This is the web voice of the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association, Inc., Port Melbourne, Australia. It provides information on who the association is, our aims and aspirations for our shared community, and information on our activities.
Events for your Diary
Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner
Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall
Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
Latest News
You can use the search options at lower right to find specific items.
Wednesday, 20 December 2017
BCNA Comments on Draft Fishermans Bend Framework
The BCNA has provided comments on the Draft Fishermans Bend Framework which was released for public comment in October. The Draft Framework provides welcome detail on many aspects, but major concerns remain. These are about the poor decision-making model being used for the project (five organization are involved), the absence of an operational plan, and no agreed budget. Unless addressed the project will continue to proceed in a sub-optimal way. The BCNA submission explains these concerns and can be found here.
Fishermans Bend
BCNA Objects to Development at 10 Narooma Place
There is a proposal (Application Number 773/2017) at 10 Narooma Place to demolish a garage and erect a three-storey dwelling. The BCNA has decided to object to this development because it would substantially change the character of the area. The homes in this area are predominantly two-storey. The BCNA believes the proposal does not comply with the Neighbourhood Character Overlay of the Port Phillip Planning Scheme. If approved, it would establish a precedent for similar proposals across Beacon Cove. The BCNA submission can be found here. The BCNA encourages members to look at the plans and respond directly to Council. This can be done on line at the City of Port Phillip’s website.
City of Port Phillip
2017 BCNA President's Report
For those that weren't at the recent BCNA AGM, you can download the President's review of the year and summary of the current status of local issues here.
BCNA General
Tuesday, 28 November 2017
London Hotel Site Update
You may recall we provided an update in September which mentioned that the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) had approved plans for the London Hotel site.
This decision (CoPP application 1220/2016) included the requirement to meet modifications to the plans, a number of which would reduce the buildings impact on the adjacent apartment blocks and also to reduce the amount of overshadowing of the foreshore.
The developer has decided to challenge the construction permit conditions at VCAT. The hearing for this challenge (P2626/2017) is expected to be in April 2018.
This decision (CoPP application 1220/2016) included the requirement to meet modifications to the plans, a number of which would reduce the buildings impact on the adjacent apartment blocks and also to reduce the amount of overshadowing of the foreshore.
The developer has decided to challenge the construction permit conditions at VCAT. The hearing for this challenge (P2626/2017) is expected to be in April 2018.
Wednesday, 22 November 2017
BCNA AGM Reminder
This is a final reminder for the BCNA AGM which will be held at 6:00 for 6:30pm this Thursday at the Sandridge Community Centre and Trugo Club, Garden City Reserve
The Guest Speaker will be Peter Smith, the new Chief Executive Officer of the City of Port Phillip and brief reports will be provided by The Hon. Martin Foley, MP and Gateway Ward Councillors Bernadene Voss, Marcus Pearl, and Ogy Simic.
The Guest Speaker will be Peter Smith, the new Chief Executive Officer of the City of Port Phillip and brief reports will be provided by The Hon. Martin Foley, MP and Gateway Ward Councillors Bernadene Voss, Marcus Pearl, and Ogy Simic.
BCNA General
Our Latest Newsletter is Out
Volunteers have recently been dropping copies of our newsletter in mailboxes throughout Beacon Cove. It covers a number of topics including:
- Beacon Cove Foodstore Redevelopment
- London Hotel Site
- Update on 1-7 Waterfront Place
- Fishermans Bend development
- Safety on the Promenade
- Princes Street storm water drain
Beach Patrol for 2018
3207 Beach Patrol have announced their dates for 2018. Beach cleans will be the first Saturday of every month except March (when it's held on Clean Up Australia Day on 4th March).
They have also introduced a second monthly clean - LoveOurStreet - as removal of litter from our streets helps prevent it from getting down stormwater drains, etc and into our bay in the first place. These will be held on the third Saturday of every month. More details at
Wednesday, 8 November 2017
Update on 1-7 Waterfront Place
On 21 September 2017, VCAT agreed to review the City of Port Phillip's (CoPP's) decision to refuse a planning application for the “construction of a 10-storey mixed use building over two basement levels containing 175 dwellings and two retail premises of 355 square metres and a reduction in car parking requirements” at this site.
Details of the review have been posted to all who objected to the original proposal. If you objected and have not received a letter, contact Ms Rhodie Anderson ( Objectors who wish to participate in the VCAT review have until 16 November 2017 to lodge a Statement of Grounds with an application form at VCAT, with copies to the CoPP and the developer’s solicitor. A fee of $19.90 applies for individuals and not-for-profit organisations. Fee details are shown at
The BCNA has decided to participate in the review. The BCNA wants to see the site developed, but according to Port Phillip planning guidelines. Participation in the review allows us to defend our objections which were about visual bulk; that the plans were not in accordance with the plans listed in the VCAT Order of January 2015; overshadowing of the foreshore; and traffic congestion. Our Statement of Grounds can be downloaded here. It follows the objection the BCNA submitted to the CoPP in March 2017.
Details of the review have been posted to all who objected to the original proposal. If you objected and have not received a letter, contact Ms Rhodie Anderson ( Objectors who wish to participate in the VCAT review have until 16 November 2017 to lodge a Statement of Grounds with an application form at VCAT, with copies to the CoPP and the developer’s solicitor. A fee of $19.90 applies for individuals and not-for-profit organisations. Fee details are shown at
The BCNA has decided to participate in the review. The BCNA wants to see the site developed, but according to Port Phillip planning guidelines. Participation in the review allows us to defend our objections which were about visual bulk; that the plans were not in accordance with the plans listed in the VCAT Order of January 2015; overshadowing of the foreshore; and traffic congestion. Our Statement of Grounds can be downloaded here. It follows the objection the BCNA submitted to the CoPP in March 2017.
City of Port Phillip,
Waterfront Place
Local Laws Review
The derelict site at 1-7 Waterfront Place provides a poor image to visitors. This prompted the BCNA to discuss with the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) whether Local Laws could be used to enforce a clean-up. We were led to believe that a review of Local Laws would offer a solution. Unfortunately, this has turned out not to be the case. However, the CEO of the CoPP, Peter Smith, is preparing a report for Council on other steps that might be taken.
