Events for your Diary

  • Thu 27, 6:30pm: BCNA Member dinner

  • April
  • Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall

  • May
  • Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge Pylon
  • Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park, corner of Dow & Liardet Streets
  • Latest News

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    Sunday, 20 December 2009

    The Beacon Newsletter December 2009

    The Beacon Newsletter December 2009

    The December 2009 Newsletter, The Beacon, is now available on the "Newsletter" link.

    The Beacon
    December 2009

    Newsletter of Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association Inc (BCNA).
    BCNA aims and aspirations include providing a forum for all residents of Beacon Cove and abutting neighbourhoods to discuss key local issues with a view to preserving and enhancing the quality of life within the area
    Message from President and Committee
    The President and Committee take this opportunity to wish the residents of this wonderful part of Melbourne a happy festive season and a prosperous and safe New Year.

    1 – 11 Waterfront Place (gymnasium, tennis courts and ancillary buildings)
    In anticipation of a planning application being lodged with State Government, Department of Planning and Community Development, for the redevelopment of 1 – 11 Waterfront Place, Council has recently adopted a set of Urban Design Guidelines that will be utilised in assessing any application lodged by the owners. As the land is not contained within the City of Port Phillip planning scheme, final determination will be made by State Government, nevertheless taking into account advice from The City and community input. At the time of this newsletter we are advised that no application has been lodged with State Government.
    The residents of the area should be heartened by the Urban Design Guidelines as they represent a sensible approach to any new development on the site, covering such issues as massing, scale, height, layout, permeability, amenity, interfaces, access, parking, connectivity and architectural character. In particular a height restriction of five levels or RL21 metres has been adopted and a shadow line not to extend beyond the roadways abutting the site.
    In adopting the guidelines Council has noted that they are not to be considered prescriptive, but will be used to guide Council in its deliberation of any application that comes before it for comment.
    Your Committee is pleased to be advised by the owner’s representative that the application will be discussed with the Committee prior to being lodged with the State Government.
    Full details of the urban design guidelines for Waterfront Place may be found on the City of Port Phillip website.
    The Committee will keep you informed as soon as events break on this issue.

    Beacon Cove Planning Scheme Amendment

    Previous Newsletters have advised progress and timeframes in relation to the proposed amendment to the City of Port Phillip planning scheme intended to incorporate Beacon Cove into the City planning scheme. Your Committee views this as a vital matter to ensure the future architectural integrity of the Cove. Presently all planning decisions rest with Mirvac and Major Projects Victoria, in what has proven to be a most unsatisfactory arrangement. Once the amendment is in place Council will be responsible for all future planning decisions in accordance with strict guidelines that will underpin the amendment.
    Despite all of the statutory planning having been completed by Council consultants to a very high standard by mid 2009, administrative delays and priorities within Council have delayed public exhibition of the amendment until April 2010, some six months later than originally intended. At that time a public meeting will be called to brief all interested residents of the substance of the amendment and their rights to lodge any comment or objection they may wish. As matters currently stand it is unlikely that the amendment will come into force prior to the end of 2010. There are also funding matters that may further delay adoption of the amendment. Your Committee is presently involved with Council at the highest level with a view to accelerating the current program.
    Tree Processes
    The City of Port Phillip recently held forums on the status of trees and landscaping in the City and has established a Tree Policy Community Reference Group.
    Previously BCNA reached agreement with CoPP resulting in attractive landscaping upgrades with tree additions and replacements around Beacon Cove early in 2009. The CoPP plan, the Beacon Cove Report January 2009, is largely complete. The major outstanding item to tackle is the fate of the Ficus (Hills Weeping Fig) trees. The January 2009 report left resolution of the opposing opinions on these trees to a later discussion
    which was expected to be considered by the above
    Tree Policy Community Reference Group.
    However a petition was received over winter from Beacon Vista Park residents who were very concerned about the root damage to footpaths, infrastructure and buildings. At the 14 September Council meeting, CoPP presented a motion to remove all Ficus trees in Beacon Cove plus Clifford and Webb Streets. However input from residents and BCNA resulted in the Council adopting an amended motion to replace the Ficus trees only around Beacon Vista Park (BCNA acknowledges Ficus trees have been planted too close to footpaths around Beacon Vista Park), The future of Ficus trees in other areas will be subject to further consultation with directly affected residents and BCNA.

    Handover of waterfront assets to City of Port Phillip
    The timing of the final handover of the waterfront areas to Council for future care and maintenance is still far from certain. Despite considerable effort on the part of Council to finalise the outstanding maintenance matters to be completed by Mirvac/Major Projects, the process seems to drag on. Thus far the bike path and sea wall have been repaired and a sample light pole replacement has been undertaken, as a commencement of the repair of all light standards. Major Projects has recently engaged a landscape contractor to replant areas along the promenade and the new plants will be maintained by Major Projects until the total handover occurs. Four new rubbish bins are to be installed along the promenade early in the New Year.
    As to the bigger picture of the final handover of all works within the waterfront area this has been complicated by technical planning issues relating to the restaurants around Waterfront Place. There is no doubt that Council is making every effort to bring this matter to a conclusion but it may well be the end of 2010 before the handover is completed.
    Landscaping in Port Melbourne -and you can help with little effort!
    BCNA wishes to acknowledge the CoPP response to BCNA proposals and the substantial improvement achieved in many public spaces around Port Melbourne. In particular, Garden City Reserve, Beacon Cove public parks and the light rail reserve. It is not uncommon to see Council staff tending these valuable community assets. However, some issues do fall through the cracks and we can all easily play a role in maintaining the quality of our surroundings. If you notice public areas that are not being maintained, including new trees which the Council will water with recycled water for the first 2 years after planting, please contact the council. You can email, phone 9209 6777 or make an online request via:
    BCNA does have some concerns regarding the landscaping of Sandridge beach. Work done to date is satisfactory but there has been an absence of the next planned consultation and a delay to the work as initially advised to the community. BCNA will continue to follow this up with Council.
    Next Social Event – put Wed 3 March in diary
    Venue and details will be provided in the new year.

