Events for your Diary

  • Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner

  • April
  • Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall

  • May
  • Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon
  • Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
  • Latest News

    You can use the search options at lower right to find specific items.

    Friday, 20 December 2013

    The Piers Festival 2014 - Saturday 25 January

    The Piers Festival 2014
    Victoria’s greatest celebration of migration
    Saturday January 25. FREE event

    Click Here for a pdf version
    On Saturday 25 January 2014, The Piers Festivalwill bring the Port Melbourne piers precinct to life with a spectacular display of music, dance, markets, exhibitions, forums and more. This colourful celebration of Melbourne’s diversity will link in with Victoria’s Australia Day activities and highlight the state’s rich history of migration. The Piers Festival will run on Princes Pier from 12 to 9:30pm. The event is free, family friendly and will culminate with fireworks.

    The Piers Festival 2014 will host a wonderful spread of musical artists, including jazz and salsa legend Jimmy Bosch (USA/Puerto Rico) and the Salsa Kingz, Russian thieve music by VulgarGrad, classical Indian vocals and a Greek music spectacular. Audiences can also take part in an equally diverse array of dance including Albanian, Sri Lankan, Welsh and world-renowned African drumming and dance performers Asanti Dance Theatre. There will also be diverse food, arts & crafts, photo & historical exhibitions, storytelling, choirs and kid’s activities. There will be something for everyone with even more artists to be announced!

    A special feature of the Festival is the Migration Forumswhere the audience will hear some incredible stories that draw out the universal experience of the migrant. Guest speakers from some of Melbourne's key migrant communities – both established and emerging – will share poignant memories about their experiences of leaving their homelands, their journey by land, sea or sky and how they built their new lives in Australia.

    The Migration Forums will be themed as follows:
    12:30 – 1:30pm:                Migration Mosaic (a mix of artists and influencers of migrant heritage)
    2:00 – 3:00pm:                   Baltic Waves (marking the 65 year anniversary of Baltic migration since the late 1940s)
    3:30 – 4:30pm:                   Australia Day Ambassadors (migrants who have become outstanding citizens)

    Established in 2012, The Piers Festival celebrates Victoria’s incredible cultural diversity by reflecting on the rich histories of both Station Pier and Princes Pier. From the gold rush to wartime, from post-war migration to cruise shipping, these piers have played a pivotal role in Victoria’s growth and offered a gateway to the diversity of cultures that enrich our community.
    The Piers Festival is proudly produced by Multicultural Arts Victoria and supported by the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship, Arts Victoria, the Australia Day Committee (Vic), Major Projects Victoria, Yarra Trams and Commonwealth Bank.

    Event details        FREE EVENT
    Date:                     Saturday 25 January, 2014
    Time:                     12 to 9:30pm
    Venue:                  Princes Pier (off Pier Street, Port Melbourne)
    Transport:           Tram 109 lightrail to Waterfront Place, Port Melbourne. 
    Media queries:                 Claudia Escobar, Marketing and Development, Multicultural Arts Victoria
                                     9188 3681 Mob 0449 163 753

    Friday, 13 December 2013

    Submission on Design Guidelines for 1-7 Waterfront Place & PSA C104

    Click here to see the BCNA's submission to Planning Panels Victoria on design guidelines for 1-7 Waterfront Place and PSA C104.

    Wednesday, 27 November 2013

    3207 Beach Patrol Next Beach Clean 14th December Change of Date

    Change of Date for next Beach Clean

    Hi All

    We need to change the date of the next 3207 Beachpatrol clean to the
    14th December.   We had a clash with the 3184 Beachpatrol start up launch on
    the 7th which some of us are going to help kick off.

     So our 3207BP clean will be on 14 December at 9 am, meeting at Lagoon Pier.

    Ross Headifen
    3207 BeachPatrol
    Happy Beaches

    Sunday, 24 November 2013

    BeachPatrol 3207 Next Beach Clean 14 December 2013

    Change of Date
    Beach Patrol 3207
    Next Beach Clean
    Saturday 14 December 9 am
    Meet at Lagoon Pier

    Hi All

    Our last Beach clean for the year is upon us.  We can only hope it is warmer than the last one which was nigh mid winter conditions.  But Beach patrollers are hardy souls it seems as a number showed up to do their bit.