City of Port Phillip,
Waterfront Place
Wednesday, 1 November 2017
BCNA Annual General Meeting
This year's Annual General Meeting for the BCNA will be held at
Reports and the annual financial statement for the BCNA will be presented. The election of office bearers will occur.
The Guest Speaker will be Peter Smith, the new Chief Executive Officer of the City of Port Phillip. Brief reports will be provided by The Hon. Martin Foley, MP and Gateway Ward Councillors Bernadene Voss, Marcus Pearl, and Ogy Simic. Rachel Johnson, the CEO of the Victorian Ports Corporation, has been invited.
Financial members of the BCNA have already been sent the Agenda and papers for the meeting.
6:00 for 6.30pm, Thursday 23rd November 2017
Sandridge Community Centre and Trugo Club, Garden City Reserve
Sandridge Community Centre and Trugo Club, Garden City Reserve
Reports and the annual financial statement for the BCNA will be presented. The election of office bearers will occur.
The Guest Speaker will be Peter Smith, the new Chief Executive Officer of the City of Port Phillip. Brief reports will be provided by The Hon. Martin Foley, MP and Gateway Ward Councillors Bernadene Voss, Marcus Pearl, and Ogy Simic. Rachel Johnson, the CEO of the Victorian Ports Corporation, has been invited.
Financial members of the BCNA have already been sent the Agenda and papers for the meeting.
BCNA General
Community Engagement Sessions for Fishermans Bend
The following community information and drop-in sessions are being held as part of consultation regarding the plans for Fishermans Bend:
All submissions must be received by 5pm Friday 15 December.
More information is available on this flyer.
- Friday 3 November - South Melbourne Market
- Wednesday 9 November - University of Melbourne Farmers Market
- Sunday 19 November - North Port Oval
- Thursday 23 November - South Melbourne Town Hall
All submissions must be received by 5pm Friday 15 December.
More information is available on this flyer.
Fishermans Bend
Port of Melbourne Boat Tours for Summer
The Port of Melbourne is again offering boat tours of the port this summer. They are now charging a fee but, at $5.50 + $1.20 booking fee, it's hardly expensive. Bookings must be done online and open 2-3 weeks before each tour.
Tours will be on 26 November, 25 February, and 29 April.
The February tour will depart from Williamstown and include a visit to the new container terminal and automotive trade facilities at Webb Dock as well as the crude oil terminal at Point Gellibrand so will be different to the tour that most residents would have been on before.
The November and April tours seem to be similar to previous tours, departing from Docklands and visiting Victoria Dock, Appleton Dock, and Swanson Dock.
More details can be found at
Tours will be on 26 November, 25 February, and 29 April.
The February tour will depart from Williamstown and include a visit to the new container terminal and automotive trade facilities at Webb Dock as well as the crude oil terminal at Point Gellibrand so will be different to the tour that most residents would have been on before.
The November and April tours seem to be similar to previous tours, departing from Docklands and visiting Victoria Dock, Appleton Dock, and Swanson Dock.
More details can be found at
Port of Melbourne,
Webb Dock
Wednesday, 4 October 2017
Beacon Cove Foodstore Redevelopment at 103 Beach Street
After a long and drawn out unresolved planning process, the IGA & Spuntino Café site has been sold with a planning permit for a three-storey development of similar height to the existing building, comprising 15 apartments with retail premises on the ground floor. The planning permit is for a layout/design like that which was proposed and displayed previously.
The new owners, the V-Leader Group, are not associated with the previous owners, Key Infrastructure Australia Pty Ltd. The new owners have said they will consult with the community once plans are settled.
The new owners, the V-Leader Group, are not associated with the previous owners, Key Infrastructure Australia Pty Ltd. The new owners have said they will consult with the community once plans are settled.
Foodstore Redevelopment
Station Pier Air Quality Monitoring
The BCNA has written to the EPA requesting further air quality monitoring at Station Pier. We are grateful for the work done by the Victorian Ports Corporation Melbourne (VPCM) in 2016/17, but this work was not comprehensive enough to reassure members that air quality meets Australian standards. A second monitoring station on one of the towers would have been necessary to check air quality at heights above the monitoring station on Station Pier.
The Australian Government sets standards for fuel emissions from ships. This is currently at 3.5% sulphur content, but is scheduled to fall to 0.5% from 1 January 2020. The BCNA has written to the Commonwealth Minister for Infrastructure and Transport urging the Australian Government adhere to this timetable.
The Australian Government sets standards for fuel emissions from ships. This is currently at 3.5% sulphur content, but is scheduled to fall to 0.5% from 1 January 2020. The BCNA has written to the Commonwealth Minister for Infrastructure and Transport urging the Australian Government adhere to this timetable.
Friday, 15 September 2017
Update on 1-7 Waterfront Place
In July, the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) refused an application for “Construction of a 10-storey mixed use building over two basement levels containing 175 dwellings and two retail premises of 355 square metres and a reduction in car parking requirements”. The application was refused on many grounds but included overshadowing of the foreshore and pedestrian spaces, and visual bulk and massing related to tower design.
It is a great shame that the site continues to look like a rubbish tip. The BCNA has raised this with the CoPP many, many times. We have been told that CoPP's Local Laws are ineffective in enforcing a clean-up and that a review of Local laws offered the hope of a solution. Unfortunately, this has turned out not to be the case. The recently completed review did not reveal any further way that Local Laws could be strengthened to deal with this situation.
The BCNA has written to the Mayor asking for a public explanation.
It is a great shame that the site continues to look like a rubbish tip. The BCNA has raised this with the CoPP many, many times. We have been told that CoPP's Local Laws are ineffective in enforcing a clean-up and that a review of Local laws offered the hope of a solution. Unfortunately, this has turned out not to be the case. The recently completed review did not reveal any further way that Local Laws could be strengthened to deal with this situation.
The BCNA has written to the Mayor asking for a public explanation.
City of Port Phillip,
Waterfront Place
London Hotel Site
The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) recently approved plans for a redevelopment of this site, but with amendments after community input.