    Memorial to Past President Michael Blyth OAM
    A replacement bench seat and engraved plaque have been installed to commemorate the lasting contribution made by Michael Blyth to Beacon Cove and the neighbouring areas of Port Melbourne. You will find this memorial on the Promenade between Towers 3 and 4. Thanks to the Steve Scott of CoPP for co-ordination and to Major Projects Victoria for supply and installation.

    Membership/BCNA Dues for 2009-2010
    With such critical issues as the 1-11 Waterfront Place re-development, it is very important that our membership numbers are high to be able to represent your views forcefully. We ask that you join or renew membership at $10 per annum per family. Please send dues to the Treasurer, Dana Hlavacek at Private Box 61/103 Beach Street Port Melbourne with cheques payable to BCNA. The following details are needed:

    Name: ……………………………………………….............…
    Address: ……………………………………………….......…......
    Phone: …………………………………………………......…...
    Email: …………………………………………………….........

    BCNA Committee

    President: Eddie Micallef 9645 1185
    Vice President: Greg Mate 9681 7441
    Secretary: Trevor Nink 9681 8283
    Treasurer: Dana Hlavacek 9646 8850
    Committee Members:
    Bob Harrison 9645 2115
    Alistair Watson 9646 1719
    Glenda Beale 9676 2151
    Ro Holmes 9646 1961

    BCNA expresses its appreciation to Martin Foley MLA for continued support in printing The Beacon

    Friday, 27 November 2009

    New Cook Street Entry Ramp Eastbound on West Gate Freeway Opening Soon

    New Cook Street Entry Ramp Eastbound on West Gate Freeway Opening Soon

    A new entrance ramp will soon be opening at Cook Street in late November or early December.

    Click on the top heading to see the mail box drop from the project team - the Works Alert advising on the imminent opening of the new Cook Street Entrance Eastbound onto the West Gate Freeway.

    Details can be found on the M1 Upgrade website

    Friday, 6 November 2009

    Cruise Shipping Schedule 2009-2010

    Cruise Shipping

    Click on the Main Heading Cruise Shipping Schedule 2009-2010 to access a pdf file for this season's schedule at Station Pier.

    It is subject to change, and an up to date schedule can always be found on the Port of Melbourne Corporation Website at Please scroll down the page to see the current schedule for Victorian ports.

    Thursday, 5 November 2009

    Council Meeting - City of Port Phillip

    Council Meeting - City of Port Phillip

    As part of the council rotation of meeting locations the next meeting is being held

    At 6 pm Monday 9th November
    Port Melbourne Town Hall

    Details of the meeting and agenda can be found on the City of Port Phillip website -

    Monday, 12 October 2009

    Trees and Grass Maintenance in Beacon Cove/Port Melbourne

    Trees and Grass Maintenance in Beacon Cove/Port Melbourne

    Tree Summit

    The City of Port Phillip is holding a Tree Summit community consultation for Port Melbourne on 25 November, at the Port Melbourne Town Hall. If you are interested please register you interest in attending via the City of Port Phillip.

    Extract from the CoPP website below:

    You are invited to participate in a Tree Summit coming your way in November 2009. The dates and program are not finalised but email your contact details to or ring Joanne McNeill on 9209 6289 for further information and an invitation. By participating in the Tree Summit you will contribute to decision making about how trees and naturestrips are managed in the future. Climate change, drought conditions, increasing population and density,and changing community needs are all placing pressure on our trees and naturestrips.

    Grass Maintenance in the Parks

    The new grasses are growing well in the parks in Beacon Cove, enjoying the rain and warmer weather. We have been advised that weed spraying is programmed in the next 3 to 4 weeks to eliminate broad leaf and other weeds - which have also loved the rain and sun in the Beacon Cove area.

    Details of Feedback from this process can be found at the COPP web page -

    Saturday, 3 October 2009

    Port of Melbourne Corporation - Port Page, September 2009

    The latest edition of the Port of Melbourne newsletter, Port Page, can be accessed via the attached link.

    Heritage Protection for Garden City Reserve

    Heritage Protection for Garden City Reserve

    Advice from Councillor Bolitho ..................................................................

    At last Tuesday night's meeting, council resolved to adopt Amendment C70* to the Port Phillip Planning Scheme, and to submit the amendment with relevant information to the Minister for Planning for approval.

    This amendment makes permanent the Interim Heritage Controls (C76) for Garden City Reserve that had been put in place to offer protection to the Reserve whilst the permanent controls were being sought.

    This concludes a very long process. (Amendment C70 was a city wide 'tidy up' amendment which corrected minor errors and anomalies in the planning scheme and updated the planning scheme with further information)

    Thursday, 1 October 2009

    Major Changes to West Gate Freeway October 2009

    Major Changes to West Gate Freeway in October 2009

    Major traffic switches will take place on the first two weekends in October 2009, with new ramps and road areas being made available in both directions on the West Gate Freeway. These changes will have a significant impact to the way individuals drive on the freeway. A flyer has been delivered to resident mailboxes.

    Of particular importance to Port Melbourne residents, the Montague Street eastbound entry-ramp (heading into the CityLink Tunnels) will reopen on Monday 5 October 2009. Please note that drivers will no longer to able to get on at Kings Way and get off at Montague Street (and vice versa).

    Check out the M1 Upgrade website – – for more information. An interactive game is also available online to educate drivers about these changed traffic conditions.

