Events for your Diary

  • Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner

  • April
  • Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall

  • May
  • Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon
  • Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
  • Latest News

    You can use the search options at lower right to find specific items.

    Tuesday, 29 December 2015

    No 109 Beacon Cove Trams between 3-15 January

    Yarra Trams will be carrying out a major upgrade to the Clarendon Street junction light rail stop over the next few weeks which will mean that there will be no 109 trams servicing Beacon Cove (or other parts of Port Melbourne) between Sunday 3 January to Friday 15 January.

    During this work, replacement buses will operate to the normal frequency.  These buses will not travel through the Southbank/Casino/Flinders Street area and will terminate on Collins Street opposite Southern Cross (Spencer Street) station so you will need to change to a tram to get further up Collins Street or walk quite a long way if you want to go to the Casino or Southbank. They will also take considerably longer than the light rail so allow plenty of extra time if you want to get into or out of the city on public transport.

    Yesterday there were some brochures with comprehensive details of the work and service changes at the Beacon Cove light rail stop.  There is also some information available here.

    Sorry for the late notice - I only found this out yesterday when travelling on the tram.

    Monday, 21 December 2015

    Webb Dock Update

    The last Webb Dock works update this year from the Port of Melbourne has details of the Christmas shut down and makes some comments about use of the new Webb Trail observation deck on New Year's Eve.

    It can be downloaded here.

    Friday, 11 December 2015

    Car Damage and Theft

    There have been reports of cars being broken into when cars are parked in the street in the Beacon Cove area, particularly in The Crescent. Thieves are not only stealing valuables but are also taking garage remote entry keys to enter houses. We suggest valuables and remote entry garage keys are not left in cars.

    Beach Street Separated Queueing Lane - Further Update

    The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) approved the first two stages of the Beach Street Separated Queuing lane project at its meeting on 8th December 2015. This is the culmination of planning and discussion with the community since 2013.  

    Stage 1 includes better utilisation of Station Pier car park for queuing during peak sailing periods. Stage 2 involves minor upgrades to Beach Street/Waterfront Place through the roundabout and on the foreshore and the introduction of a temporary queuing lane along Beach Street and Waterfront Place. Further details are shown in a Council paper at

    Council Waste Transfer Station Inquiry

    The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) Waste Transfer Station/Resource Recovery Centre on White Street now finds itself located in the newly declared Fishermans Bend Capital City Zone. This location is no longer considered appropriate for this purpose, with the Fishermans Bend Strategic Framework Plan nominating the location as suitable for future neighbourhood open space.

    With a view to future relocation, CoPP Council has initiated a study to determine best practice operations and future options for relocation within a growing city, taking into consideration the predicted doubling of population in the City of Port Phillip over the next 50 years.

    Piling Works at Webb Dock

    The Port of Melbourne Corporation has produced a useful poster outlining the piling activity timeline and information associated with the current works at Webb Dock.  It contains graphics of where work has been completed and where work is still to be done.

    A PDF version of it can be downloaded here.

    Monday, 7 December 2015

    Garden City Reserve BBQ Installation

    The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) is seeking community feedback on the location of a proposed BBQ in Garden City Reserve. More information can be downloaded here.

    Open Conversation about Fishermans Bend - Tue 8 Dec

    Fishermans Bend Network, a community group, in conjunction with Urban Design Forum, Planning Institute of Australia and Inner Melbourne Planning Alliance are hosting an open conversation to ask the question: what have we learnt from the Docklands, Southbank, and Fishermans Bend developments so far,and how can this assist us to do better.

    This will be between 5-7:30pm on Tuesday 8 December at Library at the Dock, 107 Victoria Harbour Promenade, Docklands. More details are on the flyer which can be downloaded here.

    Tuesday, 24 November 2015

    Fishermans Bend Update

    Bill Fisher and Roger Joyce, two of our Committee members who have been closely following Fishermans Bend developments attended a South Port Urban Responsible Renewal (SPURR) meeting recently at which the Government's report was presented by the Chair of the Ministerial Advisory Committee.

    Their report can be downloaded here.

    Port Melbourne Primary School Fete

    This year's Port Melbourne Primary School Fete is on Sunday 29th November. Featuring market stalls, rides, food and live events make sure you pop along to support our local primary school!

    30th Birthday Celebrations for Westgate Park

    We've been informed that there will be a 30th Birthday Celebration for Westgate Park from 12-3pm on Saturday 5th December.

    • Arrive at 12 for a 12.30 start
    • All are invited to contribute to a discussion involving the people who created the Park and have been involved since then
    • Food & Refreshments
    • Tours of the Park - short or long - depending on your time and inclination
    • Stay as long as you like
    Free Parking in the public car park off Todd Rd, Port Melbourne or bring your bikes right in. Please RSVP to help them plan.

    Garden City Post Office 70th Birthday

    Did you know the Garden City Post Office is 70 years old?

    To celebrate they are throwing a 1945 party at the Centre Avenue village shops from 3-5pm on Saturday 5th December. Frock up and jitterbug to a Swing Band and enjoy an afternoon tea from the past!  No plastic containers in 1940s – so bring a saucepan for Chinese Takeaway!

    Webb Dock Activities

    The Port of Melbourne have just provided some more details about a new interactive Playscape in the Perce White Reserve, some comments on use of Maritime Cove and Webb Trail this summer, and a further update on what is happening with the Webb Dock roads.

    Details can be downloaded here.

    Wednesday, 11 November 2015

    Port People 10th Anniversary Celebration

    Port People is a like minded community organisation which the BCNA supports and with whom we often work (eg on the Fishermans Bend developments).  They are celebrating ten years of advocacy and activism on behalf of the Port Melbourne-Garden City-Beacon Cove community and we would like to congratulate them on that milestone.

    They are holding a gathering to celebrate this anniversary to which they have invited the BCNA.
      When:  5-7pm, Friday 11 December
      Where:  Sandridge Community Centre (Trugo Club), Tucker Avenue, Garden City 

    RSVP by 1 December - by email to, by phone to Judi on 9646 3687 (leave a short message), or by SMS/text to 0419 533 005.

    Port's Christmas Street Festival - 27 November

    The Port Melbourne Traders Association has sent us the following information about their Christmas event on 27 November from 5pm.

    The even will run on Bay Street from Thomas Dux down to the old Post Office (now Dominos) and will have:
    • All Port Phillip primary school choirs
    • The Melbourne singers of gospel 
    • Mike Brady 
    • Brass band 
    • Yarraville band 
    • Other bands and performers 
    • Buskers
    • Santa special ethnic dancers/musicians

    Sandridge Ward Councillor Bernadene Voss elected Mayor

    Beacon Cove residents may be interested to know that our local ward Councillor Bernadene Voss has been elected Mayor of the City of Port Phillip.  We congratulate Bernadene on this honour.

