BCNA Membership Consultation on Princes Pier
As you will be aware the MPV Project on the infrastructure works of Princes Pier continues. An updated view on this is contained in the following eblog post which we recommend you read. It describes a view of Princes Pier and the Gatehouse at the completion of this project.
The City of Port Phillip is preparing a Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework (UDF), and as part of that planning, the future use for Princes Pier is being considered. No funding has been presently identified for any further development than outlined in the previous update.
We would like to gather the ideas and concerns of our membership on:
• the historical commemoration of the pier, and
• community amenity use of the restored Princes Pier including the Gatehouse.
We would welcome input by email by no later than 31 July to
To aid the compilation of the ideas and concerns, we ask that you consider framing your response under the following question headings. However please do not allow this to restrict your response, if you would like to speak directly to a committee member please do so.
Question 1
What items or activities would you consider appropriate to represent the historical commemoration of activities or events - on Princes Pier or in the Gatehouse?
Question 2
What items or uses would you consider appropriate to provide community amenity from the MPV restoration of Princes Pier and the Gatehouse?
Question 3
For local residents what concerns should be considered in the activities or usage on Princes Pier or in the Gatehouse?
Question 4
Do you have any views on who the future controller of Princes Pier should be? If so, why?
Ideas to prompt Input
To prompt your responses we list a number of ideas and concepts noted over time to stimulate your thoughts. They are not the views of the committee, they are in no particular order, nor consider their viability or otherwise. You may wish to indicate any you are in favour of, or otherwise, or develop them further; or provide new input.
o Ferry Stop – between Williamstown, City, St Kilda, Port Melbourne
o Locate historic society in the gatehouse
o Ground Floor information
o Public Toilet access
o Public activation – BBQ, swimming/wading pools, sand beach, chess board – large scale, seating
o Provide for an old ship museum
o Boat moorings
o Provide a stage for concerts or movies – some sort of opening and closing screen
o Introduce water rail stop
o Activate Princes Pier by reintroducing port related activities - such as relocating the Spirit of Tasmania ferry services
o Provide better access between the two piers to accommodate the above and improve connectivity between the Station and Princes Piers
o Provide full disable access between the piers and further west , and to car parking – including wheelchair, scooters, prams etc, so not to compete with bikes
o Provide a destination and ensure views are kept.... Gatehouse and beyond the gatehouse
o Restored gatehouse could be used for a museum, cafe, meetings rooms....restore to maintain flexibility of use
o Improve the sense of arrival, occasion for watercraft passengers, arrival, unloading with people movement
o Seating, Trees, planting, protection from weather
o Provide for viewing of shipping activity and appreciation of scale
o Long range telescopes
o Skateboard area
o Sculptures/plagues depicting the various historical contribution and activities on the pier since it was built through the decades
o Museum type display for history of the pier and gatehouse
o Access for fishing
o Extended narrow walkway past gatehouse – length of original pier – views and fishing
o How do we entice people to come to Princes Pier....seasonal coffee/ice cream trolley, display, link to Sandridge Beach....Surf Life Saving Victoria
Here are some Links to websites which you may be interested in:
(Click on the back arrow to return to the BCNA site).
Major Projects Victoria
City of Port Phillip – Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework
City of Port Phillip – Princes Pier
Heritage Victoria - Enter Princes Pier in the search box
BCNA Committee View on Renaming Princes Pier
This is the web voice of the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association, Inc., Port Melbourne, Australia. It provides information on who the association is, our aims and aspirations for our shared community, and information on our activities.
Events for your Diary
Sat 15, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at North Port tram stop Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner
Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall
Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
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Sunday, 4 July 2010
BCNA Membership Consultation on Princes Pier - Feedback request by 31 July
Princes Pier,