The approval is for an eight storey building, including basement car park, 18 apartments and a hotel. The amendments are for the inclusion of three onsite visitor parking bays; increased setback of the upper levels to ensure that the pedestrian path on the foreshore is not overshadowed after 10am throughout the year; and the inclusion of a heritage record about the London Hotel.
The approval is for an eight storey building, including basement car park, 18 apartments and a hotel. The amendments are for the inclusion of three onsite visitor parking bays; increased setback of the upper levels to ensure that the pedestrian path on the foreshore is not overshadowed after 10am throughout the year; and the inclusion of a heritage record about the London Hotel.
Wednesday, 2 August 2017
Town Planning, Covenants and Dispute Resolution in Beacon Cove
From time to time residents ask about the planning scheme and covenants that apply to properties in Beacon Cove. The BCNA has prepared a summary which you can access here.
The upgrades of properties across Beacon Cove can lead to concerns and disputes. The BCNA has prepared a short guide which can be downloaded here.
The upgrades of properties across Beacon Cove can lead to concerns and disputes. The BCNA has prepared a short guide which can be downloaded here.
City of Port Phillip
Station Pier Air Quality Monitoring Results
The Victorian Ports Corporation Melbourne (VPCM) have released a summary report detailing the findings from a recent 12 months monitoring program of the air quality at the sampling station on Station Pier. On behalf of VPCM a consultant company KMH Environmental was engaged to manage and report on the findings. Click here to access the report.
18 months ago the BCNA approached two of our BCNA members to help us review and analyse the information provided by the monthly and annual reports issued by VPCM. Click here to access their final summary findings. This report was provided by members Ian Evans and Jill Maddox, we wish to acknowledge the time and effort they have both committed to this review and the extremely professional report they have issued. They presented their report to a joint BCNA/VPCM/EPA meeting in June which has led to ongoing further dialog with both the VPCM and the EPA.
The BCNA will continue to lobby the EPA/Port to reassure the community their health is not being comprised by Ship Bunker fuel emission and for the emission levels to be established to best practice standards available.
18 months ago the BCNA approached two of our BCNA members to help us review and analyse the information provided by the monthly and annual reports issued by VPCM. Click here to access their final summary findings. This report was provided by members Ian Evans and Jill Maddox, we wish to acknowledge the time and effort they have both committed to this review and the extremely professional report they have issued. They presented their report to a joint BCNA/VPCM/EPA meeting in June which has led to ongoing further dialog with both the VPCM and the EPA.
The BCNA will continue to lobby the EPA/Port to reassure the community their health is not being comprised by Ship Bunker fuel emission and for the emission levels to be established to best practice standards available.
Tuesday, 4 July 2017
Record Membership
Thank you to all who have renewed their memberships or who have joined the BCNA in 2016/17. Membership reached 373 which is a record.
BCNA continues to be active on your behalf in protecting and enhancing the amenity of the area. Our last newsletter as well as other posts on this website explain current initiatives on your behalf.
BCNA continues to be active on your behalf in protecting and enhancing the amenity of the area. Our last newsletter as well as other posts on this website explain current initiatives on your behalf.
BCNA General
Parking Fees Fall at Waterfront Place
The City of Port Phillip has reduced parking fees around Waterfront Place. From April to September the hourly fee will be $1.80 per hour compared to $5.10. The BCNA has advocated for a review of parking policy as has the traders at Waterfront Place and the Port Melbourne Business Association.
The reduction is part of a two-year trial in St Kilda and Port Melbourne to help encourage greater activity in these areas. Further details can be found here.
The reduction is part of a two-year trial in St Kilda and Port Melbourne to help encourage greater activity in these areas. Further details can be found here.
City of Port Phillip,
Station Pier,
Waterfront Place
More Shade for Maritime Cove
A permanent new shade structure is currently under construction in the playground at Maritime Cove, which will help keep little visitors and their parents out of the sun while they play. A part of the playground has been temporarily fenced off while the shade structure is installed, so please note there will be changed access and observe all safety signage in the area.
The new, shadier playground area is expected to reopen by mid-June 2017.
The new, shadier playground area is expected to reopen by mid-June 2017.
Port of Melbourne,
Webb Dock
Monday, 19 June 2017
London Hotel Redevelopment
The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) has advertised plans for this site. The new proposal is for an 8-storey development (previously 8 storeys) comprising basement car parks, hotel and 18 dwellings (previously 35 dwellings). The new plans can be viewed on the Council’s website using this link (please be aware that due to the nature of the CoPP system it takes quite a while for the page to load and a few intermediate pages will flash up in the interim so ignore the intermediate pages and just wait for the final page to load) or by searching for application number number 1220/2016 online.
Council has agreed to provide a presentation to the BCNA in the coming weeks. The BCNA Committee will then decide its position with respect to the development.
Residents can object or support the proposal online using this link (please see above about ignoring the intermediate pages and waiting for the final page to load).
Council has agreed to provide a presentation to the BCNA in the coming weeks. The BCNA Committee will then decide its position with respect to the development.
Residents can object or support the proposal online using this link (please see above about ignoring the intermediate pages and waiting for the final page to load).
Friday, 16 June 2017
Update on 1-7 Waterfront Place
We continue to be asked as to what is happening at 1-7 Waterfront Place.
The BCNA wants to see the site appropriately developed and providing benefit to the community. This was explained in our April Newsletter.
The issue is with Council at this moment. Council staff tell us that they are frustrated that the developer/owner has not forwarded information required to adhere to the VCAT decision of 15 January 2015. Until this is done, the proposal cannot be fully assessed.
It is a great shame that the site looks like a rubbish tip. The BCNA has raised this with council many times. We are told that the Council’s Local Laws are ineffective in ordering a clean-up. Council is undertaking a review of Local Laws and we hope that they will prove effective.
The BCNA wants to see the site appropriately developed and providing benefit to the community. This was explained in our April Newsletter.
The issue is with Council at this moment. Council staff tell us that they are frustrated that the developer/owner has not forwarded information required to adhere to the VCAT decision of 15 January 2015. Until this is done, the proposal cannot be fully assessed.
It is a great shame that the site looks like a rubbish tip. The BCNA has raised this with council many times. We are told that the Council’s Local Laws are ineffective in ordering a clean-up. Council is undertaking a review of Local Laws and we hope that they will prove effective.