    Landscaping of Riverbank South of the Westgate Bridge

    The Port of Melbourne Corporation in their latest Webb Dock update (downloadable here) have highlighted this interesting information.

    The Friends of Westgate Park have started work landscaping a new area of the riverbank south of the Westgate Bridge which has just been opened up for public access. The work will also include a new west > east bike path linking the Punt to Todd Road’s new pathways. The Group celebrates its 30th  
    Anniversary next month which has seen the barren wasteland transformed into one of Melbourne’s most important ecological and recreational reserves.

    We look forward to seeing the end result!

    Thursday, 5 November 2015

    Todd Road Closure this Weekend

    This is just a reminder that Todd Road will be closed from 6pm this Friday night (6/11) until 5am Monday morning.  Due to this closure expect more trucks on Williamstown Road and some delays at the Williamstown Road / Todd Road intersection.

    More details can be downloaded here.

    Monday, 2 November 2015

    Queuing Lane for Spirit of Tasmania and Cruise Ships - Final Design - Call for Community Input

    Because of the traffic queues that can occur on Beach Street northbound approaching Station Pier during busy Spirit of Tasmania and cruise ship days the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) has initiated a project to investigate options to mitigate the problem. The BCNA has been involved with this process and previous opportunities for community consultation have been publicised on the BCNA website.

    Now we've reached the next stage.

    A final design approach has been proposed and can be checked out on this CoPP web page. This web page provides details of the proposal and outlines various methods by which you can submit your feedback to the Council. One of these is a drop in tent in the Waterfront Place area which will be manned between 10am and 1pm on Saturday 7 November. We encourage all residents to provide their feedback by one of the suggested methods.

    For more details on the project go to

    City of Port Phillip CEO Update

    The latest City of Port Phillip (CoPP) CEO update can be downloaded here.  It has further information about what's happening with the Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area (FBURA) and a brief comment about the ARTcontained display at Station Pier (the shipping containers by the food store).

    Friday, 30 October 2015

    Port of Melbourne News

    Port Open Day Boat Tours 

    These are set to return for a limited summer season commencing in November, so don’t miss out on your chance for a behind the scenes look at the Port of Melbourne.  Departing from Williamstown in the morning and Docklands in the afternoon, Port Open Day tours are free, family friendly events, and the best way to see Australia’s busiest container port like never before.

    The first tour day for the summer is Sunday, 29 November (bookings open 9 am on Monday 9 November), with more tours scheduled for February and April 2016.

    These tours tend to book out in the first few hours, so be sure to get in early.  For more information and all tour dates, visit the boat tour webpage.

    Cruise Ships for the Cup

    While Flemington gears up for a busy Melbourne Cup Carnival, final preparations are also underway at Station Pier for a huge weekend of cruise shipping.  It all kicks off on 2 November with the arrival of the Carnival Spirit, followed by three thoroughbreds from the P&O stable; Pacific Pearl, Pacific Jewel, and Pacific Dawn.  So it's going to busy around Station Pier next week.

    Monday, 26 October 2015

    Webb Dock Works - Todd Road Closure 6-9 November

    Please don't forget the planned Todd Road closure over the weekend 6 to 9 November.  Details can be downloaded here.

    This week's Webb Dock works notice can be downloaded here - there's not much new this week.

    Invitation for Expressions of Interest for the Toward Zero Community forum

    The City of Port Phillip is inviting Expressions of Interest for the new 'Toward Zero Community Forum'.

    The Toward Zero Community Forum will enable our community to work together with Council on solutions to complex environmental problems to help address the Toward Zero community targets.
    Toward Zero is Council's Sustainable Environmental Strategy which sets Council and Community targets to achieve by 2020 which can be viewed here.

    Expressions of Interest will be accepted until 5pm the 6 November 2015.

    In order to ensure that the Toward Zero Community Forum achieves its purpose, Council is asking applicants to:

    • demonstrate action in the area of sustainability
    • demonstrate skills, qualifications and knowledge in the area of sustainability

    In selecting Community members, Council will seek to:

    • achieve a mix of skills relevant to the purposes of the forum
    • ensure a broad representation of the Port Phillip community

    More information about the forum and Expressions of Interest can be submitted here.

    Wednesday, 21 October 2015

    Multicultural Arts Victoria Station Pier Activities

    We have just been informed of the following Multicultural Arts Victoria (MAV) activities at Station Pier over the next month:

    Fridays until 13 November, 6pm-7.30pm - Friday Night Buskers

    Enjoy an evening by the beach and watch the sun set at Beacon Cove to the sublime sounds of Boadz and Amadou Suso. Pull up on a patch of grass as these musical masters fill our exciting Pop Up space with blues guitar and traditional kora music from Senegambia. Amadou Suso: 23 October and 6 November.  Boadz: 30 October and 13 November.

    Saturday 24 Oct (this Saturday) 11am-3pm - The Artful Ark

    In their Artful Ark Melbourne based artists, Kate Gorringe-Smith and Helen Kocis Edwards display their menagerie of prints. This collection of witty and beautiful images of birds and animals will inspire and entertain. Come and have your photo taken with a person-sized pair of wings (try them on for size!) and tell us where your wings would take you. Or sit down and draw with the artists. A range of prints and cards are for sale.

    Saturday 31 Oct, 11am-3pm - Drumming and Pets & Owners Portraits

    Asanti Dance Theatre – Drumming Workshops - Asanti Dance Theatre will host a 10-15min drumming workshop by gold coin donation. They will also be selling clothes and items that from their artists in Ghana, West Africa. 

    Pets and Owner portraits with Michael Fikaris and Ben Hutchings - Got 20 minutes? Sit for your portrait on archival paper by Michael Fikaris AND have your pet drawn live by Ben Hutchings. $20 each or $30 for both signed and put into plastic slip ready to gift or frame as an A4 illustration. Bookings at or 9188 3681.

    Saturday 7 Nov, 11am-3pm - Pets & Owner Portraits & Fabric-ation of a Body 

    Pets and Owner portraits with Michael Fikaris and Ben Hutchings (description as above listing).

    Drawing and printings by Katherine Gailer and Maria Peña - see small format drawings and digital prints of Katherine Gailer’s paintings and etching, collage and dry point by Maria Peña. “Fabric-ation of a Body” by Maria Peña will feature sculptural body pieces made on fabric installed against one wall of the container and video projection of moving images onto the pieces. Kids can also get their face painted with a tribal design. 

