This is the web voice of the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association, Inc., Port Melbourne, Australia. It provides information on who the association is, our aims and aspirations for our shared community, and information on our activities.
Events for your Diary
Latest News
Monday, 29 November 2010
3207 Beach Patrol
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Liberal Commitment on 1 - 11 Waterfront Place
Recently Committee members of the BCNA met with Mark Lopez, the Liberal Party candidate for the lower house seat of Albert Park to press for commitments regarding proposals and rumours on potential developments of the property at 1 - 11 Waterfront Place. We believe it is important for members to understand as clearly as possible the circumstances surrounding this key issue as we enter the State elections on 27 November.
The Committee has clearly heard from the local community that any large or inappropriate development at this location is not acceptable. Hence the meeting last week. Mark Lopez arranged for Matthew Guy, MLA and Shadow Minister for Planning, to respond to our questions.
Click on attachment to read his response.
If you have feedback for the Committee please send via
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Princes Pier History Workshop - ARE YOU INTERSTED?
As part of the Port Melbourne Waterfront a workshop is being run on the history of Princes Pier as an input to its refurbishment. See below for the email invitation from City of Port Phillip and attached document.
It is important to have your historic input.
You are welcome to register for the workshop. To express your interest please contact by email Steve Scott of the City of Port Phillip at with your contact details.
Planned Workshop:
Wednesday 17th November
Port Melbourne Town Hall
Subject: Port Melbourne Waterfront - Princes Pier workshop
Good Afternoon
I am seeking interest from you, your community group or anyone you know who may have an interest in this topic to register for participating in a workshop on Princes Pier history, and ways it may be interpreted for possible inclusion in the Princes Pier project which is being managed by the State Government through Major Projects Victoria.
The workshop is planned to be run out of the Port Melbourne Town Hall on the 17th November between 2 – 4pm. It will be quite informal with lots of time to discuss the topic, how you can participate and next steps in the project. As per the attachment the workshop is one of two planned and this is a great opportunity to be involved in this project. The workshop will be facilitated by consultants experienced in this type of work and are engaged by the City of Port Phillip.
When convenient if you could email me your interest in participating and contact details it would be greatly appreciated. I will forward more details to those who wish to attend closer to the workshop day.
Steve Scott
Place Manager Port Melbourne
p: 03 9209 6309, f: 03 9536 2737
City of Port Phillip, Private Bag 3 St Kilda, 3182
Location: 99A Carlisle Street, St Kilda, St Kilda Townhall
Sunday, 31 October 2010
Labor Comittment on 1 - 11 Waterfront Place
Click attachment
If you have feedback for the Committee please send via
Friday, 22 October 2010
BCNA Committee 2010-2011
(Registered Number A0012597Z)
Committee 2010-2011
Eddie Micallef 9645 1185
Vice President
Greg Mate 9681 7441
Trevor Nink 9681 8283
Dana Hlavacek 9649 8850
General Committee Members
Rosalie Holmes 9646 1961
Bob Harrison 9645 2115
Robyn McKenna 9646 5259
Glenda Beale 9676 2151
Public Officer
Dana Hlavacek 9649 8850
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Cruise Ship Season Taxi Access Improvement
BCNA has been advised by Port of Melbourne that during the coming cruise ship season the arrivals/departures have been designated special events to allow more taxis to be available when needed. Please click on this attachment from the Victorian Taxi Directorate.
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
AGM Reminder Thursday 14th October
Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association
2010 Annual General Meeting
Thursday 14th October 6.30 pm for 7 pm
Sandridge Trugo Club
Garden City Reserve
For catering purposes if you are able to make it please email with attendees numbers by Thursday 7th October to help us prepare. Look forward to seeing you there.
Click Here for AGM Notice
Monday, 4 October 2010
Traffic and Parking Issues in Beacon Cove
At the last social evening at C’est Bon, members raised a number of concerns regarding parking and traffic related matters in Beacon Cove and surrounds. Committee Members met with relevant City of Port Phillip staff to discuss these matters and advise as follows:
Traffic speed limits
Some members had asked if speeds could be restricted in Beacon Cove. Road speeds are governed by Vic Roads. The only major exceptions to 50km limits are around schools and shopping strips.
Traffic volumes
The traffic volumes permitted in suburban streets without requiring any traffic calming devices can be found at:
Depending on the nature of the road, traffic movements of between 500-3,000 vehicles per day are considered acceptable on local roads.
