Events for your Diary

  • Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner

  • April
  • Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall

  • May
  • Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon
  • Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
  • Latest News

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    Thursday, 30 June 2016

    Beach Street Queuing Lane Update

    We have received the following update from the City of Port Phillip:

    What's happened so far?

    In December 2015, four options to reduce traffic congestion were presented to Council. The options were tested throughout December 2015 – February 2016 to determine their effectiveness in reducing congestion. Traffic modelling showed the Queuing Lane option addressed congestion for the majority of peak hour, with the exception of 10 minutes between 7 am - 8 am, where traffic will be delayed by approximately eight minutes.

    Council Officers have been working with Civil and Traffic Engineer consultants to design a queuing lane in more detail. 

    Subject to a successful tenderer being able to deliver within a six week timeframe, and budget constraints, the redesigned Beach Street Queuing Lane could be completed this calendar year. Alternatively, the construction could commence in May 2017 to accommodate the cruise ship season.

    Where to next? 

    On 28 June 2016, Council will make a decision on the refined design of the Beach Street Queuing Lane. Subject to Council endorsement, a public tender process for construction will be undertaken. The revised Queuing Lane design will be made available following the Council meeting. The scope of works will include:
    • Creating a Station Pier lane along Beach Street from Bay Street to the roundabout that will hold queuing traffic at cruise ship times 
    • Utilising the existing pavement space on the foreshore side of Beach Street by altering most of the angle parking to become parallel parking, to make room for the Station Pier lane
    • Adding a lane to the roundabout to create a lane that goes straight through to Station Pier and a one right turn lane, effectively removing congestion from the roundabout
    • Creating an on-road bike lane in both directions on Beach Street
    The Council Report is available to view on Council's website at

    For more information, please go to

    BCNA support for Beach Patrol

    The BCNA has provided a grant of $300 to Beach Patrol. Beach Patrol began in 2009 in Albert Park and the second group, Port Melbourne, started in 2010. The BCNA also provided a grant to Beach Patrol in 2011. Today Beach Patrol has 21 groups and over 1700 volunteers around Melbourne.

    From time to time the BCNA is able to provide small grants to local organisations. We do this where the objectives of the recipient organization are aligned with those of the BCNA. We have asked Beach Patrol to direct the BCNA grant to Port Melbourne and Sandridge beaches. Further information on Beach Patrol can be found at

    Open House Weekend 30-31 July - Port Tours

    The city’s hidden spaces will be open to the public for Open House Melbourne during July and the Port of Melbourne is once again joining the show over the weekend 30-31 July.

    They are offering free boat tours of major port facilities including Victoria Dock, Appleton Dock and Australia’s busiest container terminal, Swanson Dock. Featuring a guided commentary from friendly port staff, don’t miss this opportunity to see Melbourne’s working port up close.

    Like most Open House events, port tours will be filled on a first-come, first served basis, with no advance bookings taken. For more details visit the Port of Melbourne open house web page.

    Monday, 20 June 2016

    Candidates Forum for Federal Election - THIS THURSDAY (23 June)

    South Port Urban Responsible Renewal (SPURR,, a collective of 43 local community and business associations (including the BCNA) has arranged a forum of the candidates in our electorate (Melbourne Ports) for the forthcoming Federal Election.

    You are welcome to attend this forum which will be held on
    Thursday 23rd June from 7:00 to 8:30pm
    The Port Melbourne Cricket Ground (North Port Oval)
    525 Williamstown Rd, Port Melbourne
    (Entry from Ingles St)

    The format will be an opening statement (6 minutes) from each candidate outlining their policy priorities, followed by questions from the floor.  The last 15 minutes will be an opportunity for each candidate to make a 2 minute closing statement.

    For more information, contact Rowan Groves on 9646 3687 or 0458 623 570.

    Community Invesment Grants

    Victoria International Container Terminals (VICT), the operators of Webb Dock, have a Community Investment Fund grants programme.  This year, fourteen organisations working with young people in Port Phillip and in Hobsons Bay will each receive a grant of up to $20,000.

    A press release with details of the recipients of this year's grants can be downloaded here.