City of Port Phillip,
Waterfront Place
Update on Fishermans Bend
The final version of the Fishermans Bend Vision was released in September 2016. The Vision has helped to inform the development of the Fishermans Bend Framework which is expected to be released in July 2017. The Framework is designed to guide planning and will include strategies for transport infrastructure (road, rail, trams, and road network), community infrastructure, public space, density, sustainability and activity centres. It will be finalised after community comment.
Precinct plans will then be prepared to reflect the fine grain detail.
The BCNA continues to have concerns about decision-making and funding for the redevelopment.
The project requires consistent decision making if the Vision is to be realised around 2050. Without consistency, investors and buyers will not have the certainty they require to make it worth their while to be involved. Similarly, the local community will not have confidence that the Vision can deliver benefits that they can share in. At present, decision making is complicated with decisions split between the Melbourne and Port Phillip Councils, the Victorian Government and VCAT (when there are disputes). Co-ordination and decision making is slower than if one organisation was responsible for all decisions.
There is no agreed funding. This means each Council and the Victorian Government must seek funds through their normal budget processes. Inevitably this means delays. The BCNA and South Port Urban Responsible Renewal (SPURR), an umbrella group representing 49 local organisations, has advocated on these issues and will continue to do so.
To date 6,594 residential dwellings have been approved with permit applications for a further 7,070 dwellings. There have been no applications for commercial developments.
Precinct plans will then be prepared to reflect the fine grain detail.
The BCNA continues to have concerns about decision-making and funding for the redevelopment.
The project requires consistent decision making if the Vision is to be realised around 2050. Without consistency, investors and buyers will not have the certainty they require to make it worth their while to be involved. Similarly, the local community will not have confidence that the Vision can deliver benefits that they can share in. At present, decision making is complicated with decisions split between the Melbourne and Port Phillip Councils, the Victorian Government and VCAT (when there are disputes). Co-ordination and decision making is slower than if one organisation was responsible for all decisions.
There is no agreed funding. This means each Council and the Victorian Government must seek funds through their normal budget processes. Inevitably this means delays. The BCNA and South Port Urban Responsible Renewal (SPURR), an umbrella group representing 49 local organisations, has advocated on these issues and will continue to do so.
To date 6,594 residential dwellings have been approved with permit applications for a further 7,070 dwellings. There have been no applications for commercial developments.
Fishermans Bend
Monday, 29 May 2017
Beach Street Queuing Lane Update
The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) is about to commence construction of the Beach Street Separated Queuing Lane. Works have been delayed to accommodate the cruise shipping season, which has now finished for winter.
Works on the queuing lane will commence on 30 May 2017 and are scheduled for completion by the end of August 2017 weather permitting.
The scope of works include:
As part of the works, three light poles will be replaced along Beach Street. CitiPower has advised there will not be any disruptions to your power and temporary lighting will be installed during the replacement works.
For more information please visit the project web page.
Works on the queuing lane will commence on 30 May 2017 and are scheduled for completion by the end of August 2017 weather permitting.
The scope of works include:
- creating a Station Pier lane along Beach Street, from Bay Street to the roundabout that will separate queuing traffic at cruise ship times
- the works will be contained within the existing road space. Angle parking on foreshore side of Beach Street will be reconfigured to parallel parking to make room for the Station Pier lane
- adding a lane to the roundabout to create a lane that goes straight through to Station Pier along with a right turn lane, effectively removing congestion from the roundabout
- creating an on-road bike lane in both directions on Beach Street, between Bay Street and the roundabout
As part of the works, three light poles will be replaced along Beach Street. CitiPower has advised there will not be any disruptions to your power and temporary lighting will be installed during the replacement works.
For more information please visit the project web page.
Princes Street Roundabout,
Station Pier
Wednesday, 26 April 2017
Our Latest Newsletter is Out
Volunteers are currently dropping copies of our newsletter in mailboxes throughout Beacon Cove. It covers a number of topics including:
- Update on 1-7 Waterfront Place
- Beacon Cove Foodstore Redevelopment
- London Hotel Redevelopment
- Air Quality Monitoring at Station Pier
- Beacon Cove Covenants
- City of Port Phillip (CoPP) Strategic Planning and Budget
- BCNA Social Events
Council Plan 2017-27
The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) are inviting the community to 'have your say' on the Draft Council Plan 2017-27 including Budget 2017/18.
Respondents have the option of providing comments via the online form or by uploading a written submission to this web page.
There will also be a drop in session between 11am and 2pm on Saturday 6 May at the Port Melbourne Town Hall, 333 Bay Street.
All submissions must be received by 5pm on Friday 19 May 2017.
Respondents have the option of providing comments via the online form or by uploading a written submission to this web page.
There will also be a drop in session between 11am and 2pm on Saturday 6 May at the Port Melbourne Town Hall, 333 Bay Street.
All submissions must be received by 5pm on Friday 19 May 2017.
City of Port Phillip
Walkspot: How Safe Do You Feel Walking?
The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) has alerted us to the following survey about the safety of the pedestrian network, eg footpaths, walking paths, streets, etc. So far there only seems to be two comments about the Beacon Cove area. If you'd like to add your comments or suggestions go to this web page.
City of Port Phillip,
Wednesday, 19 April 2017
VICT & Albert Park College Community Day - Saturday 22 April
Please come and join the students and staff of Albert Park College along with Victoria International Container Terminal (VICT) to help both organisations recognise and celebrate their community partnership.
10am-2pm, Saturday 22 April 2017
Princes Pier
The ‘Painting the Docks’ exhibition was inspired by the new terminal opening at Webb Dock East and will showcase the artworks of Year 7, 8, 9 & 10 students under the mentorship of celebrated local artist, Julian Twigg.
Free bus tours of the new automated container terminal will leave approximately every 30 minutes from Princes Pier. (Please register your interest upon arrival to ensure you get a spot on a tour.)
Sausage sizzle provided by VICT and Port Melbourne Rotary plus coffee cart available.
More details on the flyer.
10am-2pm, Saturday 22 April 2017
Princes Pier
The ‘Painting the Docks’ exhibition was inspired by the new terminal opening at Webb Dock East and will showcase the artworks of Year 7, 8, 9 & 10 students under the mentorship of celebrated local artist, Julian Twigg.
