Events for your Diary

  • Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner

  • April
  • Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall

  • May
  • Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon
  • Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
  • Latest News

    You can use the search options at lower right to find specific items.

    Monday, 5 December 2011

    The Beacon December 2011

    BCNA Newsletter December 2011

    Click here for the pdf version

    The Beacon
    December 2011

    The President and Committee wish all residents a happy festive season and a prosperous New Year.

    Newsletter of Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association Inc (BCNA).

    BCNA aims and aspirations include providing a forum for all residents of Beacon Cove and abutting neighbourhoods to discuss key local issues with a view to preserving and enhancing the quality of life within the area.

    This newsletter draws on the President’s Report from the October AGM with subsequent updates.

    1-11 Waterfront Place
    The major issue of the pending redevelopment of this site is still unresolved. The Committee believes that the future use of this site will be proposed by CoPP in the Urban Design Framework (UDF) which is due for Council adoption and release before the end of this year. BCNA has provided CoPP with a position statement on what is, and is not, acceptable development for this site – see BCNA Blogspot.

    Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC)
    In July BCNA responded to the Department of Transport issued a Discussion Paper on transferring the car trade to Port of Geelong. We await Government announcements on any implications for Webb Dock port traffic with whatever activity might replace the car trade next to us.
    Improvements have been made in signage re access to Station Pier at the entry to the plaza area. Representations have been made to TT-Line and PoMC to relieve periodic traffic jams as travellers queue to board their cars onto the Spirit of Tasmania.
    BCNA, along with Port People and Port to Port, meets twice yearly with PoMC and has addressed, largely favourably, a number of operational issues. The Committee wants to ensure resident interests can made known early in the PoMC planning process.
    Committee members have met with the Honourable Dennis Napthine, Minister for Ports and also Minister for Major Projects (MPV) - to outline community views on our interface with the various Government departments in his portfolio.
    Beacon Cove Planning Scheme Amendments C73 and C105
    After four years of detailed work on the part of CoPP and a team of consultant planners, Amendment C73 was adopted by Council in July and approved and gazetted by the Honourable Matthew Guy, Planning Minister, in November. This amendment is designed to transfer the unique covenants and planning rules for the residential precincts within Beacon Cove to CoPP and establish a more appropriate planning approval framework now that development of the Estate is complete.
    Separately Amendment C105 was approved by the Minister and gazetted in October. C105 makes CoPP the Responsible Authority to for all future planning issues for the residential and commercial areas within Beacon Cove, including 1-11 Waterfront place (the old gymnasium site).
    Prior to the end of the year all property owners within Beacon Cove should receive detailed information on the amendments and advice on the necessary changes to title covenants.
    Garden City Reserve (GCR)
    CoPP required the Hobson's Bay Obedience Dog Club (HBODC) to relocate to GCR from Murphy's Reserve after almost 50 years at that site. CoPP has plans to redevelop Murphy's Reserve and HBODC uses the location that is proposed for a wetland system. BCNA has worked closely with HBODC and CoPP to review all possible alternative locations and to ensure the transition has the minimum possible impact on residents. It should commence early in 2012.
    Discussions were held recently on the access of Port Melbourne Primary School students to the east end of GCR as a regular playground. The community has few objections but a bigger issue is to provide more schools to cater with the fast growing population of children in Port Melbourne.
    General Landscaping of Public Spaces
    Completion of public toilets at Sandridge Beach have taken too long but are now progressed. CoPP have also budgeted for a shower to be constructed on Port Melbourne Beach for this summer.
    After the trunk sewer works of Melbourne Water have now been largely concluded, the small park and grass area is being returned to the earlier road access domain between Swallow, Ross and Byrne Streets. This is a messy intersection but Council have advised that they have no budget to further enhance the traffic flows and residential amenity in adversely affected areas.

    Social Activities and Plans
    The BCNA Committee will be arranging another dinner at a local restaurant early in the New Year. In the meanwhile BCNA encourages you to attend the Picnic in the Park at Garden City Reserve on 11 December 2011 from 1.00 - 4.30 pm. This event is to celebrate the hard fought improvements over recent years. See the website at for more information.

    Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework (PMW UDF)
    The planning stage of the UDF process is drawing to a close as a recommended framework went to CoPP late November. We await release of this document for public discussion prior to year end. Once ratified, it will need to be turned into more concrete activities coupled with sufficient annual budget monies over the long term.
    This will impact on 1 – 11 Waterfront Place and solutions to the traffic congestion, parking problems and poor pedestrian access around the entrance to Station Pier.
    Fisherman’s Bend Proposed Long Term Development
    This is a developing issue. The existing infrastructure is not capable of handling a substantial increase in population e.g. conflict between cars and trucks on Williamstown Road. There would need to be an effective buffer zone protecting residents from an expanded working port. Plans for new schools and extension to public transport would need to be drawn up. Any definite proposals from the Planning Minister must have a built in consultation process that take into account residents’ concerns.
    Princes Pier
    On Monday 5 December the Honourable Dennis Napthine, Minister for Major Projects, is inviting guests to view the structural refurbishment of the pier, the renewal of the heritage gatehouse and the initial public spaces on the new deck.
    Plans for determining further suitable uses for the deck and gatehouse, and the permanent maintenance regime, are yet to be finalised between the community, MPV, CoPP and Parks Victoria.