The Crescent
As per below CoPP undertook surveying in the Crescent in 2002 and 2009. The 85% speed is well below the current blanket speed limit of 50kph in built up area. The volume of 608 vehicles per day is at a lower end of environmental capacity for The Crescent which is in order of 1,500 vehicles per day. The speed and volume of traffic in The Crescent is considered to be normal.
>>Date/ Month
>>Exact Location or section of street
>>24 hour traffic - number
>>85% tile (speed kph)
>>1/5 to 3/5 >>2002 >>Between 66-68 The Crescent >> 385>>45kph
>>26/5 to 28/5 (between 7am-7pm) >>2009 >>At No 75 The Crescent>> 608>>39kph
The majority of parking restrictions are made under the Road Safety Act 1986, or regulations created under that Act. The Road Safety Act enacts the Road Rules, a national code that is generally uniform across all states. Restrictions that residents need to be aware of include:
- Prohibition on partially or fully blocking a footpath, including parking in a driveway if that causes the footpath to be impeded in any way;
- Prohibition on parking on nature strips. All land between letterboxes and the road in Beacon Cove is nature strip and not available for parking.
To report illegally parked cars you can call ASSIST on (03) 9209 6777 and after hours on the parking emergency number 0407 304 449.
Residents should note that street parking is available to the public (except in a permit zone). This includes indented bays in front of houses. These bays are not the property of the resident.
When parking in the street, drivers must ensure there is a clear 3m gap from the outside edge of the car to the opposite kerb to allow free movement of vehicles.
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Here is the link to the Port of Melbourne website which now has the latest information on the Cruise Shipping for 2010 - 2011. Click here to go to the PoMC web page directly.
Please scroll down the page to see the current schedule for Victorian ports. Enter the back arrow key to return to the BCNA eblog site.
Port of Melbourne Community Information Evening
Community Information Evening
5th October 2010
6.30 - 8.30 pmLife Saving Victoria Headquarters
200 The Boulevard(cnr Todd Road)
RSVP by Friday 1st October
Email: or Telephone 9209 6243
Dear BCNA members,
This note is to advise you of the annual CoPP/PoMC community information meeting on next Tuesday 5th October at 6:30 pm at Life Saving Victoria headquarters 200 The Boulevard. Please RSVP to CoPP by this Friday on 92096243.
Trevor Nink
Thursday, 16 September 2010
BCNA Annual General Meeting
2010 Annual General Meeting
Thursday 14th October 6.30 pm for 7 pm
Sandridge Trugo Club
Garden City Reserve
Dear BCNA Members,
Please find the Notice of 2010 AGM and Nomination for Committee forms in the attached file. The AGM will be held at 6:30 for 7:00 pm on Thursday 14 October 2010 at the Sandridge Trugo Club in Garden City Reserve. Refreshments will be provided. You are also invited to nominate for the roles of Office Bearer or Member of the Committee.
Guest speakers and panellists at the Meeting will be as below. Short presentations will be followed by a panel discussion.
State Member for Albert Park, Martin Foley MP
Mayor of City of Port Phillip, Frank O’Connor
Development Director of Mirvac, Christian Grahame
Trevor Nink
Secretary BCNA.
Sunday, 29 August 2010
Melbourne Water - Main Sewer Replacement
Here is the link which includes all information bulletins relating to the Melbourne Water Main Melbourne Sewer Replacement Project, including the works being conducted at the northern end of Swallow Street.
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
City of Port Phillip ASSIST - Contact Details
The City of Port Phillip has a service centre called ASSIST to report problems, make requests or for contacting the council with regard to queries. This allows the issues to be tracked and dealt with appropriately within the City of Port Phillip.
It is important that we all log our issues with the Council using ASSIST to ensure these issues are tracked and resolved. Help them to Help Us!
Full details are on the CoPP website Contact Us .
Details of the CoPP website contact points are noted below for your information
You can contact Council by phone on 9209 6777
Mon 8am - 6pm,
Tues - Fri 8.30am - 5.30pm
Make a request via our online feedback form or email
Fax ASSIST 03 9536 2722
TTY 03 9209 6713
SMS 0432 005 405
Direct Lines to Services
Rates 03 9209 6777
Planning 03 9209 6424
Building 03 9209 6253
Port Phillip Parking Service (fines) 03 9611 7660
Waste Management 03 9209 6533
Fax General Council Business 03 9534 9105
Postal Address
City of Port Phillip
Private Bag 3
St Kilda, Victoria, Australia
Sunday, 25 July 2010
Bay and Liardet Streets Intersection
Public Comment by Internet Survey due by 13 August
Information Session: Port Melbourne Town Hall
Wed 4 Aug, 6pm to 7.30 pm
RSVP by 30 July for attendance: Phone 9209 6392 or Email Tony H.Y. To at
The City of Port Phillip is working on a project for the traffic improvement of Bay and Liardet Streets Intersection.
