The BCNA AGM was held last night (Thursday) with 33 members attending. Both the Mayor of the City of Port Phillip (CoPP), Bernadene Voss, and our state member of Parliament, Martin Foley, gave short presentations and answered members' questions.
Some key points from the presentations that may be of interest to those who did not attend were:
- There will be a breakfast forum with the candidates for the Albert Park electorate in the forthcoming state election. It will be held on Wednesday 7th November at Mr Hobsons on Station Pier. More details and registration details can be found here.
- The two Spirit of Tasmania ships are to be replaced by bigger, cleaner, versions in 2021. More details can be found here and here.
- Apparently the architect and proposed design of the Beacon Cove Foodstore redevopment has been changed and the CoPP has been advised that they now intend to plan to the full height allowance of ~19m, some metres taller than the original proposal. More details to come...
- If residents want to receive the CoPP Council Meeting agendas each week, then email H6@portphillip.vic.gov.au and your email will be included on the distribution list.
- Residents can sign up at https://haveyoursay.portphillip.vic.gov.au/ to be sent notices about the topics on which CoPP is currently seeking consultation. Beacon Cove residents are encouraged to sign up and contribute to ensure that feedback is balanced across the whole City of Port Phillip.
Following the presentations our President, Eddie Micallef, presented his annual President's Report (download here), the annual accounts were presented and approved, and a Committee elected for the coming year.
Congratulations (and thanks!) to Eddie Micallef (President), Pam Montgomery (VP), Bill Fisher (Hon Sec), Roger Joyce (Hon Treas), Grant Aldous, Geoff Lord, Greg Mate, Robyn McKenna, Richard Nowotny, and Julie Simpkin, for volunteering to help and being elected.
Draft Minutes of the meeting will be sent to BCNA members in the next month.