Events for your Diary

  • Sat 15, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Garden City Shops, corner of Centre Road and Dunstan Parade

  • March
  • Sat 1, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Sandridge Beach LSC
  • Sat 15, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at North Port tram stop

  • April
  • Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall
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    Sunday, 12 May 2019

    Update on Election Pledges Regarding the Waterfront Place Precinct

    The BCNA has contacted the major party candidates standing for Macnamara (the new name for the Melbourne Ports federal electorate) to discuss our request for Commonwealth funding for the redevelopment of the Waterfront Place precinct. Details about our request were posted on 23 April.

    The candidates’ responses are as follows (in the oreder they were received):
    • Steph Hodgins-May (Greens candidate) commits to work with the State and Local Government to set up a Waterfront Place Precinct Redevelopment Authority to oversee redevelopment of the area. Part of the work of the Authority would be to determine the exact allocation of ratepayer/taxpayer and cruise industry funding for the cost of building infrastructure (download detailed response). 
    • Josh Burns (Labor candidate) states that primary responsibility for improvements to local amenity and transport infrastructure in the Port of Melbourne rests with, in varying respects, the Victorian Ports Corporation, the Victorian Government and the City of Port Phillip. The Commonwealth can, however, play a role in helping to fund these improvements once they have been approved in principle. The vehicle for doing this is Infrastructure Australia (download detailed response).
    Kate Ashmor (Liberal candidate) had not replied by the deadline for this post. We will publish her response when it is received.