    Saturday 14 Nov, 11am-4pm - Live Readings from “2015-16 What Happened at the Pier #2” 

    Join in this special event featuring Helen Said, Sabi Buehler and other memory keepers sharing their stories and migrant histories coming to Australia via ship at Station and Princes Pier. Their stories come from MAV’s “2015-16 What Happened at the Pier” project curated by Lella Cariddi. The live readings will be held in front of MAV’s Painting the Port exhibition on four shipping containers at Station Pier that have been transformed by artists Michael Fikaris and Ero, for ArtContained presented by the City of Port Phillip.

    Ministerial Report on Fishermans Bend Released

    The Fishermans Bend Ministerial Advisory Committee (FBAC) report was released yesterday and can be found at

    BCNA committee members are involved with the South Port Urban Responsible Renewal (SPURR) alliance and more details about this group and what it is doing can be found in Monday's post on this site.

    Monday, 19 October 2015

    Fishermans Bend Redevelopment

    Many of you will be aware that major redevelopment of Fishermans Bend has been proposed and/or is under way. The BCNA has received many queries along the lines of "what's happening?" and "how will this affect us in Beacon Cove?".

    The BCNA has been working to get information so we can answer these questions and Bill Fisher and Roger Joyce have volunteered considerable amount of time and effort to get to the bottom of things. Here is their report on the current situation.

    Community groups in the South Melbourne and Port Melbourne areas have formed an alliance to voice concerns about the redevelopment of Fishermans Bend. The alliance is known as South Port Urban Responsible Renewal (SPURR). SPURR’s objective is a liveable Fishermans Bend. BCNA has joined this group which includes resident associations, sporting clubs, schools, and business groups.

    A major concern is the fact that decisions are being made on the redevelopment proposals by the Minister, the City of Port Phillip and the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) while a strategic review is underway. Ideally, there should be a “moratorium” on planning applications until the planning review is completed and decisions announced on transport and other community facilities. Another concern is the rezoning of the area to the Capital City Zone which removed 3rd party rights of notification and appeal which allows affected parties to object to planning applications.

    Representatives from SPURR have met Martin Foley (local member for Albert Park and Minister for Creative Industries, Minister for Housing, and Minister for Disability and Ageing), City of Port Phillip Councillors and staff, and the chair of the Ministerial Advisory Committee for the Fishermans Bend redevelopment to voice our concerns.

    The City of Port Phillip considered its priorities for Fishermans Bend redevelopment at its meeting on Tuesday 13th October 2015. At the urging of SPURR, Council amended their priorities to incorporate SPURR’s priority of acquiring land for public use. SPURR representatives will meet Council staff and relevant authorities to discuss how this can be made to happen. 

    Port Melbourne Waterfront Activation Plan

    Many of you have probably heard of the Port Melbourne Waterfront Activation Plan but some of you, like me, may have not had much idea of what it actually was.

    So Van Le-Hugh from the City of Port Phillip has kindly provided this brief overview for us.

    In 2012, local residents BCNA and businesses brought to Council’s attention a noticeable lack of vitality in the activity centre including Beach St and Port Melbourne waterfront. From this an extensive community consultation process took place and the three strategic directions to address the lack of vitality and issues were identified as follows: 
    1. Create a place that meets resident and user needs and reflects their value of the beach environment and heritage 
    2. Enhance the public realm to deliver diverse staying places that are comfortable all year around and promote self-sustaining activity 
    3. Improve the visitor experience; making it easier to get around, access amenity, activity and business, and to enjoy in its own right.
    As a result the PMWF Activation Plan was developed and identified and prioritised 26 actions for implementation over two years 2014-2016.

    Van also provided the following links for related programmes:
    The BCNA is actively involved with the development of Port Melbourne Activation Plan.

    Webb Dock Works - Week commencing 19 October

    This week's works notice can be downloaded here which contains some general facts about the works.

    Please don't forget the planned Todd Road closure over the weekend 6 to 9 November.

    Thursday, 15 October 2015

    2015 AGM Report

    The BCNA 2015 Annual General Meeting was held last Thursday, 8 October.  There was an excellent attendance with virtually every seat at the Trugo Club needed.

    Tracey Slatter, CEO of the City of Port Phillip, gave a very interesting and informative speech as well as answering questions from those present.

    Martin Foley MLA also attended and we thank him for his active attendance and answering a number of questions.

    After the formal reports, the President, Eddie Micallef, thanked retiring Committee members Trevor Nink, Ron Cassano, and Libby Morrison.  Special mention was made of Trevor who has given a considerable number of years’ service to the community through his leadership role within BCNA and will be greatly missed.

    The AGM also elected a Committee for 2015-16:
      Eddie Micallef - 9645 1185
    Vice President
      Roger Joyce - 9646 7489
      Bill Fisher - 9646 9639
    Committee Members
      Greg Mate - 9681 7441
      Pam Montgomery - 9646 7554
      Richard Nowotny - 9645 6870
      John Whittington - 9681 8585

    Spirit of Tasmania Open Days, 24-25 October

    The Spirit of Tasmania will be opening the ship to the public on Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 so that people will to view the ship to see the new refurbishments. Tours are from 10am through to 3pm on both days. Each tour will be approximately 30 mins, with the last group departing Station Pier between 3:30pm – 4:00pm.

    The event will be a fun family day out, with stilt walkers, balloons, a Lions Club sausage sizzle and face-painting.

    The organisers anticipate approximately 4,000 people attending per day.  They have encouraged visitors to catch public transport and have advised visitors there is no parking available. Yarra Trams have been notified to expect additional passengers on the 109 route.

    To manage crowd control, they have promotional staff and extra security guards available. They have asked everyone to register for a tour time to further manage crowd control.

    The press ad can be downloaded here.

    Monday, 12 October 2015

    Webb Dock Works - Week commencing 12 October

    This week's works notice can be downloaded here.

    Please note the planned Todd Road closure from 6 to 9 November.

    Monday, 5 October 2015

    Reminder - BCNA AGM

    Don't forget that the BCNA AGM is this Thursday at 7pm in the Sandridge Senior Citizens Club (Trugo Club) in Garden City Reserve.

    Tracey Slatter, CEO of City of Port Phillip, will be our guest speaker.

    Webb Dock Works - Week commencing 5 October

    This week's works notice can be downloaded here.

    Items in it that may be of interest:
    • A 1.5 hectare section of the Yarra riverbank south of the Westgate Bridge has been opened to the public. The area of port owned land will be landscaped by the Friends of Westgate Park.
    • Planned Todd Road closure scheduled for 5-9 November.
    • Rabbit baiting has commenced in Maritime Cove (the bait is impregnated carrots).

    Friday, 11 September 2015

    2015 BCNA AGM

    The BCNA 2015 Annual General Meeting will be held as follows:

    Date and time: Thursday 8 October 2015 at 7:00 pm

    Location:  Sandridge Senior Citizens Club (Trugo Club) in Garden City Reserve, off Tucker Avenue, Port Melbourne.