    Wednesday, 30 September 2009

    Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association Committee 2009-2010

    Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association, Inc.
    (Registered Number A0012597Z)

    Committee 2009-2010

    Eddie Micallef 9645 1185

    Vice President
    Greg Mate 9681 7441

    Trevor Nink 9681 8283

    Dana Hlavacek 9649 8850

    General Committee Members
    Rosalie Holmes 9646 1961
    Bob Harrison 9645 2115
    Alistair Watson 9646 1719
    Glenda Beale 9676 2151

    Public Officer
    Dana Hlavacek 9649 8850

    Monday, 28 September 2009

    Emergency Training Exercise at Coode Island 30 September

    Emergency Training Exercise at Coode Island 30 September

    Please note that a training exercise to test emergency plans at the Port of Melbourne will be held on Coode Island on Wednesday 30 September between 9am and 1pm.Fire vehicles and smoke created from a smoke machine may be seen from Coode Island during the training exercise. Attached is a notice regarding the exercise which can also be viewed on the Community News pages at Port of Melbourne Corporation's website: Community members seeking further information can contact:Jenny BygraveCommunity Relations ManagerPort of Melbourne CorporationPort of Melbourne Community Contact Line: 1300 857 662Email:

    2009 AGM President's Report

    President’s Report to the 2009 Annual General Meeting 23 September 2009

    I present my first report as President of the Association which has been a productive year with the association taking up a broad range of issues on behalf of the residents. I will outline some of the activities in the report some of, which are ongoing.

    Princes Pier.

    In the Victorian Budget, another $20 million was allocated over the next two years to complete the Princes pier and gatehouse restoration project. The Minister for Major Projects Victoria (MPV) visited the site for the announcement. BCNA seeks to participate in a reconvened consultative group and is working with City of Port Phillip (CoPP) and local MP Martin Foley to achieve the best community outcomes.

    Beacon Cove Landscaping.

    The desolate landscape of the small parks in Beacon Cove has seen a wonderful greening occur after drought tolerant Kikuyu based turf was laid in Mariposa Place, Beacon Vista Park, Australis Place and Park Square and at Waterfront Place. All turf will receive 6 months of watering with recycled water to allow it to gain root and become self-sustaining. Additionally new drought tolerant trees have been planted to replace dead species and to add shade to the bare sections of the landscape in Beacon Cove, Garden City Reserve and Beach Street. Congratulations to CoPP on a job well done.

    Promenade Maintenance

    The seawall at the start of Beacon Vista has been breached for a number of years. Finally we are now pleased to advise MPV complete the works in August.
    After frequent submissions from BCNA, and representation from CoPP and Martin Foley, MPV has repaired the entire damaged pavement in front of Towers.
    Additionally the vegetation near First Point Beach townhouses and Tower 5 has been recently repaired.

    Garden City Reserve

    BCNA gave support to Port People (PP) in approaches to CoPP for the inclusion of the upgrade to Garden City Reserve in this year’s Budget. The Budget was approved and we can all see the work underway. New and widened pathways are now complete. Well-considered new trees have been planted to follow pathways and to create interesting vistas in the landscape. Work on the new playground is underway other works are to be completed in the coming Council year of 2009/2010. PP, Janet Bolitho and CoPP personnel have done a great job in working through the details and issues.

    Sandridge Beach Landscape

    CoPP conducted community consultation that decided on an option with fewer new trees for revitalisation of Sandridge Beach foreshore. This option will be staged with gradual removal of undergrowth and uplift of trees to see the impact before completing all activities. BCNA was active in suggested this staging to allow residents to reconcile differing views. A further consultation is now due. Tenders close in September for the hard items of lighting, paths, furniture, shower and playground equipment. Construction should take place as in October-November.

    Creation of BCNA website

    A new and exciting BCNA Website has been established to provide more current communication to members and links to other useful local sites. Additionally all Newsletters, AGM notices, social event details, contact addresses and our Aims and Aspirations will be accessible. It is an Eblog site developed by Committee member Glenda Beale after suggestion from a member at a social event. It will be a closed blog site with author access granted to the President, Secretary and Treasurer/Public Officer.
    A Feedback BCNA Gmail account has been set up to forward to both President and Secretary for formal monitoring and response as required. Committee understands that all postings will be available to the public, and the normal due diligence as applied on newsletter publication is to be maintained.
    A private mailbox account has been established for BCNA at the General Store (61/103 Beach Street).

    Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC) - Webb Dock & Station Pier

    The BCNA has regular meeting with the PoMC to receive latest updates on Webb Dock development and its impact on residential amenity. These meeting are set in an environment of frank discussions and are ongoing. Key issues for us are road traffic, noise barriers, rail link and light spillage from an increased capacity of shipping containers and the operations that will follow.
    Your committee has toured the Station Pier facility on cruise ship days and appreciates the decision made to close public access. However we are still working on a better access solution for the future.

    Community recognition of Michael Blyth

    Your committee has placed a submission to a CoPP committee to have a Bench seat established in front of tower 3 with a plaque acknowledging Michaels contribution - however approval from MPV is required Discussions are currently under way with MPV and CoPP to finalise the recognition.

    CoPP Budget Submission

    The BCNA prepared a detailed submission to the CoPP budget process and the secretary spoke to the submission at a special CoPP budget evening. A formal reply has been received from the Mayor and Committee is following up on a number of action areas.

    Beacon Cove Planning Scheme Amendments

    Residential area of Beacon Cove planning scheme amendment will be going to council in Sept/Oct seeking Council endorsement to formal public exhibition. We are in the process of having information sessions set up to explain the content and process of this complex activity. The latest timetable of mid 2010 completion remains, even though the detail of work often appears daunting.
    The planning changes for the Commercial area are being worked through and decisions will be 6 months away. CoPP is talking to MPV around these issues.

