This is the web voice of the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association, Inc., Port Melbourne, Australia. It provides information on who the association is, our aims and aspirations for our shared community, and information on our activities.
Events for your Diary
Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner
Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall
Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
Latest News
You can use the search options at lower right to find specific items.
Saturday, 31 March 2012
Further direction on the draft Port Melbourne Urban Design Framework
Further direction on the draft
Port Melbourne Urban Design Framework
Summary of outcome from the Council Meeting held on 27 March for your information.
Extract from Councillor Janet Bolitho for Sandridge Ward
from Port Focus
Posted: 27 Mar 2012 05:32 AM PDT
All councillors supported the following resolution this evening..
That Council
2.1 Receives and considers all submissions on the draft Port Melbourne Urban Design Framework.
2.2 Acknowledges the covenants and current planning controls affecting the site at 1 - 7 Waterfront Place.
2.3 Undertakes further strategic work in accordance with the resolution of 13 March 2012 to review the draft UDF, in particular the draft Vision and Principles and the Waterfront Place Precinct section.
2.4 In preparation for the possibility that the covenants are varied, removed or deemed not applicable, undertakes further strategic work in accordance with the resolution of 13 March 2012 to prepare detailed design guidelines for the property located at 1-7 Waterfront Place that will reflect the Waterfront Place Beacon Cover Design Guidelines October 2009 [MGS Architects 2009] and in particular will not exceed the recommended building envelope and height controls.
2.5 Acknowledges that the detailed design guidelines will inform the review of the Waterfront Place Precinct.
2.6 Reaffirms the request that a report be provided to Council in April detailing the proposed process for engaging with the community in the preparation of revised Waterfront precinct and site guidelines, including the opportunity for stakeholder forums with representation to include community groups, the Port of Melbourne Corporation, the business association, local business operators, Yarra Trams and the owners of the freehold sites.
Commentary and summary: The essence of this resolution is that while the covenants and the planning controls governing the Beacon Cove development remain in place they are to be respected. However, in the event that the covenants are varied, removed or deemed not applicable' [see 2.4] Council's position is that adopted in October 2009 based on the report of MGS Architects. All future work in the precinct is to be guided by this report.
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Last Reminder - Restaurant Evening RSVP 22 March
RSVP for Restaurant Evening at Nautical
RSVP for Restaurant Evening at Nautical
If you wish to attend the Nautical Restaurant Evening on Wednesday 28 March
See earlier post for full details
Cost will be $50 per person with drinks at additional cost
BCNA Social Events
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Reminder BCNA Restuarant Evening Nautical 28 March 2012
Social EventRestaurant Function
Nautical @ 3 Station Pier, Waterfront Place
7 pm for 7.30 pm
Wednesday 28th March
Hi BCNA members and friends
Our first social get together for 2012 has been arranged for the evening on Wednesday 28th March. Nautical Restaurant at 3 Station Pier will host the evening.
It would be great to see you all. Your friends and neighbours are most welcome. Lots to chat about and an update on where we are with the Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework will be provided. Please make your booking as per below.
The cost is $50 per person for a 3 course dinner which includes antipasto and dips at the start, a choice from 4 mains - beef, fish, chicken and vegetarian, and a choice from 3 desserts. A complimentary glass of wine shiraz/cabernet or Semillon/Sauvignon Blanc is included.
Payment will be cash at the door and drinks will be at your own expense.
Please RSVP to Dana Hlavacek
by email on or
telephone 9646 8850 and leave a message
Please state names and number of people in your party
by email on or
telephone 9646 8850 and leave a message
Please state names and number of people in your party
By Thursday 22 March
This will allow us to finalise numbers with the restaurant.
BCNA Social Events
Thursday, 15 March 2012
BCNA Press Release and Petition Handover
BCNA Hand Over Petition to the State Government
Press Release on Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework
Click here for a pdf version of the BCNA Press Release
Press Release on Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework
Today BCNA held the handover of the Petition on the steps of Parliament House
In Photo:
Sue Pennicuik, MLC, Martin Foley MlA, Andrea Coote MLC, Trevor Nink Secretary BCNA and Eddie Micallef President BCNA
Click here for a pdf version of the BCNA Press Release
The Community Speaks on 1-7 Waterfront Place
This morning there was graphic demonstration of “tri” partisan support to retain the community amenity at the disputed Port Melbourne Triangle location, the seaborne tourist gateway to Melbourne. Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association President, Mr Eddie Micallef, along with other community leaders presented petitions to members of Parliament on the steps of Parliament House asking for protection to the existing facilities, view lines and residential services.
