Events for your Diary

  • Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner

  • April
  • Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall

  • May
  • Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon
  • Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
  • Latest News

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    Thursday, 10 June 2010

    Restaurant Evening C'est Bon

    Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association
    Social Event
    Wednesday 7 July

    A great winter experience of wonderful French cooking and wine to match,
    Come and share it with your neighbours and friends,

    7:00 for 7:30 pm on Wednesday 7 July 2010.

    C’est Bon French Restaurant,
    396 Bay Street Port Melbourne (9646 2296)

    The dinner will allow us to socialise with our neighbours. We should have the whole restaurant to ourselves and the Committee will speak to the current activities in our community e.g. 1–11 Waterfront Place, Princes Pier, Webb Dock, Planning Scheme Amendment, Urban Design Framework etc.

    There are two courses, main (4 choices) and dessert (3 choices), with a complimentary appetiser of chicken parfait en croute.

    The price will be $45 p.p. - please pay in cash as you arrive to simplify the billing task. Fully licensed cash bar.

    How to Book?
    Please RSVP by email or phone to Trevor Nink before Monday 21 June at or 96818283.
    We need to confirm sufficient numbers to close the restaurant for the night!

    Look forward to a great evening together

    Sunday, 6 June 2010

    The Beacon June 2010

    Newsletter of the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association Inc. (BCNA)

    Beacon Cove Planning Scheme Amendment
    In our last newsletter we advised on progress and predicted timeframes in relation to the proposed amendment to the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) planning scheme intended to incorporate Beacon Cove into the City planning scheme. Your Committee views this as a vital matter to ensure the future architectural integrity of the Cove. Presently all planning decisions rest with Mirvac and Major Projects Victoria (MPV) in what has proven to be a most unsatisfactory arrangement. Once the amendment is in place Council will be responsible for all future planning decisions in accordance with strict guidelines that will underpin the amendment.
    CoPP has recently resolved to request authorisation from the Minister for Planning for the exhibition of the amendment to the City planning scheme. CoPP has also resolved to advise the Minister for Planning of outstanding issues requiring clarification. These relate to inconsistencies in the Environmental Audit Overlays over parts of the Cove. These need to be resolved before approval is granted by the Minister for Planning to allow CoPP to begin exhibition of the Beacon Cove planning scheme amendment. Subsequent correspondence from CoPP reiterates Council’s commitment to pursuing the amendment and informs of Council’s resolution to continue to negotiate with MPV to fund fees associated with the removal of existing covenants and the registration of new covenants on the effected titles. Your Committee will keep you informed as matters proceed.

    1-11 Waterfront Place
    The future of 1-11 Waterfront Place is still very much a contentious issue. The City of Port Phillip has adopted guidelines limiting any development to around five stories but the State Government is still the final arbitrator on any planning application. The talk around is that a planning application by the owners of the site has been submitted to the Minister for Planning Victoria and this has been further implied by relocation notices for the gymnasium.
    The BCNA had been given a public undertaking by the developer that it (BCNA) would be consulted before lodging any formal application. In a Department of Planning letter to BCNA on behalf of the Minister on 25 May it was stated “… the Department had not yet received a formal planning permit application for development on this site.”
    In the discussions with the developer, preliminary concept plans showing apartments and shops were tabled. BCNA raised issues re negative impact of any proposed development on the general residential amenity from traffic congestion, shadows, wind and liquor licence problems. Crèche and gymnasium facilities are important to be retained in this location.
    Although we have been informed by the developer and the Ministers office there is no formal application pending there has obliviously been dialogue between them. BCNA firmly believes any development must be integrated to the Urban Design Framework (UDF) process that is currently planning for the waterfront precinct. BCNA will seek an outcome that reflects that aim.

    Port Melbourne Waterfront UDF Community Reference Committee
    The City of Port Phillip is to establish an UDF for the Port Melbourne waterfront, extending from Bay Street to the west end of Beach Street. To assist in the design of the framework the council has appointed seven members of the community to form a Community Reference Committee (CRC) with selected councillors and officers.
    The primary purpose of the committee is to provide an avenue of community consultation and to encourage community participation with their ideas and expertise. BCNA Committee member Bob Harrison has been chosen as a member of the CRC. He attended the inaugural meeting in March and advises that meetings will be held at three monthly intervals. He put forward a number of ideas for Princes Pier (PP) in conjunction with BCNA. The CRC considered them, adding detail, and CoPP took them to MPV, the PP project manager. While it is commendable that MPV are quickly at tendering stage for refurbishment of PP, it is hoped that the CRC will be effective in contributing ideas for more than the minor areas of design. Discussion will soon commence on the other than PP.

