Princes Pier
City of Port Phillip
Urban Design Framework for Port Melbourne Waterfront
Community Reference Committee (CRC)
R Harrison from our BCNA committee is a community representative and two meetings have been held in March and early June 2010. City of Port Phillip (CoPP) advised that tenders have been called for the consultant for the Urban Design Framework for the Port Melbourne Waterfront (UDF), and an appointment will be made in June.
At the most recent meeting the CRC had a presentation by Major Projects Victoria on the work they are completing on the infrastructure of Princes Pier. A view of the works and status is outlined below.
Scope of Works
The overall MPV project which commenced in 2006/2007 was generally described to remove the deck and restore the inner 196 metres with a new decking and restore the gate house and return that section to the community. The remaining piles past the 196 metre length will be left and uncovered. This MPV project and funding is based around the infrastructure restoration. MPV have provided an overall schematic diagram showing this scope. Click on diagram to view the pdf file. Click on the back arrow to return to the BCNA site.
Deck 196 metre area
This concrete decked area will include an outer east side berth for a visiting tall ship, and a lowered landing on the west side for about 5 small water craft. Beach access will be provided at the North West corner via a ramp. Rail lines will remain set in the deck on the inner west side as a historical relief. A strengthened heavy vehicle path will start centrally and wind to the east side of the gatehouse for access; otherwise the deck will be suitable for pedestrian loading. Vehicle access will be restricted and controlled. The original gates will be reinstated.
Lighting of the deck area will be from 10 moderately high poles each with two flood lights. The lights will be selected to provide for down light and to avoid side glare.
Sewer, water and power services will run centrally under the deck to the gatehouse.
The scope of works is expected to restore the external gatehouse in accordance with its historical heritage, and include the basic internal amenity restoration. This will be a separate contract and has not been finalised. Sewer, water and power services will run centrally under the deck to the gatehouse.
Concepts discussed for its internal restoration at this stage include area for a kitchen in the SE corner, toilets in SW corner, and a lift on the west side alongside toilets with the balance of the area to be left open. Upstairs is a series of small offices - they would be about 12 to 18 square metres in size.
MPV advised that the partitioning needed to remain as it was needed to support the roof. This was queried as it was felt that trussed beams could be employed for roof support and that a more open area would be more useful. The CRC sought copies of the structural plans to review the possibilities. Toilet facilities are to be provided upstairs. Heat exchange air conditioning utilizing the sea water will be employed.
Status of Works
The bulk of the deck removal is now complete. The pile repair contract for the 196m section is due for completion at the end of June. Life expectancy of the piles is 50 years, but maintenance and replacement of some piles could be required after 25 years. There are 6,000 piles in the whole pier and the piles beyond196m will be progressively removed as they become unsafe.
The new concrete deck contract has been let to Fitzgerald Constructions and is due for completion in 2011.
The Gate House will be a separate contract. Details are still to be finalised.
Historical Commemoration, and the Community Amenity and Use of Princes Pier
Other attractions, memorabilia, plantings, monuments, buildings, screens etc, would seem to be the responsibility of others outside of MPV. At this time it is unclear on who the future controller of Princes Pier may be, and under what arrangements this may occur.
This is the web voice of the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association, Inc., Port Melbourne, Australia. It provides information on who the association is, our aims and aspirations for our shared community, and information on our activities.
Events for your Diary
Sat 15, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at North Port tram stop Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner
Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall
Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
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