    Website presence at (amended)
    We encourage all members to check out the site, hit Subscribe to receive new posts and provide BCNA feedback through the link.
    BCNA Commitee 2011/2012
    President: Eddie Micallef 9645 1185
    Vice President: Greg Mate 9681 7441
    Secretary: Trevor Nink 9681 8283
    Treasurer: Dana Hlavacek 9646 8850
    Member: Ro Holmes 9649 1961
    Member: Bob Harrison 9645 2115
    Member: Glenda Beale 9676 2151
    Member: Robyn McKenna 9646 5259

    BCNA 2011/2012 subscriptions – now due

    Annual subscription $10 per household or Five (5) year membership $45 per household

    Please complete details below and post with cash/cheque payable to "Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association" to The Treasurer BCNA, Private Box 61, 103 Beach Street, Port Melbourne OR deliver to Private Post Box 103 Beach Street (behind IGA store, near notice board)
    Name ....................................................
    Address .................................................

    Email address .......................................

    Phone ...................................................

    Cash/Cheque enclosed: □ $10 (1 year) or □ $45 (5 years)

    BCNA expresses its appreciation to Martin Foley MLA for support to print The Beacon

    Sunday, 4 December 2011

    3207 Beach Patrol Group Clean

    3207 Beach Patrol Group Clean

    From Tom Burrows.....

    The next Group Clean is this Saturday 10 December at 9 am meet on Beach Street opposite the London Hotel

    Greetings beach patrollers!

    It is now one year since our happy group first assembled on a bright sunny day (yes - it was sunny!) to enjoy doing our little bit for a cleaner safer world.

    Dressed in our bright blue t shirts we collected mega bags of trash before an enjoyable chat over drinks. In the past year I reckon we have collected over 500 kgs of litter - mostly plastic! What a difference.

    Our summer clean this year - Saturday 10 December - is soon upon us.

    Please come along for this anniversary clean - and feel free to invite friends and family!
    9 am - on Beach Street opposite the London Hotel.

    I look forward to see you then!

    Cheers Tom

    Celebration in the Park

    Celebration in the Park

    Community Festival at Garden City Reserve

    Sunday 11 December 2011 1 pm to 4.30 pm

    Picnic in the Park

    Participate in the many activities

    Meet your neighbours and local groups

    Bring your friends and on-lead dogs

    Click here for full details

    Tuesday, 8 November 2011

    Beach Patrol 3207 Group Clean Sat 12 November

    Beach Patrol 3207 Group Clean Sat 12 November

    ..... message from Tom Burrowes

    Hello Beach Patrollers!Spring is here well and truly - with changeable Melbourne weather stamping its usual spring mark!And so we rejuvenate Beach patrol - and what better way than a GROUP CLEAN. Many thanks to those volunteers out there in the blue t shirt doing the one hour per month - even in the cooler months!

    GROUP CLEAN - Saturday 12 November 2011. Usual 9 am start.

    I am thinking that we could start at the Port Melb Yacht Club - at the end of Bay Street. This is only a short stroll - and likely our clean will be towards Pickles usual - cuppa n chat afterwards.Love to hear from you - and please wear the blue t shirt and off we go as we head into summer!Bring friends and family - and I will have more t shirts for new members.cheers Tom

    Ross has arranged for litter traps - so we can aim to inspect after for those interested.

    Tuesday, 1 November 2011

    Cruise Shipping Schedule for 2011/2012

    Port of Melbourne
    Cruise Shipping Schedule for 2011/2012

    Click here to be taken to the Port of Melbourne website for up-to-date details of the cruise shipping schedule for this season.

    Wednesday, 12 October 2011

    Princes Pier Progress September 2011

    Major Projects Victoria has released an updated progress report on the Princess Pier services connection and the drainage remedial works at Pier Street dated September 2011. For access to the update please click on the following link:

    Tuesday, 11 October 2011

    BCNA UDF Statement September 2011

    BCNA UDF Statement September 2011

    Beacon Cove Neighborhood Association Inc

    The process of developing an Urban design Framework for the Port Melbourne waterfront has been going on now for some time via the City of Port Phillip. In that period BCNA has contributed views of members through representation to the Community Reference Committee and the various City officers and Councillors involved. The Final Vision Report has been prepared (see Blog posted last week) and is being used to develop the Framework going soon to Council for approval. At the September meeting of the BCNA Executive Committee a summary position statement was adopted and sent to Council. A copy of this statement is reproduced below. This document aims to represent the groundswell of opinion that has been fed back to the Executive Committee.