Free bus tours of the new automated container terminal will leave approximately every 30 minutes from Princes Pier. (Please register your interest upon arrival to ensure you get a spot on a tour.)
Sausage sizzle provided by VICT and Port Melbourne Rotary plus coffee cart available.
More details on the flyer.
Port of Melbourne,
Princes Pier,
Monday, 17 April 2017
Picnic in the Park - Sunday 30 April
The City of Port Phillip, through its Vibrant Villages Partnership, is sponsoring a picnic in Garden City Reserve on Sunday 30th April, between 2 and 4 pm. It will be held near the Trugo Club. The event is supported by community organisations including Port People and BCNA.
There will be attractions for children such as free kids’ footy and cricket clinics, face painting, and environmental talks about local animals and plants. A swing band will be playing. Free pizza and cupcakes for early arrivers.
There will be attractions for children such as free kids’ footy and cricket clinics, face painting, and environmental talks about local animals and plants. A swing band will be playing. Free pizza and cupcakes for early arrivers.
City of Port Phillip
Westgate Park – Past, Present and Future
From BCNA Committee member Richard Nowotny:
Westgate Park nestles in the eastern sweep of the Westgate Bridge, a green oasis in industrial Fishermans Bend.
Formerly a natural salt-marsh, then sand mine, rubbish tip and WWII airfield, it has been rehabilitated over recent decades by a dedicated group of urban renovators, the Friends of Westgate Park, into an award-winning nature space for wildlife, walkers, cyclists, bird-watchers and picnic groups.
And, with the nearby industrial area slated for transformation into four new suburbs comprising the Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area, Westgate Park, situated on its western boundary, is to be expanded and developed to meet some of the recreational and aesthetic needs of a residential population estimated at 80,000 by 2050.
According to the early Draft Masterplan for Westgate Park, its expansion is to be achieved by incorporating the current go-cart land into the park, as a recreational oval connected to the present park by a pedestrian bridge over Todd Rd, with enhancement of overall park amenities and facilities to meet a range of community needs.
Already three parcels of former port land have been added to the park, which will, along with the go-cart land, ultimately more than double the original size of the park.
Residents of Beacon Cove can watch this transformation taking place on their northern fringe while availing themselves of the beauty, tranquillity and recreational opportunities that the park provides.
Westgate Park nestles in the eastern sweep of the Westgate Bridge, a green oasis in industrial Fishermans Bend.
Formerly a natural salt-marsh, then sand mine, rubbish tip and WWII airfield, it has been rehabilitated over recent decades by a dedicated group of urban renovators, the Friends of Westgate Park, into an award-winning nature space for wildlife, walkers, cyclists, bird-watchers and picnic groups.
And, with the nearby industrial area slated for transformation into four new suburbs comprising the Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area, Westgate Park, situated on its western boundary, is to be expanded and developed to meet some of the recreational and aesthetic needs of a residential population estimated at 80,000 by 2050.
According to the early Draft Masterplan for Westgate Park, its expansion is to be achieved by incorporating the current go-cart land into the park, as a recreational oval connected to the present park by a pedestrian bridge over Todd Rd, with enhancement of overall park amenities and facilities to meet a range of community needs.
Already three parcels of former port land have been added to the park, which will, along with the go-cart land, ultimately more than double the original size of the park.
Residents of Beacon Cove can watch this transformation taking place on their northern fringe while availing themselves of the beauty, tranquillity and recreational opportunities that the park provides.
Saturday, 8 April 2017
Sunday 9 April Piers Festival - Change of Venue
Please note that due to predicted inclement weather this Sunday's Multicultural Arts Victoria Piers Festival will not be held on Princes Pier.
It will now be held at South Melbourne Town Hall, 208-220 Bank Street, South Melbourne.
More details are available at
It will now be held at South Melbourne Town Hall, 208-220 Bank Street, South Melbourne.
More details are available at
Princes Pier
Wednesday, 22 March 2017
Temporary Closure of Todd Road Shared Pathway - 23-25 March
A section of shared bike and pedestrian path on the west side of Todd Rd between Williamstown Road and Perc White Reserve will be closed from 7am Thursday 23 March 2017 to 7am Saturday 25 March 2017.
More details are on this flyer.
More details are on this flyer.
Port of Melbourne
Princes Street Storm Water Drain
Heavy rains in late December and January highlighted problems with this drain. Storm water discharges directly onto Port Melbourne beach and a large area was covered by a very smelly and unsightly scum. This constitutes a health hazard and there is inadequate signage by the EPA alerting beach users and swimmers to the dangers. It also provides a poor image to tourists and visitors.
The BCNA has contacted the EPA and met our Gateway Ward councillors to discuss the health hazards and to reaffirm that a drain upgrade is needed. Follow up meetings are planned. The drain is the responsibility of Melbourne Water. A re-alignment was agreed with Melbourne Water in 2006 that would take the storm water further out into the bay. Unfortunately, this work has not been given priority.
The BCNA has contacted the EPA and met our Gateway Ward councillors to discuss the health hazards and to reaffirm that a drain upgrade is needed. Follow up meetings are planned. The drain is the responsibility of Melbourne Water. A re-alignment was agreed with Melbourne Water in 2006 that would take the storm water further out into the bay. Unfortunately, this work has not been given priority.
Princes Street Storm Water Drain
Update on Fishermans Bend
The Fishermans Bend Taskforce now plans to release the revised Fishermans Bend Strategic Framework Plan mid-year 2017. This document will provide details on an overarching strategy to guide such things as the future development of transport, schools, community and utilities infrastructure and public space. Further details on the work of the Taskforce can be accessed at
Planning applications continue to be considered by the City of Melbourne and City of Port Phillip as well as the Minister for Planning. So far 25 major developments have been approved comprising 6,437 dwellings. 21 major developments are pending comprising 6,080 dwellings.
Planning applications continue to be considered by the City of Melbourne and City of Port Phillip as well as the Minister for Planning. So far 25 major developments have been approved comprising 6,437 dwellings. 21 major developments are pending comprising 6,080 dwellings.