    The AGM will be preceded by refreshments, cheese and biscuits at 6:30 pm.

    PDFs of the Notice of Meeting, Agenda, Committee nomination form, minutes of last year's AGM, and the financial report for the year can be downloaded here.

    Thursday, 10 September 2015

    Queuing Lane for Spirit of Tasmania and Cruise Ships

    There have been some posts on this already under the heading of "Beach Street Separated Queuing Lane" but not everybody understands the significance of this title.

    Most residents will have experienced the traffic queues that can occur on Beach Street northbound approaching Station Pier during busy Spirit of Tasmania and cruise ship days.  These queues can effectively block access to much of Beacon Cove from the south (unless you know a "rat run" through the back streets).

    The BCNA has been working with the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) to address this issue and some initial concepts have been created (download here) for which feedback is needed through an online survey which closes next week.  We strongly encourage Beacon Cove residents to look at the concepts and provide feedback through the survey.

    For more details on this go to

    Monday, 7 September 2015

    Webb Dock Works - Week commencing 7 September

    This week's works notice can be downloaded here.

    Note that piling work starts again this week - Mon-Fri 7am to 6pm and Sat 9am to 1pm.  See the notice for more details.

    Friday, 4 September 2015

    Pedestrian Improvements - Albert Street and Graham Street

    A letter to residents regarding a proposal to make changes to the Albert Street/Graham Street intersection can be downloaded here.

    Monday, 31 August 2015

    Webb Dock Works - Week commencing 31 August

    This week's works notice can be downloaded here.

    Note that piling will resume at the southern end of Webb Dock West from 8th September. The piling will commence with the ‘raker’ piles which are generally louder.

    Friday, 28 August 2015

    Our Latest Newsletter is Out

    Over the last week volunteers dropped copies of our newsletter in mailboxes throughout Beacon Cove. It covers a number of topics including:

    City of Port Phillip budget
    Pedestrian and cyclist safety along the promenade and shared path
    1-7 Waterfront Place
    Outcome of the Victorian Electoral Commission review of the City of Port Phillip
    Beacon Cove Foodstore redevelopment
    Webb Dock development
    Notice of AGM (Thursday 8 October)

    For those who would like an electronic copy, it can be downloaded here.

    City of Port Phillip CEO Update

    The latest City of Port Phillip (CoPP) CEO update can be downloaded here.  It has further information about what's happening with the Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area (FBURA).

    Beach Street Separated Queuing Lane - Further Update

    It seems there have been some delays with this and the interactive part of the Have Your Say web page and hard copies of the designs and feedback now won't be available until 2 September.

    The community information session will still be on Monday 7 September from 5-7pm at Port Melbourne Town Hall.

    For more information, please visit the Council's web page: and to register for further updates direct from the council email

    Thursday, 13 August 2015

    PoMC closing down Webb Dock dedicated electronic communications

    We have been advised that the Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC) has taken the decision to close down the Port Capacity Project (Webb Dock development) dedicated electronic communications including the Project's website and the 'Webb Dock Live' real time works advisory platform and 'App'.

    Replacing these items will be a consolidated page on the PoMC website which can be found at  The new consolidated page is now live and the existing Port Capacity site and systems will be suspended on or before the end of the month.

    Tuesday, 11 August 2015

    City of Port Phillip Updates

    We have received the following updates relevant to Beacon Cove residents from the City of Port Phillip (CoPP).  The final plan for the parking scheme now only seems to change parking rules in two small areas of Beacon Cove.

    Port Melbourne Parking Neighbourhood Scheme

    Thank you to all who participated in the consultation process between March and May 2015. The final plan for the Port Melbourne Parking Neighbourhood Scheme is now available on our website.

    Draft Sport and Recreation Strategy 2015-24

    Do you or your family and friends participate in sports and recreational activities in the City of Port Phillip?  Take a look at our Draft Sport and Recreational Strategy for the next ten years and tell us what you think! Give us your feedback on the draft strategy by Friday 4th September.

    Love the Arts? Tell us Why?

    Thank you for your input to our review of arts services within the City of Port Phillip. A quick snapshot of the responses received during the June consultation can be seen here.

    Beach Street Separated Queuing Lane - Update

    We have received the following update from the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) on this proposed change. Sorry for the longer entry than usual but it was rather difficult to effectively summarise.

    Council is investigating options to improve the function of the roundabout and access for locals to Beacon Cove, by establishing a separated queuing lane to divert cruise ship/Spirit of Tasmania passengers. This is a key action identified with the community as part of the Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework. Council has appointed a Consultant team, which includes traffic and civil engineers, landscape architects, water engineers and traffic modellers.

    Phase one - what we heard 

    Thank you to everyone who completed the survey, which closed on Friday 24 July. The draft success criteria that were developed with stakeholder and community representatives at a workshop held on 7 July 2015, were distributed to the broader community to review and provide comment, as well as add any additional criteria.

    The survey respondents nominated which criteria were most important to them and provided some additional narrative around their experiences and ambitions for this section of Port Melbourne. 
    A summary of feedback received can be downloaded here for your review.  A full report of the consultation feedback will be available on the website next week.

    Next steps 

    Your feedback from phase one has been provided to the consultant team and will help guide the draft concept design options. The feedback highlighted some preferences for protecting or improving certain elements of the public space, including heritage elements, parking, pedestrian and bike riding facilities, so this will be taken into consideration in developing the concept designs. Your feedback will also inform the final the success criteria, which will be used to assess the concept design options.

    The success criteria will also have input from Council technical staff and external stakeholders. This will include assessment of the designs for value for money, constructability, overall impact and scale of traffic improvement benefit.

    Next opportunity to have your say 

    Phase two of the community consultation commences in late August 2015. This will be the second opportunity to input into the concept design phase. You will be asked to rate each of the concept design options against the success criteria developed in phase one to help determine a preferred design.

    • Have your say online - the concept designs and feedback form will be available on Council’s Have Your Say website from Friday 28 August. 
    • Come to the drop in session on Monday 7 September - drop in any time between 5 pm and 7 pm at the Port Melbourne Town Hall. This will be an information session where you can view the concept designs and ask questions of the consultants and Council to help inform your feedback. It is recommended that you attend the session prior to lodging your feedback.
    • Pick up a hard copy of the designs and feedback form at the drop in session or at the Port Melbourne Town Hall ASSIST counter from Friday 28 August.  
    Community feedback will be considered along with input from technical consultants and Council.  A preferred concept will be presented for consideration at a Council meeting in late 2015. The preferred concept will be made available on Council’s web page along with a summary of the community’s feedback.

    More information

    For more information, please visit our web page: 
    To stay in touch, please register for project updates by emailing  
    To speak with the Project Manager, please contact ASSIST on 03 9209 6777.

