Events for your Diary

  • Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner

  • April
  • Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall

  • May
  • Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon
  • Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
  • Latest News

    You can use the search options at lower right to find specific items.

    Tuesday, 24 November 2015

    Fishermans Bend Update

    Bill Fisher and Roger Joyce, two of our Committee members who have been closely following Fishermans Bend developments attended a South Port Urban Responsible Renewal (SPURR) meeting recently at which the Government's report was presented by the Chair of the Ministerial Advisory Committee.

    Their report can be downloaded here.

    Port Melbourne Primary School Fete

    This year's Port Melbourne Primary School Fete is on Sunday 29th November. Featuring market stalls, rides, food and live events make sure you pop along to support our local primary school!

    30th Birthday Celebrations for Westgate Park

    We've been informed that there will be a 30th Birthday Celebration for Westgate Park from 12-3pm on Saturday 5th December.

    • Arrive at 12 for a 12.30 start
    • All are invited to contribute to a discussion involving the people who created the Park and have been involved since then
    • Food & Refreshments
    • Tours of the Park - short or long - depending on your time and inclination
    • Stay as long as you like
    Free Parking in the public car park off Todd Rd, Port Melbourne or bring your bikes right in. Please RSVP to help them plan.

    Garden City Post Office 70th Birthday

    Did you know the Garden City Post Office is 70 years old?

    To celebrate they are throwing a 1945 party at the Centre Avenue village shops from 3-5pm on Saturday 5th December. Frock up and jitterbug to a Swing Band and enjoy an afternoon tea from the past!  No plastic containers in 1940s – so bring a saucepan for Chinese Takeaway!

    Webb Dock Activities

    The Port of Melbourne have just provided some more details about a new interactive Playscape in the Perce White Reserve, some comments on use of Maritime Cove and Webb Trail this summer, and a further update on what is happening with the Webb Dock roads.

    Details can be downloaded here.

    Wednesday, 11 November 2015

    Port People 10th Anniversary Celebration

    Port People is a like minded community organisation which the BCNA supports and with whom we often work (eg on the Fishermans Bend developments).  They are celebrating ten years of advocacy and activism on behalf of the Port Melbourne-Garden City-Beacon Cove community and we would like to congratulate them on that milestone.

    They are holding a gathering to celebrate this anniversary to which they have invited the BCNA.
      When:  5-7pm, Friday 11 December
      Where:  Sandridge Community Centre (Trugo Club), Tucker Avenue, Garden City 

    RSVP by 1 December - by email to, by phone to Judi on 9646 3687 (leave a short message), or by SMS/text to 0419 533 005.

    Port's Christmas Street Festival - 27 November

    The Port Melbourne Traders Association has sent us the following information about their Christmas event on 27 November from 5pm.

    The even will run on Bay Street from Thomas Dux down to the old Post Office (now Dominos) and will have:
    • All Port Phillip primary school choirs
    • The Melbourne singers of gospel 
    • Mike Brady 
    • Brass band 
    • Yarraville band 
    • Other bands and performers 
    • Buskers
    • Santa special ethnic dancers/musicians

    Sandridge Ward Councillor Bernadene Voss elected Mayor

    Beacon Cove residents may be interested to know that our local ward Councillor Bernadene Voss has been elected Mayor of the City of Port Phillip.  We congratulate Bernadene on this honour.

    Landscaping of Riverbank South of the Westgate Bridge

    The Port of Melbourne Corporation in their latest Webb Dock update (downloadable here) have highlighted this interesting information.

    The Friends of Westgate Park have started work landscaping a new area of the riverbank south of the Westgate Bridge which has just been opened up for public access. The work will also include a new west > east bike path linking the Punt to Todd Road’s new pathways. The Group celebrates its 30th  
    Anniversary next month which has seen the barren wasteland transformed into one of Melbourne’s most important ecological and recreational reserves.

    We look forward to seeing the end result!

    Thursday, 5 November 2015

    Todd Road Closure this Weekend

    This is just a reminder that Todd Road will be closed from 6pm this Friday night (6/11) until 5am Monday morning.  Due to this closure expect more trucks on Williamstown Road and some delays at the Williamstown Road / Todd Road intersection.

    More details can be downloaded here.

    Monday, 2 November 2015

    Queuing Lane for Spirit of Tasmania and Cruise Ships - Final Design - Call for Community Input

    Because of the traffic queues that can occur on Beach Street northbound approaching Station Pier during busy Spirit of Tasmania and cruise ship days the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) has initiated a project to investigate options to mitigate the problem. The BCNA has been involved with this process and previous opportunities for community consultation have been publicised on the BCNA website.

    Now we've reached the next stage.

    A final design approach has been proposed and can be checked out on this CoPP web page. This web page provides details of the proposal and outlines various methods by which you can submit your feedback to the Council. One of these is a drop in tent in the Waterfront Place area which will be manned between 10am and 1pm on Saturday 7 November. We encourage all residents to provide their feedback by one of the suggested methods.

    For more details on the project go to

    City of Port Phillip CEO Update

    The latest City of Port Phillip (CoPP) CEO update can be downloaded here.  It has further information about what's happening with the Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area (FBURA) and a brief comment about the ARTcontained display at Station Pier (the shipping containers by the food store).