Four options were initially considered and these have been narrowed down to two remaining options. This is outlined in the attached City of Port Phillip Fact Sheet. Public comments on the remaining 2 options are due by 13 August 2010.
Detail information and the public survey are available on
Saturday, 24 July 2010
Prince Pier - Have Your Say
Responses required from our members by 31 July 2010
Thank you to those members who have submitted their views.
Please take some time to respond to ensure that your views and ideas are part of the community consultation process.
Click here for the BCNA request
Sunday, 18 July 2010
BCNA Input to Princes Pier
BCNA Member Input to Princes Pier redevelopment
Seeking Your Input On Princes Pier
Click on Princes Pier to read the request due by 31 July
Friday, 9 July 2010
C'est Bon
A wonderful evening was had by over 60 members at C’est Bon in Bay Street Port Melbourne on Wednesday. The meals of Duck, Chicken, Fish or Steak kept the winter chills away and which were finished with lovely desserts.
Thank you to Trish, the chefs, and wait staff for ensuring we enjoyed the evening.
President Eddie welcomed everyone, gave an update on the association and opened the floor to questions.
Sunday, 4 July 2010
BCNA Membership Consultation on Princes Pier - Feedback request by 31 July
As you will be aware the MPV Project on the infrastructure works of Princes Pier continues. An updated view on this is contained in the following eblog post which we recommend you read. It describes a view of Princes Pier and the Gatehouse at the completion of this project.
The City of Port Phillip is preparing a Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework (UDF), and as part of that planning, the future use for Princes Pier is being considered. No funding has been presently identified for any further development than outlined in the previous update.
We would like to gather the ideas and concerns of our membership on:
• the historical commemoration of the pier, and
• community amenity use of the restored Princes Pier including the Gatehouse.
We would welcome input by email by no later than 31 July to
To aid the compilation of the ideas and concerns, we ask that you consider framing your response under the following question headings. However please do not allow this to restrict your response, if you would like to speak directly to a committee member please do so.
Question 1
What items or activities would you consider appropriate to represent the historical commemoration of activities or events - on Princes Pier or in the Gatehouse?
Question 2
What items or uses would you consider appropriate to provide community amenity from the MPV restoration of Princes Pier and the Gatehouse?
Question 3
For local residents what concerns should be considered in the activities or usage on Princes Pier or in the Gatehouse?
Question 4
Do you have any views on who the future controller of Princes Pier should be? If so, why?
Ideas to prompt Input
To prompt your responses we list a number of ideas and concepts noted over time to stimulate your thoughts. They are not the views of the committee, they are in no particular order, nor consider their viability or otherwise. You may wish to indicate any you are in favour of, or otherwise, or develop them further; or provide new input.
o Ferry Stop – between Williamstown, City, St Kilda, Port Melbourne
o Locate historic society in the gatehouse
o Ground Floor information
o Public Toilet access
o Public activation – BBQ, swimming/wading pools, sand beach, chess board – large scale, seating
o Provide for an old ship museum
o Boat moorings
o Provide a stage for concerts or movies – some sort of opening and closing screen
o Introduce water rail stop
o Activate Princes Pier by reintroducing port related activities - such as relocating the Spirit of Tasmania ferry services
o Provide better access between the two piers to accommodate the above and improve connectivity between the Station and Princes Piers
o Provide full disable access between the piers and further west , and to car parking – including wheelchair, scooters, prams etc, so not to compete with bikes
o Provide a destination and ensure views are kept.... Gatehouse and beyond the gatehouse
o Restored gatehouse could be used for a museum, cafe, meetings rooms....restore to maintain flexibility of use
o Improve the sense of arrival, occasion for watercraft passengers, arrival, unloading with people movement
o Seating, Trees, planting, protection from weather
o Provide for viewing of shipping activity and appreciation of scale
o Long range telescopes
o Skateboard area
o Sculptures/plagues depicting the various historical contribution and activities on the pier since it was built through the decades
o Museum type display for history of the pier and gatehouse
o Access for fishing
o Extended narrow walkway past gatehouse – length of original pier – views and fishing
o How do we entice people to come to Princes Pier....seasonal coffee/ice cream trolley, display, link to Sandridge Beach....Surf Life Saving Victoria
Here are some Links to websites which you may be interested in:
(Click on the back arrow to return to the BCNA site).