    Monday, 3 August 2015

    Recruiting volunteers to participate in the Waterfront Welcomer project for 2015-2016

    The Social Health and Inclusion Port (SHIP) Project is now recruiting volunteers to participate in the Waterfront Welcomer project for 2015-2016. Volunteers will be required to complete an 8 week course, 1 day per week, covering tourism, tour guiding, local community information and customer service. To find out more information check out this newsletter or contact Dani.

    Webb Dock Works 27 July - 2 August

    This week's works notice can be downloaded here.  It contains a useful diagram showing each of the different development areas in the Webb Dock precinct and when they are expected to reach completion.

    Monday, 27 July 2015

    Webb Dock Works 27 July - 2 August

    This week's works notice can be downloaded here.  Not a lot new this week but note that they have been doing further work on the lane arrangements heading north on Todd Road.  A lane diagram is included in the notice.

    Monday, 20 July 2015

    ARTcontained Starting this Week on Station Pier

    ARTcontained, a community art project, will start this week on Station Pier.  More details can be downloaded here.

    Perce White Reserve and Maritime Cove - Rabbit Baiting

    Contractors will shortly commence a vermin control program within Perce White Reserve and the Maritime Cove area. More details can be downloaded here.

    Thursday, 16 July 2015

    Todd Road's New Traffic Layout and Webb Dock Works

    Those of you have been on Todd Road since it has reopened will notice the lane layout is different and, given the number of people making U turns, not as expected.

    The Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC) have kindly provided a diagram of the lanes on this week's advisory notice which can be downloaded here.

    If you haven't been on Todd Road yet, or got confused (like me) last time, you may find it helpful!

    Monday, 13 July 2015

    Beach Street Separated Queueing Lane Update

    The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) recently held a workshop on this matter. The purpose of the workshop was to assist Council in developing success criteria for concept designs for the Beach Street separated queueing lane.  This concept of this lane has previously been raised and discussed as part of the Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design consultation process and is to to facilitate the traffic flow problems when cruise ship and Spirit of Tasmania generated traffic competes with peak hour traffic.

    Themes for discussion at the workshop were:

    • Reduced queueing for local traffic
    • Impact on parking
    • Impact on memorials
    • Reduction in open space

    The BCNA was among a number of key stakeholders were asked to help establish the successful criteria for the concept design.  We raised the potential impact of altering the kerb adjacent to 1-7 Waterfront Place and the shadowing to the kerb as outlined the 1-7 Waterfront Place C-104 building design.

    A further forum will be held and the outcome of the community consultation will be presented to the broader community at a public meeting being held on October 25th.

    More details of the workshop can be downloaded here.

    Impact of Ship Bunker Fuel Emissions

    BCNA members recently met Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) staff to discuss bunker fuel emissions from ships berthed at Station Pier.  For some time now, nearby residents have been concerned that wind-borne emissions from cruise ships and the Spirit of Tasmania may pose health and amenity risks.

    The EPA is suggesting that the first step is the development of a monitoring program.  This will establish a baseline for ambient air quality (when no ships are at berth) for comparison to those times when large ships are berthed at Station Pier.  This will need careful design taking into account local weather, wind and geography.   The EPA will contact the Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC) to arrange a meeting with BCNA and other local groups in the near future.

    Fishermans Bend Community Forum Update

    The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) convenes the Fishermans Bend Community Forum.  Its purpose is to provide a regular opportunity for two way dialogue between the community and Council regarding the development of Fishermans Bend.  The Forum uses the expertise of the community and the feedback informs Council in its decision making.   It comprises representatives of community organisations, residents groups, local businesses and Councillors.  BCNA is represented.

    At the June meeting, Environment Protection Authority (EPA) representatives explained that they have commenced groundwater studies of the area. Using information on the history of Fishermans Bend they are sampling across the area in public spaces only. Information from the studies will be used in the planning process and provided to developers.

    Council has asked the Community Forum for its vision for this area which will contain the new primary school. This will be discussed at future meetings of the Forum. The vision will inform the types of infrastructure required near the school.  A Ministerial Advisory Committee is being selected to advise the Minister on all aspects of planning for Fishermans Bend. This committee is expected to be finalised around the end of July.

    Monday, 6 July 2015

    Beacon Cove Marine Asset Upgrade Works

    The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) has recently started work on upgrading and repairing some of the timber and structural assets on the Beacon Cove promenade.  A PDF which summarises the work can be downloaded here.

    Webb Dock Works 6-12 July

    This week's works notice can be downloaded here.  Note that

    • The northbound land on Todd Road under the bridge re-opened this morning.
    • The next piling program is expected to start in September.

    Wednesday, 24 June 2015

    Beach Street Separated Queuing Lane

    The Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework identifies an action to improve the function of the roundabout at Beach Street and Waterfront Place by establishing a separated queuing lane for cruise ship/Spirit of Tasmania passengers.

    The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) is now about to start investigating concept design options for this intersection and is seeking your input.

    For more information, please visit the web page:

    Monday, 22 June 2015

    Webb Dock Works 22-28 June

    This week's works notice can be downloaded here which highlights further weekend closures of Todd Road for the next two weekends.  A flyer on the detours associated with the closures can be downloaded here.

    The good news is that it seems that the northbound Todd Road carriageway under the bridge will finally be reopened on Monday 6th July.

    Friday, 19 June 2015

    Community Consultation - Foodstore Redevelopment - THIS SATURDAY MORNING

    We've just received the following from the designers/developers of the Beacon Cove Foodstore:

    You are most welcome to this Saturday - Community design engagement (final) gathering at 9:30am to 10:30am(ish) at the London Hotel, Port Melbourne [next to Station Pier].

    After seven (7) months of Community Consultation there will be on display - 16 large AO glossy prints-3D Photorealistic Renders. 

    Our design team will answer questions and look at all further design adjustments before lodging the final Town Planning application plans with the City of Port Phillip.

    Sorry for the late notice but we only just received the confirmation of this event ourselves.

    Tuesday, 16 June 2015

    Webb Dock Works 15-21 June

    This week's works notice can be downloaded here.  You still have time to comment about changing the hours of piling works on Saturdays.

    Note that further closures of Todd Road have been scheduled for 26-29 June and 3-6 July.

    Tuesday, 9 June 2015

    Webb Dock Works 8-14 June

    This week's works notice can be downloaded here.

    The maritime contractor is proposing a later start for piling on Saturdays. The proposal is to start piling at 8am rather than 7am and finish at 4pm.  Have your say by email to or call 1800 451 056. Subject to the views of locals the proposal will be referred to the EPA for review.

    Also note that Maritime Cove and the Perce White Reserve are now open.

