Events for your Diary

  • Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner

  • April
  • Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall

  • May
  • Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon
  • Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
  • Latest News

    You can use the search options at lower right to find specific items.

    Wednesday, 22 March 2017

    Temporary Closure of Todd Road Shared Pathway - 23-25 March

    A section of shared bike and pedestrian path on the west side of Todd Rd between Williamstown Road and Perc White Reserve will be closed from 7am Thursday 23 March 2017 to 7am Saturday 25 March 2017.

    More details are on this flyer.

    Princes Street Storm Water Drain

    Heavy rains in late December and January highlighted problems with this drain. Storm water discharges directly onto Port Melbourne beach and a large area was covered by a very smelly and unsightly scum. This constitutes a health hazard and there is inadequate signage by the EPA alerting beach users and swimmers to the dangers. It also provides a poor image to tourists and visitors.

    The BCNA has contacted the EPA and met our Gateway Ward councillors to discuss the health hazards and to reaffirm that a drain upgrade is needed. Follow up meetings are planned. The drain is the responsibility of Melbourne Water. A re-alignment was agreed with Melbourne Water in 2006 that would take the storm water further out into the bay. Unfortunately, this work has not been given priority.

    Update on Fishermans Bend

    The Fishermans Bend Taskforce now plans to release the revised Fishermans Bend Strategic Framework Plan mid-year 2017. This document will provide details on an overarching strategy to guide such things as the future development of transport, schools, community and utilities infrastructure and public space. Further details on the work of the Taskforce can be accessed at

    Planning applications continue to be considered by the City of Melbourne and City of Port Phillip as well as the Minister for Planning. So far 25 major developments have been approved comprising 6,437 dwellings. 21 major developments are pending comprising 6,080 dwellings.

    Saturday, 18 March 2017

    London Hotel Redevelopment

    The existing building is now being demolished in readiness for a new development. The owner has submitted a revised application (1220/2016) and this is being assessed by City of Port Phillip (CoPP) Planning Department. No details are publicly available.

    The original application was refused by VCAT in 2016. While VCAT supported the type of development they found that the height would cause overshadowing of the foreshore, providing no net benefit to the community.

    BCNA Budget Submissions to Council

    Each year BCNA makes a submission to the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) for their consideration in developing the Council’s budget for the upcoming financial year.

    In 2016/17 we were successful  in achieving:
    • Bike trail lighting – eighty new public lighting poles and LED luminaries between Beach St and Boundary St, Port Melbourne have now been installed, making for increased safety for pedestrians and cyclists.
    • Safety on the Promenade – the CoPP has completed a feasibility study on potential ramps along the Promenade between Station and Princes Piers. For cost reasons, there are no current plans to construct ramps. However, our request for handrails on the steps between the piers has been granted, and they will be installed by the end of the year. Whilst this is not a solution to separation of the paths, the handrails will improve safety for pedestrians.
    For the 2017/18 budget we have sought:
    • Graffiti removal – increased resources for preventative strategies and quick removal of areas affected by graffiti.
    • Princes Street storm water drain – collaboration with the EPA to develop and install improved signage regarding poor water quality, particularly in the pond at the mouth of the drain. An upgrade of the drain in the longer term.
    • 1-7 Waterfront Place – pending longer-term redevelopment of the site, action to ensure a clean up of the site.
    • Waterfront Place/Station Pier toilet facility – resources to fund a street level accessible toilet in the Waterfront Place area.

    Wednesday, 15 March 2017

    Port Melbourne Community Carnival - Saturday 18 March

    Port Melbourne Neighbourhood Centre will be holding its biggest event of the year - the Port Melbourne Community Carnival 2017 which will take place on Saturday 18th March from 12 to 4 pm, on Liardet St, between Lalor and Nott Sts.