    The Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association has been an active participant in the City of Port Phillip Urban Design Framework (UDF) Community Reference Committee (CRC) chaired by Councillor Janet Bolitho. The committee was established March 2010
    Bob Harrison (BCNA) is a member of the CRC and brings valuable experience he gained during his tenure at Portland harbour in various management positions.
    The CRC has met on a regular basis and has been established to provide input in the way of ideas and concepts from the community to the Draft UDF report and its recommendations to go to council and the broader community for consideration during the latter part of 2011.
    The original Mirvac Beacon Cove development incorporated a service area comprising of the Childcare Centre, Gymnasium, and Food store with the 109 tram stop facilities as the social hub of the estate.
    The BCNA is of the firm view that this original concept has to be preserved and any future development must incorporate the existing service area.
    The potential for saturation development including commercial, retail and high-rise will be strongly objected to by the Residents and the BCNA.
    The visual aspect of Station Pier and it view of the city skyline is important to welcome the growing number of interstate and international tourists arriving at the pier and their first sight of Melbourne.
    Inappropriate development will increase traffic management problems such as parking and queuing that will impact on the local resident’s capacity to move freely to and from their residence. This also brings into question the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and disabled people. This has to be addressed.
    The BCNA believes a visual appealing buffer needs to separate the Ports activities from the Residences; this buffer should incorporate green and sustainable features.
    The construction of a viewing platform for residents and the public to view and welcome ship arrivals and departures would be a welcome addition. It would enrich the tourism experience.
    The future use of Princess Pier as a recreational /entertainment venue if considered will be of concern to tower residents. The community use of the historical Gatehouse and small boat access are welcome benefits.
    The BCNA is concerned about the impact on local amenity and the financial viability of any retail development, and is opposed to any substantial retail initiative being considered. The seasonal nature of the area is a real restraint on developing a viable retail centre - this could lead to semi deserted or unoccupied shop sites.
    The CRC has to respond to the challenge of existing traffic congestion that builds up during various port activities and ensure it will not exacerbated by increased and/or inappropriate development.
    The current 3 story limit has been established to protect the amenity and integrity of the service area. The BCNA will challenge any attempt to overdevelop and introduce high rise features in to the UDF recommendations. It believes the UDF has the potential to enhance the recreational aspect of the waterfront to the benefit of residents and the Victorian community.
    The experience of visiting Melbourne should be memorable; the UDF process has the capacity to deliver that we must get it right.

    Friday, 7 October 2011

    UDF Final Vision Report

    UDF Final Vision Report

    The Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework Final Vision Report was published by the City of Port Phillip in July this year. This Vision captures the comments, ideas and thoughts of the wider community in how the waterfront at Port Melbourne can be improved for the local, Melbourne and visitor populations. It is the important "marker" which Council must consider in preparing its plan for improvement at the waterfront.

    To see this report please follow the attached link to the City of Port Phillip website

    AGM Reminder 20 October

    AGM Reminder

    Thursday 20 October 2011

    The 2011 Annual General Meeting will be held as follows:

    Date and time: Thursday 20 October 2011 at 6:30 pm for 7:00 pm

    Location : Sandridge Senior Citizens Club (Trugo Club) in Garden City Reserve, off Tucker Avenue, Port Melbourne.

    The AGM will be preceded by refreshments, cheese and biscuits.

    The Executive General Manager of Port of Melbourne Corporation, Caryn Anderson, the Mayor of City of Port Phillip, Rachel Powning, the Director of Major Projects Victoria, John Wiles and a representative of the Minister for Planning and Community Development have all kindly accepted to be guests of the Committee. Short presentations and an interactive session have been arranged with our guests to allow residents to hear directly from these key stakeholders in our neighbourhood.


    1. Attendance
    2. Apologies
    3. Minutes of the 2010 Annual General Meeting
    4. Guest speakers, panel discussion, questions and answers
    5. President’s Report
    6. Treasurer’s Report
    7. Election of Office Bearers and Committee (President, Vice President, Treasurer/Public Officer, Secretary and Committee Members)
    8. General Business
    9. Close of Meeting

    Friday, 5 August 2011

    Reminder: Membership Subscriptions Now Due

    Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association Inc.SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITYBCNA 2011/2012 subscriptions – NOW DUE

    The Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association (BCNA) is your local community association working for you and your local neighbourhood.
    > BCNA’s current lobbying activities include:- future redevelopment of waterfront precinct, development at 1-11 Waterfront Place, and Princes Pier.
    > Meet key personnel from our Council, our Government and Opposition, the Port of Melbourne etc at BCNA’s Annual General Meeting on 20 October 2011
    > Annual subscription $10 per household or Five (5) year membership $45 per household

    Please print this email, complete the details and return with cash/cheque payable to “Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association” to:
    The Treasurer BCNA, Private Box 61, 103 Beach Street, Port Melbourne by post OR
    deliver to private post box 103 Beach Street (behind IGA store, near notice board)

    Name ......................................................................................................................................................
    Address .................................................................................................................................................
    Email address ....................................................................... Phone .................................................
    Cash/Cheque enclosed: □ $10 (1 year) or □ $45 (5 years)

    Keep up-to-date at  

    Princes Pier Progress August 2011

    Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association Inc.