“After only a short period of collection 1,250 signatures were obtained from citizens of Port Melbourne and Victoria. It was great to see so many people present their views and make it clear that demolishing the low level child minding and sports facilities areas and replacing them with two towers, 10 and 14 storeys, was not acceptable and would be a major loss to the community” said BCNA President Eddie Micallef. “People from outside the bay area feel the same, as do residents from South Melbourne, Middle Park and Albert Park who are worried that covenants on height may be removed in their neighbourhoods also.”
“Also last Tuesday night the City of Port Phillip debated a Notice of Motion to extend the consultation period for the contentious draft Urban Design Framework at this important location. Councillors admitted that they had got the draft document wrong and will review the key Vision, Principles and Outcomes after accepting amendments to the Motion that were referred by the community. However the community battle is far from over as it will now join with other stakeholders and Council over some months to ensure the initial framework of overdevelopment will be further debated and sensible solutions created for generations to come.”
Mr Micallef went on to say “It was again very heartening to see 60 residents, with only 24 hours notice, turn up on a Monday evening meeting in the parkland behind 1-7 Waterfront Place to give their views for presentation to Councillors and Council the next night. Not only will a large development on this site exacerbate the already frequent traffic gridlock at the entry area to Station Pier, but high towers will cast shadows and generate wind flows over the community meeting places and lose some of the soul that exists at this award winning planned development. This area of Port has a soul largely created by the social interaction in this open and sunny environment.”
Any substantial development will also impact Station Pier and its shipping activities of the Tasmanian ferry and the Cruise Ships.
The BCNA is calling on the City of Port Phillip, with the aid of Parliament, to amend the Draft UDF Report to reflect the aspiration of local residents and the broader Victorian community.
Contact: Mr E. Micallef, President, BCNA
PH. 0413127422
City of Port Phillip Media Release on Port Melbourne Waterfront UDF
City of Port Phillip Media Release on
Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework
Please find below a copy of the media release issued by the City of Port Phillip for your information.
Click here for a pdf version.
Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework
Please find below a copy of the media release issued by the City of Port Phillip for your information.
Click here for a pdf version.
Monday, 12 March 2012
BCNA Submission on the Draft Port Melbourne Waterfront UDF
BCNA Submission 9 March 2012
Draft Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework
Dear members
We have made a submission to the City of Port Phillip, and attached a copy of the signed Petition. The Petition contained 1139 signatures. Thank you for all your input, feedback and support. We have attached a pdf version of our submission.
Click on BCNA Submission to the Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework December 2011.
Draft Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework
Dear members
We have made a submission to the City of Port Phillip, and attached a copy of the signed Petition. The Petition contained 1139 signatures. Thank you for all your input, feedback and support. We have attached a pdf version of our submission.
Click on BCNA Submission to the Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework December 2011.
Monday, 5 March 2012
Return Petition to BCNA by Wednesday 7 March
Port Melbourne Waterfront UDF
Reminder - Return Petitions to BCNA by Wednesday 7 March
Please return the petitions by 7 March either by:
Reminder - Return Petitions to BCNA by Wednesday 7 March
Please return the petitions by 7 March either by:
- addressing them to BCNA Private Box 61, 103 Beach Street, Port Melbourne and
- post them in the mail, or
- deliver by hand to the general private post box 103 Beach Street(behind IGA store, near notice board), OR
- return them to a BCNA committee member
Submissions on the Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework close 9 March.
Film - Triangle Wars Tuesday 6 March at the Astor Theatre at 7 pm
City of Port Phillip
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Social Event at Nautical on Wednesday 28th March
Social Event
Restaurant Function
Nautical @ 3 Station Pier, Waterfront Place
7 pm for 7.30 pm
Wednesday 28th March
Hi BCNA members and friends
Our first social get together for 2012 has been arranged for the evening on Wednesday 28th March. Nautical Restaurant at 3 Station Pier will host the evening.