City of Port Phillip,
Fishermans Bend
Saturday, 18 March 2017
London Hotel Redevelopment
The existing building is now being demolished in readiness for a new development. The owner has submitted a revised application (1220/2016) and this is being assessed by City of Port Phillip (CoPP) Planning Department. No details are publicly available.
The original application was refused by VCAT in 2016. While VCAT supported the type of development they found that the height would cause overshadowing of the foreshore, providing no net benefit to the community.
The original application was refused by VCAT in 2016. While VCAT supported the type of development they found that the height would cause overshadowing of the foreshore, providing no net benefit to the community.
BCNA Budget Submissions to Council
Each year BCNA makes a submission to the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) for their consideration in developing the Council’s budget for the upcoming financial year.
In 2016/17 we were successful in achieving:
In 2016/17 we were successful in achieving:
- Bike trail lighting – eighty new public lighting poles and LED luminaries between Beach St and Boundary St, Port Melbourne have now been installed, making for increased safety for pedestrians and cyclists.
- Safety on the Promenade – the CoPP has completed a feasibility study on potential ramps along the Promenade between Station and Princes Piers. For cost reasons, there are no current plans to construct ramps. However, our request for handrails on the steps between the piers has been granted, and they will be installed by the end of the year. Whilst this is not a solution to separation of the paths, the handrails will improve safety for pedestrians.
- Graffiti removal – increased resources for preventative strategies and quick removal of areas affected by graffiti.
- Princes Street storm water drain – collaboration with the EPA to develop and install improved signage regarding poor water quality, particularly in the pond at the mouth of the drain. An upgrade of the drain in the longer term.
- 1-7 Waterfront Place – pending longer-term redevelopment of the site, action to ensure a clean up of the site.
- Waterfront Place/Station Pier toilet facility – resources to fund a street level accessible toilet in the Waterfront Place area.
Wednesday, 15 March 2017
Port Melbourne Community Carnival - Saturday 18 March
Port Melbourne Neighbourhood Centre will be holding its biggest event of the year - the Port Melbourne Community Carnival 2017 which will take place on Saturday 18th March from 12 to 4 pm, on Liardet St, between Lalor and Nott Sts.
The theme for this year is Port Melbourne Unmasked - Uncovering the Heart of Port Melbourne, which aims to explore and celebrate the essence of this resilient community. People who are coming to the carnival will have the opportunity to be involved in a series of drop-in style workshops. These are always highly popular with children and families. This year the main workshop will be creating masks using recycled materials. The masks will then be worn in the 'Port Melbourne Unmasked Parade', allowing the artwork and creators to be cheered by the crowd.
More details can be found at
The theme for this year is Port Melbourne Unmasked - Uncovering the Heart of Port Melbourne, which aims to explore and celebrate the essence of this resilient community. People who are coming to the carnival will have the opportunity to be involved in a series of drop-in style workshops. These are always highly popular with children and families. This year the main workshop will be creating masks using recycled materials. The masks will then be worn in the 'Port Melbourne Unmasked Parade', allowing the artwork and creators to be cheered by the crowd.
More details can be found at
Piers Festival - Sunday 9 April
The annual free Piers Festival features a vibrant mix of artists and cultures, iconic sounds, new collaborations, music, dance and activities for all ages with headline acts Joe Camilleri & the Black Sorrows, the Core-tet, Oi Dipnoi, the haBiBis, Mojo Juju & the Samoan Choir.
MC Anna GoGo will get you go-go-ing, and DJ PAZ will fill the sea breeze with carnival beats at this FREE festival for the whole family.
Enjoy the festive interactive atmosphere of the Landing, with displays, performances and activities curated by various active cultural groups from Victoria: Latin Stories Australia & Casa Cultura; the Ukrainian Association of Geelong; the African Australian Small Business Association; the Shepparton Sikhs Association; Moreland Turkish Association; and more.
Enjoy traditional beverage samples, Pysanka Easter egg decorating, turban tying, art and craft and musical performances including Ismail Metin from the Yunus Emre Centre with martial arts displays.
More details can be found at
Princes Pier
Port of Melbourne Boat Tour - Sunday 30 April
There’s no better way to see the Port of Melbourne than on one of the free Port of Melbourne Open Day boat tours. The last one for the season will be on Sunday 30 April.
For more information, go to
For more information, go to
Port of Melbourne
Friday, 3 March 2017
1-7 Waterfront Place – Plans Advertised
As some may know, plans for development of 1-7 Waterfront Place have been advertised on the City of Port Phillip’s (CoPP) website. The application is for a permit for “Construction of a 10-storey mixed use building over two basement levels containing 175 dwellings and two retail premises of 355 square metres and a reduction in car parking requirements”.
Details of the application including plans and detailed documents (including the developers responses to the Council’s initial objections) can be viewed on the CoPP website. Unfortunately the design of this part of the CoPP website means that we can’t provide a direct link to the relevant page. As a result you’ll need to take the following steps to access the information. Firstly go to this page and select “Let’s get started!”. Then select “Resident” then “Planning and building” then “Object to or Support a Planning Permit” then go to the bottom of the list, select “New Search”, and enter 989/2016 in the box under “Application Number” and then (finally!) click “Search”. I’m sorry I can’t make it any easier – that’s the easiest way I’ve found to get there.
The BCNA Committee would like to see the site developed and used for the benefit of the community. However, BCNA has concerns about the current plans. The plans do not conform to covenants varied by VCAT in its decision of 15 January 2015. This means that the proposed building is bulkier than it should be and reduces sunlight on the site and beyond. The plans do not conform to Design and Development Overlay 23 of the Port Phillip Planning Scheme which means the building will be bulkier at higher levels and this will influence sunlight and shadows on the site and on the bike path, footpath and foreshore. The proposal does not minimise overshadowing at the winter solstice as required by Design and Development Overlay 23.
We encourage residents to look at the plans and respond directly to Council. Please also let us know your views at so that we can better represent our members in discussions with Council. Council has indicated that they will not decide on the application before 6 March 2017.
