Events for your Diary

  • Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner

  • April
  • Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall

  • May
  • Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon
  • Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
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    Friday, 27 January 2012

    The Port Melbourne Triangle @ 1-11 Waterfront Place

    The Port Melbourne Triangle @
    1-11 Waterfront Place
    Click here for a PDF version of the following.


    The original Mirvac Beacon Cove development included low rise community facilities at 1 – 11 Waterfront Place, comprising a gymnasium, swimming pool, crèche and convenience store along with the Tram 109 terminus.
    There was an existing 3 level height limit (“Commercial and Leisure Precinct” section of “Beacon Cove Precinct Plan No 1”) on this building when the property was bought by the current private developers. As recently as January 2011 these height restrictions were supported by our Port Phillip Council in a submission to the Victorian Government.

    In stark contrast Council’s recently released Draft Urban Design Framework (UDF) includes a high rise development on this site with 2 very substantial towers of 10 and 14 levels. Copy available at


     Our concerns about this high rise development include:
    ·         Overpowering domination of Waterfront Place, and destruction of the ambience of and vista from Waterfront Place, Beach Street and Park Square
    ·         Loss of community facilities and green space included in the original Beacon Cove plan.
    ·         Inconsistency with the views expressed by residents during the consultation phase, including through the formally established Community Reference Committee. Council’s draft UDF repeatedly emphasizes their commitment to consultation – but then chooses to ignore the advice that has been given.
    ·         Blocking of the vista of the city skyline and significant detraction from the first view of Melbourne for the increasing numbers of interstate and international visitors disembarking on Station Pier, (as evidenced in the above diagram which is taken directly from the draft UDF document).
    ·         Very significant increase in traffic movements and congestion around the intersection near the previous London Hotel and along Beach Street with consequent adverse impact on access and safety for all Beacon Cove residents and visitors to the area.
    ·         Failure to acknowledge low rise heights of buildings in closer vicinity. The draft UDF justifies the 10/14 storey height with reference to the height of the 5 Beacon Cove towers. The closest of these is a good 100 metres further along the waterfront. Why does the UDF not acknowledge the lower heights in the immediate vicinity (London Hotel and Beach Rd buildings to the East; heritage Railway Station, convenience store and low level residential/commercial buildings to the West)?
    ·         Complete lack of respect for the heritage status of the railway station which will be dwarfed by the towering building immediately adjacent to it.


     Council and Councillors have a responsibility to respect the views of their ratepayers.

    BCNA will continue to lobby on this issue and it is vital that Council also hears from individual residents/families who share our concerns about this proposed development. To have your say:  

     Lobby City of Port Phillip Mayor and Councillors

          ·         Contribute to CoPP formal consultation process from 5 February – 9 March 2012
                  “Conversation tent sessions” on: 
    Saturday 11thFebruary, 9:00 – 12:00 noon – Bay Street, outside Coles
                              Saturday 18thFeb 8:30 – 11:30am at Gasworks Farmers Market
                    “Community drop in session” (specifically about the draft UDF)
                                Wednesday 29thFeb 4:30 – 7:00pm near tram terminus, Waterfront Place 
    ·         Submit your views to the “Have Your Say” section of the City of Port Phillip website  
    ·        Contact our local Councillor, Janet Bolitho, our Mayor Rachel Powning, Kay Rundle CEO, and Carrie White, Place Manager Port Melbourne, City of Port Phillip
                 Mail: The Mayor and Councilors, City of Port Phillip, PO Box 3, Post Office, St Kilda, 3182
                 Phone: Councillor Janet Bolitho 0411 096 400
    ·         Attend and speak at Council meetings:
    Ordinary Meetings of Council -Tuesday 14th Feb 6:00pm South Melbourne Town Hall,
                 and Tuesday 28th Feb, 6:00pm, St Kilda Town Hall
                 Statutory Planning Committee meeting – Tuesday 21st Feb 6:00pm, St Kilda Town Hall

    Publicise the issue through local and general media:

    ·         Contact our local newspapers- The Melbourne Weekly – Port Phillip
                  Mail: The Editor, The Melbourne Weekly, PO Box4569, Melbourne 3001
    And/or “0pinion” Port Phillip Leader
                  Mail: The Editor, Caulfield/Port Phillip Leader, Level 2, 636 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne 3004
    ·         Contact The Age
    ·         Contact The Herald Sun

    PLEASE discuss this issue with your neighbours and Beacon Cove friends and act now! 