    Sunday, 19 June 2016

    Fishermand Bend Vision Public Conversation

    Join the Minister for Planning, the Hon Richard Wynne and a panel of industry experts in a public conversation to shape the 2050 vision for Fishermans Bend.

    It will be held on Thursday 30 June at Zinc, Federation Square from 6.30pm - 8.30pm (Doors open at 6.00pm)

    Panellists include:
    Chris Riddell, Melbourne futurist and global emerging trend commentator
    Kate Roffey, Kontakt Strategic Advisory and former CEO Committee for Melbourne
    John Stanley, Adjunct Professor, Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies, University of Sydney
    Tony Iuliano, Director of Industry, Colliers
    Sheryl Thai, Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2013 and CEO of The League of Extraordinary Women
    Dr Karl Braganza, Head of Climate Monitoring, Bureau of Meteorology
    Professor Rob Adams AM, Director of City Design, City of Melbourne
    Professor Billie Giles-Corti, Director of the Melbourne University School of Population Health
    Trudy-Ann King, Executive Director, Green Building Council of Australia
    Michael Trudgeon, Deputy Director of the Victorian Eco-Innovation Lab at Melbourne University

    Event MC: Deb Cameron, Former ABC Broadcaster

    Spaces are limited, so be sure to register here.

    Further information about the Vision can be found here.

    Tuesday, 14 June 2016

    Reminder - Todd Road Closed this weekend

    Don't forget that Todd Road will be closed this weekend (7pm Friday to 5am Monday) between the Life Saving Club and the freeway. The works will involve cutting out existing pavement and replacement with new asphalt.

    Full details are in the flyer which can be downloaded here.

    The latest update on current works at Webb Dock can be downloaded here.

    London Hotel - Historical Information

    Do you have any old photos, news stories, anecdotes, maps, plans, anything that would be useful in assessing the heritage value of The London Hotel on the corner of Beach and Princes Streets in Port Melbourne?

    The City of Port Phillip Council would welcome all available information relevant to the heritage assessment of the London Hotel. The heritage assessment will be undertaken by an external consultant and all information will be provided to them.

    Particularly where a site is being considered from a social and historical perspective, consultation during the assessment to obtain such information will be a crucial part of the process. The exact nature of this process will be determined by Council in partnership with the consultant.

    Please forward any relevant information (and encourage others to as well) to or contact Katrina Terjung (City of Port Phillip) on 9209 6439.

    Wednesday, 1 June 2016

    Help Shape the Future of Fishermans Bend

    A new plan for Fishermans Bend (Fishermans Bend Recast Vision) has been published and can be downloaded here. It is expected that by 2050 Fishermans Bend will be home to approximately 80,000 residents and provide employment for up to 60,000 people. The urban renewal of this area offers a city shaping opportunity of international significance.

    For more information on what is proposed or how your views can be heard go to

    From now to Friday 1 July 2016 you are invited to be involved and join the conversation on the Fishermans Bend Recast Vision either at or by attending one of the following information sessions:
    • Tuesday 31 May – 4pm to 7pm, The Dock, Docklands, 107-117 Victoria Harbour, Docklands
    • Saturday 4 June – 10am to 1pm, Near Neff Market Kitchen, South Melbourne Market
    • Tuesday 7 June – 10am  to 1pm, Boyd Community Centre, 207 City Road, Southbank,
    • Saturday 18 June –11am to 4pm, Fishermans Bend Community Centre, Cnr Dunstan Pde & Centre Ave, Garden City
    • Saturday 25 June – 10am to 1pm, Sidearm CafĂ© Gallery, 200 Normanby Road, South Melbourne
    • Monday 27 June – 10am to 1pm, Port Education Centre, 343-383 Lorimer St, Port Melbourne

    Todd Road Closure - 17-20 June

    As part of the Webb Dock works programme, the final temporary closure of Todd Road between West Gate Freeway west bound freeway entry ramp and north of the Life Saving driveway is scheduled from 7pm Friday 17th June to 5am Monday 20th June, detours will be in place as shown (below). This temporary closure will enable final road resurfacing works.

    More details of other Webb Dock works can be downloaded here.