    Princes Pier Progress August 2011

    Major Projects Victoria distributed an August project update on Princes Pier to residences in near proximity. For access to the update please click here.

    Monday, 25 July 2011

    REMINDER - Social Event Greek Banquet

    Social Event REMINDER

    If you would like to attend this restaurant evening please RSVP to Robyn McKenna at or telephone 9646 5259 by Friday 28th July

    Social Event – Greek Banquet
    for BCNA members and friends

    Eurodore Restaurant
    271-273 Bay Street, Port Melbourne
    Wednesday 3rd August – 7pm for 7.30 pm
    $45 per person - Cash at the door please

    Drinks will be at additional cost

    Enjoy a wonderful Greek banquet at Eurodore Restaurant in the pleasant company of your friends and Beacon Cove neighbours.

    Sunday, 3 July 2011

    Social Event - Greek Banquet

    Social Event – Greek Banquet
    for BCNA members and friends

    Eurodore Restaurant
    271-273 Bay Street, Port Melbourne
    Wednesday 3rd August – 7pm for 7.30 pm
    $45 per person plus drinks - Cash at the door please

    Enjoy a wonderful Greek banquet at Eurodore Restaurant in the pleasant company of your friends and Beacon Cove neighbours.
    If you would like to attend this restaurant evening please RSVP to Robyn McKenna at or telephone 9646 5259 by Friday 28th July

    Wednesday, 15 June 2011

    Community Input to Port Melbourne Neighbourhood House

    Community Input to Port Melbourne Neighbourhood House

    BCNA Invitation

    The Port Melbourne Neighbourhood House invites the BCNA membership to participate in a one hour focus conversation to help support the Port Melbourne neighbourhood.

    They want to better understand what our neighbourhood is like and what people want. This will help plan courses and activities and to include your views in their presentations to other organisations and local government. This is one of many sessions that they are conducting in the community.

    You time and support would be appreciated.

    When and Where

    Friday 24th June
    2 pm (for one hour)
    Neighbourhood House - Cnr of Liardet and Nott Streets, Port Melbourne

    The Port Melbourne Neighbourhood House is interested in finding out:
    - what activities people are already, or are interested in, being a part of,
    - what people would like their neighbourhood house and neighbourhood to be like,
    - whether people still have the same concerns about neighbourhood change raised in a study 7 years ago.

    This will assist the Neighbourhood House in course planning for next year, longer term planning and representing community views.

    You do not need to know anything about the Port Melbourne Neighbourhood House, and it does not matter how long you have lived in the City of Port Phillip. It will take less than an hour and will be a group discussion. Names of individuals are not being collected.

    Please consider coming along on Friday 24th,2pm. If you are willing to help, even this particular time or day does not suit you, please let Tracey know. If you have any friends or neighbours who are not BCNA members, they are most welcome.

    RSVP or for more information
    Please contact Tracey by email
    or by phone 0409930366 (by Wednesday 22/06/11).

    Thursday, 26 May 2011

    Feedback Request - Princes Street and Beach Street Roundabout Intersection

    BCNA Community Feedback Request
    Roundabout at the Corner of Princes Street and Beach Street

    We are seeking feedback on the recent changes to the Princes Street roundabout on the London Hotel Corner. Higher clear glass panels have been installed replacing vegetation and other barriers.

    Several members have noted concerns at various times of day and night, and in certain weather conditions, on the visibility of sighting pedestrians approaching or on the crossing when driving a car through the roundabout.

    We are seeking a wider input from our membership of your experiences when driving through this Roundabout; could you please indicate the conditions, time of day and the approach direction in your comment.

    We would appreciate you input to outlining you experiences by 31st of May.

    Thank You for your Support

    Wednesday, 25 May 2011

    Hobson Bay Obedience Dog Club - Demonstration Day Sunday 4 June

    Hobson Bay Obedience Dog Club (HBODC)

    The Hobson Bay Obedience Dog Club is relocating from Murphy Reserve to Garden City Reserve mid/late 2011.

    Another demonstration day is being held on

    Sunday 5 June 10.00 am to 11 am

    at Garden City Reserve, near the Sandridge Trugo Club.