Major Projects Victoria
City of Port Phillip – Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework
City of Port Phillip – Princes Pier
Heritage Victoria - Enter Princes Pier in the search box
BCNA Committee View on Renaming Princes Pier
Princes Pier Update - Urban Design Framework for Port Melbourne Waterfront
City of Port Phillip
Urban Design Framework for Port Melbourne Waterfront
Community Reference Committee (CRC)
R Harrison from our BCNA committee is a community representative and two meetings have been held in March and early June 2010. City of Port Phillip (CoPP) advised that tenders have been called for the consultant for the Urban Design Framework for the Port Melbourne Waterfront (UDF), and an appointment will be made in June.
At the most recent meeting the CRC had a presentation by Major Projects Victoria on the work they are completing on the infrastructure of Princes Pier. A view of the works and status is outlined below.
Scope of Works
The overall MPV project which commenced in 2006/2007 was generally described to remove the deck and restore the inner 196 metres with a new decking and restore the gate house and return that section to the community. The remaining piles past the 196 metre length will be left and uncovered. This MPV project and funding is based around the infrastructure restoration. MPV have provided an overall schematic diagram showing this scope. Click on diagram to view the pdf file. Click on the back arrow to return to the BCNA site.
Deck 196 metre area
This concrete decked area will include an outer east side berth for a visiting tall ship, and a lowered landing on the west side for about 5 small water craft. Beach access will be provided at the North West corner via a ramp. Rail lines will remain set in the deck on the inner west side as a historical relief. A strengthened heavy vehicle path will start centrally and wind to the east side of the gatehouse for access; otherwise the deck will be suitable for pedestrian loading. Vehicle access will be restricted and controlled. The original gates will be reinstated.
Lighting of the deck area will be from 10 moderately high poles each with two flood lights. The lights will be selected to provide for down light and to avoid side glare.
Sewer, water and power services will run centrally under the deck to the gatehouse.
The scope of works is expected to restore the external gatehouse in accordance with its historical heritage, and include the basic internal amenity restoration. This will be a separate contract and has not been finalised. Sewer, water and power services will run centrally under the deck to the gatehouse.
Concepts discussed for its internal restoration at this stage include area for a kitchen in the SE corner, toilets in SW corner, and a lift on the west side alongside toilets with the balance of the area to be left open. Upstairs is a series of small offices - they would be about 12 to 18 square metres in size.
MPV advised that the partitioning needed to remain as it was needed to support the roof. This was queried as it was felt that trussed beams could be employed for roof support and that a more open area would be more useful. The CRC sought copies of the structural plans to review the possibilities. Toilet facilities are to be provided upstairs. Heat exchange air conditioning utilizing the sea water will be employed.
Status of Works
The bulk of the deck removal is now complete. The pile repair contract for the 196m section is due for completion at the end of June. Life expectancy of the piles is 50 years, but maintenance and replacement of some piles could be required after 25 years. There are 6,000 piles in the whole pier and the piles beyond196m will be progressively removed as they become unsafe.
The new concrete deck contract has been let to Fitzgerald Constructions and is due for completion in 2011.
The Gate House will be a separate contract. Details are still to be finalised.
Historical Commemoration, and the Community Amenity and Use of Princes Pier
Other attractions, memorabilia, plantings, monuments, buildings, screens etc, would seem to be the responsibility of others outside of MPV. At this time it is unclear on who the future controller of Princes Pier may be, and under what arrangements this may occur.
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Restaurant Evening C'est Bon
Wednesday 7 July
A great winter experience of wonderful French cooking and wine to match,
Come and share it with your neighbours and friends,
7:00 for 7:30 pm on Wednesday 7 July 2010.
C’est Bon French Restaurant,
396 Bay Street Port Melbourne (9646 2296)
The dinner will allow us to socialise with our neighbours. We should have the whole restaurant to ourselves and the Committee will speak to the current activities in our community e.g. 1–11 Waterfront Place, Princes Pier, Webb Dock, Planning Scheme Amendment, Urban Design Framework etc.