    This time we'll meet at the Lagoon Pier to clean towards the Port Melb Life Saving Club & onto the South Melbourne Life Saving Club.  If you see this guy, during your clean he might bring you extra treats on Christmas morning for your efforts.

    Sat 14th Dec at 9 am at Lagoon Pier

    Since some of you may be away over the Christmas period and not checking email, the Jan beach clean will be on Sat 11 Jan at 9 am along Sandridge beach.  Meet at the Life Saving Club there.

    Merry Christmas
    Happy Beaches


    Tuesday, 19 November 2013

    Age Friendly Cities - Have Your Say

    Age Friendly Cities - Have Your Say
    Consultation by the City of Port Phillip
    Survey Consultation Closes 29 November

    Check here for the flyer

    Full details at the City of Port Phillip Website  

    The City of Port Phillip is committed to creating a healthy, creative and inclusive city for all residents - including its older persons.

    So that we can plan for and develop a city that is age-friendly and supports active and healthy ageing, we are updating our ‘Ageing in Port Phillip Strategy 2006 – 2016’.

    Have your say

    We would like to hear your views about the eight key features of an Age Friendly City.

    8 Key features
    1. Outdoor Spaces and Buildings
    2. Transportation
    3. Housing
    4. Social Participation
    5. Respect and Social Inclusion
    6. Civic Participation and Employment
    7. Communication and Information
    8. Community and Health Services

    We are particularly looking for views of residents over the age of 50 but welcome anyone who wants to share their views.

    Have your say by completing either one of the following surveys:

    There are no right or wrong answers and all responses will be kept confidential.

    In addition to the survey, we will also be running focus groups with members of the community to investigate the 8 key features of Age Friendly Cities in the City of Port Phillip.

    Next steps

    Your feedback will be used to prepare a framework that will support active ageing.

    Thursday, 14 November 2013

    Gasworks Spring Music Festival

    Gasworks Spring Music Festival
    Gasworks Arts Park
    Graham Street Port Melbourne

    A wonderful opportunity to hear and see some great music for free in our community

    This is happening over the next couple of weekends.

    Archie Roach (Nov 17) and Rebecca Barnard ( Nov 24) are headline acts,

    Full details at the website - click here

    There are lots of activities at the Gasworks Arts Park....check out more on the website link!

    Sunday, 10 November 2013

    BCNA Social Event
    Mr Hobson Restaurant @Station Pier
    Tuesday 19 November 7 pm

    Dear Members,

    You have no doubt seen the recent building work going on to form the new Mr Hobson Restaurant. We have heard good reports and decided to make this the venue for our next social event. Please come along and bring your neighbours for an evening of fellowship.

    When:             7:00 for 7:30 pm on Tuesday 19 November 2013
    Where:            Mr Hobson Restaurant @ Station Pier (previous “3” and Nautica)
    Price:              $45 pp cash on arrival plus gold coin tip. Drinks are separate at cash bar

     Menu:            The special menu below is Shared platters, a choice of three Mains
                            plus Tea or Coffee
     RSVP:           Trevor Nink at or on 0404 084283 by
                            Saturday 16 November


    Trevor Nink
    Secretary BCNA 


    Shared platters

    Selection of tapas & mezze


    *Pan fried free range chicken breast

    Sweet corn, oyster mushroom, kipfler potato, tarragon and corn puree (gf)

    *Char-Grilled 200g Eye fillet

    Pumpkin rosti, sautéed spinach, caramelised baby onions and roasted beets

    *Crispy skin Barramundi fillets

    Roasted Portobello mushroom, asparagus and fennel, light butter sauce (gf)

    Tea or Coffee

    Sunday, 27 October 2013

    Beach Patrol 3207 Next Beach Clean Saturday 9 November

    Beach Patrol 3207
    Next Beach Clean

    Saturday 9 November 9 am
    Port Melbourne Beach
    Meet at the Port Melbourne Yacht Club

    3207 Beach Patrol still going strong!
    November 2013 marks the 3 year anniversary of 3207 Beach Patrol.
    Over 100 people have joined up in the past 3 years, contributing an hour per month to collect litter from our Port Melbourne and Sandridge beaches. As well as cleaner beaches, we have built new friendships with neighbours also doing their bit for the local environment, worked with council to build awareness of local issues and encouraged new Beach Patrol groups to start up around the Bay.