    BCNA Committee contacts:
    President:             Eddie Micallef   0413 127 422  Committee Members:   Ro Holmes            9646 1961
    Vice President:    Greg Mate          9681 7441                                                  Bob Harrison        9645 2115
    Secretary:             Trevor Nink        0404 084 283                                            Robyn McKenna   9646 5259
    Treasurer:             Dana Hlavacek   9646 8850                                                 Glenda Beale        9676 2151

    3207 Beach Patrol - Beach Clean Sat 28th Jan

    3207 Beach Patrol
    Beach Clean Saturday 28th January 2012
    Meet at Princes Pier at 9 am

    Message From Tom Burrows

    Hello Beach Patrollers - and Happy new Year 2012. the year is racing already!

    I do hope you have enjoyed the festive season and a good break from routine.

    The fine weather - and some storms - has produced litter - and our beaches really love the respect you show them by collecting litter for proper disposal.

    We have our first Group Clean for the year coming up soon - Saturday 28 January 2012.

    The Princes Pier is now reopened - so we can meet there and then move west along the First Point Beach.

    9 am start - and new members - your bright blue t shirts await you!

    Of course - you can always clean your nominated beach zone any time you like. We get quite a bit of feedback from people who see us at work - and our numbers are swelling each time!

    all the best till then - and coffee n chat afterwards as usual

    Happy 2012


    Saturday, 21 January 2012

    The Piers Festival, Saturday 28 January

    The Piers Festival

    Saturday 28 January

    Come along to the Piers Festival SATURDAY 28 JANUARY -FREE EVENT-a celebration of migration at Station Pier & Princes Pier in Port Melbourne

    From the goldrush to wartime, from post-war migration to cruise shipping, Station and Princes Piers have played a pivotal role in Victoria’s growth and offered a gateway to the great diversity of cultures that enrich our community. Multicultural Arts Victoria cordially invites you and your community to join us at the Piers Festival.

    Station Pier Cruise Terminal OPEN DAY from 12 to 4pm
    Location: Cruise Terminal, Station Pier (the south end of the pier)

    Learn about the history of the pier by experiencing the historical display put together by the ImmigrationMuseum
    Witness the stunning images of the Blessing of the Waters ceremony held by the Greek Orthodox community at this site by local photographer Georgia Metaxas
    Go on a journey through time with a stunning screening of Dall’Italia All’Australia (from Italy to Australia), impressions of the voyage of the SS Regina d’Italia towards the mysterious Orient and the fascinating Far South, filmed between August and September 1924. Live musical accompaniment by I Viaggiatori, comprised of ARIA Award winners Kavisha Mazzella and Irene Vella and three others playing romantic and earthy 19th century, Italian folk music.

    Film Screenings at 12:30 – 1:30pm and at 2:30 – 3:30pm. Spaces to film screenings limited. RSVP essential by only to

    Princes Pier Cultural Program from 1 to 9:30pm
    Location: off Pier Street, Port Melbourne

    World music and dance program, food and craft stalls, fireworks, tall ship Enterprize and lots more!
    THE MELBOURNE SKA ORCHESTRA …25 piece band with special multicultural guests
    SOL NATION …reggae, samba, funk with a splash of East Timorese folk
    MANASIS DANCE …Greek traditional dance for all to join in
    THE LOST CLOG … Lithuanian harmonies with a dash of humour
    BITSAT …authentic and soulful Ethiopian music
    VERCHOVYNA ENSEMBLE …dynamic and colourful display of Ukrainian culture
    ARTE KANELA …Australia’s leading flamenco music and dance act
    SHLJIVOVITZ ORCHESTRA WITH SERBIAN DANCERS…Balkan tunes to get the heart pumping
    TE HONONGA O NGA IWI …powerful Maori harmonies, haka and pois twirling
    MEHTER OTTOMAN MARCHING BAND …powerful vocals and drums from Turkish community
    VICTORIA POLICE PIPE BAND …playing many highland favourites for the Scottish & Irish dancers

    More information:

    Monday, 9 January 2012

    Beacon Cove C73 Planning Scheme Amendment

    Beacon Cove  Amendment C73 Planning Scheme of City of Port Phillip

    On December 20th 2011 all property owners within Beacon Cove received advice from the City of Port Phillip that Amendment C73 had been gazetted, bringing Beacon Cove under the City of Port Phillip Planning Scheme.

    Owners within the high rise precinct were further advised that the respective Owners Corporations would replace Mirvac as administrators of covenants and no further action is required on the part of such owners.

    Owners within the low rise precinct were advised that covenants on title will require amendment to reflect Mirvac's administrative withdrawal from the Estate. Such amendment will require production of Title following further advice from Council. Mirvac, Council and Major Projects Victoria have agreed to fund this process providing their offer is accepted prior to February 29th by completing the form attached to Council's letter.

     Any questions should be referred to Sara Miletic, Senior Council Planning Officer, on 92096237.