There are two courses, main (4 choices) and dessert (3 choices), with a complimentary appetiser of chicken parfait en croute.
The price will be $45 p.p. - please pay in cash as you arrive to simplify the billing task. Fully licensed cash bar.
How to Book?
Please RSVP by email or phone to Trevor Nink before Monday 21 June at or 96818283.
Look forward to a great evening together
Sunday, 6 June 2010
The Beacon June 2010
Beacon Cove Planning Scheme Amendment
In our last newsletter we advised on progress and predicted timeframes in relation to the proposed amendment to the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) planning scheme intended to incorporate Beacon Cove into the City planning scheme. Your Committee views this as a vital matter to ensure the future architectural integrity of the Cove. Presently all planning decisions rest with Mirvac and Major Projects Victoria (MPV) in what has proven to be a most unsatisfactory arrangement. Once the amendment is in place Council will be responsible for all future planning decisions in accordance with strict guidelines that will underpin the amendment.
CoPP has recently resolved to request authorisation from the Minister for Planning for the exhibition of the amendment to the City planning scheme. CoPP has also resolved to advise the Minister for Planning of outstanding issues requiring clarification. These relate to inconsistencies in the Environmental Audit Overlays over parts of the Cove. These need to be resolved before approval is granted by the Minister for Planning to allow CoPP to begin exhibition of the Beacon Cove planning scheme amendment. Subsequent correspondence from CoPP reiterates Council’s commitment to pursuing the amendment and informs of Council’s resolution to continue to negotiate with MPV to fund fees associated with the removal of existing covenants and the registration of new covenants on the effected titles. Your Committee will keep you informed as matters proceed.
1-11 Waterfront Place
The future of 1-11 Waterfront Place is still very much a contentious issue. The City of Port Phillip has adopted guidelines limiting any development to around five stories but the State Government is still the final arbitrator on any planning application. The talk around is that a planning application by the owners of the site has been submitted to the Minister for Planning Victoria and this has been further implied by relocation notices for the gymnasium.
The BCNA had been given a public undertaking by the developer that it (BCNA) would be consulted before lodging any formal application. In a Department of Planning letter to BCNA on behalf of the Minister on 25 May it was stated “… the Department had not yet received a formal planning permit application for development on this site.”
In the discussions with the developer, preliminary concept plans showing apartments and shops were tabled. BCNA raised issues re negative impact of any proposed development on the general residential amenity from traffic congestion, shadows, wind and liquor licence problems. Crèche and gymnasium facilities are important to be retained in this location.
Although we have been informed by the developer and the Ministers office there is no formal application pending there has obliviously been dialogue between them. BCNA firmly believes any development must be integrated to the Urban Design Framework (UDF) process that is currently planning for the waterfront precinct. BCNA will seek an outcome that reflects that aim.
Port Melbourne Waterfront UDF Community Reference Committee
The City of Port Phillip is to establish an UDF for the Port Melbourne waterfront, extending from Bay Street to the west end of Beach Street. To assist in the design of the framework the council has appointed seven members of the community to form a Community Reference Committee (CRC) with selected councillors and officers.
The primary purpose of the committee is to provide an avenue of community consultation and to encourage community participation with their ideas and expertise. BCNA Committee member Bob Harrison has been chosen as a member of the CRC. He attended the inaugural meeting in March and advises that meetings will be held at three monthly intervals. He put forward a number of ideas for Princes Pier (PP) in conjunction with BCNA. The CRC considered them, adding detail, and CoPP took them to MPV, the PP project manager. While it is commendable that MPV are quickly at tendering stage for refurbishment of PP, it is hoped that the CRC will be effective in contributing ideas for more than the minor areas of design. Discussion will soon commence on the other than PP.
Landscape Changes in Neighbourhood
Since December there have been many changes in the greenery of the neighbourhood. The grass weathered the summer and flourished with solid early autumn rains.
Julier and Buckingham parks in Sandridge appear to have healthy trees and grass area. The parks along the light rail reserve are being reseeded in grass areas and the recent tree plantings appear to be taking root. The winding gravel paths are being well used.
The plantings of trees and turf in the small parks of Beacon Cove have taken root and enticed families to regularly use these facilities with obvious enjoyment. The Manchurian Pears have sprouted along Beach Street and have been selected to replace the Hills Fig trees removed from the nature strips of Beacon Vista Park. Replacement species in The Crescent will be Tuckeroo trees and BCNA negotiated a two stage phased replacement with up to 5 years to allow the first stage to grow sufficiently to alleviate a bare streetscape. A similar phasing will occur with Kanooka Gums in Swallow Street and Park Square.
