On Monday 22 October 2018, the Supreme Court ruled that the Minister for Planning’s ‘call in’ for 1-7 Waterfront Place is lawful. The developer had objected stating that the Minister’s call in was not given in time before the VCAT hearing set down for 30 July 2018. The Supreme Court’s ruling means that the Minister’s request stands. The decision can be appealed.
The Minister’s letter states that the reason for calling in is that the application raises “…a major issue of policy, and determination of the proceeding may have a substantial effect on the achievement or development of planning objectives”. The ‘calling in’ by the Minister was supported by the Victorian Ports Corporation Melbourne (VPCM), the City of Port Phillip, the TT-Line, the tourism industry, the BCNA and The Hon. Martin Foley, MP.
If the decision is not appealed, the Minister will establish an Advisory Committee to provide advice on use of the site.
The BCNA believes that the site should be considered by the VPCM to improve the functioning of the area. Port operations would be better protected if there was no residential development at 1-7 Waterfront Place. There is an Environmental Significance Overlay (ESO 4) over the land near Station Pier (1-7 Waterfront Place, 101 Beach Street and 103 Beach Street). The overlay, which is part of the Port Phillip Planning Scheme, manages potential conflicts between land in the port environs and the adjoining Port of Melbourne.
This is the web voice of the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association, Inc., Port Melbourne, Australia. It provides information on who the association is, our aims and aspirations for our shared community, and information on our activities.
Events for your Diary
Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner
Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall
Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
Latest News
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Thursday, 25 October 2018
Reminder of BCNA AGM - Next Thursday
Just reminding BCNA members that the 2018 AGM is next Thursday at 6:30pm in the Sandridge Community Centre and Trugo Club, Garden City Reserve. The Guest Speaker will be Bernadene Voss, Mayor of the City of Port Phillip and a brief report will be provided by The Hon. Martin Foley, MP.
Financial members of BCNA were emailed the Notice of Meeting with links to the agenda and other papers on the 1st October. If you can't find the email please contact the Honorary Secretary at secretary@beaconcove.org.au.
Financial members of BCNA were emailed the Notice of Meeting with links to the agenda and other papers on the 1st October. If you can't find the email please contact the Honorary Secretary at secretary@beaconcove.org.au.
BCNA General
Thursday, 18 October 2018
Navy Visit with a Sunset Gun Salute
We have just been told by the Victorian Ports Corporation that HMAS Warramunga will be berthed on the outer west of Station Pier this Friday.
She will fire a volley of blank cartridges for sunset. Two volleys will be fired in training at approximately 3:30–4pm and a third volley will be fired at an official reception that will be held on-board at 7:30pm.
She will fire a volley of blank cartridges for sunset. Two volleys will be fired in training at approximately 3:30–4pm and a third volley will be fired at an official reception that will be held on-board at 7:30pm.
Port of Melbourne,
Station Pier
Another (closer) State Election Candidates Forum
Thanks to Janet Bolitho, I've just been made aware of another candidates forum which is a bit closer to Beacon Cove, albeit focussed on Southbank and Montague residents.
6:30-8:30pm, Tuesdeay 30 October
Boyd Community Hub (Assembly Hall), 207 City Road, Southbank
The candidates participating:
Martin Foley - Labor
Andrew Bond - Liberal
Ogy Simic - Greens
This event will be moderated by the politically astute, Walkely award-winning journalist, former City of Melbourne and City of Manningham Councillor and founder of Crikey.com, Stephen Mayne.
Tea and coffee is available from 6pm, for a 6.30pm event start.
This free community event is an initiative of the Southbank Residents Association.
More information and bookings can be found here.
6:30-8:30pm, Tuesdeay 30 October
Boyd Community Hub (Assembly Hall), 207 City Road, Southbank
The candidates participating:
Martin Foley - Labor
Andrew Bond - Liberal
Ogy Simic - Greens
This event will be moderated by the politically astute, Walkely award-winning journalist, former City of Melbourne and City of Manningham Councillor and founder of Crikey.com, Stephen Mayne.
Tea and coffee is available from 6pm, for a 6.30pm event start.
This free community event is an initiative of the Southbank Residents Association.
More information and bookings can be found here.
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
State Election Candidates Forum
Forum.org.au is arranging a forum with the candidates for the Albert Park electorate in the forthcoming state election on Saturday 24 November.
6:30-8:30pm, Monday 29 October
Alex Theatre, 135 Fitzroy St, St Kilda (formally The George)
This is a free event, no tickets, no registration, just turn up. Questions can be submitted in advance at https://forum.org.au/questions/. For further details go to www.forum.org.au.
The candidates:
Martin Foley - Labor
Andrew Bond - Liberal
Ogy Simic - Greens
Tamasin Ramsay - Animal Justice
Jarryd Bartle - Reason
Steven Armstrong - Sustainable Australia
As far as we know there won't be any similar forum in Beacon Cover or Port Melbourne this election - although there was the Transport Forum that told you about back in September.
6:30-8:30pm, Monday 29 October
Alex Theatre, 135 Fitzroy St, St Kilda (formally The George)
This is a free event, no tickets, no registration, just turn up. Questions can be submitted in advance at https://forum.org.au/questions/. For further details go to www.forum.org.au.
The candidates:
Martin Foley - Labor
Andrew Bond - Liberal
Ogy Simic - Greens
Tamasin Ramsay - Animal Justice
Jarryd Bartle - Reason
Steven Armstrong - Sustainable Australia
As far as we know there won't be any similar forum in Beacon Cover or Port Melbourne this election - although there was the Transport Forum that told you about back in September.
Thursday, 11 October 2018
Final plans for Fishermans Bend Released

The BCNA Committee is pleased to see that the Victorian Government has finally released the long term plan to guide the development of Fishermans Bend (14MB) and protect it from over-development. The Framework is supported by new planning controls developed following extensive public consultation and further supported by an infrastructure funding plan.
A smaller (1MB) "fact sheet" can be downloaded here.
Next year the precinct plans will be developed to provide fine grain detail to stamp the individual character of the separate neighbourhoods.
More information such as a video, planning controls, media announcements, public engagement report and other supporting material can be found at www.fishermansbend.vic.gov.au/framework.
Fishermans Bend