    If you would like more information council staff will be in attendance to answer your questions.

    Monday, 9 May 2011

    C73 Planning Scheme Amendment - Beacon Cove Planning Controls

    Beacon Cove Planning Controls

    (Residential Precincts)

    C73 Planning Scheme Amendment

    The City of Port Phillip has commenced the public exhibition of the Notice of the Amendment C73 to the City of Port Phillip Planning Scheme - Beacon Cove Planning Controls (Residential Precincts).

    Amendment C73 applies to the residential areas within the Beacon Cove Estate, Port Melbourne.

    The City of Port Phillip has sent out a letter Notice to all effected residents which you should now have received. Click Here to see a copy of one such letter with attachments in a PDF format.

    The Notice details the content of the amendment, advises where Amendment C73 documentation can be viewed, and nominates the closing date for submissions - 6 June 2011. Further details on the particulars of the amendment can also be bound in the Explanatory Report enclosed with the letter.

    The C73 amendment may be viewed online at:

    If you have any queries, or would like to discuss the amendment further please contact Sara Miletic (City of Port Phillip) by email or telephone 9209 6237.

    Wednesday, 4 May 2011

    Reminder - PM Waterfront Urban Design Framework Drop In Session 7 May

    Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework (PMWUDF)

    Reminder for session being run by City of Port Phillip (CoPP)

    Community Engagement - Drop In Session
    Saturday 7th May 10 am - 3 pm
    Port Melbourne Yacht Club

    The drop in session has been organised to hear from you on what we’ve heard so far and let CoPP know if they are on the right track. Being on a Saturday and spread over 5 hours it provides an opportunity for those community members who could not attend the Port Melbourne Town Hall meetings to ‘have a say’ on their waterfront.

    Let your voice have a say.

    Click to see the 1st PMWUDF Newsletter March 2011

    Posted by Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association at 1:51 PM
    Labels: City of Port Phillip, Waterfront UDF

    Social Event - Chinese Restaurant RSVP due 4th May

    BCNA Social Event Reminder

    Golden View Chinese Restaurant
    May 11th 7 for 7.30 pm
    $45 per person plus drinks

    If you would like to attend the restaurant evening RSVP are due today 4th May to

    Monday, 2 May 2011

    Port of Melbourne May 2011 Boat Tours

    Port of Melbourne May 2011 Boat Tours
    Saturday May 14 and May 21
    The Port of Melbourne Corporation is offering the opportunity for local residents to participate on a boat tour of the Port.

    If you are interested you will find information on the attached brochure OR you can find out more details and book online at

    There are limited seats and you must pre book.

    Friday, 29 April 2011

    Golden View Chinese Restaurant 11 May 2011

    BCNA Social Event

    Golden View Chinese Restaurant Dinner

    A wonderful banquet has been designed by the Golden View Chinese Restaurant for BCNA members and friends

    The meal is $45 per head and comprises a variety of delicious entree and main courses and choice of desert. Please pay on the night.

    Drinks can be purchased separately.

    This new local restaurant has been receiving some great reviews and we hope you can join with us to have a great night of food and fun.

    When: 7 for 7.30pm, Wednesday 11 May 2011
    Golden View Chinese Restaurant
    53 Bay St, Port Melbourne

    RSVP: by Wednesday 4th May to (please advise of any dietary requirements)

    Sunday, 17 April 2011

    The Beacon - April 2011 Newsletter

    Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association

    The Beacon

    April 2011 Newsletter

    Click here for a pdf version.

    The Beacon

    April 2011

    Newsletter of Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association Inc (BCNA).

    BCNA aims and aspirations include providing a forum for all residents of Beacon Cove and abutting neighbourhoods to discuss key local issues with a view to preserving and enhancing the quality of life within the area.

    Beacon Cove Planning Scheme Amendment

    Over the past three years the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) has been working on Amendment C73 intended to bring Beacon Cove under the City’s planning scheme. When in place the amendment will create certainty and transparency in future planning decisions and ensure the ongoing architectural integrity of the Estate.

    In recent days the Minister for Planning has advised the City that it may now exhibit the amendment for public comment. It is expected that within the next three months each resident effected by the amendment will receive an “information pack” from Council explaining the process in detail and the manner in which any relevant submissions may be made to Council. The amendment will remain on exhibition for one calendar month, during which time any submissions may be lodged. In determining the final form of the amendment, the Minister is required to take into account all submissions. Following the expiry of the exhibition period there is an ongoing complex procedure prior to final gazettal of the amendment. It is likely that it will be a further twelve months before Beacon Cove is finally brought under the control of the CoPP Planning Scheme.