    1-11 Waterfront Place

    The Committee is concerned about the lack of transparency of actions and decisions that might take place in the redevelopment of this site. Potential exists not only to amend covenants but also to rezone the property if the State wants to fast track large construction works. Our aim is still to include proposals within context of the Urban Design Framework (UDF) where BCNA expects to be represented on a community consultative committee.

    Social Information Activities

    Claire Castle Local Hotel around 40 people attended it was a great opportunity to socialise and network some constructive suggestions came forward as a result of discussions at the function.
    A PoMC information evening at the Port Education Centre and social evening dinner at Pier 35 Steak House after was most successful with around 50 residents participating. The quality of questions from residents was first class and PoMC will take on board the community input.

    Meeting with Mayor

    The Mayor Frank O’Connor and Ward Councillor Janet Bolitho attended July committee. It was a good opportunity for the Mayor to be briefed and get to know the committee members at the same time
    We have again this year worked with Port People an have regular joint meeting CoPP and PoMC to share information and determine joint actions as required.

    My sincere thanks to the BCNA committee who have taken on a substantial work load in a voluntary capacity and have achieved results for the community and enhanced the status of the BCNA.

    Eddie Micallef
    September 2009.

    Sunday, 6 September 2009

    BCNA Annual General Meeting

    BCNA Annual General Meeting


    (Registered Number A0012597Z)

    Wednesday 23 September 2009

    The 2009 Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 23 September 2009 at 6:30 pm for7:00 pm at the Sandridge Senior Citizens Club (Trugo Club) in Garden City Reserve, off Tucker Avenue, Port Melbourne.

    The AGM will be preceded by refreshments, cheese and biscuits.

    The State Member for Albert Park, Martin Foley MP, the Sandridge Ward Councilor, Janet Bolitho, and the Port Melbourne Place Manager of City of Port Melbourne, Steve Scott, have all kindly accepted to be guests of the Committee. Short presentations will be followed by a panel discussion. A question and answer session has been arranged with our guests to allow residents to hear directly from these key stakeholders in our neighbourhood.


    1. Attendance
    2. Apologies
    3. Minutes of the 2008 Annual General Meeting
    4. President’s Report
    5. Treasurer’s Report
    6. Election of Office Bearers and Committee (President, Vice President, Treasurer/Public Officer, Secretary and Committee Members – refer to attached Nomination Form)
    7. Guest speakers, panel discussion, questions and answers
    8. General Business
    9. Close of Meeting

    Trevor Nink
    28 August 2009


    (Registered Number A0012597Z)

    Return to: Dana Hlavacek,
    Public Officer/Treasurer, BCNA,
    61/103 Beach Street Port Melbourne, VIC 3207

    Return Date: Wednesday16 September, 2009

    I wish to nominate for the following position as Office Bearer or Member of the Committee of the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association:

    Position: ………………………………………………………………..

    Name: ………………………………………………………………..

    Signed: …………………………………… Date: ………………..

    Address: ………………………………………………………………..


    Telephone: ..………………………………………………………………

    Mobile: ………………………………………………………………

    Email: .………………………………………………………………

    Nominated by: .………………………………………………………………

    Signed: .………………………………………………………………

    Seconded by: .……………………………………………………………...

    Signed: ..……………………………………………………………...

    NOTE: Only current financial members of the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association are eligible to stand for any position on the Committee or to nominate or second a nomination. The annual dues for July 2009 to June 2010 are $10 per residence/family and are payable to the Treasurer.

    Trevor Nink
    28 August 2000

    Saturday, 5 September 2009

    Port of Melbourne Community Information Evening

    Port of Melbourne Community Information Evening : Tuesday 8 September

    The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) has invited Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC) to update community members on port projects and planning for the future growth of the Port of Melbourne. It will also be the opportunity to better understand the joint planning of the Port Melbourne Waterfront by CoPP and PoMC.

    Where? : Life Saving Victoria, 200 The Boulevard, Port Melbourne.
    When? : Tuesday 8 September, 6:30 pm until 8:00 pm
    RSVP? : CoPP at 03 9209 6229 or

    Wednesday, 26 August 2009

    City of Port Phillip Council Meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall

    City of Port Phillip
    Council Meeting
    Port Melbourne Town Hall
    14th September at 6 pm

    At 6 pm on Monday 14th of September at the Port Melbourne Town Hall, the City of Port Phillip will be holding it's next Council Meeting. This is part of a council decision to make the meetings more accessible for residents.

    The Mayor Frank O'Connor said he is very pleased with council’s decision to rotate the meetings, “Council wants to emphasise that we are here for everyone across the municipality and not just St Kilda. I think holding the meetings across the municipality is a great example of the City of Port Phillip’s commitment to engaging with our community and being transparent and accountable to the whole community in our decision making.”

    More details on council meetings can be found at

    Invitation to Attend Port of Melbourne Community Information Evening

    Invitation to Attend Port of Melbourne Community Information Evening

    The City of Port Phillip has invited Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC) to update community members on port projects and planning for the future growth of the Port of Melbourne.

    PoMC will discuss port activities, plans for the Port of Melbourne and current projects including the Channel Deepening Project, port development plans, cruise shipping at Station Pier and joint planning for the Port Melbourne Waterfront with the City of Port Phillip.

    This opportunity is being provided to enable residents of Port Melbourne to understand operations and plans for the Port of Melbourne and forward aspirations for the future.

