Each year the BCNA makes a submission to the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) for their consideration in developing the Council’s budget for the upcoming budget year.
In recent years the BCNA has been successful in advocating proposals for work on improved lighting on the bike trail and for improved safety features on the Promenade during 2017. In 2018/19 our submission includes a traffic management study for the Beacon Cove area; possible improvements to the community bus service between Port Melbourne and St Kilda, improved signage near the Princes Street drain to alert beach users to the unsafe water, and continued efforts to manage and prevent graffiti. Further details can be accessed here.
This is the web voice of the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association, Inc., Port Melbourne, Australia. It provides information on who the association is, our aims and aspirations for our shared community, and information on our activities.
Events for your Diary
Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner
Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall
Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
Latest News
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Wednesday, 21 March 2018
Rejection of Development at 10 Narooma Place
The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) has refused a planning application (773/2017) to demolish a garage and erect a three-storey dwelling as this would create a housing pattern out of character with the area. The homes in this area are predominantly two-storey. Also, the scale, bulk and massing of the development would not be in character. Local residents and BCNA opposed the development - the BCNA submission can be downloaded here.
City of Port Phillip
Port Phillip CEO Report
This report from the CEO of the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) may be of interest to some of you. It includes the usual assessment of how CoPP is meeting its objectives and a financial summary.
It also includes some information on the work being undertaken for planning the relocation of the waste transfer station. Those that don't visit the waste transfer station very often may be interested to know that it now has new residential apartments overlooking it from directly across the street.
It also includes some information on the work being undertaken for planning the relocation of the waste transfer station. Those that don't visit the waste transfer station very often may be interested to know that it now has new residential apartments overlooking it from directly across the street.
City of Port Phillip
Monday, 12 March 2018
Community Forum for Fishermans Bend Development - Tuesday 20 March
For those that are interested, a community forum on the Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area (FBURA) is going to be held on Tuesday 20 March at 6:15pm.
This is a timely opportunity to hear from the current batch of politicians about what’s in store for us over the next few years. We are also in the middle of a Planning Panel Review on the Government’s Draft Strategic Framework for FBURA.
Entry is free, and there is no need for registration – although you may want to get there early to guarantee a seat. More details are on a flyer which can be downloaded here.
This is a timely opportunity to hear from the current batch of politicians about what’s in store for us over the next few years. We are also in the middle of a Planning Panel Review on the Government’s Draft Strategic Framework for FBURA.
Entry is free, and there is no need for registration – although you may want to get there early to guarantee a seat. More details are on a flyer which can be downloaded here.
Fishermans Bend
Thursday, 1 March 2018
Foodstore Redevelopment at 103 Beach Street
The IGA & Spuntino Café site was sold in 2017 with a planning permit for a three-storey development of similar height to the existing building, comprising 15 apartments with retail premises on the ground floor.
We understand that the new owners, the V-Leader Group, have discussed plans for the site with Council. The owners have said they will consult with the community once plans are settled.
We understand that the new owners, the V-Leader Group, have discussed plans for the site with Council. The owners have said they will consult with the community once plans are settled.
Foodstore Redevelopment
Princes Street Storm Water Drain

The BCNA has been advocating for an upgrade to this drain. The heavy rains in late December 2016 and in January 2017 highlighted the problems. Storm water discharges directly onto Port Melbourne beach and a large area was covered by a very smelly and unsightly scum. This type of event occurs after heavy rains in the catchment. The scum constitutes a health hazard as there is inadequate signage by the EPA alerting beach users and swimmers to the dangers. It also provides a poor image to tourists and visitors.
The drain is the responsibility of Melbourne Water. A re-alignment was agreed between Melbourne Water and the community in 2006 that would take the storm water further out into the bay. Unfortunately, this work has not been given priority. The BCNA has written to the Minister for Water seeking an upgrade but without success. We have discussed our concerns with The Hon. Martin Foley, the State Member for Albert Park. He has undertaken to discuss our concerns with the Minister for Water.
Princes Street Storm Water Drain
Update on Fishermans Bend
A Planning Review Panel was formed last year to advise the Minister on a new planning control for the Fishermans Bend area.
The Panel will commence public hearings in March. The hearings are designed to give Councils, land owners, agencies, community groups and individuals who made submissions on the draft Framework an opportunity to explain their concerns. The Panel is then expected to provide its report to the Minister within 40 business days of the last day of public hearings.
The BCNA raised concerns about the poor decision-making model for the project (five organization are involved), the absence of an operational plan, and no agreed budget in a submission last December. Rowan Groves, President of Port People Inc., will include our concerns in a presentation from South Port Urban Responsible Renewal (SPURR). SPURR represents 49 community groups in the South Melbourne, Port Melbourne and nearby areas. The BCNA is a member.
It is unfortunate that planning controls are being drafted before the strategic direction for the area is settled and announced by the Victorian Government.
Last week the Minister for Planning announced that he was “calling in” 26 major projects for the area. These will be assessed against the new planning control by an independent advisory committee.
The Panel will commence public hearings in March. The hearings are designed to give Councils, land owners, agencies, community groups and individuals who made submissions on the draft Framework an opportunity to explain their concerns. The Panel is then expected to provide its report to the Minister within 40 business days of the last day of public hearings.
The BCNA raised concerns about the poor decision-making model for the project (five organization are involved), the absence of an operational plan, and no agreed budget in a submission last December. Rowan Groves, President of Port People Inc., will include our concerns in a presentation from South Port Urban Responsible Renewal (SPURR). SPURR represents 49 community groups in the South Melbourne, Port Melbourne and nearby areas. The BCNA is a member.
It is unfortunate that planning controls are being drafted before the strategic direction for the area is settled and announced by the Victorian Government.
Last week the Minister for Planning announced that he was “calling in” 26 major projects for the area. These will be assessed against the new planning control by an independent advisory committee.
Fishermans Bend