Events for your Diary

  • Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner

  • April
  • Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall

  • May
  • Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon
  • Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
  • Latest News

    You can use the search options at lower right to find specific items.

    Monday, 30 April 2012

    Next Beach Clean - 3207 Beach Patrol

    Sat 5 May 9 am at Port Melbourne Yacht Club

    Message from 3207beachpatrol

    Hello fellow BeachPatrollers.

    Another month is upon us this week and after the big rains around Anzac day the beaches are calling for our help again.

    We have scheduled for this coming Saturday 5 May at 9am for 1 hour.   Meet at the Port Melbourne Yacht club in your blue shirts.   We start with the dog beach working south and if we get time move on to the next beach towards the Sicilian run Kiosk.   For something different we can have our coffey and chat afterwards there instead.  It will be good for them to see the beachpatrol at work and then supporting their business.

    So bring a bag, bring a friend, bring some gloves if desired, and a hat to keep the sun (!) off.


    Ross Headifen (for Tom)

    Saturday, 21 April 2012

    Reminder - Celebrate Port Melbourne heritage



    Port Melbourne heritage
    Open Day at Port Melbourne Football Club
    Sunday 22 April 10.30 am to 3.30pm
    North Port Oval, corner Ingles St & Williamstown Rd

    Click here for the pdf version

    Thursday, 19 April 2012

    Heritage Crane at Finger Pier

    Heritage Crane at Finger Pier
    Message from Port of Melbourne Corporation
    Port of Melbourne Corporation has advised the community of the imminent placement of the Heritage Crane from Station Pier onto a new site at the West Finger Pier. Details are found in the attached documents.
    Click here for a pdf copy of the Resident Letter from PoMC
    Click here for a pdf fact sheet from PoMC

    Wednesday, 18 April 2012

    CELEBRATE Port Melbourne Heritage Sunday 22 April


    Port Melbourne heritage
    Open Day at Port Melbourne Football Club
    Sunday 22 April 10.30 am to 3.30pm
    North Port Oval, corner Ingles St & Williamstown Rd

    Click here for a PDF version.

    Thursday, 12 April 2012

    Beach Clean Saturday 14th April

    Reminder for 3207beachpatrol

    Beach Clean Saturday 14th April
    Meet at Princes Pier at 9 am
    All Welcome, remember your blue tshirt and safety gear

    Message from Tom Burrows 3207beach patrol -
    Dear Beachpatrollers

    Hope you have enjoyed a great Easter and feel refreshed after the break.
    we are keen to refresh our beaches too - so next Group Clean is this Saturday 14 April at 9am start - Princes Pier - Pier Street Port Melb.

    You are of course cordially invited - please wear your bright blue t shirt and bring gloves bag (we will have spares if required).

    New members - welcome - we will have t shirts for you to try on!

    as usual - coffee n chat afterwards.

    Looking forward to see you there in glorious sunshine!


    Monday, 2 April 2012

    3207beachpatrol News and Date for next Clean!

    3207beachpatrol News

    After a week of rain which threatened to dampen our involvement in Clean Up Oz Day (4 March) - the sky cleared just in time as energetic 3207 beach patrollers gathered to blitz the beach litter.

    Enthusiastically promoted by Ross and Ramona aided by Gail and James' organisational skills - the word was out around Port Melbourne.

    Ambitiously covering all four zones - 3207 marshalls "fired the gun" at 9am. Scouts (and parents) from Glen Iris again assisted us - this time making a big difference on Sandridge beach.

    Zone 2 on First Point Beach attracted some new talent - Damien from France - joining Fay and Peter's marshalling effort. Abundant plastic litter washed up around Princes Pier saw 6 large bags easily filled. (And more there for next time!!)

    Neil marshalled Port beach and enlisted volunteer passers by - and especially tackling the drain outfall on Port beach.

    Overall - some 60 dedicated volunteers collected over 200 kgs of plastic trash - restoring our beaches beautiful.

    New members also signed up as they see the positive effect of our action.

    As usual - drinks and chats afterwards - as the oddest finds of the day were showcased. Plus Lindsay found five bucks!

    Next group clean is 9am Saturday 14 April at Princes Pier - please come and be part of the fun and camaraderie.

    Enjoy a happy and safe Easter!

    cheers Tom
    Tom Burrows