    The theme for this year is Port Melbourne Unmasked - Uncovering the Heart of Port Melbourne, which aims to explore and celebrate the essence of this resilient community. People who are coming to the carnival will have the opportunity to be involved in a series of drop-in style workshops. These are always highly popular with children and families. This year the main workshop will be creating masks using recycled materials. The masks will then be worn in the 'Port Melbourne Unmasked Parade', allowing the artwork and creators to be cheered by the crowd.

    More details can be found at

    Piers Festival - Sunday 9 April

    The Piers Festival is back in 2017.  The 6th Piers Festival will be held on 9 April at Princes Pier.

    The annual free Piers Festival features a vibrant mix of artists and cultures, iconic sounds, new collaborations, music, dance and activities for all ages with headline acts Joe Camilleri & the Black Sorrows, the Core-tet, Oi Dipnoi, the haBiBis, Mojo Juju & the Samoan Choir.

    MC Anna GoGo will get you go-go-ing, and DJ PAZ will fill the sea breeze with carnival beats at this FREE festival for the whole family.

    Enjoy the festive interactive atmosphere of the Landing, with displays, performances and activities curated by various active cultural groups from Victoria: Latin Stories Australia & Casa Cultura; the Ukrainian Association of Geelong; the African Australian Small Business Association; the Shepparton Sikhs Association; Moreland Turkish Association; and more.

    Enjoy traditional beverage samples, Pysanka Easter egg decorating, turban tying, art and craft and musical performances including Ismail Metin from the Yunus Emre Centre with martial arts displays.

    More details can be found at

    Port of Melbourne Boat Tour - Sunday 30 April

    There’s no better way to see the Port of Melbourne than on one of the free Port of Melbourne Open Day boat tours. The last one for the season will be on Sunday 30 April.

    For more information, go to

    Friday, 3 March 2017

    1-7 Waterfront Place – Plans Advertised

    As some may know, plans for development of 1-7 Waterfront Place have been advertised on the City of Port Phillip’s (CoPP) website. The application is for a permit for “Construction of a 10-storey mixed use building over two basement levels containing 175 dwellings and two retail premises of 355 square metres and a reduction in car parking requirements”.

    Details of the application including plans and detailed documents (including the developers responses to the Council’s initial objections) can be viewed on the CoPP website. Unfortunately the design of this part of the CoPP website means that we can’t provide a direct link to the relevant page. As a result you’ll need to take the following steps to access the information. Firstly go to this page and select “Let’s get started!”. Then select “Resident” then “Planning and building” then “Object to or Support a Planning Permit” then go to the bottom of the list, select “New Search”, and enter 989/2016 in the box under “Application Number” and then (finally!) click “Search”. I’m sorry I can’t make it any easier – that’s the easiest way I’ve found to get there.

    The BCNA Committee would like to see the site developed and used for the benefit of the community. However, BCNA has concerns about the current plans. The plans do not conform to covenants varied by VCAT in its decision of 15 January 2015. This means that the proposed building is bulkier than it should be and reduces sunlight on the site and beyond. The plans do not conform to Design and Development Overlay 23 of the Port Phillip Planning Scheme which means the building will be bulkier at higher levels and this will influence sunlight and shadows on the site and on the bike path, footpath and foreshore. The proposal does not minimise overshadowing at the winter solstice as required by Design and Development Overlay 23.

    We encourage residents to look at the plans and respond directly to Council. Please also let us know your views at so that we can better represent our members in discussions with Council. Council has indicated that they will not decide on the application before 6 March 2017.

    Clean Up Australia Day Beach Patrol - Sunday 5 March

    This month's 3207 Beach Patrol regular monthly clean coincides with Clean Up Australia Day.  Both new and long-time members are welcome come along.

    When:  9-10am, Sunday 5 March
    Where:  Port Melbourne Beach - meet opposite The London/Mr Lawrence with coffee afterwards at Cafe Grumento.

    If you want something to print and put up on your fridge to remind you, you can download a flyer here.