    Venue: Life Saving Victoria Headquarters
    200 The Boulevard (Cnr Todd Road)
    Port Melbourne
    Melway Reference: 56 G3
    Time: 6.30 pm - 8 pm
    Date: Tuesday 8 September 2009

    Light Refreshments will be available
    Please RSVP by email to: OR
    Telephone 03 9209 6229
    By Friday 4 September 2009

    Where Can I find information?

    Information from this meeting and updates on the progress of the planning strategies will be available on City of Port Phillip website or contact Assist on 03 9209 6777.

    What will you see?

    Updates on: Activities and plans for the Port of Melbourne, Channel Deepening Project, cruise shipping, port development planning and community programs.

    Why should I attend?

    It is important that you are informed and provided the opportunity to participate in the planning process for the future. PoMC will provide an update on the progress of plans described in last year's forum. Representatives from the City of Port Phillip and PoMC will be on hand to answer your questions.

    How do I get there?

    A 15 minute walk or 5 minute cycle from the light rail reserve will get you there. Car pooling is another option, so talk to your neighbours and friends.

    The above information has been extracted from the distributed invitation leaflet from the City of Port Phillip and Port of Melbourne Corporation.

    Wednesday, 19 August 2009

    Garden City Reserve - Howe Parade

    Garden City Reserve - Howe Parade

    Amendment C68 has been gazetted today ( 6 August), bringing into effect the rezoning of the former road reserve portion of Garden City Reserve to a Public Park and Recreation Zone.

    This refers to the section of Howe Parade that was incorporated into the parklands when Beacon Cove was developed. This will now ensure that it stays as parkland and it has been a request of Port People and BCNA from 3 or 4 years ago.

    Saturday, 15 August 2009

    Station Pier - Fender Works until November 2009

    Fender Works at Station Pier

    Please be advised that commencing today (14 August 2009), works will occur to upgrade fenders at the inner and outer west berths of Station Pier. The works are expected to be completed in early November 2009, and will involve access to the sides of the pier, from barges and via the pier structure.

    Works will occur between the hours of:* 7am to 5:30pm, Monday to Thursday* 7am to 3:30pm, Friday and Saturday.

    We request that community members remain well clear of this activity when on the Pier. Further informationFor further information on the Port of Melbourne's working port and pier, please contact PoMC on email or call our Community Contact Line: 1300 857 662 option 4 or 03 9683 1565.

    Jenny Bygrave
    Community Relations Manager
    Port of Melbourne Corporation
    Community Contact Line: 1300 857 662 option 4 or 03 9683 1565

    Saturday, 8 August 2009

    Proposed Changes to Dog Off Leash Areas

    Proposed Changes to Dog Off Leash Areas

    A report will go to Council on Monday 10 August about dog off leash areas. Some changes are proposed in Port Melbourne and will be of interest to your members.

    * In Garden City, it is proposed to make it dog off leash in the area between the Beacon Cove/Howe Parade path up to the path that goes east/west past the Trugo Club, and on leash in the area north of that path where the playground is going in and the sporting posts are.

    * At Sandridge, it is proposed - in light of landscape improvements in that area - to retain the dog beach between the first and second groyne, but have dogs on leash north of the bicycle path.

    * It is also proposed that 4 be the maximum number of dogs a person can walk in order to maintain effective control

    * There is also provision for temporary exclusion of dogs where grassed areas require rest or rehabilitation

    see for the report.

    The proposals will be out for comment from 17 August to 20 September. The proposed changes will be on the website and at all Town Halls.

    I would be grateful for your assistance in making your members aware of the report and proposed changes.
    Janet Bolitho

    Friday, 31 July 2009

    Port of Melbourne Update and Social Function 29 July 2009

    Port of Melbourne Update and Social Function 29 July 2009

    Over 50 interested members attended the information session on 29 July presented by the Port of Melbourne. It covered the history and the current status of the port and its future development plans. Thank you to Jenny Bygrave (Port of Melbourne Corporation) and her colleagues as well as our secretary Trevor Nink for organising the event.

    Dinner afterwards at the Steakhouse was enjoyed by all.

    Friday, 10 July 2009

    The Beacon July 2009

    The Beacon July 2009
    Newsletter of Beacon Cove Neighborhood Association Inc (BCNA)

    BCNA aims and aspirations include providing a forum for all residents of Beacon Cove and abutting neighbourhoods to discuss key local issues with a view to preserving and enhancing the quality of life within the area

    Social Event 29 July 2009 at 7pm following an Information Session 6-7pm with the Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC)
    As indicated by the response of more than 30 members, residents are keen to hear about local developments concerning their life styles. This is a great opportunity to combine information and PoMC views with another of BCNA’s enjoyable ‘dinners out’.
    The information session will be at Port Education Centre, Lorimer Street, Port Melbourne (along the Yarra at South Wharf). Following the meeting, dinner will be available right next door at Pier 35 Steakhouse, restaurant a la carte cost.
    PoMC will present information about vital issues such as progress for the Port Development Plan which will see Webb Dock grow into a busier container port, railroad traffic plans from Webb Dock, noise management plans, highlights of the next cruising season and its local impact around Station Pier and other topics of interest such as the impact of the global financial crises on the growth plans of the Port of Melbourne. Be ready to discuss.
    The Committee looks forward to your participation at both the information session and the social event.

    Please RSVP to Trevor Nink: telephone 9681 8283 or email to by 22 July.

    Status of Planning Scheme Amendment
    The City of Port Philip has made excellent progress
    in preparing the proposed amendment to the Planning Scheme. The purpose of this amendment is to bring future planning decisions under the control of the City. The amendment is complex due to the need to incorporate many of the covenants presently attached to property title. Once in place the amendment will insure that planning within Beacon Cove is certain and will further insure that the integrity of the Cove as originally planned by Mirvac will endure in perpetuity. The amendment is scheduled for exhibition and public comment in September and after all further statutory processes should be adopted by mid 2010.

