Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association
This is the web voice of the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association, Inc., Port Melbourne, Australia. It provides information on who the association is, our aims and aspirations for our shared community, and information on our activities.
Events for your Diary
Latest News
Tuesday, 11 March 2025
BCNA Members Dinner 27 March
Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey
Our Coastal Future
Tuesday, 11 February 2025
BCNA Meeting with Nina Taylor MP
The BCNA arranges regular meetings with Nina Taylor MP, State Member for Albert Park, to discuss local issues.
Topics discussed at a recent meeting included:
- Fishermans Bend infrastructure - it is estimated that development has added 3000 apartments and over 6000 new residents and their cars onto existing roads. Ms. Taylor said there would be a new assessment of transport infrastructure once Metro 1 is completed. This is expected early in 2026.
- Barak Beacon redevelopment - once completed, this will drive a big increase in population on the site without any consequential improvement in public transport. The proposed Fishermans Bend tram service would help Barak Beacon and Garden City residents as the route shown in the 2018 Fishermans Bend Framework shows the tram terminating in Garden City. Ms. Taylor said she understood community concerns about traffic. She plans to contact the Minister for Transport about a transport plan for the area.
- Hoon driving and related noise - Ms. Taylor is aware of the impact and welcomes constituents contacting her about this. She is seeking funds for an acoustic camera trial in the City of Port Phillip vicinity through the State Budget.
- The 109 tram service - the timetable for track duplication at Beacon Cove remains unknown, despite a recent meeting with Yarra Trams. Ms. Taylor undertook to ensure a Yarra Trams representative contacts BCNA to discuss this.
BCNA Meeting with Ward Councillors
BCNA representatives recently met Heather Cunsolo (Port Melbourne Ward) and Alex Makin (Montague Ward) to discuss local issues. Topics included:
- Hoon driving and related noise continues to detract from residents' quality of life, particularly in summer. Councillors stated that the City of Port Phillip has been planning to assist the Victorian Government should funds be provided to the EPA for an acoustic camera trial.
- The skatepark underneath the Graham Street overpass attracts comment about the lack of fence and graffiti. There are plans for fencing and screening around the site.
- Noise from vehicles using the Graham Street overpass due to its elevated position as well as incidents with speeding drivers. It was agreed that a permanent speed camera would help in managing noise and speed. However, it is noted that Graham Street is the responsibility of the Department of Transport.
- The Barak Beacon Housing redevelopment will mean a sizeable increase in population on the site. The BCNA is disappointed that the Victorian Government is persisting with the current design without any acknowledgement of local resident concerns as described here, or steps to mitigate the impact. Better transport infrastructure is needed for the population influx.
- The timetable for the planning and construction of transport infrastructure in Fishermans Bend, promised by the Victorian Government in the 2018 Fishermans Bend Framework, has not been met. The BCNA and both the City of Port Phillip and the City of Melbourne have made numerous representations about this.
Wednesday, 29 January 2025
Cruise Shipping Strategy being Developed
Ports Victoria recently initiated the development of a cruise shipping strategy for the Victorian Government. This was announced by the Victorian Government in July 2022 as explained here.
Representatives of the BCNA recently met consultants assisting Ports Victoria with the strategy. The task was to discuss the current state of cruise shipping, priority areas, pain points, and risks and opportunities for growth. Station Pier is considered the hub of cruise shipping which also includes Hastings, Portland and Phillip Island. Pleasingly, the task includes landside improvements around Station Pier.
The BCNA has long advocated for Government leadership of a project which would overcome the shortcomings of the area as explained here. The next step in the development of the strategy is the release of a discussion paper in March 2025.
Protecting the Amenity of Beacon Cove
The BCNA committee believes most members value the amenity of the planned estate in Beacon Cove and want to see it protected. To this end, we encourage property owners to adhere to the planning provisions in the Port Phillip Planning Scheme when considering improvements. Compliance with the planning scheme is the best way to maintain the unique character and amenity of the area.
From time-to-time residents seek advice on how to manage disputes regarding planning applications. BCNA has prepared a short guide to assist members. Wherever possible, we encourage discussion with the owner to explain your concerns. Your concerns may be able to be resolved. Click/tap here for information about the planning controls in Beacon Cove and click/tap here for a guide.