    Landscape Changes in Neighbourhood
    Since December there have been many changes in the greenery of the neighbourhood. The grass weathered the summer and flourished with solid early autumn rains.
    Julier and Buckingham parks in Sandridge appear to have healthy trees and grass area. The parks along the light rail reserve are being reseeded in grass areas and the recent tree plantings appear to be taking root. The winding gravel paths are being well used.
    The plantings of trees and turf in the small parks of Beacon Cove have taken root and enticed families to regularly use these facilities with obvious enjoyment. The Manchurian Pears have sprouted along Beach Street and have been selected to replace the Hills Fig trees removed from the nature strips of Beacon Vista Park. Replacement species in The Crescent will be Tuckeroo trees and BCNA negotiated a two stage phased replacement with up to 5 years to allow the first stage to grow sufficiently to alleviate a bare streetscape. A similar phasing will occur with Kanooka Gums in Swallow Street and Park Square.
    Along the promenade, MPV have accepted their responsibility to maintain or replace the garden box plantings between the pedestrian and bicycle paths. This work started at First Point Beach and is now approaching the second tower. Congratulations to MPV with help from CoPP.
    Garden City Reserve redevelopment is nearing a long awaited conclusion with few tasks left for the Children’s Playground. Remember the flying fox is meant for the children! The planting of trees and shrubs, widening of paths, extra seating and the relocation of lighting is also near complete. Finally repair of the grass in the open spaces is needed brighten up the reserve.
    Sandridge Beach Foreshore stage 2 work has started in late May with path excavation and demolition of old structures. There will be a total of 15 lights installed to increase the safe night usage of walkway and bike path. CoPP has also approved the site and design of the toilet which will be close to the existing playground. Works are forecast to be complete in August.

    Name of Princes Pier
    Members will have seen the BCNA Committee response in the press to the suggested change of the name of Princes Pier. Member feedback was unanimous that there was no compelling reason to change. If a community groundswell develops in future then all aspects of immigration, troop departures and working history should dictate a new name. Perhaps individual memorials can be incorporated in the spaces being developed in the refurbishment of Princes Pier.

    Port Environs Response
    The Committee in May responded to the Ports and Environs Advisory Committee Discussion Paper with a submission on behalf of BCNA. If you wish to read this submission, outlining requirements to protect local residential amenity, then it can be found on the blogspot below.

    Notice of BCNA Annual General Meeting
    Please note in your diaries:
    Thursday 14th October 2010
    6:30pm Refreshments: 7:00pm AGM
    Sandridge Community Centre and Trugo Club.
    1 Tucker Ave, Port Melbourne
    The AGM is an outstanding opportunity to speak to community leaders about issues of interest to you.

    Next Social Event
    The next social event will be a two course dinner at C’est Bon French Restaurant, 396 Bay Street on Wednesday 7 July at 7:30 pm. Make a diary note to visit with your neighbours. More to follow soon.

    Membership/BCNA Dues for 2010/11
    Membership is for the financial year. Renewals are due on or before 1 July 2010. The higher the membership numbers the more impact BCNA’s views have with decision makers. We ask that you join or renew membership at $10 per annum per household. Please send cheques to the Treasurer, 61/103 Beach Street, Port Melbourne payable to BCNA. The following are needed:

    Name: ………………………………………………
    Address: ……………………………………………
    Phone: ……………………………………………..
    Email*: …………………………………………….

    *By providing your email address, important news and updates can be circulated quickly and regularly. Please send email changes to or call 0404084283.

    If you have information, suggestions or concerns, please advise members of the Committee so that we can better reflect and present community views. You can also keep in touch with news on Beacon Cove at

    BCNA expresses its appreciation to Martin Foley, State Member for Albert Park, for his continued support to print The Beacon.

    Link to a pdf file for The Beacon June 2010

    Social Event - Dinner 7 July 2010

    Next Social Event

    The next social event will be a two course dinner at

    C’est Bon French Restaurant
    396 Bay Street

    on Wednesday 7 July at 7:30 pm.

    Make a diary note to visit with your neighbours. More to follow soon!

    Friday, 4 June 2010

    2010 Annual General Meeting

    2010 BCNA Annual General Meeting

    Please note in your diaries:

    Thursday 14th October 2010
    6:30pm Refreshments: 7:00pm AGM
    Sandridge Community Centre and Trugo Club
    1 Tucker Ave, Port Melbourne

    The AGM is an outstanding opportunity to speak to community leaders about issues of interest to you.

    Tuesday, 1 June 2010

    BCNA Port Environs Submission

    BCNA Port Environs Submission
    Please find attached the BCNA submission on the Discussion Paper from the Ports and Environs Advisory Committee, and the Discussion Paper issued.

    The focus of our BCNA submission is for the Port of Melbourne and adjoining residential communities of Port Melbourne.

    Click on the links below to read that documents. Click on the return arrow - top left corner to return to BCNA site from the document.

    Covering Letter


    Port Environs Discussion Paper (large pdf 200 + pages)