Events for your Diary

  • Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner

  • April
  • Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall

  • May
  • Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon
  • Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
  • Latest News

    You can use the search options at lower right to find specific items.

    Monday, 21 November 2016

    BCNA and Port People Host Air Quality Study

    The Victorian Ports Corporation has been monitoring air quality at Station Pier since January 2016. To help interpret the results, Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPAV) has suggested a citizen science project. The idea is that the collection of additional information such as smell, wind direction and photos can help in the interpretation of the data collected at the monitoring station. The BCNA has now developed an air quality study with EPAV and, with Port People, are seeking volunteers to record data. We particularly want volunteers from households or businesses who occasionally or regularly experience smells that are likely to come from shipping emissions at Station Pier or Webb Dock.

    If you are interested in participating, an information sheet explaining the project can be downloaded here.

    A diary has been prepared in which you can record information for this study. It can be completed either electronically (preferred) using this spreadsheet or completed by hand using this form. Diary entries will need to be emailed or posted back to us each month (details on how to do this are on each form).

    A report will be prepared at the conclusion of the project and made available to the community.

    BCNA President's Report 2016

    Last week's AGM of the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association was well attended and had a number of interesting presentations from VICT (the operator of the new Webb Dock container terminal), our local state MP, Martin Foley, and the new CoPP councillor for Gateway Ward, Marcus Pearl.

    The report from the President, Eddie Micallef, can be downloaded here.

    City of Port Phillip - Open Spaces

    We have received the following news from the Council about local open spaces:

    JL Murphy Reserve (the big park over Williamstown Road) - they are seeking your input to inform a concept design for the play space. Help them out by completing a short survey or come down to the Port Melbourne Primary School Fete on Sunday 27 November at 1:00pm to chat with the team.

    Centenary Reserve has been upgraded with new equipment, facilities, landscaping and even a bright orange Ping Pong table.

    Latest City of Port Phillip CEO Report

    The latest report from the CEO of the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) can be downloaded here.

    Tuesday, 15 November 2016

    Westgate Freeway Ramp Closures - 18 November to 16 December

    Those of you who enter or exit the Westgate Freeway/Citylink will probably be aware of the works currently being done on both Cook Street (between Todd Road and the eastbound entry/exit from the freeway) and on the westbound entry ramp from Todd Road (the one with the very sharp left hand turn).

    It seems that the final stages of this work (expected to be finished by the end of December) will require night (7pm-5am) closures of these roads for profiling, asphalt wearing course and linemarking. Prohasky Street does not seem to be affected by the closures.

    Details of the road closures and associated detours (which are rather complex) can be downloaded here.  Allow extra time for the detours or just use Prohasky Street and/or Montague Street rather than Todd Road during this period.

    In summary, the closures are:
    • 19-29 November - Cook Street (one carriageway at a time)
    • 27 November to 5 December - westbound (to Geelong) entry ramp from Todd Road
    • 4-15 December - eastbound (from Geelong) exit from freeway
    If you have any questions or concerns about the works, please contact Mark Davies, Project Manager, BMD Constructions on 0414 613 338 or email

    Wednesday, 9 November 2016

    Port Melbourne History Tours

    Thanks to Port People (, we have been alerted to the following:

    Port Melbourne Town Hall tours
    • These will be run by ex-councillor and Waterfront Welcomer Russel Griffiths 
    • Tours run every half hour between 10am and 12 noon on Friday 11th November and Wednesday 16th November 
    • RSVP or 0459 988 353
    Multimedia exhibition stories of Fishermans Bend and Port Melbourne
    • Port Melbourne Library Corridor Gallery, 333 Bay Street Port Melbourne
    • This free exhibition runs to 17th November 2016
    More details can be downloaded here.

    Friday, 4 November 2016

    Our Latest Newsletter is Out

    Over the last few weeks volunteers dropped copies of our newsletter in mailboxes throughout Beacon Cove. It covers a number of topics including:
    • House of World Cultures proposal for Princes Pier
    • Waterfront Place and Station Pier - Precinct Design Guidelines
    • Air Quality Monitoring at Station Pier
    • Fishermans Bend - Release of Fishermans Bend Vision
    • Outcome of BCNA submission to the 2016-17 City of Port Phillip Budget
    • Beacon Cove Foodstore Redevelopment
    • Redevelopment of the London Hotel site
    • Next BCNA Neighbourhood Dinner
    For those who would like an electronic copy, it can be downloaded here.

    Thursday, 3 November 2016

    Fishermans Bend - New Consultation

    The State Government has moved to the next phase of the planning of the future of Fishermans Bend with the development of a draft framework for the four neighbourhoods and the employment precinct.

    Your feedback on liveability, community facilities and services, and public space will help them shape the draft framework, which will be released for further consultation in early 2017.

    To do this you can attend the community workshop on:
    Wednesday 23 November 2016, from 7pm to 9pm
    North Port Oval – Sandridge Room, 541 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne

    Spaces are limited so please register your attendance at by 16 November 2016.

    They will also be holding the following drop in sessions where you can find out more about the project and provide your feedback directly to the Fishermans Bend Taskforce:
    • Wednesday 16 November, 10am to 12 noon
      Life Saving Victoria State Centre, Perce White Reserve, 200 The Boulevarde, Port Melbourne
    • Wednesday 23 November, 1pm to 3pm
      North Port Oval – Sandridge Room, 541 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne
    • Sunday 20 November, 1pm to 4pm
      North Port Oval – Sandridge Room, 541 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne
    • Sunday 27 November, 1pm to 4pm
      Port Melbourne Primary School Fete, 415 Graham Street, Port Melbourne
    If you want to stay up to date with Fishermans Bend’s progress email