    Thursday, 4 June 2015

    1-7 Waterfront Place – Amendment C104 has been Gazetted

    We have been advised by the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) that following regarding Ministerial approval of Amendment C104: 1-7 Waterfront Place, the Amendment has now been gazetted and come into effect.

    The approved controls establish the following key development requirements:

    • A mandatory no overshadowing beyond the southern kerb-line of Waterfront Place at the September Equinox. 
    • A mandatory 10 storey (35m) overall height limit.
    • A mandatory maximum 3 storey (12m) podium height.
    • A mandatory 8m minimum setback above the podium.

    In addition to the above, these have:

    • Retained the design objectives generally in line with Council’s exhibited amendment.
    • Retained a discretionary winter solstice overshadowing standard – to minimise shadows beyond the southern kerb line during winter. 
    • Included a requirement that any tower form avoid ‘monolithic or bulky appearance’, and that this should include two towers with a separation of 10 metres. 
    • Removed the mandatory requirements for a north-south pedestrian link and publicly accessible open space on the site. The controls do however retain reference to the provision of a ground level courtyard space and an open space at the eastern ‘point’ of the site.

    Importantly, Amendment C104 also reinstates third party notice and appeal rights, which ensures that interested members of the community will be able to participate in a future planning permit application process relating to the site.

    The approved amendment documents can be accessed on the CoPP website at

    Electoral Representation Review - CoPP

    The Victorian Electoral Commission's (VEC) final report has been released and is recommending to the Minister for Local Government that the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) change representation to be nine councillors elected from three three-councillor wards, adopting the ward boundaries of Option B of the preliminary report.

    Further details can be downloaded by clicking on the item:
    VEC letter to the CoPP to introduce the report
    VEC final report for CoPP
    VEC media release

    CoPP response to BCNA Enquiries about the Princess Street / Beach Street Roundabout and the Beacon Cove Promenade between Station and Princes Pier

    Following representations to the Council on a number of matters, we have received a letter (which can be downloaded here) from the Council CEO.

    The BCNA will continue to follow up on these matters and communicate any updates to residents through the BCNA website.

    Monday, 1 June 2015

    Webb Dock Works 1-7 June

    This week's works notice can be downloaded here.

    Note that additional full closures of Todd Road are planned for Fri 12 to Mon 15 June and Fri 19 to Mon 22 June.

    Saturday, 30 May 2015

    Maritime Cove to be fully opened from Monday 8 June

    The Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC) have just announced that Maritime Cove, which includes the Perce White Reserve, the new boardwalks, Webb Trail and the new observation platform at Webb Point, will be fully opened from Monday 8 June.

    More details can be downloaded here.

    Monday, 25 May 2015

    Webb Dock Works - 25-31 May

    This week's works notice can be downloaded here.

    Details of the planned weekend closure of Todd Road from 8pm Friday 29th May to 5am Monday 1st June can be downloaded here – detours will be in place as per previous weekend closures with traffic diverted via Salmon Street.

    Please note that additional weekend closures are planned for mid-late June, additional details to be circulated closer to the time.  If there are any concerns regarding the closure or if traffic hazards are observed please call the PoMC on 1800 451 056 (24/7).

    Monday, 18 May 2015

    Changes to Overnight Piling Works on Todd Road

    Please note that yesterday the contractor made a decision to cancel this week’s night time impact piling works under the West Gate Bridge, transferring this activity to normal daytime working hours.

    As the weekly works notices are already being distributed, this change has been reflected on the Webb Dock Live website.

    Western Distributor Proposal

    We have just received the following information from the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) regarding the new Western Distributor proposal.

    The City of Port Phillip’s officers met with Transurban who have developed an unsolicited proposal to the State Government to build the Western Distributor project. The project has only just commenced discussions with the Port of Melbourne Corporation due to the limitations of the unsolicited bid process which prevents proponents discussing the project prior to submission.

    The proposal includes the duplication of Cook Street in the city bound direction from Webb Dock to the Westgate Freeway, all vehicles will still have to travel through the intersection. 

    In addition the proposal includes the creation of a new dedicated lane linking Cook Street to the Bolte Bridge. This should improve northbound movements. This new link would mean that cars/trucks moving from Todd Road to the Bolte Bridge wouldn’t have to merge onto the Westgate Freeway, although they would still have to move through the intersection of Cook Street/Westgate Freeway. 

    We would anticipate that the proposal would provide some benefit to local residents and also truck access exiting the port by improving journey times and reducing complexity at intersections. 

    For further information about the proposal please see Transurban's Western Distributor information page or their have-your-say website which has details of community information sessions to be held in Yarraville, West Melbourne, Spotswood, and Footscray (but not Port Melbourne).

    Monday, 11 May 2015

    Webb Dock Works - 11-17 May

    This week's works notice can be downloaded here.  Note that the closure of Todd Road this weekend has been cancelled.

    Overnight Piling Works on Todd Road

    Port of Melbourne Corporation has just issued a notice (download here) about piling works to commence this evening along Todd Road near the West Gate Bridge.

    The Container Ship at Station Pier

    For those of you intrigued by the container ship (the MSC Florida) currently berthed at Station Pier, the Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC) have advised that it will be there for the next week or so as it is undergoing essential maintenance.  Any questions can be directed to the ship’s agent, MSC Australia.

    Here is a picture of her at Station Pier, taken from the port webcams.

    Wednesday, 6 May 2015

    Latest News on Fishermans Bend Developments

    A fact sheet on the Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area (FBURA) has just been released and can be downloaded here.  The media release from the Planning Minister can be downloaded here.

    April CoPP CEO Report

    The latest City of Port Phillip (CoPP) CEO report can be downloaded here.  Of particular interest to Beacon Cove residents is the section on the first page about the Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area (FBURA) and comments about the capital expenditure for Beacon Cove Foreshore Promenade Maritime Assets.

    Apparently, as it's tree planting season, fifty new trees have been planted along Turner Reserve (which also has a new fence) and along the 109 light rail bike track, with "hundreds" of infill trees also being planted.

    Webb Dock Works - 4-10 May

    We received this later than normal so sorry for the delay.  The latest works notice can be downloaded here.

    Please note that information on Webb Dock works and related issues (eg road closures) can be also found here.

    Friday, 1 May 2015

    Port of Melbourne Information Session - Tuesday 26 May

    The Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC) has scheduled an 'open door' info night for local residents on
    5:30-7:30pm, Tuesday 26 May
    Life Saving Victoria, 200 The Boulevard, Port Melbourne

    The sessions will be attended by representatives from MIRRAT, the new Automotive Operator, and McConnell Dowell who are currently undertaking the maritime works including piling.