It would be great to see you all. Your friends and neighbours are most welcome. Lots to chat about and an update on where we are with the Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework will be provided. Please make your booking as per below.
The cost is $50 per person for a 3 course dinner which includes antipasto and dips at the start, a choice from 4 mains - beef, fish, chicken and vegetarian, and a choice from 3 desserts. A complimentary glass of wine shiraz/cabernet or Semillon/Sauvignon Blanc is included.
Payment will be cash at the door and drinks will be at your own expense.
Please RSVP to Dana Hlavacek
by email on or
telephone 9646 8850 and leave a message
Please state names and number of people in your party
by email on or
telephone 9646 8850 and leave a message
Please state names and number of people in your party
By Thursday 22 March
This will allow us to finalise numbers with the restaurant.
BCNA Social Events
Queen Mary 2 at Station Pier Monday 5 March
Queen Mary 2 to berth at Station Pier
on Monday, 5 March 2012
Message from Port of Melbourne Corporation
Please be advised that on 5 March, Station Pier will welcome Queen Mary 2, the Cunard flagship, at Station Pier. Queen Mary 2 is scheduled to be berthed at Outer West Station Pier from approximately 0730 to 1800 hours.
This visit is likely to generate public interest, and other operations, including morning and evening Spirit of Tasmania sailings, are scheduled for that day.
Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC) has traffic management plans in place to manage anticipated increases in vehicle traffic in the area, however higher than usual traffic volumes may result in some localised congestion.
For more information
To find out more please contact Port of Melbourne Corporation on 03 9683 1565, visit our website or email a member of our Community Relations team.
Cameron Weston
Community Relations Officer | Port Interface
Community Relations Officer | Port Interface
Toll Free 1300 857 662
Level 4, 530 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000 GPO Box 261 Melbourne, VIC 3001 Australia Tel: +61 1300 857 662 | Fax: +61 3 9683 1570 *Please consider the environment before printing this email advice. |
Cruise Ships
Saturday, 3 March 2012
Port Melbourne Waterfront UDF - Public Consultation Period closes Friday 9 March
Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework
Public Consultation Period closes Friday 9 March
Your Opinion Counts! Ensure your voice is heard!
See the top right corner of the BCNA website for information on the Port Melbourne Waterfront UDF
Lobby City of Port Phillip Mayor and Councillors:
· Submit your views to the “Have Your Say” section of the City of Port Phillip website
· Contact our local Councillor, Janet Bolitho, our Mayor Rachel Powning, Kay Rundle CEO, and Carrie White, Place Manager Port Melbourne, City of Port Phillip or
Mail: The Mayor and Councilors, City of Port Phillip, PO Box 3, Post Office, St Kilda, 3182
Phone: Councillor Janet Bolitho 0411 096 400
Publicise the issue through local and general media:
· Contact our local newspapers- The Melbourne Weekly – Port Phillip
Email: Mail: The Editor, The Melbourne Weekly, PO Box4569, Melbourne 3001
And/or “0pinion” Port Phillip Leader
Email: The Editor, Caulfield/Port Phillip Leader, Level 2, 636 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne 3004
· Contact The Age· Contact The Herald Sun
Friday, 2 March 2012
Beach Clean 9 am Sunday 4 March 2012
Beach Patrol 3207
Sunday 4th March
Starting 9 am
Message from Tom Burrows
Beach Patrol 3207
Sunday 4th March
Starting 9 am
Message from Tom Burrows
Hello Beach Patrollers
Welcome to autumn - and the weather!
This rain and wind is piling up the garbage along our beaches.
GOOD NEWS - this Sunday is Clean Up Oz Day. 3207 Beach Patrol will be out in force - and enjoy the satisfaction of this social occasion in collecting this litter for proper disposal.
You are cordially invited to join in - at a start point that suits you
Zone 1 - opposite Pickles Street
Zone 2 - Port beach opposite London Hotel
Zone 3 - First Point beach - adjacent Princes Pier
Zone 4 - Sandridge Life Saving Club.
at the end of the clean we will gather as usual at the Beacon Cove Food store (tram terminus) for coffee and chats.