    The next 3207 Group clean will at Port Melbourne beach location, Saturday 9th November at 9am so come along and celebrate 3 years of 3207 Beach Patrol.

    Meet at: Port Melb Yacht Club , 9am on 9 November

    See you there....We will bring bags as normal.

    Happy Beaches 

    Wednesday, 2 October 2013

    BCNA Newsletter September 2013

    BCNA Newsletter September 2013

    Click here for the PDF version of our latest newsletter.

    The Beacon

    September 2013

    Newsletter of the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association Inc (BCNA)
    BCNA’s aims and aspirations include “providing a forum for all residents of Beacon Cove and abutting neighbourhoods to discuss key local issues with a view to preserving and enhancing the quality of life within the area”.

    1-7 Waterfront Place
    The attempts of the majority in the community to maintain the availability of the previous community facilities (child-minding, tennis courts, pool, gym) and keep the low rise balance on this site have been proceeding on many fronts. The status of these actions changes almost weekly, with BCNA providing regular updates via email and the website.
    Ø    Supreme Court action: benefited property owners need to decide whether to join the proceedings as objectors on 9th December.
    Ø    VCAT:the owner action seeking to remove or modify the restrictive covenants is scheduled to be heard over 5 days commencing 7th October; the appeal against the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) decision on an 18 storey building has not yet been scheduled at the Tribunal; the owner has now also introduced a 10 storey building application to the Tribunal (before CoPP has made a decision on the application).
    Ø    CoPP: will decide on C104 Planning Scheme Amendment and also the 10 storey owner consent application at Council Meeting on 24th September.
    There have been many submissions and petitions by community members against C104 and the development proposals. As well as BCNA, recent submissions by the Community Alliance of Port Phillip, Unchain Inc and Save Port Melbourne Gateway have criticised Council for pushing ahead with its Design Guidelines for the site while all are defending the retention of the covenants (the covenants at 1-7 Waterfront Place effectively limit buildings to around the 3 storeys).
    Port of Melbourne Activities
    Port Melbourne residents are certainly aware of the port activities around us and generally enjoy the character of the maritime operations. BCNA is actively engaging with the Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC) to protect and enhance this contact between residents and the port at both Station Pier and Webb Dock. For the Webb Dock Port Capacity Project we are represented on the Project Liaison Group, providing input to ensure the construction and operations will not detract from the community amenity. So far we have been able to advise on nuisance noise, light spill and traffic management. BCNA, along with other stakeholders, has interviewed all the short listed bidders seeking to become the new international and empty container operator and stressed the way they can be effective partners with local residents.
    On another port topic the peak traffic problems at the Princes Street roundabout largely relate to port traffic to and from the ferry and cruise ships. We have been encouraging PoMC to contribute actively to the waterfront Urban Design Framework and to the Planning Scheme Amendment C104 for 1-7 Waterfront Place in an attempt to minimise these problems.
    New model rules being proposed by the BCNA Committee
    A new legislative framework for incorporated associations in Victoria came into effect on 26 November 2012. The framework includes a new act (the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012), new regulations (the Associations Incorporation Reform Regulations 2012), and
    new model rules for incorporated associations.
    Our current rules do not incorporate all the mandatory content required by the new act. In order to ensure BCNA meets the requirements of the Act, the Committee is proposing that new rules be adopted at the Annual General Meeting next month. Formal adoption will require support of the resolution by 75% of the members in attendance.
    More information and a copy of the proposed rules can be found on our website (go to the right-hand side-bar, Quick Links, BCNA Rules).
    Social Events
    BCNA social events continue to be successful, enjoyable and well attended - between 40 and 60 people each time. A highlight was the late summer dinner at Pier 35 where 60 people enjoyed excellent meals, spectacular sunset views and a chance to speak with each other and share BCNA news. In mid-winter, café Pane e Tulipani gave us a convivial venue, friendly service and good, substantial Italian style meals accompanied by a complimentary glass of wine.
    A further dinner will be held in November – for details see our website.
    BCNA 2013 AGM - for your diary.
    The AGM will be held again at the Trugo Club in Garden City Reserve at 6:30 pm for 7:00 pm on Thursday 17 October. Our special guest speaker will be Mr Stephen Bradford, CEO of PoMC. With three Committee members retiring at this meeting we will be recognising their service and seeking new members to fill the vacancies.
    With 167 Household memberships for 2012/13, BCNA continues to gain support from within our local area. Subscriptions for 2013/14 are now due. If you are not currently financial please complete the form below and return as per instructions.
    If you are reading this Newsletter and are not a BCNA member please consider joining now.  The various articles in this Newsletter demonstrate the high level of activity of the Association in representing the interests of Beacon Cove and neighbouring residents. Membership is just $10 per year or $45 for 5 years. The greater the membership numbers the greater the BCNA ability to influence.
    Urban Design Framework
    In early September the final unsettled issues were discussed at a roundtable meeting of submitters, our ward councillor Bernadene Voss and CoPP officers. There is agreement on most issues but also a feeling that the objective of creating a more engaging place for Melburnians and visitors has not been achieved. The peak traffic congestion, parking problems, wind effects and limited space were always going to make this a challenge. It is expected that CoPP will  amend some road proposals and remove any reference to seaplanes. As part of city wide programs, CoPP committed to add toilet facilities near the 109 terminal and review parking spaces and pricing. The proposal for changing the boardwalk pavement - to have  bicycles share with prams as the temporary solution - is accepted as long as the longer term structural changes are done quite soon. However the surface treatment is still not agreed. CoPP is expected to bring a revised UDF to Councillors in coming weeks.
    Planning Scheme Amendment C73
    For those townhouse residents who submitted their property titles to Best Hooper to have changes made to the covenants apropos C73, we have investigated the status of these actions and we have been unable to receive advice of when titles will be returned. We will email advice when it is received from CoPP.  
    President:          Eddie Micallef             9645 1185
    Vice President: Greg Mate                   9681 7441
    Treasurer:         Dana Hlavacek           9646 8850
    Secretary:         Trevor Nink                 9681 8283
    Member:           Ro Holmes                  9649 1961
    Member:           Glenda Beale          0407 967690
    Member:           Robyn McKenna         9646 5259
    Member:           Richard Nowotny        9645 6870