    1-11 Waterfront Place

    In November 2009 CoPP adopted guidelines supporting a six story limit and recently has requested the State Government to agree to a mandatory 3 story height limit to land at 1-11 Waterfront Place on an interim basis for 2 years. This would apply while the Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework (PMWUDF) is being completed BCNA has written to the Minister for Planning following his pre-election commitments. At this stage the response by his department on his behalf states the DPCD is working with the CoPP to develop the UDF in consultation with the local community and that the Minister has not yet considered the CoPP request for interim height controls. BCNA also meet with the Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC) to discuss the potential for the 1-11 Waterfront site to be considered in a buffer zone to Station Pier. Any substantial development of course would add considerable pressure to the precinct especially on cruise shipping days. PoMC are taking this on notice. BCNA will continue to pursue a satisfactory outcome

    Interface with Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC)

    Last December and February groups of residents visited Station Pier on cruise ship handover day and experienced the difficulties of operation in these conditions. In the short term we see the need to close the pier to the public but in the long term PoMC should provide improved viewing facilities for the public. Also see above.

    Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework (PMWUDF)

    The CoPP consultant, AECOM, has completed the first stage of their project. This has involved two public community meetings and has resulted in an understanding of the issues and opportunities of the study area and a community vision for consideration of Council and other key stakeholders. The next stage, to be completed by mid- year, will establish key future objectives and outcomes from these studies, discussions and deliberations and form a basis for a draft urban framework. Our Community Reference Committee (CRC) representative believes that the suggestions and concerns of our community have been well taken on by AECOM to date. This is supported by their current draft reports, particularly those emanating from the public meetings, which provide a balance to community expectations. The consultant’s final report is due in November 2011. Your suggestions or concerns are of interest to the study group and can be sent to Council or BCNA.

    Princes Pier

    Major Projects Victoria (MPV) has given approval to a number of the suggestions that have been put forward by BCNA and others, subject to Heritage Vic approval.

    • Gatehouse upper level without partitioning.

    • Widen lower landings and provide ramps.

    • Provide pedestrian scale lighting and better beach access.

    • An area of open decking to display original deck construction.

    • Other items are still being considered.

    Clean Up Australia Day

    Some forty BCNA members and 3207beachpatrollers were joined by new volunteers and by the 5th Caulfield Scout Group to participate in "Clean Up Australia Day". Plenty of litter was found, as usual, near the open drain on Port Melbourne beach. Progress east to the PM Yacht Club was therefore a little slow as participants also swarmed over the grassy dunes, which are real litter traps. Lagoon Pier was cleaned of fishing line and discarded bait bags. All up close to 60 large bags of litter were collected - mostly plastic. Sharps monitors report 6 needles. Council will analyse the litter contents which may provide useful info. Congratulations to all involved, in particular organiser of 3207beachpatrol, Tom Burrowes. Our beaches are much safer and cleaner as a result of this impressive community effort. Further events will be notified by email/eblog.

    Next Social Event

    A wonderful banquet has been designed by the Golden View Chinese Restaurant for BCNA members and friends. The meal is $45 per head and comprises a variety of delicious entree and main courses and choice of desert. Drinks can be purchased separately. This new local restaurant has been receiving some great reviews and we hope you can join with us to have a great night of food and fun.

    When: 7 for 7.30pm, Wednesday 11 May 2011

    Where: Golden View Chinese Restaurant

    53 Bay St, Port Melbourne

    RSVP: by Wednesday 4th May to (please advise of any dietary requirements)

    Other Current Issues

    BCNA is working with members on issues of:

    • The Dog Club transfer from Murphy Reserve to Garden City Reserve,

    • Proposed installation of mobile phone tower at Station Pier area and

    • Refurbishment of trunk sewer site at Swallow Street.

    • Flooding due to inadequate drainage, esp. at Pier and Beach Street intersection

    Support Your Association


    BCNA is your community association working for you and the local neighbourhood.

    • BCNA’s current lobbying activities include:- redevelopment of waterfront precinct, development at 1-11 Waterfront Place, Princes Pier, Planning Amendment C73.

    • More members = better lobbying power.

    • Meet key personnel from our Council, our Government and Opposition: the Port of Melbourne etc at BCNA’s Annual General Meeting on 20 October 2011.

    • BCNA 2011/2012 subscriptions – join now or renew current membership.

    • Subscriptions are $10 per year or $45 per 5 years per household.

    President: Eddie Micallef 9645 1185

    Vice President: Greg Mate 9681 7441

    Secretary: Trevor Nink 9681 8283

    Treasurer: Dana Hlavacek 9646 8850

    Please complete and detach the form below and return with cheque payable to BCNA to The Treasurer BCNA, 61/103 Beach Street Port Melbourne by post or deliver to 103 Beach Street postal box (behind IGA store, near notice board)



    Email address...............................................

    Phone #s.......................................................