    Redevelopment of 1-11 Waterfront Place
    The proposed re-development of the 1-11 Waterfront Place area (the gymnasium and prior child minding centre) seems to be the biggest single community issue for the immediate future. Newspaper articles and local hearsay tell us that high-rise apartments, a boutique hotel, shopping areas and the like are all being considered. It is vital that we keep a close eye on planning intentions. In this regard BCNA has corresponded with Justin Madden, Minister for Planning to request our involvement.
    Based on community feedback, it is the BCNA Committee’s view that any re-development be viewed in conjunction with the Urban Design Framework (UDF) being considered for the waterfront. It is of great concern that extensive development will increase already congested traffic and car parking and that health club, child care and supermarket/subnewsagency/café facilities remain to serve this community. The original low level buildings were specifically planned to allow open public spaces and city/sea vistas.
    BCNA committee member, Bob Harrison, has nominated for membership of the reference group for the UDF to provide neighbourhood views.

    Beacon Cove Landscaping
    CoPP is well on the way to implementing the landscape revitalisation plan. The dry, unsightly areas of the smaller parks in Beacon Cove are now green and landscaped again. In the last 2 months drought tolerant Kikuyu turf has been laid in these parks and squares and Waterfront Place. All turf will receive recycled water for 6 months. The new trees will also be “guaranteed” for 24 months. It is debatable whether removal and replacement of the now established Ficus trees on nature strips would outweigh the cost of footpath/root damage repairs carried out as required. Discussions will continue.

    Sandridge Beach Landscape Plan
    The agreed first actions of removing dead trees and the
    culling of lower tree limbs have now been completed.
    Feedback from residents should be given to the planners
    from CoPP before decisions on further culling and the
    planting of new shrubs, grasses and trees. Other works
    on showers, drinking taps and paths etc will follow.

    Meeting with new Mayor
    The Committee met with the new Mayor, Frank
    O’Connor and Ward Councillor, Janet Bolitho at
    a recent BCNA Committee meeting to outline
    BCNA activities and desires for our neighbourhood.
    It was helpful to have their views and to receive
    information about the main issues.

    CoPP Budget submission
    To ensure BCNA input, the Committee met with CoPP to discuss the budget submission for maintenance and capital works projects in Beacon Cove and nearby areas for 2009/2010. As of writing, we are not sure of outcomes.
    The focus of the submission was on landscaping, water issues, building of facilities such as showers, installation of taps and toilets in the relevant places, the upgrade and beautification of Waterfront Place and maintenance of paths, bike tracks, seating, lighting, parks and sea wall areas in disrepair. It was
    important to submit to new councillors the views of BCNA about how this neighbourhood sees priorities for operation of council services and projects.

    Update on Princes Pier
    The inclusion of $20 million in the State budget was a pleasing result as it means demolition and restoration works can continue. Despite many requests, neither CoPP nor BCNA have been provided with a detailed plan of the final design or formation of a consultative committee to allow successful completion of Princes Pier.

    Repairs to Bike Path and Seawall
    Progress has been made as the bike path has been repaired outside tower 1. Repairs near towers 2 & 3 are to be carried out soon.
    Following advice that a more detailed costing has been prepared, repairs to the breach in the seawall at Beacon Vista will commence shortly.

    Notice of BCNA Annual General Meeting
    Please note in your diaries the following date of the AGM

    Wednesday 23 September 2009
    6.30pm Social Aspect
    7.00pm AGM Meeting
    Venue: Trugo Club, Sandridge

    Garden City Reserve Renovation
    As many of you will have noticed there has been action in the reserve with good progress on electrical works, re-positioning of light poles, completion of most paths and removal of mounds of earth. Trees have now been planted and a successful community planting day for low shrubs and grasses was held, including the avid assistance of Janet Bolitho, our ward councilor. The whole project will continue into the 2009/2010 financial year. Port People continue to provide guidance and support for this project.

    Membership/BCNA Dues for 2009-2010
    With such critical issues as the 1-11 Waterfront Place re-development, it is very important that our membership numbers are high to be able to represent your views forcefully. We ask that you join or renew membership at $10 per annum per family. Please send dues to the Treasurer BCNA, at 61/103 Beach Street Port Melbourne, VIC 3207 with cheques payable to BCNA. The following details are needed:

    Name: ……………………………………………………….
    Address: ……………………………………………………
    Phone: ………………………………………………………
    Email: ………………………………………………………

    The Beacon Newsletter is delivered to 2500 houses and apartments around Beacon Cove. News updates can be circulated quickly and regularly to all residents if email addresses are known - please send any email address changes to the

    If you have information, suggestions or concerns, please advise members of the Committee so that we can better reflect and present community views.

    BCNA Committee

    President: Eddie Micallef 9645 1185
    Vice President: Rosalie Holmes 9646 1961
    Secretary: Trevor Nink 9681 8283
    Treasurer: Dana Hlavacek 9649 8850
    Committee Members:
    Greg Mate 9681 7441
    Bob Harrison 9645 2115
    Alistair Watson 9646 1719
    Glenda Beale 9676 2151

    BCNA expresses its appreciation to Martin Foley for his continued support to print The Beacon

    Social Event 29 July 2009

    Social Event 29 July 2009

    Our next Social Event is on 29 July 2009 at 7pm following an Information Session 6-7pm with the Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC).

    As indicated by the response of more than 30 members, residents are keen to hear about local developments concerning their life styles. This is a great opportunity to combine information and PoMC views with another of BCNA’s enjoyable ‘dinners out’.

    The information session will be at Port Education Centre, Lorimer Street, Port Melbourne (along the Yarra at South Wharf). Following the meeting, dinner will be available right next door at Pier 35 Steakhouse, restaurant a la carte cost.