    BCNA 2013/14 Subscription Notice

    Please complete this form, tear off and post with cheque (payable to BCNA) to The Treasurer BCNA, 61/103 Beach Street Port Melbourne or deliver to 103 Beach Street postal box (behind IGA store, near notice board).

    Cheque encl. $10(one year) or $45(five years)

    Name:        ...........................................................

    Phone:        ...........................................................

    Address:     ...........................................................


    Email address:  ....................................................

    I confirm that:

           (a)             I wish to become a member of the Association; and

           (b) I agree to support the Purposes and be bound by the Rules of the BCNA .


    BeachPatrol 3207 Next Beach Clean Saturday 5 October

    BeachPatrol 3207
    Next Beach Clean
    Saturday 5 October 9 am

    Meet at Sandridge Life Saving Club

    See you all there

    Monday, 16 September 2013

    BCNA Annual General Meeting Thursday 17 October

    Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association
    Annual General Meeting
    Thursday 17 October 2013
    6.30 pm for 7 pm

    Dear BCNA Member,

     You are cordially invited to the 2013 BCNA Annual General Meeting at the Trugo Club in Garden City Reserve on Thursday 17 October at 6:30 for 7:00 pm. At this time there will be the normal election of Office Bearers and Committee Members. A nomination form is included in the attached Notice of Meeting for your consideration.

     Please note the following particulars for the meeting
    ·         Special Resolution to adopt new Rules of the Association for BCNA to remain legally compliant

    ·         Guest speaker will be Mr Stephen Bradford, CEO of Port of Melbourne Corporation

    ·         At the election of new Office Bearers and Committee Members a farewell will be given to retiring and long serving Committee Members
    Click here for a copy of the marked up proposed Rules of BCNA.

    The Committee looks forward to seeing you then.


    Trevor Nink

    Secretary BCNA

    Sunday, 15 September 2013

    Submissions to City of Port Phillip 1-7 Waterfront Place C104 Planning Amendment

    Submissions to City of Port Phillip 1-7 Waterfront Place
    C104 Planning Scheme Amendment

    Please find attached the submissions made by several organisations to the CoPP C104 Planning Scheme Amendment

    Tuesday, 27 August 2013

    Hobsons Bay Obedience Dog Club Second-hand Book Stall

    Hobsons Bay Obedience Dog Club
    Fundraising Second-hand Book Stall
    Sunday 1 September 9.30 to 11.30 am
    Dear Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association,

     On Sunday 1 September, Hobsons Bay Obedience Dog Club Inc. will be hosting a fundraising second-hand book stall, from 9.30am to 11.30am at our club room(Garden City Reserve)

    All proceeds from this book stall will be donated to Lort Smith Animal Hospital Pet Therapy Program.