    Thursday, 30 April 2015

    Beach Patrol 3207 – Saturday 2 May

    The next beach clean will be at
    9am Saturday 2nd May (this Saturday!)
    Meet at the Port Melbourne Yacht Club
    This month they are cleaning the dog beach.  "Litter Free Beaches" bags are provided for the clean. Please bring your own gloves. Join in to help beautify our beaches & then for a cuppa and a chat afterwards.

    Also please note that future beach cleans are shown in the Events for your Diary section of the BCNA web site.

    Wednesday, 29 April 2015

    Station Pier - Piling works and temporary site enclosure

    The Port of Melbourne is about to commence piling work on Station Pier which will continue to the end of the year.  It seems that most of the work will be done by divers inspecting and repairing the pier piles.  Full details can be downloaded here.

    Residents with a query on the activity can contact Port of Melbourne Corporation at any time on 9683 1565 (24/7 number) or by email to

    Monday, 27 April 2015

    Port Melbourne Babysitting Club

    We have received some information about the Port Melbourne Babysitting Club from Councillor Bernadene Voss.  More details can be downloaded here.

    Tuesday, 21 April 2015

    Webb Dock Works - 20-27 April

    This week's works notice can be downloaded here.

    Please note that further Todd Road closures are scheduled for:
    • 8pm Fri 1 May to 5am Mon 4 May
    • 8pm Fri 8 May to 5am Mon 11 May
    It seems that Webb Trail and Webb Point are expected to re-open early next month.

    Monday, 13 April 2015

    Parking Community Consultation - Closes Sunday

    The last day for responses to the City of Port Phillip's consultation on local parking restrictions is this Sunday (19 April).  So if you want your feedback heard go to this link and enter your comments before Sunday.

    Webb Dock Works - 13-19 April

    This week's works notice can be downloaded here.

    An updated flyer showing forthcoming Todd Road road closures and detours can be downloaded here.

    Sunday, 12 April 2015

    Our Latest Newsletter is Out

    Over the weekend volunteers dropped copies of our newsletter in mailboxes throughout Beacon Cove. It covers a number of topics including:

    • Beacon Cove Foodstore redevelopment
    • Latest update on 1-7 Waterfront Place
    • The Fisherman's Bend development
    • Princes Pier
    • Port Melbourne Waterfront Activation
    • Webb Dock redevelopment
    • Cruise ship emissions
    • BCNA Submission to City of Port Phillip Budget

    For those who would like an electronic copy, it can be downloaded here.

    Food Store Redevelopment Information Session

    On Saturday morning about 50 people attended a briefing by those responsible for the proposed redevelopment of the Beacon Cove Food Store.  A number of issues were raised and we welcome that they are consulting with, and seemingly listening to, the local community.  They have indicated that information about the redevelopment will soon be available on the web for those who were not able to attend the meeting.

    Tuesday, 7 April 2015

    Webb Dock Works - 7-12 April

    This week's works notice can be downloaded here.

    A flyer (for your fridge?) showing the Todd Road road closures during April can be downloaded here.

    Thursday, 2 April 2015

    Beacon Cove Foodstore Development Plans

    Yesterday’s Age featured an article (click here to read) about the plans for the development of the food store.

    Summary of VICT Constructions Close to Residents

    Victoria International Container Terminal (VICT) has provided a document summarising some of their construction work on the site.  Click here to download it.

    Monday, 30 March 2015

    Webb Dock Works - 30 March - 5 April

    This week's works notice can be downloaded here.

    Monday, 23 March 2015

    Webb Dock Works - 23-29 March

    This week's works notice can be downloaded here.

    Please note traffic lights are now operating on Todd Road at Cook Street and the southern West Gate Freeway ramp.

    Wednesday, 18 March 2015

    Parking Neighbourhood Scheme – Community Consultation

    The City of Port Phillip has prepared a draft Parking Neighbourhood Plan with proposed changes to existing on-street parking restrictions in Port Melbourne for consultation with the local community. The local Port Melbourne community is invited to review information about the draft Plan, propose changes and provide feedback online by accessing the interactive map at

    Consultation starts on Monday 16 March and closes on Sunday 19 April 2015 and there will be a drop-in information session on Thursday 26 March, 5pm – 7pm at the Port Melbourne Town Hall Auditorium 333 Bay Street.

    Monday, 16 March 2015

    Webb Dock Works - 16-22 March

    This week's work notice can be downloaded here.

    Todd Road will be closed again this coming weekend.  From 5am Monday 23 March, the Todd Road roundabouts at Cook Street and the southern West Gate Freeway ramp will be replaced with signalised intersections.

    Tuesday, 10 March 2015

    Webb Dock Works - 9-15 March

    This week's Webb Dock notice of scheduled works can be downloaded here.

    Please note that the whole of Todd Road around and under the freeway will be closed over the next three weekends. Details can be downloaded here.

    Thursday, 5 March 2015

    Todd Road Closures during March

    Details of the planned weekend closures of Todd Road during March can be downloaded here – detours will be in place as per previous weekend closures with traffic diverted via Salmon Street.

    From 23 March, new traffic lights will be switched on at the Todd Road roundabouts at Cook Street and the southern West Gate Freeway ramp.

    Any concerns regarding the closure or if traffic hazards are observed, please call the Port of Melbourne Corporation on 1800 451 056 (24/7).

    Monday, 2 March 2015

    Webb Dock Works 2-8 March

    This week’s Webb Dock works information can be downloaded here.

    Sunday, 1 March 2015

    1-7 Waterfront Place Update

    Unfortunately the developer’s action in VCAT to vary the covenants protecting the site was successful. On the 29 January 2015, VCAT’s order was that the covenant would be varied to allow a development on site that was “contained wholly within the building envelopes depicted in the plans annexed hereto as prepared by Bosco Jonson Pty Ltd ref 26828 dated 19 September 2014” and further that MIRVAC would be removed as the arbiter of the covenant. This effectively allowed a development of up to 10 stories.

    The Victorian Supreme Court action is still in place to discharge (remove) the restrictive covenant and the Plaintiff has until 11 June 2015 to file and serve upon the Defendants (Mirvac) any further affidavits material upon which it intends to rely.

    The CoPP Amendment C104 has been sent to the Victorian Planning Department and has still to be approved or otherwise by the Planning Minister. At this time it also restricts development to a maximum of 10 stories and contains other shadowing restrictions.

    For further information, please contact Eddie Micallef on

    Bubup Womindjeka Family & Children’s Centre Looking for Volunteer Assistant Treasurer

    We have been approached by the early childhood and family services community run integrated centre in Liardet Street.  Bubup Womindjeka Family & Children’s Centre is linked to the CoPP childcare programs and are looking for a part time volunteer Assistant Treasurer.  Details of the position can be downloaded here.

    If you have any questions please contact Glenn, their Vice President, on 0412 427 451.