Details of the application including plans and detailed documents (including the developers responses to the Council’s initial objections) can be viewed on the CoPP website. Unfortunately the design of this part of the CoPP website means that we can’t provide a direct link to the relevant page. As a result you’ll need to take the following steps to access the information. Firstly go to this page and select “Let’s get started!”. Then select “Resident” then “Planning and building” then “Object to or Support a Planning Permit” then go to the bottom of the list, select “New Search”, and enter 989/2016 in the box under “Application Number” and then (finally!) click “Search”. I’m sorry I can’t make it any easier – that’s the easiest way I’ve found to get there.
The BCNA Committee would like to see the site developed and used for the benefit of the community. However, BCNA has concerns about the current plans. The plans do not conform to covenants varied by VCAT in its decision of 15 January 2015. This means that the proposed building is bulkier than it should be and reduces sunlight on the site and beyond. The plans do not conform to Design and Development Overlay 23 of the Port Phillip Planning Scheme which means the building will be bulkier at higher levels and this will influence sunlight and shadows on the site and on the bike path, footpath and foreshore. The proposal does not minimise overshadowing at the winter solstice as required by Design and Development Overlay 23.
We encourage residents to look at the plans and respond directly to Council. Please also let us know your views at so that we can better represent our members in discussions with Council. Council has indicated that they will not decide on the application before 6 March 2017.
City of Port Phillip,
Station Pier,
Waterfront Place
Clean Up Australia Day Beach Patrol - Sunday 5 March
This month's 3207 Beach Patrol regular monthly clean coincides with Clean Up Australia Day. Both new and long-time members are welcome come along.
When: 9-10am, Sunday 5 March
Where: Port Melbourne Beach - meet opposite The London/Mr Lawrence with coffee afterwards at Cafe Grumento.
If you want something to print and put up on your fridge to remind you, you can download a flyer here.
When: 9-10am, Sunday 5 March
Where: Port Melbourne Beach - meet opposite The London/Mr Lawrence with coffee afterwards at Cafe Grumento.
If you want something to print and put up on your fridge to remind you, you can download a flyer here.
Tuesday, 28 February 2017
Meeting with Ward Councillors next Monday (6 March)
Port People ( have arranged a meeting with our Gateway Ward Councillors – Bernadene Voss, Ogy Simic, and Marcus Pearl – next Monday evening.
They have been in place for just over three months now, and it will be a good time to hear how they’re finding the new three Ward, nine Councillor system.
Date: Monday 6 March
Time: 7:30pm
Venue: Sandridge Community Centre and Trugo Club, 1 Tucker Avenue, Garden City
They have been in place for just over three months now, and it will be a good time to hear how they’re finding the new three Ward, nine Councillor system.
Date: Monday 6 March
Time: 7:30pm
Venue: Sandridge Community Centre and Trugo Club, 1 Tucker Avenue, Garden City
City of Port Phillip
Sunday, 5 February 2017
Free Town Hall History Tours
More free town hall history tours will be run by ex-councillor and Waterfront Welcomer Russel Griffiths. You can discover Port Melbourne Town Hall’s history, hear personal stories from a former councillor, see inside the Council Chambers and see where the historic plaques are housed.
They start at the Port Melbourne Town Hall at 333 Bay Street Port Melbourne.
Tours will be held at 10am and 11am on the following days:
Tuesday 7 February
Wednesday 22 February
Tours are free but bookings are appreciated at or 0459 988 353.
They start at the Port Melbourne Town Hall at 333 Bay Street Port Melbourne.
Tours will be held at 10am and 11am on the following days:
Tuesday 7 February
Wednesday 22 February
Tours are free but bookings are appreciated at or 0459 988 353.
Community Film Night - Thursday 16 February
BeachPatrol Australia and Inner South Community health are hosting a community film night to raise awareness about the local marine environment and the detrimental impact of plastic litter pollution. The night includes a Q&A with the producers of the films.
It will at 6:30-8:30pm on Thursday 16 February at Port Melbourne Town Hall.
More details can be found on this flyer.
It will at 6:30-8:30pm on Thursday 16 February at Port Melbourne Town Hall.
More details can be found on this flyer.
Council Plan - Community Survey
In addition to the workshops regarding their 2017 Council Plan, the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) has now added a community survey. This survey can be accessed here.
The survey closes on Sunday 26 February.
More details about the plan and associated consultation can be found at
The survey closes on Sunday 26 February.
More details about the plan and associated consultation can be found at
City of Port Phillip
Monday, 30 January 2017
Webb Dock Survey
The operator of Victoria International Container Terminal (the new container part of Webb Dock) would dearly love input from BCNA members on their views of the community engagement in the design and construction of the facility.
It can be accessed here.
The deadline for responding is midnight on Friday 3rd February (that's THIS Friday).
It can be accessed here.
The deadline for responding is midnight on Friday 3rd February (that's THIS Friday).
Port of Melbourne,
Webb Dock
Tuesday, 24 January 2017
Reminder - Waterfront Place Survey
Just reminding everyone that you are invited to have your say on the City of Port Phillip's (CoPP) design guidelines and public realm concept design for the Waterfront Place Precinct.
The survey closes this Friday (17 Jan).
Waterfront Place and good design of the public realm is important for everyone. More details about the survey are here.
The survey closes this Friday (17 Jan).
Waterfront Place and good design of the public realm is important for everyone. More details about the survey are here.
City of Port Phillip,
Station Pier,
Waterfront Place
Saturday, 21 January 2017
What's On - Community Gardens, Walking, Tennis. Swimming, and Film Making
You may be interested that there are number of community gardens in Port Melbourne. For more details of them and how you may participate go to
Inner South Community Health (ISCH) runs the following walking groups which some residents may find interesting / worthwhile / fun / etc. More details can be found on this page.
As part of Melbourne Tennis Week, there will be free come and try cardio tennis sessions at JL Murphy Reserve on Tuesday 7 February. More details can be found here.
The Port Melbourne Icebergs meet at 8:30am on Saturdays - we have now put a link to their Facebook page in the Links to Useful Websites section on the right hand side of our home page.
ISCH also have a free short film making course starting soon. Learn how to make a film by working in small teams to bring a story to life. All films produced will be used to promote the various work that ISCH's Social Health and Inclusion Programme (SHIP) does. It runs on Fridays for 11 weeks beginning 10th February at the Port Melbourne Trugo Club. For more information or to book your place, contact Sally Rossiter on 9525 1300 or email
Inner South Community Health (ISCH) runs the following walking groups which some residents may find interesting / worthwhile / fun / etc. More details can be found on this page.
