Events for your Diary

  • Sat 15, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at North Port tram stop
  • Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner

  • April
  • Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall

  • May
  • Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon
  • Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
  • Latest News

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    Tuesday, 1 February 2011

    Celebration in the Park - Garden City Reserve

    Celebration in the Park
    Garden City Reserve

    Now Deferred until later October 2011

    Let’s celebrate our fabulous park!
    We still have this park because the community cared and pulled together to save it from becoming a building site.

    Let’s get together to celebrate our neighbourhood.

    We’re having Zumba dancing, dog competitions, sporting club activities, poetry competitions, community group displays, stuff for the kids and everyone.

    Look out for more details soon.

    BYO picnic and be prepared to have some fun.

    Hosted by
    Port People Inc
    Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association