Along the promenade, MPV have accepted their responsibility to maintain or replace the garden box plantings between the pedestrian and bicycle paths. This work started at First Point Beach and is now approaching the second tower. Congratulations to MPV with help from CoPP.
Garden City Reserve redevelopment is nearing a long awaited conclusion with few tasks left for the Children’s Playground. Remember the flying fox is meant for the children! The planting of trees and shrubs, widening of paths, extra seating and the relocation of lighting is also near complete. Finally repair of the grass in the open spaces is needed brighten up the reserve.
Sandridge Beach Foreshore stage 2 work has started in late May with path excavation and demolition of old structures. There will be a total of 15 lights installed to increase the safe night usage of walkway and bike path. CoPP has also approved the site and design of the toilet which will be close to the existing playground. Works are forecast to be complete in August.
Name of Princes Pier
Members will have seen the BCNA Committee response in the press to the suggested change of the name of Princes Pier. Member feedback was unanimous that there was no compelling reason to change. If a community groundswell develops in future then all aspects of immigration, troop departures and working history should dictate a new name. Perhaps individual memorials can be incorporated in the spaces being developed in the refurbishment of Princes Pier.
Port Environs Response
The Committee in May responded to the Ports and Environs Advisory Committee Discussion Paper with a submission on behalf of BCNA. If you wish to read this submission, outlining requirements to protect local residential amenity, then it can be found on the blogspot below.
Notice of BCNA Annual General Meeting
Please note in your diaries:
Thursday 14th October 2010
6:30pm Refreshments: 7:00pm AGM
Sandridge Community Centre and Trugo Club.
1 Tucker Ave, Port Melbourne
The AGM is an outstanding opportunity to speak to community leaders about issues of interest to you.
Next Social Event
The next social event will be a two course dinner at C’est Bon French Restaurant, 396 Bay Street on Wednesday 7 July at 7:30 pm. Make a diary note to visit with your neighbours. More to follow soon.
Membership/BCNA Dues for 2010/11
Membership is for the financial year. Renewals are due on or before 1 July 2010. The higher the membership numbers the more impact BCNA’s views have with decision makers. We ask that you join or renew membership at $10 per annum per household. Please send cheques to the Treasurer, 61/103 Beach Street, Port Melbourne payable to BCNA. The following are needed:
Name: ………………………………………………
Address: ……………………………………………
Phone: ……………………………………………..
Email*: …………………………………………….
*By providing your email address, important news and updates can be circulated quickly and regularly. Please send email changes to or call 0404084283.
If you have information, suggestions or concerns, please advise members of the Committee so that we can better reflect and present community views. You can also keep in touch with news on Beacon Cove at
BCNA expresses its appreciation to Martin Foley, State Member for Albert Park, for his continued support to print The Beacon.
Link to a pdf file for The Beacon June 2010
Social Event - Dinner 7 July 2010
The next social event will be a two course dinner at
C’est Bon French Restaurant
396 Bay Street
on Wednesday 7 July at 7:30 pm.
Make a diary note to visit with your neighbours. More to follow soon!
Friday, 4 June 2010
2010 Annual General Meeting
Please note in your diaries:
Thursday 14th October 2010
6:30pm Refreshments: 7:00pm AGM
Sandridge Community Centre and Trugo Club
1 Tucker Ave, Port Melbourne
The AGM is an outstanding opportunity to speak to community leaders about issues of interest to you.
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
BCNA Port Environs Submission
Please find attached the BCNA submission on the Discussion Paper from the Ports and Environs Advisory Committee, and the Discussion Paper issued.
The focus of our BCNA submission is for the Port of Melbourne and adjoining residential communities of Port Melbourne.
Click on the links below to read that documents. Click on the return arrow - top left corner to return to BCNA site from the document.
Covering Letter
Port Environs Discussion Paper (large pdf 200 + pages)
Sunday, 25 April 2010
BCNA Committee View on the Naming of Princes Pier
BCNA Committee View on the Naming of Princes Pier
Dear BCNA Members
At the Executive Committee meeting last Tuesday, it was decided to respond to a Herald Sun journalist’s request for comment on proposals to rename Princes Pier to Alan Whittaker Pier as follows:
Mr Neil Wilson
Herald Sun
Further to your request for a view on proposed renaming of Princes Pier, the Executive Committee of Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association (BCNA) discussed the issue last night at a scheduled meeting. The following points summarise the view of the members of the Committee.