As part of Melbourne Tennis Week, there will be free come and try cardio tennis sessions at JL Murphy Reserve on Tuesday 7 February. More details can be found here.
The Port Melbourne Icebergs meet at 8:30am on Saturdays - we have now put a link to their Facebook page in the Links to Useful Websites section on the right hand side of our home page.
ISCH also have a free short film making course starting soon. Learn how to make a film by working in small teams to bring a story to life. All films produced will be used to promote the various work that ISCH's Social Health and Inclusion Programme (SHIP) does. It runs on Fridays for 11 weeks beginning 10th February at the Port Melbourne Trugo Club. For more information or to book your place, contact Sally Rossiter on 9525 1300 or email
Council Plan - Workshops
The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) are holding evening workshops in February across four key topics which are important elements of their new Council Plan 2017-2027. They are seeking a representative cross-section of our community in these workshops.
There will be some pre reading involved for participants prior to the workshop which CoPP will provide by email. CoPP will provide a $50 voucher to offset expenses, like transport costs and care arrangements, to enable people to participate. A light meal will also be provided. An online forum will also be hosted for anyone who can’t attend.
The following key topics will be discussed:
Water: Tuesday 7 February, 6-9pm
Diversity and inclusion: Thursday 9 February, 6-9pm
Waste management: Tuesday 14 February, 6-9pm
Transport and parking: Thursday 16 February, 6-9pm
Register your interest by Sunday 29 January 2017 at Spaces are limited. They will contact you towards the end of January to confirm your participation in the workshops and will endeavour to offer you a place for your preferred topic.
Workshop participants will also be invited to attend a Findings Forum on Thursday 23 February, 6-9pm to discuss the outcomes and recommendations from all the workshops.
There will be some pre reading involved for participants prior to the workshop which CoPP will provide by email. CoPP will provide a $50 voucher to offset expenses, like transport costs and care arrangements, to enable people to participate. A light meal will also be provided. An online forum will also be hosted for anyone who can’t attend.
The following key topics will be discussed:
Water: Tuesday 7 February, 6-9pm
Diversity and inclusion: Thursday 9 February, 6-9pm
Waste management: Tuesday 14 February, 6-9pm
Transport and parking: Thursday 16 February, 6-9pm
Register your interest by Sunday 29 January 2017 at Spaces are limited. They will contact you towards the end of January to confirm your participation in the workshops and will endeavour to offer you a place for your preferred topic.
Workshop participants will also be invited to attend a Findings Forum on Thursday 23 February, 6-9pm to discuss the outcomes and recommendations from all the workshops.
City of Port Phillip
Community Grants
The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) Community Grants program aims to work together with funded groups and organisations to meet identified community needs, support local networks, promote and encourage participation in community life, facilitate innovation and promote access, inclusion and acceptance of diversity.
The 2017-18 Community Grants Applications Forms and Guidelines are now available for preview. For more information go to
The 2017-18 Community Grants Applications Forms and Guidelines are now available for preview. For more information go to
City of Port Phillip
Saturday, 7 January 2017
Blessing of the Waters - Sunday 8 Jan, Princes Pier
Sorry for the late notice but it's only just come to my attention that this is on THIS WEEKEND.
The Blessing of the Waters Greek Orthodox ceremony takes place on Sunday the 8th of January 2017 commencing at 1pm and will be followed by music, dancing and activities for children until late afternoon. Also, food and drink will be available at the Pier together with a variety of other stalls.
The Blessing of the Waters at Port Melbourne is a combined celebration for all Parishes in Melbourne celebrated by His Grace Bishop Ezekiel of Dervis together with all the Clergy of Melbourne.
The promise of a year's good fortune enticed scores of young Greek Orthodox men to try their luck in the annual Blessing of the Waters Ceremony. The ritual commemorates Christ's baptism in the River Jordan, termed the Epiphany by St. John Chryssostom (from the Greek word for 'manifestation', 'epifaniea'). The ceremony of Theofania, following Epiphany Day, culminated in Bishop Ezekiel of Dervis tossing the wooden cross into the bay. Epiphany, the 12th day after Christmas, celebrates the visit of the three kings or wise men to the Christ Child, signifying the extension of salvation to the Gentiles.
The Blessing of the Waters Greek Orthodox ceremony takes place on Sunday the 8th of January 2017 commencing at 1pm and will be followed by music, dancing and activities for children until late afternoon. Also, food and drink will be available at the Pier together with a variety of other stalls.
The Blessing of the Waters at Port Melbourne is a combined celebration for all Parishes in Melbourne celebrated by His Grace Bishop Ezekiel of Dervis together with all the Clergy of Melbourne.
The promise of a year's good fortune enticed scores of young Greek Orthodox men to try their luck in the annual Blessing of the Waters Ceremony. The ritual commemorates Christ's baptism in the River Jordan, termed the Epiphany by St. John Chryssostom (from the Greek word for 'manifestation', 'epifaniea'). The ceremony of Theofania, following Epiphany Day, culminated in Bishop Ezekiel of Dervis tossing the wooden cross into the bay. Epiphany, the 12th day after Christmas, celebrates the visit of the three kings or wise men to the Christ Child, signifying the extension of salvation to the Gentiles.
Princes Pier
Survey on Outdoor Exercise
The Social Health and Inclusion Port (SHIP) project (part of the Inner South Community Health Service, are looking into offering a series of short outdoor community exercise classes at a beginner level for people to try in early 2017. Let them know what you would like to see available in Port Melbourne by completing their short survey. Depending on community interest, classes will run between February and April 2017.
Westgate Park Health Walk
I've been alerted to this by the SHIP project.
Victoria Walks are this month featuring a walk around Westgate Park. Located just off Todd Road, this walk provides the some stunning scenery, including waterways, abundant bird life and different indigenous plants. Details here.
Victoria Walks are this month featuring a walk around Westgate Park. Located just off Todd Road, this walk provides the some stunning scenery, including waterways, abundant bird life and different indigenous plants. Details here.