CoPP Council has agreed to collect our rubbish - but if you happen to find 50 bucks in amongst it - feel free to hang on to it!! (my highest note so far is 5 bucks - not yet a 50 - but it did buy the hot choccy!)
We have requested favorable weather for the morning!
Please feel free to invite friends and family of course. The more the merrier! And dont forget to wear your bright blue t shirt and bring gloves if you have them (some spares will be available if necessary)
See you there
Welcome to autumn - and the weather!
This rain and wind is piling up the garbage along our beaches.
GOOD NEWS - this Sunday is Clean Up Oz Day. 3207 Beach Patrol will be out in force - and enjoy the satisfaction of this social occasion in collecting this litter for proper disposal.
You are cordially invited to join in - at a start point that suits you
Zone 1 - opposite Pickles Street
Zone 2 - Port beach opposite London Hotel
Zone 3 - First Point beach - adjacent Princes Pier
Zone 4 - Sandridge Life Saving Club.
at the end of the clean we will gather as usual at the Beacon Cove Food store (tram terminus) for coffee and chats.
CoPP Council has agreed to collect our rubbish - but if you happen to find 50 bucks in amongst it - feel free to hang on to it!! (my highest note so far is 5 bucks - not yet a 50 - but it did buy the hot choccy!)
We have requested favorable weather for the morning!
Please feel free to invite friends and family of course. The more the merrier! And dont forget to wear your bright blue t shirt and bring gloves if you have them (some spares will be available if necessary)
See you there
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Return the Petition by 7 March
Say No to Port Melbourne Triangle
Return the Petition by 7 March
It was wonderful to see so many people at the community consultation session at Waterfront Place on Wednesday. Thank you for your support!
To all the members and friends who are helping gather petition signatures, thank you. It makes a huge difference!
Just to confirm if we could have all petition sheets with signatures back to the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association by 7 March. This will allow us to attach them in the BCNA submission to the City of Port Phillip which closes on 9 March.
Please return the petitions by 7 March either by:
- addressing them to BCNA Private Box 61, 103 Beach Street, Port Melbourne and
- post them in the mail, or
- deliver by hand to the general private post box 103 Beach Street(behind IGA store, near notice board), OR
- return them to a BCNA committee member
Submissions on the Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework close 9 March.
Press Release by BCNA 29 February Community Consultation
Thursday 1 March 2012
Waterfront Place – A great Place to Talk
Over three hours yesterday afternoon, residents and visitors to the disputed Waterfront Place attended an information session with the City of Port Phillip Council staff and Councillors. The Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association set up its own information stall. The discussions took place as part of the Council consultation phase of the draft Urban Design Framework for the waterfront between Bay Street and Beacon Road.
“It was great to see so many people present their views to Council and make it clear that demolishing the low level child minding and sports facilities areas and replacing them with two towers, 10 and 14 storeys, was not acceptable and would be a major loss to the community” said BCNA President Eddie Micallef. “People from outside the bay area feel the same, as do residents from South Melbourne, Middle Park and Albert Park who are worried that covenants on height may be removed in their neighbourhoods also.”
With passengers arriving at the 109 Tram terminus on the way home from work, and cars and campervans lined up in the roadway to board the Spirit of Tasmania it was a busy time. The attendance over the three hours was close to 200 people.
Mr Micallef when addressing the gathered crowd went on to say “Not only will a large development on this site exacerbate the already frequent traffic gridlock at the entry area to Station Pier, but high towers will cast shadows and generate wind flows over the community meeting places and lose some of the soul that exists at this award winning planned development”.
Any substantial development will also impact Station Pier and its shipping activities.
The Association has now secured 100’s of signatures on its petition from people opposed to this overdevelopment and more are coming in daily.
The BCNA is calling on the City of Port Phillip to amend the Draft UDF Report to reflect the aspiration of local residents and the broader Victorian community.
Contact: Mr E. Micallef, President, BCNA
PH. 0413127422
Photos provided by Ron Cassano