Events for your Diary

  • Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner

  • April
  • Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall

  • May
  • Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon
  • Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
  • Latest News

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    Tuesday, 23 April 2019

    Waterfront Place - BCNA Seeking Commonwealth Funding from Federal Election Candidates

    The BCNA has decided to meet the candidates for Macnamara to seek support for Commonwealth Government funding for the re-development of the Waterfront Place precinct.

    As a key part of the national road network, Waterfront Place is an important precinct. The car ferry service to and from Tasmania is a designated part of the national highway network and the only public vehicular link between Tasmania and the mainland.

    The steady growth of cruise ships, visitors, and freight has highlighted weaknesses in the local infrastructure. They include:
    • The area often becomes ‘gridlocked’ when cruise ships and the Spirit of Tasmania are at berth -this will only worsen as ship visits and freight movements increase.  
    • Road improvements need to be considered to ensure efficient movement of freight and passengers.
    • There are no designated bus, taxi or ride-share meeting areas for cruise ship visitors.  
    • There is a lack of appropriate shops, services and amenities for visitors.
    • The public realm is ‘run down’ and the area does not present as an inviting place for residents or visitors.
    • Many of the businesses within the precinct are currently vacant or struggling.
    Other than Station Pier, the area is the responsibility of the City of Port Phillip. However, the entire area must be considered for Station Pier to operate efficiently. As the precinct includes the national road network, the BCNA contends that the Victorian and Commonwealth Governments should contribute to the cost of redevelopment.

    The BCNA has sent a note to candidates for the major parties, namely Kate Ashmor (Liberal), Josh Burns (ALP) and Steph Hodgins-May (Greens). We are arranging to meet each candidate to discuss support for Commonwealth funding. Other candidates may be contacted as they become known.

    We encourage members to contact the candidates to support the BCNA position. We will report on each candidate’s response up until the election.

    City of Port Phillip Rejects Development at 10 Narooma Place

    The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) has refused a planning application (1025/2018) which sought “partial demolition, alterations and additions; the construction of a first-floor studio above the existing garage.”

    The reasons for the refusal include the scale, form and design of the addition being at odds with the prevailing and preferred character of Narooma Place. More details can be downloaded here.

    Residents and the BCNA opposed the development. Further details about the issues and the BCNA’s submission were posted to our website in early March. The applicant may choose to appeal the decision to VCAT. If so, it must be done within 60 days.

    Update on Air Quality Monitoring at Station Pier

    The BCNA has been seeking a long term, well-designed monitoring program at Station Pier as there are legitimate concerns about air quality.

    The Victorian Ports Corporation Melbourne (VPCM) conducted a monitoring program from 2016 to 2018. The most significant finding from the program was that the annual average PM2.5 exceeded the maximum State Environment Protection Policy levels for the two consecutive years that were measured. Exceedance was greater in the second year. Full results are shown here.

    In May 2018, the Victorian Government made a commitment to introduce a monitoring program at Station Pier. This is shown in the Air Quality Statement which states (on page 9) that “EPA is working with VicPorts to determine a suitable comprehensive long term program”. Despite several letters to the Minister for the Environment, the BCNA has received no advice about implementation of the Government’s commitment. The BCNA’s request for a monitoring program has been supported by the Hon. Martin Foley MP. Our position was also supported by the City of Port Phillip in a submission to the Victorian Government in June 2018.

    Station Pier Redevelopment

    In January, the Victorian Ports Corporation Melbourne (VPCM) submitted a proposal to the Department of Treasury and Finance for funding the redevelopment of Station Pier.

    The BCNA submitted a list of issues that required review to improve the functioning of Station Pier and the precinct. They included traffic flow (adequacy of the queuing lane and the Princes Street roundabout), easy movement of ship passengers from ship to shore, the need for a taxi/bus area for cruise ship visitors, public realm improvements (the whole area is very weather exposed), lack of shops and amenities, parking, and the need to work closely with Melbourne Water so that the storm water drain can be realigned as part of any capital works program.

    If VPCM’s budget bid is successful, details will be announced in the Victorian Government’s Budget on 27th May 2019.