    Cheque enclosed: □ $10 (1 year) or □ $45 (5 years)

    Subscribe to the BCNA eblog site at

    BCNA expresses its appreciation to Martin Foley MLA for support to print The Beacon

    Saturday, 16 April 2011

    Membership BCNA 2012 - 2013

    Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association
    Membership 2012/2013 
    Support Your Association
    Remember if you have joined for 5 years last year you are already a member

    The Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association (BCNA) is your local community association working for you and your local neighbourhood.

    Ø    BCNA’s current lobbying activities include:- future redevelopment of waterfront precinct, development at 1-7 Waterfront Place, Webb Dock, Fisherman’s Bend

    Ø    Get to know people in your community by coming to our organised social events

    Ø    Meet key personnel from our Council, our Government and Opposition, the Port of Melbourne at our AGM

    Ø    Annual subscription $10 per household or Five (5) year membership $45 per household

    President: Eddie Micallef 9645 1185
    Vice President: Greg Mate 9681 7441
    Secretary: Trevor Nink 9681 8283
    Treasurer: Dana Hlavacek 9646 8850

    Please click here for the membership form to complete. 
    Remember if you have joined for 5 years last year you do not need to rejoin.

    Or complete the details below and return with cash/cheque payable to “Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association” to:

    The Treasurer BCNA, Private Box 61, 103 Beach Street, Port Melbourne by post   OR

    Deliver to private post box 103 Beach Street (behind IGA store, near notice board)





    Cash/Cheque enclosed:  $10 (1 year)      or          $45 (5 years)

    Keep up-to-date by subscribing to our internet site at

    Friday, 8 April 2011

    Beach Patrol 3207 - Saturday 9 am Group Clean

    Beach Patrol 3207
    Group Clean Saturday 9th April 9 am
    Sandridge Life Saving Club

    Reminder Notice

    It looks like perfect weather conditions coming our way for this Saturday. I may even have a swim - or wade in the water picking up flotsam.

    9 am start at Sandridge Life Saving Club - for a rewarding walk east to Port Melbourne for coffee n chat (well- more chats!) about an hour - love to see you there.


    Tom Burrows

    Sandridge Life Saving Club - along The Boulevard - more or less opposite the Fred Jackson Reserve but about 100m east of Todd Road.

    Please remember to wear your bright blue beach patrol t shirt and bring your gloves. I will have plastic bags and sharps containers. (I have more t shirts on order - if they arrive in time I will bring them along.)

    Tuesday, 5 April 2011

    Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework

    Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework (PMWUDF)

    PMWUDF Newsletter # 1 - March 2011

    This is the first of several newsletters to be distributed throughout the year by City of Port Phillip. Click Here to open the pdf file.

    Community Engagement - Drop In Session
    Saturday 7th May 10 am - 3 pm

    Port Melbourne Yacht Club

    The drop in session has been organised to hear from you on what we’ve heard so far and let us know if we are on the right track. Being on a Saturday and spread over 5 hours it provides an opportunity for those community members who could not attend the Port Melbourne Town Hall meetings to ‘have a say’ on their waterfront.

    Let your voice have a say.

    Hobson Bay Obedience Dog Club

    Hobson Bay Obedience Dog Club (HBODC)

    The Hobson Bay Obedience Dog Club is relocating from Murphy Reserve to Garden City Reserve mid/late 2011.

    A demonstration day is being held on Sunday 10 April 10.15 am to 11 am at Garden City Reserve, near the Sandridge Trugo Club.

    If you would like more information council staff will be in attendance to answer your questions.

    Click Here to see the City of Port Phillip information sheet with more details.

    Wednesday, 16 March 2011

    Port of Melbourne 2011 Boat Tours

    Port of Melbourne 2011 Boat Tours
    Saturday March 19 and March 26
    The Port of Melbourne Corporation is offering the opportunity for local residents to participate on a boat tour of the Port.

    If you are interested you will find information on the attached brochure OR you can find out more details and book online at

    There are limited seats and you must pre book.

    Wednesday, 2 March 2011

    Clean Up Australia Day Sunday 6 March - Only 4 days to go

    Clean Up Australia Day - only four days!

    Greetings BCNA members from 3207 beachpatrol

    Only four days to go. Clean Up Australia Day is a major part of our calendar and - being a high profile event - attracts many more newcomers to the cause.

    Australia wihout litter - sounds great. We will be there doing our bit. Sunday 6 March.

    Our part is quite straightforward.

    Start time at 9am sharp (NOT 9.30 am as previously advertised) - so please muster at say 8 50am - at the Port Melbourne beach - opposite Princes Street (that is - opposite the London Hotel).

    As usual - if you have one please wear your 3207beachpatrol t shirt and bring gloves and be aware of our safety guidance - please refer again the website

    For those who wish to join 3207beachpatrol- I will bring t shirts along - and extra gloves and bags.

    Whilst most of our volunteers are local we are pleased to advise that we are being joined by a (non local) scout group!