• The Beacon Cove community is a group of approximately 1200 families and fronts on to the Bay around Station Pier and Princes Pier.
• There is a lot of history associated with the Pier over the period it has been called Princes Pier. The three major associations that come to mind are:
o Point of embarkation of troops to recent wars and the
o Point of disembarkation of migrants initially from Europe after the end of WW II and for decades to follow. (Migration)
o Use as part of the working port of Port Melbourne. (Industrial)
• In general the Committee sees that links to history, like naming, should be retained unless there are overwhelming reasons for change. The name of a location is integral to the history. (BCNA has applied this approach when it argued persuasively to the Victorian Electoral Commission at its reform process a couple of years ago not to remove the old Ward name of Sandridge and replace it with Port Ward in the City of Port Phillip).
• Even if a change was to be contemplated the change should not be based on a narrow focus (even if the historical name could be argued as narrow or inappropriate by some). Consideration of the broad context of the historical significance and of all associations of the site would be necessary to select a new name to replace a name that has existed for many decades.
• In summary, the BCNA Committee
o Does not see a compelling argument at this time, nor a public groundswell,to change the name of Princes Pier
o Could support any call for a wider community debate on the subject
o Could agree with provision of a plaque at the Gatehouse on Princes Pier to commemorate an appropriate individual or event
I hope this makes the Committee members’ view clear to you in preparing your article for the Herald Sun.
As we didn’t have time to conduct a survey of members, the Committee decided that it would answer on its own behalf.
Trevor Nink
Secretary BCNA
Trees and Landscape Update
Dear BCNA Members
After many discussions and compromises to protect the landscape at Beacon Cove from being reduced to a stark new estate approach, your committee has reached the following agreement with the Council to make a gradual, phased removal of the Hills Fig trees in The Crescent, Swallow Street and Park Square.
• Tuckeroo Cupaniopsis anacardoiodes was decided as the replacement species for The Crescent from the resident votes received by Council.
• Kanooka Gums Tristaniopsis laurina was decided as the replacement species for Park Square and Swallow Street as they form the existing replacement species within those streets.
• The upgrade program will be conducted in 2 phases with phase 1 tree removal and replacements commencing in July 2010. The second phase of works will only be conducted once the majority of newly planted trees reach a height of 4.5 meters. The height will be checked firstly in 2012 to determine what growth has been achieved. The works have been listed to be completed within 5 years.
• The phasing of works will be noted within the Greening Port Phillip Street Tree Planting Guide 2010 so that it is captured as part of the 5 year implementation plan so that they can remain a priority.
• The upgrade program will follow the set design sent to residents for comment.
• Trees will be maintained for a 24 month period to assist with successful tree establishment. If trees die they will be replaced by the contractor at no cost to council.
• Residents will be encouraged to “Adopt a Tree’ and will receive a free bucket to assist with tree watering.
• Ensure all trees that are planted and removed due to vandalism are replanted. Other methods of preventing vandalism will be explored as required.
• Should a requestor ask that their nature strip fig tree be removed prior to their phase they will be firstly asked to await the timing of replacement in line with the program. If their case becomes insurance related to damage to a property, council will undertake the removal of the tree and replace with the new agrees species. The applicant will need to have provided evidence of damages caused from the tree, before trees are considered for removal.
• Damaged footpaths will be replaced where trees have been removed in phase one. The remaining footpath damages will await the second phase of removal before reconstruction works are conducted to footpaths. Should there be unacceptable trip hazards an asphalt strip will be installed to remove the trip hazard.
• In May 2010 the Greening Port Phillip an Urban Forest Approach 2010 and Greening Port Phillip Planting Guide 2010 will be forwarded to BCNA for comments and feedback.
Trevor Nink
Secretary BCNA
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Sandridge Beach Public Web Page and Online Survey
City of Port Phillip Web Page
The CoPP have established a web page which includes an online survey. The web page will be updated throughout the project design to keep the residents informed on the progress of the project.
The survey does not take very long so please check out the web page and complete the survey to have you views considered.