    Volunteers from this program carry out regular day visits to hospitals, nursing homes and day care centres with their own specially trained dogs to provide companionship and affection. 

    Two of our local facilities (Southport Community Residential Home, and Claremont Aged Care) are happy recipients of visits by a pet therapy dog which is owned and handled by Janette Wilson, Vice President of Hobsons Bay Obedience Dog Club.

    Lort Smith Animal Hospital is a not-for-profit organisation and receives no government funding.

    Members of BCNA are very welcome to come and peruse the books that we have available for sale.  If any books are not bought on 1 September, we will hold a repeat sale on 8 September.

    We have decided that any unbought books after this date will be donated to charities/opportunity shops within the City of Port Phillip.

    We hope you can come and join in the fun of our fabulous book sale.

    Kind regards

    Janette Wilson
    Vice President
    Hobsons Bay Obedience Dog Club

    Tuesday, 13 August 2013

    Garden City Reserve - Port Melbourne Primary School Meeting

    Garden City Reserve
    Port Melbourne Primary School Use Meeting
    Wednesday 21 August at 7.30 pm
    Sandridge Trugo Club

    The next community meeting to discuss the Port Melbourne Primary School’s use of Garden City Reserve will be held at the Sandridge Trugo Club building on Wednesday 21st August from 7.30pm.

    I have attached the poster which is currently located on the fence of the Trugo Club and a letter that was delivered to surrounding residents for your information.

    It would be appreciated if you could place this information on BCNA website.


    Paul Morris

    Team Leader Sport and Recreation l Culture and Leisure
    T: 9209 6468 l F: 9536 2724 | E:
    Private Bag No 3, St Kilda, VIC, 3182

    Monday, 12 August 2013

    NEW BCNA Rules of Association

    A new legislative framework for incorporated associations in Victoria came into effect on 26 November 2012.  The framework includes:
    • a new act - the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012
    • new regulations - the Associations Incorporation Reform Regulations 2012, and
    • new model rules for incorporated associations.
    The reforms cover the following areas:
    • Codification of duties for office holders
    • Defences for office holders
    • Indemnity for office holders
    • Tiered reporting procedures
    • Merger of Public Officer / Secretary 
    • Removal of the prohibition on trading
    • Use of technology at committee and general meetings
    • New matters that must be provided for in an association's rules
    • Removal of committee members
    • Conflicts of interest and committee members
    • Clarification of the rights of members
    • Disciplinary action against a member 
    • Grievance procedures

    In order to ensure BCNA meets the requirements of the Act, the Committee is proposing that the (attached) rules be adopted at the Annual General Meeting in October 2013. In order to be adopted, the meeting will need to support a special resolution, which means the resolution will need to be supported by 75% of the members in attendance at the AGM.
    Click here for a pdf version of the Proposed New Rules for the BCNA.

    If you have any questions regarding these proposed rules, please contact the Secretary by email  on

    NEW BCNA Rules of Association

    A new legislative framework for incorporated associations in Victoria came into effect on 26 November 2012.  The framework includes:
    • a new act - the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012
    • new regulations - the Associations Incorporation Reform Regulations 2012, and
    • new model rules for incorporated associations.
    The reforms cover the following areas:
    • Codification of duties for office holders
    • Defences for office holders
    • Indemnity for office holders
    • Tiered reporting procedures
    • Merger of Public Officer / Secretary 
    • Removal of the prohibition on trading
    • Use of technology at committee and general meetings
    • New matters that must be provided for in an association's rules
    • Removal of committee members
    • Conflicts of interest and committee members
    • Clarification of the rights of members
    • Disciplinary action against a member 
    • Grievance procedures

    In order to ensure BCNA meets the requirements of the Act, the Committee is proposing that the (attached) rules be adopted at the Annual General Meeting in October 2013. In order to be adopted, the meeting will need to support a special resolution, which means the resolution will need to be supported by 75% of the members in attendance at the AGM.
    Click here for a pdf version of the Proposed New Rules for the BCNA.

    If you have any questions regarding these proposed rules, please contact the Secretary by email  on