.  Mr Townshend's description regarding the permit application was "you want to build a block of flats in an ESO4 overlay … without an appropriate design for the location". He continued: "I've counted 150 habitable rooms exposed to the port", adding that it was "a really dumb design".

    The panel felt that they could proceed to assess the planning application on its merits anyway.

    When it became clear there was to be no adjournment, Mr Finanzio said he needed to seek instructions from his overseas client overnight.

    When the proceedings resumed the next day, Mr Finanzio surprised everyone by announcing that his client was withdrawing from the hearing.

    BCNA and other community representatives attended the hearing.

    Planning Permit Granted for 103 Beach Street

    The City of Port Phillip’s (CoPP) Planning Committee has granted a planning permit for the redevelopment of the Foodstore at 103 Beach Street (plans provided to CoPP available here).

    During the 27 November hearing, BCNA President Mr Eddie Micallef sought an assurance that if the property were sold-on to another developer, the four-storey 15.1 metre height contained in this application would remain.

    Cr David Brand picked up on this. The CoPP City Development Manager George Borg said that if this happened, the planning process would start again with any new application being subject to public scrutiny.

    Before the vote, Cr Brand – an architect – said it was “a significant proposal” and “a pretty special building”. Cr Bernadene Voss said it would set a benchmark in quality and would benefit Waterfront Place. She praised the way the developer, residents and the Council had worked together on the proposal.

    But Cr Marcus Pearl said he would vote against the proposal, as it was an “inappropriate use of this important site”.

    Earlier in the meeting there had been discussion about the southern and northern aspects of the design, the two entrances to the supermarket, the number of public car spaces, safety for pedestrians and cyclists on the shared footpath, and the duplication of the tramline.

    With the Committee voting overwhelmingly for the proposal, a planning permit was granted.

    Wednesday, 20 November 2019

    Our Latest Newsletter is Out

    Volunteers are currently dropping copies of our newsletter in mailboxes throughout Beacon Cove. It covers a number of topics including:
    • Reinvestment in the Waterfront Place Precinct
    • Update on 1-7 Waterfront Place
    • Air Quality Monitoring Near Station Pier
    • Beacon Cove Foodstore Redevelopment - 103 Beach Street
    • London Hotel Site - 92 Beach Street
    • Port Melbourne Crew Hub
    • BCNA Residents' Dinners
    For those who would like an electronic copy, it can be downloaded here.

    Monday, 4 November 2019

    Parking Management Policy - Consultation Extended to 10 November

    We have been informed that the consultation period on the proposed changes to the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) Parking Management Policy has been extended to 10th November.

    As we only found about this last week (when we alerted you) this is good news.

    It seems that significant changes are proposed for resident, visitor, and other local parking pemits. So if you use or rely on one of these in the CoPP then the new policy is likely to impact you so we encourage you to take the CoPP survey to provide feedback to the Council by Sunday 10 November.

    Events Celebrating the 180th Anniversary of Port Melbourne's Founding Father

    There are a couple of events coming up which celebrate the 180th anniversary of the arrival on "the Beach" of WFE Liardet and his family on 11 November 1839.

    Guided walks exploring the places, events, stories and legacy, led by past Mayor Janet Bolitho, will will held on the 10th at 10am and 12 noon.  More details here.

    The Port Melbourne Historical and Preservation Society will also be holding an exhibition in the Port Melbourne Town Hall - Those Creative Liardets - from Thursday 14 November to 1 December.  More details here.