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
City of Port Phillip St Kilda Triangle Decision - Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association & Port People Joint Statement 25 January 2010
Joint Statement 25 January 2010
City of Port Phillip St Kilda Triangle Decision
The City of Port Phillip’s decision to withdraw from the St Kilda Triangle contract on the basis of agreed compensation to the developer, CITA, is acknowledged as a reasonable outcome.
BCNA and PP welcome the certainty that the decision gives to the Community. We do have what we believe are legitimate concerns regarding the financial implications that the compensation may have on budget allocations for Port Melbourne and the City of Port Phillip overall.
The future development of the Triangle site is also of concern as the current elected council has to confront its stated opposition to the previous development proposal but now come up with a good alternative. To leave the area as it is in the longer term is not a reasonable position.
We stress the importance of getting a new proposal right, in order to deliver an outcome that has sound vision, is creditable and has benefit for the whole community and is not only the view of sectional interests.
E. Micallef President of Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association (BCNA)
A. Pappas President of Port People (PP)
Replacement of Hills Fig Trees in Beacon Cove
Letter to BCNA Members
Dear BCNA Members,
This note is to offer some guidance in responding to City letters last week on the replacement of Hills Fig trees in certain streets of Beacon Cove. All members are included in our note since the large number of tree changes will impact the overall urban landscape of the neighbourhood.
The City has decided that the actual and potential damage from tree roots necessitates the removal of the well established Hills Figs from Beacon Cove. The Committee attempt to consult with City officers on the alternative of managing the tree canopy and utilising root guards etc has been decided to be uneconomic and the City has taken the issue out of the hands of BCNA. What is left for residents is to influence the new species of trees and the process of when and how gradual the removal and replacement takes place.
The streets affected and subject to current letters are as follows:
Swallow Street
The Crescent
Park Square ( tree changes here will be staged over time, not as indicated in letters that all will be cut out immediately)
In Beacon Vista the trees around the small central park will be removed and replaced shortly (with Manchurian Pears) and all at one time as a result of a petition on damage from directly affected residents.
Your Committee is making the comments below for you to consider in your response to the identification of your preference from the proposed replacement species. You are encouraged to record Comments on the back of your Voting Slip.
• Beacon Cove was developed as a neighbourhood of planned and consistent urban design. This also flowed into the landscape. The survey of residents for the Planning Scheme Amendment overwhelmingly required existing covenants to be translated into planning rules for CoPP to maintain the original design concepts.
• The Hills Fig trees are probably the dominant species in the development and when replaced it would maintain the linkage if there was only one or at a maximum two species introduced into the streetscape. For example you could suggest to the City that you would like the tree selection for your street to be the same as for the other streets.
• If all of the trees identified for removal are taken out at one time there will be a stark reduction in shade and greenery in the community. Staging will help soften the blow. The proposed two year staging by the City appears to be too quick and an alternative can be suggested by all affected residents.
• One alternative is to remove 1 in 3 trees in year 1. Then dependent on how the replacement trees grow (they are initially only 1.5 metres tall), the second stage for the next 1 in 3 trees could take place when the initial replacements have reached a height of say 4.5 metres. Then the third stage could take place when the second replacements have reached the 4.5 metres height.
• If you have a strong desire to keep your Hills Fig tree for a longer time then you should identify this in your answer to the City and they may allocate you to a later stage and not the initial one.
• Any and all replacement trees will need City commitment to maintenance on a regular basis as these trees are on nature strips and common land. If this is done we should not be faced with the situation we are facing now.
We would appreciate any feedback of the responses provided by you to the City.
Eddie Micallef President 0413 127 422
Trevor Nink Secretary 0404 084 283
Friday, 12 February 2010
PoMC Boat Tours
Please follow the link to the PoMC website for full details.
Bookings Essential and spaces are limited
Next Social Event
Come and share it with your neighbours and friends
Meet after 7:00 pm on Wednesday 3 March 2010. Dinner starts at 7:30 pm.
Beacon Cove Pizza Restaurant at the railway platform at the terminus of the 109 Light Rail.
The dinner will allow us to socialise with neighbours and find out more about the current activities in our community.
There are two courses, entree and main, with four choices in each course including vegetarian. It is much more than just pizza! Plus fruit and coffee/tea included to close.
We have arranged a special and inexpensive $30 p.p. menu - please bring cash to simplify the billing task. Fully licensed cash bar.
How to Book?
Please RSVP by email or phone to Trevor Nink before Friday 26 February at or 96818283. Space for 30 to 40 people - first to reply will be given priority.