    PoMC will present information about vital issues such as progress for the Port Development Plan which will see Webb Dock grow into a busier container port, railroad traffic plans from Webb Dock, noise management plans, highlights of the next cruising season and its local impact around Station Pier and other topics of interest such as the impact of the global financial crises on the growth plans of the Port of Melbourne. Be ready to discuss.

    The Committee looks forward to your participation at both the information session and the social event. Please RSVP to Trevor Nink: telephone 9681 8283 or email to by 22 July.

    Wednesday, 1 July 2009

    The Beacon on land

    The Beacon on Land

    Wednesday, 17 June 2009

    Membership 2009-2010

    Membership/BCNA Dues for 2009-2010

    With such critical issues as the 1-11 Waterfront Place re-development, it is very important that our membership numbers are high to be able to represent your views forcefully. We ask that you join or renew membership at $10 per annum per family.

    Please send dues to the Treasurer BCNA, at 61/103 Beach Street Port Melbourne, VIC 3207 with cheques payable to Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association.

    The following details are needed:

    Name: ……………………………………………………
    Address: …………………………………………………
    Phone: ……………………………………………………
    Email: ……………………………………………………

    Please send any email address changes to the Secretary Trevor Nink at to ensure you receive regular email updates.

    Tuesday, 12 May 2009

    Beacon Cove Landscaping

    Beacon Cove Landscaping

    The desolate landscape of the small parks in Beacon Cove has seen a wonderful greening occur over the last three weeks. Drought tolerant Kikuyu based turf has been laid in Mariposa Place, Beacon Vista Park, Australis Place and Park Square. Ground has been prepared and turf laying is imminent at Waterfront Place. All turf will receive start up watering with recycled water to allow it to gain root and become self sustaining. Additionally new drought tolerant trees have been planted to replace dead species and to add more shade to the bare sections of the landscape.

    Garden City Reserve

    Garden City Reserve

    BCNA gave support to Port People (PP) in approaches to City of Port Phillip (CoPP) for the inclusion of the upgrade to Garden City Reserve in this year’s Budget. The Budget was approved and we can all see the work underway. New and widened pathways are now almost complete. Well considered new trees have been planted to follow pathways and to create interesting vistas in the landscape. Awarding of the contract for the new playground is imminent. Other works are to be completed in the coming Council year of 2009/2010. PP and CoPP personnel have done a great job in working through the details and issues.

    Sandridge Beach Landscape

    Sandridge Beach Landscape

    CoPP has advised that community consultation has helped decide on Option 2 (with fewer new trees) for revitalisation of Sandridge Beach. This option will be staged with gradual removal of undergrowth and uplift of trees to see the impact before completing all activities. BCNA suggested this staging to allow residents to reconcile differing views on what the final landscape should look like. See link for further information.

    Seawall Damage Repair

    Seawall Damage Repair

    The seawall at the start of Beacon Vista has been breached for a number of years. After earlier unfulfilled commitments to fix the wall, we are now advised that MPV have clarified the works to be carried out, have allocation of money and will undertake the maintenance in the immediate future.

    Repair of Bike Path

    Repair of Bike Path

    Last week pavement broken by palm tree roots was replaced in front of Tower 1 after months and years of complaints by various local groups and residents. Advice has been received from CoPP that damaged pavement in front of Towers 2 and 3 will be repaired very soon.

    Princes Pier

    Princes Pier

    The State Government announced last week in the Victorian Budget that a further $20 million was allocated over the next two years to complete the Princes pier restoration project and gatehouse. We are expecting the Minister for Major Projects Victoria (MPV) to be on site within the week to announce more details. The BCNA expects to participate in the reconvened consultative group.

    Tuesday, 31 March 2009

    The Beacon March 2009

    The Beacon March 2009

    Newsletter of the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association Inc (BCNA)

    BCNA aims and aspirations include providing a forum for all residents of Beacon Cove and abutting neighbourhoods to discuss key local issues with a view to preserving and enhancing the quality of life within the area

    Public access to Station Pier on cruise ship days
    Members of the Committee were official visitors to Station Pier on recent cruise days. It was observed that Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC) was doing an excellent job coping with substantial volumes of traffic, congestion in a restricted space and within the constraints of the heritage overlay. BCNA accepts that access on cruise days cannot be granted to the public at this time. However we continue to promote to the City of Port Phillip (CoPP), PoMC and our Local Member, Martin Foley, the great opportunity to create a viewing platform on the pier for passengers and visitors to showcase this gateway to Melbourne and enhance the experience of local residents. PoMC are planning a notice board at the entrance to Station Pier to make any restrictions clear to pedestrians. Residents please advise us of any traffic problems experienced on peak shipping days

    Webb Dock Development
    BCNA continues to request the setback of port roads away from The Boulevard residences as the preferred option in the future development of Webb Dock. This appears to be the best way to minimise noise and fumes from increased port activity levels.

    Landscape revitalisation plan for Beacon Cove
    The documented plan has been provided by CoPP. The Committee examined it in detail. Most of the plan is uncontroversial such as the removal of dead trees on Beach Street and their replacement. Other aspects are more contentious and require further input from local residents and consultation with the Committee. Most angst is caused by the proposal to remove the established and thriving Ficus trees (in stages) because of damage to footpaths and potentially to residences. However these trees are now an important aspect of the amenity of the area. The Committee is not convinced that the estimated
    cost of containing the trees through root barriers and by pruning puts that option out of question.
    On site inspections are planned to consider replacement of tree species. The replacement of turf is now delayed by inadequate tender responses. It has become apparent that the allocation of $400,000 will be insufficient to cover the envisaged works. Opinions of residents are requested to the Committee by phone or email to the Secretary.