    The Plan

    The plan is to move together heading east along the beach - past PMYC - through Bay Street and Pickles St and towards Kerferd Road. Whilst our usual Group Cleans are one hour - this one - being special - may go for as long as two. As ever - we aim to have a social finish where we can chat and feel and enjoy our group pride in making our beaches sparkling!

    If you are able to join us for only part of it - please do so.

    This year there is a Port Phillip coalition which has created the intention to clean the beach from Elwood all the way through to Webb Dock East. There is also a penguin event at 11am (please indicate if interested).

    A Group Cleaning Event is fun and rewarding. This one will be even more special.

    You are cordially invited.
    Please feel free to bring friends and family - extra hands are welcomed!

    See you next Sunday at 8 50am for 9!

    Tom Burrows

    For details on Clean Up Australia Day follow the link to

    Thursday, 10 February 2011

    Clean Up Australia Day - Sunday 6 March 2011

    Clean Up Australia Day - Sunday 6 March
    be a part of it

    BCNA and 3207 Beach Patrol are joining forces to make a real difference to Port Melbourne beaches.

    2011 Clean Up Australia Day will be held on Sunday, 6 March. The event encourages and inspires thousands of Australians to take to their local park, beach, bushland and streets and really help make a difference to their local environment.

    Sunday, 6 February 2011

    Your Say - Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework

    Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework
    Public Consultation
    in February 2011

    You are invited by the City of Port Phillip to participate in two different sessions being scheduled in February 2011 to have your say on the Port Melbourne Waterfront design.

    The BCNA Committee encourages you to fully participate in these opportunities on a subject which is very important to the residents of Beacon Cove.


    Planning for consultation with the community on the above is progressing and the following dates have been booked in. BCNA members are encouraged to attend and discuss the opportunities that could be achieved at the waterfront I would appreciate it if you could send this invitation to your members.

    Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework

    The City of Port Phillip is developing the Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework to enhance liveability and secure a sustainable future for the precinct. Council is committed to working with the community to create a shared vision for the waterfront, and invites you to come and have your say.

    The Issues & Opportunities report will be available from Monday 17 January.
    If you would like a copy emailed directly to you, please send your request to OR click HERE for a direct link to the City of Port Phillip site.

    Information Session
    Wednesday 9 Feb 2011
    6:30pm – 8pm

    This first session is an opportunity to hear all about the project and a chance to ask questions of the team on the objectives, background and next steps.

    Visioning Workshop
    Thursday 24 Feb 2011

    The Visioning Workshop will be an interactive session that provides you with the opportunity to share your aspirations for the waterfront and help determine its future.

    Venue: Port Melbourne Town Hall Auditorium
    333 Bay Street (enter via Port Melbourne Library)
    Doors open at 6pm. Light refreshments will be provided.

    RSVP to one or both workshops by contacting

    Steve Scott, Place Manager Port Melbourne:
    Phone: 9209 6309

    Full details from the City of Port Phillip - click HERE

    Tuesday, 1 February 2011

    Celebration in the Park - Garden City Reserve

    Celebration in the Park
    Garden City Reserve

    Now Deferred until later October 2011

    Let’s celebrate our fabulous park!
    We still have this park because the community cared and pulled together to save it from becoming a building site.

    Let’s get together to celebrate our neighbourhood.

    We’re having Zumba dancing, dog competitions, sporting club activities, poetry competitions, community group displays, stuff for the kids and everyone.

    Look out for more details soon.

    BYO picnic and be prepared to have some fun.

    Hosted by
    Port People Inc
    Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association

    Monday, 31 January 2011

    Tram Route 109 Service Changes

    Tram Route 109 Rail Replacement Work - Replacement Bus Service

    Yarra Trams are doing rail replacement works between Saturday 29th January and Sunday 6 February inclusive.

    A replacement Bus Service is being provided.
    Click here for full details from Yarra Trams.

    3207 Beach Patrol Group Clean 5 February

    Group Clean - Saturday 5 February at 9 00am.
    Port/Sandridge Beach – adjacent Princes Pier

    This summer – we have a volunteer beach cleaning group – called Beach Patrol. It takes off after the successful Albert Park and Middle Park group, which already has 3206beachpatrol.

    Our area covers the Port Melbourne and Sandridge Beaches
    - from Pickles Street to Webb Dock East.

    We aim to supplement the work done by Council machines,
    but in areas or at times they miss.

    For details and to join see the website

    You are cordially invited to join, please register in your preferred zone!


    Enjoy that good feeling after doing ‘your bit’
    - and see a nice clean safe beach for all to enjoy.

    This Saturday 5 February at 9 00am.
    Port/Sandridge Beach, adjacent Princes Pier

    Pier Street - Come along and join the fun!
    Refreshments and chat afterwards

    Click Here for a pdf version