    Monday, 23 February 2015

    Port Melbourne Neighbourhood Parking Scheme

    Over November to December 2014 the City of Port Phillip undertook a parking survey throughout Port Melbourne and a draft plan is being prepared and due to be release mid-March 2015.

    In mid-March a letterbox drop will detail the next step. This is programmed to be a 4 weeks consultation to help determine the final plan which will outline any changes to parking restrictions within Port Melbourne.. The final plan is scheduled for presentation May/June 2015.

    For more information go to or call ASSIST on 9209 6777.

    Port Melbourne Police Safety Forum

    Join a panel of Victoria Police and City of Port Philip representatives to hear about:

    • Crime and alcohol related issues impacting your local area
    • Initiatives to improve safety on your streets
    • Steps that you can take to reduce the liklihood of being a victim of crime

    Wednesday 25th February
    Port Melbourne Town Hall

    Click here for information poster.
    Want to ask the panel a question? Email here.

    Tuesday, 17 February 2015

    Fishermans Bend Network Newsletter

    We have just received the first newsletter from the Fishermans Bend Network which can be downloaded here.  It gives news about the proposed Fishermans Bend development and may be of interest to Beacon Cove residents.

    Monday, 16 February 2015

    Vibrant Villages in Port Melbourne

    From Bernadene Voss, Sandridge Ward Councillor, City of Port Phillip:

    As part of the Council plan, two key locations in Port Melbourne were identified as needing some extra care and work to help activate. These were Waterfront Place, Beacon Cove & Centre Road shops Garden City.

    Garden City

    Centre Road Shops has had a makeover. A paint and a new sign over the small centre has lifted the look and feel of the place.  Telstra have included free Wi-Fi at the phone box.  The Fisherman's Bend Community Hall is about to undergo a renovation, that will see a small increase in size, for improved kitchen and toilet facilities. We are establishing a village community partnership group which will include Traders and the locals. Feedback has suggested there needs to be a restful place to go to sit and relax, and also greening the area so it feels more welcoming to locals.

    Waterfront Place

    Commenced the Waterfront Welcomers program with SHIP. This popular volunteer program aims to ensure all visitors are welcomed to Port Melbourne.  The Heritage Hub on Finger pier has been renovated which the Port of Melbourne have so generously allowed for Councils use for the Welcomers to base

    For more information go to Bernadene's web site.

    Friday, 13 February 2015

    Webb Dock Works 16 Feb - 22 Feb

    Next week’s Webb Dock works information can be downloaded here.

    Note that Todd Road will be closed again from 8pm next Friday (20th) to 5am the following Monday (23rd) morning,  The flyer for the detour route can be downloaded here and it also shows the ongoing diversions that will be in place after 23rd February.

    These diversions will make it increasingly messy travelling in Todd Road over the next month or two. Please take this into account if you plan to drive or ride through that area during this time

    Friday, 6 February 2015

    Port Capacity Project | Works Advisory Notice 9 Feb - 15 Feb

    Next week’s works notification can be downloaded here.

    A reminder that Todd Road will be closed from 8pm tonight to 5am Monday morning (the flyer for the detour route can be downloaded here).

    Tuesday, 3 February 2015

    Todd Road closed this weekend

    Todd Road will be closed this weekend from from 8pm Friday (6th February) to 5am Monday (9th February).  Detours will be in place as per previous weekend closures with traffic diverted via Salmon Street.

    Details of the closure can be downloaded here.

    Any concerns regarding the closure or if traffic hazards are observed, please call the Port of Melbourne Corporation on 1800 451 056 (24/7).

    Tuesday, 27 January 2015

    Port Capacity Project | Works Advisory Notice 27 Jan - 1 Feb

    The first Webb Dock works advisory notice for 2015 can be downloaded here.

    Friday, 16 January 2015

    Pier Street Illegal Parking

    From David Hehir, Foreshore Coordinator, City of Port Phillip

    In regards to illegal parking on Pier Street, footpath and nature strip, could you please encourage your members to formally register their request for a ‘Parking Officer callout’ on 9209 6777 or day or night.

    Phoning during the day or night with a full description of the location and cars blocking footpaths etc, is typically the quickest way to ensure a Parking Officer attends. I have been advised the Pier Street area is included in routine patrols, but they can often be diverted in response to other residents callouts in other parts of the municipality. When the residents calls are formally registered via 9209 6777 or it also helps Council improve the Parking Officer roster times and staffing levels to better match the community demand throughout week.

    Thursday, 15 January 2015

    Restaurant Evening - Wednesday 18 February

    Our first social event for 2015 will be held at
    7.00 pm, Wednesday 18 February
    at the recently refurbished and renamed
    Mr Lawrence at The London, 92 Beach Street (corner of Princes Street) Port Melbourne

    We have arranged a three course menu plus coffee/tea, the details of which can be downloaded here. Vegetarian requirement should be advised at the time of booking. The cost is $50 per person (paid in cash on entry) plus a gold coin gratuity. Drinks are available from the Bar.

    Please RSVP by e-mail to no later than 14 February

    Your Committee has also organised ongoing functions for 2015 at approximately three monthly intervals. You may wish to diarise the following dates:
    Wednesday 13 May
    Wednesday 12 August
    Wednesday 18 November

    We will advise further as each date draws closer and look forward to welcoming you on Wednesday 18 February.

    2015 Piers Festival Brochure

    Click here for brochure on this year's Piers Festival

    Wednesday, 14 January 2015

    Safety Concerns - Cars Accessing and Driving on Princes Pier

    We've just received the following note from Jenny Bygrave, Communications and Stakeholder Manager, Port Community, Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC).

    Recently PoMC has received several queries from residents in the towers adjacent to Princes Pier, about a bollard on the pier. We understand that private cars are removing the bollard to drive onto the pier and potentially causing a safety problem for pedestrians on the pier. 

    As PoMC is not the managing authority for Princes Pier, I wonder if you might consider including the contact details of Major Projects Victoria within your next newsletter, to inform residents of the agency which can best assist them? 

    • Major Projects Victoria manages Princes Pier

    • Community members with enquiries about Princes Pier can contact Major Projects Victoria’s general office number 03 9655 8622. 

    PoMC is in the meanwhile advising any residents who call of these details, and forwarding the queries directly to MPV.

    Thursday, 8 January 2015

    Calling All Artists

    From Bernadene Voss, Sandridge Ward Councillor and Deputy Mayor:

    Monday, 5 January 2015

    Notification of planned power outage for Sun 11th & Sun 18th January

    For your information, a letter (download here) was delivered to a number of residents today regarding power disruptions on 11 and 18 January.

    The majority of affected residents live along Williamstown Road.

    Should you have any queries, please feel free to call anytime to the number in the attachment.