    Sandridge Beach Landscape Plan
    Work proceeds ahead with the renewing of the foreshore at Sandridge. There is however some opposition to plans for the tree plantings. In essence, some residents fear that tall trees will interrupt their existing sea view. The CoPP project manager and Janet Bolitho, Ward Councillor, are trying to resolve these issues and still create a much better space for both local residents and visitors to the beaches with areas of shade, vistas and pathways to the water, and windbreaks. Please call any members of the Committee to express your views.

    Meeting with new Mayor of CoPP
    The Committee is arranging to meet with the new Mayor, Frank O’Connor, to outline the BCNA activities and desires for our neighbourhood. (Committee members attended a forum with the Mayor and Councillors in February to give input to CoPP strategy).

    CoPP Budget submission
    The Committee has again provided its annual submission to CoPP for maintenance and capital works projects in Beacon Cove and nearby areas for 2009/2010.
    To understand submission contents please contact Dana Hlavacek or other Committee members as below.

    Update on Princes Pier
    We have received correspondence with the new Minister for Major Projects. However it was, in effect, a recital of the status quo with respect to unclear plans and inadequate financing rather than a response to earlier letters from the Committee about actual developments. Little progress is being made on the Pier with work often interrupted by removal of cranes and equipment. The Committee is seeking a meeting with the Minister.

    Bike path outside towers
    No progress has been made, with Major Projects unwilling to act on their current responsibility to deal with an unsafe surface of the bike path and the CoPP unwilling to act in advance of the forthcoming handover. The Committee believes that the present situation with the bike paths is very unsafe and a further meeting with the Minister is being sought.

    Garden City Reserve Renovation
    There has been obvious action in the Garden City Reserve, albeit with slow progress and confusion on the widening of paths. CoPP reports the following:
    · Electrical works by CoPP will be finished for mid March
    · Citipower will then move the light poles to the opposite side of the path.
    · CoPP will then finish off the paths and take away the huge dirt mound
    · Quotes now being obtained for tree planting and garden bed establishment
    · Tree and shrubs - planting will start late April including one or two community planting days of 4000 tube stock of native plants
    · 150 native and exotic trees have already been ordered and are growing offsite
    · The playground design is now being documented, ready for tender by mid to late March and subsequent building
    The whole project will continue into 2009/2010. Port People are providing great guidance and support to CoPP on this project.

    Next social event Wednesday 22 April
    The Clare Castle Hotel in Graham Street will be the venue for our next social event. This is one of the best value pubs of Port and we will reserve sufficient tables for all to partake in great conversation and good food at recessionary prices. Please invite your neighbours and especially anyone new in the neighbourhood. Come casual at 7:00 for 7:30 pm. More details will be sent later to your email address.

    Planning Scheme Amendments
    The responsible CoPP planner has detailed progress on the planning scheme changeover for Beacon Cove townhouses. This will in effect see CoPP maintaining existing covenants as well as using current planning rules to help protect the nature of the area. The changeover is still proposed by year end.

    * Fuel tender boat and loud music at Pier are disturbing tower residents – BCNA in support role
    * Liquor licence request at D’Lish Fish withdrawn.
    * BCNA investigating solar power collective
    * Bob Harrison appointed to Port Melbourne Waterfront Revitalisation reference group

    Join or renew membership at $10 per annum per family to The Treasurer BCNA at 61/103 Beach Street Port Melbourne, VIC 3207 – pay now and receive 15 months membership (June 2010). Make cheques payable to Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association with following details:

    Name: ……………………………………………………
    Address: ………………………………………………..
    Phone: …………………………………………………..
    Email: ……………………………………………………

    Current members please send email address changes to Secretary at .

    President: Eddie Micallef 9645 1185
    Vice President: Rosalie Holmes 9646 1961
    Secretary: Trevor Nink 9681 8283
    Treasurer: Dana Hlavacek 9649 8850
    Committee Members: Greg Mate 9681 7441
    Bob Harrison 9645 2115 Alistair Watson 9646 1719
    Glenda Beale 96762151

    Many thanks to MP Martin Foley for generous support to print The Beacon.

    Aims and Aspirations of the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association

    The aims and aspirations (as amended at the 2004 Annual General Meeting) of the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association, Inc. are:

    To ensure as far as possible that the proprietorial and residential interests of all residents of Beacon Cove and the abutting neighbourhood be treated fairly in relation to Government or Developer’s actions affecting Beacon Cove and the abutting neighbourhood;

    To seek active and on-going participation in planning and development processes at State Government, Local Government and/or Developer’s level relating to land use in Beacon Cove and the abutting neighbourhood;

    To preserve, and if possible, enhance the existing quality of life of all residents of Beacon Cove and the abutting neighbourhood;

    To preserve sites of cultural and historical importance in Beacon Cove and the abutting neighbourhood;

    To provide a forum for all residents of Beacon Cove and the abutting neighbourhood to discuss key issues regarding developments within Beacon Cove and the abutting neighbourhood;

    To communicate with fellow residents and encourage a sense of community;

    To facilitate communication for social and information exchange;

    To deal with pertinent issues as they arise; and

    To liaise with other groups and associations as needs be.

    November 2004.

    Sunday, 1 March 2009

    BCNA Committee Members 2008-2009

    Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association Committee 2008-2009

    Eddie Micallef 9645 1185

    Vice President
    Rosalie Holmes 9646 1961

    Trevor Nink 9681 8283

    Dana Hlavacek 9649 8850

    General Committee Members
    Greg Mate 9681 7441
    Bob Harrison 9645 2115
    Alistair Watson 9646 1719
    Glenda Beale 9676 2151

    Public Officer
    Dana Hlavacek 9649 8850