The Beacon July 2009
Newsletter of Beacon Cove Neighborhood Association Inc (BCNA)
BCNA aims and aspirations include providing a forum for all residents of Beacon Cove and abutting neighbourhoods to discuss key local issues with a view to preserving and enhancing the quality of life within the area
Social Event 29 July 2009 at 7pm following an Information Session 6-7pm with the Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC)
As indicated by the response of more than 30 members, residents are keen to hear about local developments concerning their life styles. This is a great opportunity to combine information and PoMC views with another of BCNA’s enjoyable ‘dinners out’.
The information session will be at Port Education Centre, Lorimer Street, Port Melbourne (along the Yarra at South Wharf). Following the meeting, dinner will be available right next door at Pier 35 Steakhouse, restaurant a la carte cost.
PoMC will present information about vital issues such as progress for the Port Development Plan which will see Webb Dock grow into a busier container port, railroad traffic plans from Webb Dock, noise management plans, highlights of the next cruising season and its local impact around Station Pier and other topics of interest such as the impact of the global financial crises on the growth plans of the Port of Melbourne. Be ready to discuss.
The Committee looks forward to your participation at both the information session and the social event.
Please RSVP to Trevor Nink: telephone 9681 8283 or email to by 22 July.
Status of Planning Scheme Amendment
The City of Port Philip has made excellent progress
in preparing the proposed amendment to the Planning Scheme. The purpose of this amendment is to bring future planning decisions under the control of the City. The amendment is complex due to the need to incorporate many of the covenants presently attached to property title. Once in place the amendment will insure that planning within Beacon Cove is certain and will further insure that the integrity of the Cove as originally planned by Mirvac will endure in perpetuity. The amendment is scheduled for exhibition and public comment in September and after all further statutory processes should be adopted by mid 2010.
Redevelopment of 1-11 Waterfront Place
The proposed re-development of the 1-11 Waterfront Place area (the gymnasium and prior child minding centre) seems to be the biggest single community issue for the immediate future. Newspaper articles and local hearsay tell us that high-rise apartments, a boutique hotel, shopping areas and the like are all being considered. It is vital that we keep a close eye on planning intentions. In this regard BCNA has corresponded with Justin Madden, Minister for Planning to request our involvement.
Based on community feedback, it is the BCNA Committee’s view that any re-development be viewed in conjunction with the Urban Design Framework (UDF) being considered for the waterfront. It is of great concern that extensive development will increase already congested traffic and car parking and that health club, child care and supermarket/subnewsagency/cafĂ© facilities remain to serve this community. The original low level buildings were specifically planned to allow open public spaces and city/sea vistas.
BCNA committee member, Bob Harrison, has nominated for membership of the reference group for the UDF to provide neighbourhood views.
Beacon Cove Landscaping
CoPP is well on the way to implementing the landscape revitalisation plan. The dry, unsightly areas of the smaller parks in Beacon Cove are now green and landscaped again. In the last 2 months drought tolerant Kikuyu turf has been laid in these parks and squares and Waterfront Place. All turf will receive recycled water for 6 months. The new trees will also be “guaranteed” for 24 months. It is debatable whether removal and replacement of the now established Ficus trees on nature strips would outweigh the cost of footpath/root damage repairs carried out as required. Discussions will continue.
Sandridge Beach Landscape Plan
The agreed first actions of removing dead trees and the
culling of lower tree limbs have now been completed.
Feedback from residents should be given to the planners
from CoPP before decisions on further culling and the
planting of new shrubs, grasses and trees. Other works
on showers, drinking taps and paths etc will follow.
Meeting with new Mayor
The Committee met with the new Mayor, Frank
O’Connor and Ward Councillor, Janet Bolitho at
a recent BCNA Committee meeting to outline
BCNA activities and desires for our neighbourhood.
It was helpful to have their views and to receive
information about the main issues.
CoPP Budget submission
To ensure BCNA input, the Committee met with CoPP to discuss the budget submission for maintenance and capital works projects in Beacon Cove and nearby areas for 2009/2010. As of writing, we are not sure of outcomes.
The focus of the submission was on landscaping, water issues, building of facilities such as showers, installation of taps and toilets in the relevant places, the upgrade and beautification of Waterfront Place and maintenance of paths, bike tracks, seating, lighting, parks and sea wall areas in disrepair. It was
important to submit to new councillors the views of BCNA about how this neighbourhood sees priorities for operation of council services and projects.
Update on Princes Pier
The inclusion of $20 million in the State budget was a pleasing result as it means demolition and restoration works can continue. Despite many requests, neither CoPP nor BCNA have been provided with a detailed plan of the final design or formation of a consultative committee to allow successful completion of Princes Pier.
Repairs to Bike Path and Seawall
Progress has been made as the bike path has been repaired outside tower 1. Repairs near towers 2 & 3 are to be carried out soon.
Following advice that a more detailed costing has been prepared, repairs to the breach in the seawall at Beacon Vista will commence shortly.
Notice of BCNA Annual General Meeting
Please note in your diaries the following date of the AGM
Wednesday 23 September 2009
6.30pm Social Aspect
7.00pm AGM Meeting
Venue: Trugo Club, Sandridge
Garden City Reserve Renovation
As many of you will have noticed there has been action in the reserve with good progress on electrical works, re-positioning of light poles, completion of most paths and removal of mounds of earth. Trees have now been planted and a successful community planting day for low shrubs and grasses was held, including the avid assistance of Janet Bolitho, our ward councilor. The whole project will continue into the 2009/2010 financial year. Port People continue to provide guidance and support for this project.
Membership/BCNA Dues for 2009-2010
With such critical issues as the 1-11 Waterfront Place re-development, it is very important that our membership numbers are high to be able to represent your views forcefully. We ask that you join or renew membership at $10 per annum per family. Please send dues to the Treasurer BCNA, at 61/103 Beach Street Port Melbourne, VIC 3207 with cheques payable to BCNA. The following details are needed:
Name: ……………………………………………………….
Address: ……………………………………………………
Phone: ………………………………………………………
Email: ………………………………………………………
The Beacon Newsletter is delivered to 2500 houses and apartments around Beacon Cove. News updates can be circulated quickly and regularly to all residents if email addresses are known - please send any email address changes to the
If you have information, suggestions or concerns, please advise members of the Committee so that we can better reflect and present community views.
BCNA Committee
President: Eddie Micallef 9645 1185
Vice President: Rosalie Holmes 9646 1961
Secretary: Trevor Nink 9681 8283
Treasurer: Dana Hlavacek 9649 8850
Committee Members:
Greg Mate 9681 7441
Bob Harrison 9645 2115
Alistair Watson 9646 1719
Glenda Beale 9676 2151
BCNA expresses its appreciation to Martin Foley for his continued support to print The Beacon
This is the web voice of the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association, Inc., Port Melbourne, Australia. It provides information on who the association is, our aims and aspirations for our shared community, and information on our activities.
Events for your Diary
Sat 15, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at North Port tram stop Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner
Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall
Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
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